Memoirs and Oral Histories

Oral History Videos

Farming In West Boxford

Ken Chadwick describes farming in West Boxford at his grandfather's farm at 665 Main Street (house torn down in 2018, but barns remain).

On The Farm (East Boxford)

A presentation by Charlie Killam about growing up on his family’s farm at 2 Old Killam Hill Road. This lecture took place at Lincoln Hall on Thursday, October 21, 2021.

History of Kelsey Nursery

Charlie Killam describes working as a teenager at Harlan P. Kelsey's "Kelsey Highland Nursery" in Boxford.

High School and College During Covid

Madelyn Peterson and Abby Flinn talk about how the 2020 Covid pandemic affected their senior year of high school and freshman year of college. 

Peter Perkins Oral History

Peter Perkins was born in Boxford in 1940 and lived here his whole life. He is the grandson of Harry Lee Cole aka "Mr. Boxford", and takes after him in many ways, having worked for and been involved with the town in many ways, including as a Fire Chief and Selectman. 

Jim Getchell Oral History

Jim Getchell, along with his wife Claudia, were the owners of the West Boxford Village store from 1975-1979. 

Rich Lucius Oral History

Rich Lucius grew up in Boxford in the 1980s-1990s. He works as a professional firefighter, and has served as an on-call firefighter for the West Boxford Station for many years.

Smallman Family Oral History

Betsy Gadbois, Kyle Smallman and Christy Morley are all members of the Smallman family of Boxford who grew up in town in the 1980s-1990s. They all still live nearby and are involved in town life in different ways. 

Laurie Rowen Oral History

Laurie Rowen was a pre-school teacher at Cole School for many years. Since her retirement in 2019, she has been very involved in the project to restore Boxford's Little Red Schoolhouse, which is located on the Cole School property. 

Rich Lucius Oral History

Rich Lucius grew up in Boxford in the 1980s-1990s. He works as a professional firefighter, and has served as an on-call firefighter for the West Boxford Station for many years.

Oral History Audio Recordings

Audio Oral Histories

The Boxford Town Library has digital recordings of oral histories done by long-time Boxford residents, a number of which date back to the 1970s. Click the link below to access:

Boxford Schools Panel Discussion April 30, 2000

Dick Hopping, Ken Chadwick, Joan Walsh, Charlie Killam

Note: Incomplete - back side of tape was blank and appears to have been recorded over or not flipped when first side was full

Richard King Oral History 

August 2, 2024

Oral history interview with 93 year-old Richard King, owner of King's Tree Farm, a plant nursery that specializes in lilac trees.

Houses of Boxford by Harry Lee Cole


Memories of West Boxford with Elizabeth Sanborn Pearl 

Early 1980s

Barbara Chadwick on West Boxford Farm

No date

Rosamond Ingalls Price Gowen and Clark Gowen

No date

Early Farming in Boxford by Simeon Pearl


Winnifrid C. Parkhurst: Parkhurst Farm and Match Factory 

October 23, 1983

In 1866, Winnifrid's grandfather, John Parkhurst, was hired as the Superintendent of the Byam and Carleton Match Factory at 6 Lawrence Road. The Parkhurst farm was at 29 Brookview Road.

Elizabeth Sanborn Pearl: Pearl Trunk and Contents 

February 1976

This talk was given during a meeting of the Ladies Charitable Society. At this time, Elizabeth and Simeon Pearl were the owners of the "Pearl Trunk and Papers" which had been passed down in the Pearl family since their immigration in the 1600s. It also includes a slide presentation by Sarah Dodge.

BBC Film: 1976 Nationwide


Documentary created during the US Bicentennial when Boxford, MA hosted a group from Boxford, England. Film was narrated by Bernard Folk.


Arthur Sias Memoirs.pdf

"The Industries of Boxford and Boxford's Most Unforgetable Characters"

Arthur G. Sias

The first half of this essay describes the history of industry in Boxford according to Sidney Perley's book, "History of Boxford." The second half describes the author's experience growing up as a boy in Boxford in the 1880s and 1890s.