Biographical Records

Abruzese, Thomas

Achenbach, Hart and Jeff

Adams, Jack

Adams, John (also see BHS)

Adams, Richard E.

Adelman/Allen, Merrill

Adelman, Ben (and family)

Adrian family

Aghoian family

Ake, Nelson

Albren, Matthew

Al-Chokhachy, Elissa

Alcott, William Penn (BHS)

Alcott Family (BHS)

Aldrich, Frances (Butler)

Allen, Audrey

Allen, Lindsay

Allen, Merril

Altherr, Traudel

Ambrefe, Brian/Mary

Amsden, Davida M.

Andalaro, James/Arlene

Anderson, Charlotte O. (oversize)

Anderson, Donald and Lund, Ruth Evelyn

Andrew, Isaac W. - account book, 1832-1861

Andrew, John Albion (BHS)

Andrew, Jonathan - account book for store in Gardiner, ME, 1829-1837; account book, 1832-1861 (also see oversize)

Andrew family

Andrew-Clements, Erica

Andrews, Adam

Andrews, Dean - account book

Andrews, Harriet Elizabeth

Annunziato, Diane

Arcisz, Cathie (Kitty)

Arms family

Arnold, Kyle

Arnone, Frank

Aron, Jetta Bernier

Aronson, Lisa

Arrigo, Sarah

Atherton, George W. (also see BHS)

Atherton family (BHS)

Auday, Debra

Austin, Charles

Austin, George B. – receipted bills

Austin Family (BHS)

Awnetwant, Ester

Ayedelett, Brian

Ayers Family (BHS)

Ayers, Samuel A.

Aylward, Robert A.

Bachli, Fritz E.

Baer, John

Bagge, Kenneth

Bailly, Robin

Baker, James and family

Baker, John (1598-1680) (BHS)

Bakewell, Joseph/Una

Balcomb, Sarah E. (BHS)

Barbas, Belinda

Barclay, Paul/Heidi

Bargman, Arlene

Barker family

Barker, Hannah

Barker, Samuel M. (BHS)

Barnard, Cynthia

Barnes, Arthur W. (BHS)

Barnes, Benjamin Spofford (also see BHS)

Barnes, Janet

Barnes, Samuel (BHS – genealogy)

Barrell, Bill

Barous, Paul

Barrows, Merton S.

Bassette, Buell

Batchelder, Jacob Jr. (BHS)

Baumgartner, Erin

Bavaro, Mark

Bean, Linda

Beardsley family

Beck, Jean-Paul

Beckerleg, Richard A.

Behrens, Donald

Bellone, Ruth

Bemis, Elinor

Benson family

Benson family – Ice Cream Stand

Benulis, Helen

Berecz family

Bergstrom, Albion Andrew

Berking, Patricia A.

Bernard, Randy

Bernardin, Peter E.

Berry, Mary C. (Gurley)

Bertocci, Deryl/Corey

Best, Philip

Bickford, David

Bird, Amos/Eola

Bishop, Carianne

Bissell, Alfred/Emily

Bixby, Charles

Bixby Family (BHS and oversize)

Blackburn, William (BHS)

Blake, Earl/Avis

Bogdonoff, Philip

Bohlin, Virginia

Bolen, Betty

Bolger, Joe

Bolton, John “Gaines”

Bolzan, Christine

Bolzan, Fiona

Bonny, Rob

Booth, Donald

Borden, Nancy Bogdonoff

Boseck, Debra

Boudreau, Kathleen

Bourque, Ray and family

Bowman, Cindy/Mark

Bracey family

Bradbury family

Bradford, Emery L. (BHS)

Bradley, Charles F. (BHS)

Bradley, Stephanie

Bradstreet, Simon (BHS)

Breed, Beulah W.

Bremmer family (BHS)

Bremner, David (oversize)

Bremner, Laura

Bridges family (BHS)

Briggs, Hilary

Briggs, Isaac (Parson) and Elsie Schuyler Crane (BHS)

Brisbois, Deana

Brodeur, Ludolphe A. – Boston University term paper on Boxford, 1931 (BHS)

Brown, Blanche Hazel (oversize)

Brown, Duke

Brown, John (genealogy for Mrs. Florence Gould), BHS

Brown, Kathy

Buckminster, John Blake (BHS)

Bucyk, John

Budnick, Joe

Budrewicz, Tim

Buell, Robert

Bumiller, Donald

Bunker, Elisha Gordon (BHS)

Burbank family

Burbank, Wendy

Burnett, Gail

Burnham family

Bush, William

Buswell family

Butler, Howard/Ethel

Butler, May (BHS)

Butters family

Calder, James

Callahan, Patricia

Camilleri, Brianne L.

Canonica family

Canterbury, Ruth (Bradford) (BHS)

Carey, Sheila J.

Carey – Stiles family (BHS)

Cargill, Thomas E. and family

Cargill, Tori

Cargill, William R. Jr.

Carleton, Amos (oversize)

Carleton, Gertrude W.

Carleton, Isaac Newton

Carleton, Leonard (BHS)

Carlton, Edward (BHS – genealogy)

Carnevale, Ava

Carriker, Neal

Carver, Dorothy

Case, Richard Draper

Cashin, Richard J.

Castallanet family

Castay, Joseph A.

Casticone, Rachel

Caulfield, Sharon/Wilma

Cerami, Ann

Chadwick – “The Legend of the China Teapot”

Chadwick family genealogy

Chadwick, Blanche (BHS)

Chadwick, Dorothy

Chadwick, Everett/Barbara

Chadwick, Everett/Barbara – “Letters to the Home Front”

Chadwick, Everett/Barbara (Mill Brook Farm)

Chadwick, J. Warren (Alder Brook Farm)

Chadwick, John T.

Chadwick, Kenneth H.

Chadwick, Richard

Chadwick, Roger “Rusty”/Stephanie

Chandler, John/Sarah

Chaout, Alain A.

Chaplin, Charles K. (also see BHS)

Chaplin, John (BHS)

Cheever, Peter

Cheney – Hardy family (BHS)

Chetty, Annette

Chute, James

Cioto, Ernie

Clark, Francis E. (BHS)

Clark, Kelly MacLean

Clark, Lynn

Clark, Peter/Martha and family

Clark, Rachel

Clark family (BHS)

Clay, George

Cleary, Jack

Cleaveland, James P./William P.

Cleaveland family (BHS)

Clewell, Robert H.

Cody, Sean

Coggin, William S. (BHS)

Colby, Janice Molin

Colby, Lawrence

Colby, Russell F.

Cole, Charles W. and John F.

Cole, Harry L. (also see BHS)

Cole, John K. (also see BHS)

Cole, Richard

Cole Family (BHS)

Collins, George A.

Collins, Kevin

Condon, Susan

Connery, Matt

Connerty, Leah

Conniff family

Conroy, Robert

Contarino, Al

Cook, Mike

Coolidge, Nat/Camilla

Copp family (BHS)

Corbin, James/Corinna

Corbin family (information on Hutchinson, Hale, Curtis, Gould) (BHS)

Corson, Sarah Lord and Trevor

Costello, Charles

Cotton, Charles/Mabel

Cotton, Rob

Cox, Andrea

Cox, Robert

Craig, Katherine

Crawford, Frank (BHS)

Crea, Lindsay

Creedon, Bernard

Crespo, Steven

Cronin, Kinsey L.

Cross, Margaret

Crowe family

Crowther family

Cummings, David (BHS)

Cummings, Julia (also see BHS)

Cunningham, Richard/Harriet

Cuozzo, Marcia

Curran, Donald

Curtis, Francis

Curtis, George W.

Curtis, Karl P. (also see BHS)

Curtis, Larry

Curtis, Natalie

Curtis, Otis/Bessie

Curtis, Thomas

Curtis family (also see BHS)

Curtis-Verna, Mary (BHS)

Cushing, John – deed (Tyler to Cushing)

Dahl, Susan

Daly, Jennifer

Daly, Kristen

D’Ambrosio, Anthony

Damigella, Joe

D’Amore, Paul

Davis, Daniel – account book, 1837-1843

Davis, Frank – account book, 1883-1889

Davis, Paul Church - journals, 1869-1905

Davis, Robert

Davis, Stephen/Carole

Davis, Vivian L.

Davis, William J./Susan

Dawe, Sarah

Day, Daniel Ransom

Day, Isaac C. and others – Civil War era herbarium

Day, Myra A.

Day family (also see BHS)

Deal, Renee

DeAngelis, Matt

Deblinger, Candace

DeCarlen, Marya

Dechene family

DeGan, Timothy

Delaney, Peter/Christine

Del Guidice, Jay S.

DeMark, Dorothy

Derrico, Jared

DiBlasi family

DiClemente, James

Dike-Miller family

Dillon family

DiLuna, Lisa

DiNanno, Anthony

Dineen, John

Dodd, Edward M.

Dodge, George S.

Dole, Ronald/Elaine

Dorman, Ancill (BHS)

Dorman, Georgianna (BHS)

Dorman, John (BHS)

Dorman, Terry

Dorman family (also see BHS)

Dorman family – deeds

Dressen, Michael

Dresser, Alma

Drinkwater, Dennis

Duble, Kathleen Benner

Dudley, Anne (BHS)

Duffey family

Dustin, Damon

Eames (Ames), Rebecca

Eames, Ruth Perley

Eames / Ames family (BHS)

Eckel, Nancy

Eckerson, William/Betty

Eckert, Christina

Eliot, Charles W. II

Ellis family

Elwood, Kevin

Emerson, Martha Lucinda Parkhurst - Poetry Scrapbook, 1863-1910 (Record Books and Ledgers; also see BHS)

Emerson, Rufus W.

Emery, Arthur/Ruth (also see oversize)

Erardi, Glenn

Evans, John and William

Evans, Kate

Everson, Dean

Facella family (Anvil Farm)

Fahey, James

Falk, Craig/Dorothy

Fallon, Susan

Farnsworth, Cecil/Alice

Fasano, Ardythe

Feeney family

Feingold, Murray

Fenton, Edith

Feronetti, James C.

Ferrante, John J.

Ferrell, Mimi

Ferris, Meaghan

Fiedler, Peter

Finkenauer, Nan

Finn family

Fischer, Ford

Fischer, George/Phyllis

Fischer, Marie Lucca

Fitch, Beatrice

Fitzgibbons, Edward

Fitzpatrick, Joan

Flanagan, Ed

Folsom, Douglas

Folsom Family (BHS)

Forrest-Woodman family

Foster, Earnest W. (oversize)

Foster, Jonathan (also see oversize and BHS)

Foster family

Includes Richard Foster and Asa Foster Account Book, 1785-1824 (also used 1920-1933, maybe Harry Lee Cole?)

Fowler, Arthur

Frangos, Christina

Franks, Richard /Pam

Freedman, Alfred/Gertrude

Freeman, Sarah Boardman (Barnes)

Freeman, Timon (aka Timon Chadwick)

French, Barbara

French, Benjamin – auction book (also see BHS)

French, Clinton/Mabel

French, Ida (BHS)

French, Gertrude (BHS)

French, Mary (BHS)

French family (BHS)

Also Joshua French (?) and Benjamin French Account Book, 1810-1811, 1831-1836

Friend family (BHS)

Frisch family

Frizzell, Frances

Frost, Albert R.

Frost, Anne

Frost, Barbara (BHS)

Frost, Jack

Frye, Etta (BHS)

Fuller, Daniel (BHS)

Fuller, Jennifer

Fuller, Sarah Margaret (BHS)

Fuller, Tammy

Fuller, Timothy (BHS)

Fuller family (BHS)

Gage, Cole (BHS)

Gage family (BHS and oversize)

Gaitenby, Jill

Gale, Marjorie

Gale, Timothy

Gallagher, Daniel

Gamble, William

Gammell, Sereno Dwight

Gardner, Emeline

Garron, David

Gaudin, Ava

Gavron, David

Gaston, Jeff/Danielle

Gelinas, John/Justine

Gemmell, Helene

Gianutsos, Rosamond Ingalls (Rockwell)

Gibeley, Len

Gilberts, Allan/Lee

Gillis, Alice

Gillis, Daniel S. (BHS)

Gillman, Alec (also see oversize)

Gillman, Barbara

Gilmartin, Bruce

Gingrande, Arthur

Giordano, Robert

Giugliano, Karen

Glass, John S.

Glazier, Jeff

Gleason, Susan

Glendon, Robert

Gokey, Robert

Goodhue, Geoff

Gooding, Thelma

Goodrich, Hastings

Goodwin, Ethel A. (BHS)

Gordon, Robert W. (oversize)

Gore, Richard

Gore, Robert/Judy

Goudie, Doug “VB”

Gould, Andrew/Mary

Gould, Everett Preston family

Gould, George A. family

Gould family (also see BHS and oversize)

Gould – Stevens – Gerst family (BHS)

Gould, Ruby Benson

Gowen, Rosamond (Ingalls) (Price) (also see BHS and oversize)

Grabski, Laura

Granahan Family

Grandon, Charles

Grannemann, Scott

Greaves, Peter

Greenler family

Gregoriadis, Laura J.

Gregory, Carrie

Gregory, James

Greenler family (BHS)

Greenstein, Linda

Greenstein, Noah

Gronberg, Fred

Grossman, Paul

Grigg, Jessica

Guercia, Mona

Guerin, Ellen

Gunderson, Josh

Gurley – Girdler family (BHS)

Haarman, Tim

Hadley, Edwin/Jean

Hagan, Mark

Hagerman, Janice

Haggott, John Pearl (Dr.) – Civil War notebook (BHS)

Hale family

Hall family

Hallworth, Lauren

Halverson, Alice

Hannoosh, Jeanne

Harde, Mrs. Herbert

Hardy – Cheney – Foster families (BHS)

Harney, Deanna

Harriman, Hiram Newton

Harris, Kimball “Kim”

Harris Calista and Stuart “Slim”

Harrold, Raymond

Hart, Andrew J.

Harvey, Stephen/Carol

Hatch, Charles/Stephanie

Hatfield, Marion Vera (oversize)

Hawkes, Walter/Beulah

Hay, Richard F.

Hayden family (John, William)

Haynes family

Haynes, Lila

Hayward family (Augustus Hayward deeds)

Haywood family

Hazeltine family

Hazelwood, Bob

Hazen, Hannah

Heart, Susan

Hebb family


Heeremans, James/Joyce

Heller, Matthew

Henck, Joyce

Hendrickson, Cherie

Hendrickson, Stephen

Henley, Alonzo J.

Herman, Clifford J.

Herrick, Israel (Journal for expedition to Canada, 1758) (BHS)

Herrick family (also see BHS)

Hildebrand, George/Marge

Hill, Brad (Ipswich rep to General Court)

Hill, George/Doris

Hills, John (BHS)

Hogan, Elana

Holden, Alice

Holmes, Edward Jackson (also see BHS)

Holmes, Henry “Chick”

Holyoke, Elizur (BHS)

Holyoke, Hannah – letters to her cousin

Holyoke, Mary Whipple (BHS)

Holyoke, Samuel (also see BHS)

Hooper, Ebenezer

Hoover, Lynn

Hoover, Thomas M.

Hopping family (also see oversize)

Hopping, Richard/Edith and family

Horne, Elizabeth (Windrush Farm)

Horner, George

Hotvedt, Valerie

Houser, Ethel “Pete”

Hovey family

Howard, John W.

Howe, Emma (Andrews)

Howe, Frederick A. – accounts with S.P.

Howe, James Hamilton (BHS)

Howe, Martha Jane Gould (BHS)

Howe, Oliver (BHS)

Howe Family

Perley (also see BHS)

Howe, James H. (also see BHS)

Howe, Jennie (Gould) (BHS)

Howe, Martha Jane

Howe, Natalie (BHS)

Howe, Oliver M.

Howe, Solomon W. - account book

Howe, William B.

Howell family

Hubbard family

Hubbard, Carol

Hudak, William

Hummel-Shea, Linda

Hurka, Joe

Hyde, James C

Imhoff, Laura Lee

Ingalls, Jerome (oversize)

Ingalls, Walter Renton (also BHS and


Ingalls family

Iorio, Richard

Isison, Eileen

Jacobson, Elizabeth

Jacobson, William

Jacopille, David

Jaffe, A.J.

Jamieson, Philip A.

Janes family (BHS)

Jarman, Joan V.

Jarosiewicz, Paul

Jarvis, Ryan

Jenkins, Dale

Jessel family

Johnson, Carl

Johnson, Deborah

Johnson, Harold “Jack”/Jane

Johnson, Mykin

Johnson, Randolph “Randy”/Carol

Johnson, Richard

Johnson, Valerie

Johnston, Gerald

Johnston, Karen

Jones, Thomas W.

Jordan, Autumn

Junge family

Kaiser, Kristin/Kurt

Kaiter, Erich

Kanto, David

Kasper, Erin

Kastrinelis, Kristina

Keilty, Rick

Kelley, Edgar/Martha

Kelsey, Harlan P. (also see BHS)

Kelsey, Seth (BHS)

Kenney family

Kilar, Nancy Schattner

Killam, Charles/Helen

Killam, Cyrus – “Yarnin by Old Timer”

Killam, Hazel (BHS)

Killam, Horace

Killam, Paul and Edith

Killam, Raymond

Killam, William – Estate inventory, 1877 (BHS)

Killam family (also see BHS)

Kimball, Elizabeth Gray (BHS)

Kimball, Elwell and Soloman E. (BHS)

Kimball, Richard (Scott – Towne families)

Kimball, Sarah L. (oversize)

Kimball/Kimble family (also see BHS and oversize)

Kinderlehrer family

King, Robert M.

Kittredge, Marjorie/Carr, Jack

Kittredge – Windrush Farm

Kittredge – Windrush Farm – newsletters

Knaebel, Ernest

Knapp, Sally (Cargill)

Knowles family

Knowlton, Thomas

Konaires, John

Koster family

Kousky, Vernon/June

Kraunelis, Jay

Kreider, Chris

Kress, Louise

Kretsch, Elizabeth "Liz" and Ken

Kruck, Karen

Kuenzig, John

Kulig, Christopher

Ladd, David L./Audrey

Lagasse family

Lambertson family

Lane, Margaret (also see oversize)

Lane, William C./Bertha P. (also see BHS)

Langer, Holly

Langone, Michael

Laplante-Rottman, Lauren

Laroche, Ava

Larrabee, John

Larson, Clifford G.

Larson, Trudy

Latty family

Laudani, Chris

Laverty, Ed

Lawes, Samuel

Lawlor, Brian K.

Lawlor, Brady

Lehan family

Lehmann, Betty Ann

Leighton, Chester/Evelyn

Jordan, Autumn

Leonard, Pam

Levenson, Nate

Linehan, Jeff

Little family (BHS)

Littlefield, Nancy

Livermore, Gwendolen

Locke, S.A. – newspaper articles on gardening

Lockwood, Caroline

Lockwood, Dimon

Lombard, Theodore

Lombara Family

London, Georgia

Longfellow, Grace (Elliott)

Loomis family (BHS)

Lopardo, Nicholas

Lord, Joan

Lord, Milton/Rosamond

Lord, Rosamond – Christmas cards

Lord family

Losee, Rita

Loud, George Byron – Letter to Sawyers, 1863 (BHS)

Low, Bob

Lowe, Solomon

Lowry family

Lucca, Marie

Lucey, Patricia

Lund, Matilda Barker

Lyon, Matilda

MacDonald, Douglas

MacLaughlin, Meghan

MacLeod, Brian

MacVittie, Fred and Chris

Martino, Mary (oversize)

McAfee, David

McAllister, Peter

McArdle, Donna

McCall, Samuel (BHS)

McCann, Christian

McCarey, Judy

McCarthy, John M.

McComb, Anita (Finnie)

McCormack, Leonard R./Carol E.

McCraine, Susan

McDonald, Hazel

McElmon, Ryan

McEneny, Greg/Marilyn

McGovern, Brian

McGrath, William J.

McGregor family

McKeever, James L. – Indenture agreement, Chicago, 1895 (BHS)

McLaughlin, Frances

McMahon, Jack

McMorran, Alexander M.

McNally, Kathleen

McNatt, Jack

Madden, Wendy and Erin

Maddock, Charlotte/Stephen

Maglio, Dorothy Ann

Magliozzi, James J.

Maguire, Michael

Maher, Lara

Mann, Kara

Manny, Frank/Annette (also see BHS)

Manolian family

Mansfield, Ian C.

Mansfield, Wayne C.

Marechal, Richard L.

Marrah, Pat

Marrisse, Andrew

Marshall, Andrew

Marshall, Olivia

Martin, Charles H.

Martin, Karen

Martin, Linde

Martinez, Andrew J.


Massaro, James

Matses, Alexa

Matses, Charles T.

Mattraw, Leonard

Matz, Julius

May, Greg

May, Marguerite Whitley

Maynard – Flanders – King families (BHS)

Mayo, Morgan

Maysek, Katherine

Mead, Toby

Meegan, Stephanie

Meeker, Norman/Mary

Melvin, James L.

Melvin, Leonard J./Rose

Melzar family

Mercier, Marc

Merriam, Peter

Merrill, Nancy

Merrill, Wayne/Jane

Messenger, Archie

Micalizzi, Anthony Jr.

Middleton, James

Mighill, David D.C.

Mighill family (BHS)

Milano, Judi

Milde, Leslie

Miles family

Miller, Clark W.

Miller, Janet

Milley, Arthur/Constance

Miner, Joshua L.

Miner, Mary

Minich, DeWitt

Mirra, Joanne

Mitchell/Moser family

Mitchell, Barry

Mitsch, Mark

Moda, Antonio

Moda, Jeff

Moline, William A.

Mollov, Steven A.

Monell, Frederick B.

Monty, Jay

Mooers, Andrew R.

Mooers, Jonathan

Moore, Charles H. (BHS)

Moore, Horace

Moore Family

Moorman, John

Morin, Ruth

Morris, Eva (BHS)

Morse, Arthur W.

Morse, Edward Sylvester

Morse, Gardner

Morss family

Mortimer, Ernest

Moser, Sophia

Moulton, Miranda

Mularz, Walter

Mulcahy, John/Jean

Mulgrew family

Mullaney, Bob

Muntendam, Pieter/Diane – Mill Brook Fields Farm

Murphy, Cindy

Murphy, Elizabeth A. "Liz"

Murphy, John J.

Murray, Marcus A.

Murray-Magill, Judy

Mutterties, Bob/Robyn

Mwamburi, Mkaya

Myers, Anne Price

Nason, Alfred (BHS)

Nason, Gladys (BHS)

Nason, Sandi

Nason, Thomas – Hartwell Farm, Lincoln MA (BHS)

Nason family

Nason family – Stone House Farm

Natalino, Janice Hopping

Nay, Mary Anne

Nazarian family

Neill, Robin/Jean

Nelson, Charles P.A.

Nelson, Edwin W., Jr.

Nelson, Elizabeth (Liz)

Nelson, Eric

Nelson, Karen

Nentwig, James (Santa’s Magic, Inc.)

Newland, Reed

Newton, Gordon/Luella

Neve, Thomas E./Karen

Nichols, Charles

Nierenberg, Alan/Catherine

Nissenbaum, Gerald L.

Noblitt, Gaylord

Northey, Abijah – journal, 1828-1836 (#1)

Northey, Abijah – journal, 1828-1836 (#2)

Noyes, Alerson family

Nye, Jennifer

O’Brien, Dennis

O’Brien, John/Anne

O’Brien, Tim

O’Brien, William P.

O’Connor, Tracey

O’Donnell, Richard

Olansky, Neil

Orbanes, Philip

O’Riordan, Daniel

O’Toole, Terrie

Paisley family (Farm)

Palmer, Alice (Freeman) (also see BHS)

Palmer, Asher

Palmer, Frederic/Mary Towle

Palmer, George Herbert/Alice Freeman (also see BHS)

Palmer, Julius A. (BHS)

Palmer, Lucy (Manning)

Palmer, Martha D.

Palmer – Lane – Lord families (BHS)

Papin, Suzie

Parisi, Paul

Park family (also see BHS)

Parker, Aaron L. (BHS)

Parker, Charles (BHS)

Parker, Gilman P. (BHS)

Parker family

Parkhurst, Elise

Parkhurst, Frank L. - Scrapbook

Parkhurst, John – Civil War letters, account book, 1882-1886

Parkhurst, John William/Gertrude (also see oversize)

Parkhurst, Robert / Lucy family

Parkhurst family (also see BHS and oversize)

Parrot – Polly (bird)

Patterson family

Patti, Anthony C. “Chuck”

Peabody, Albert B.

Peabody, Amelia

Peabody, Archer (BHS)

Peabody, Archibald

Peabody, Charles (BHS and oversize)

Peabody, Henry Oliver (also see BHS)

Peabody, John (BHS)

Peabody, Lucia

Peabody, Lucie - Scrapbook

Peabody, Moses/Hannah (Foster)

Peabody, Samuel

Peabody, Thomas (BHS)

Peabody, William (BHS)

Peabody family (also see BHS)

Pearce, Lavinia Peabody (BHS)

Pearl, Charles (BHS)

Pearl, Edward E. – Landmarks and Watermarks (also see BHS – Carlton family genealogy)

Pearl, Francis

Pearl, George H. (oversize)

Pearl, John (BHS)

Pearl, Maude C. (oversize)

Pearl family

Pearson, Jonathan (oversize)

Pearson, Kenneth C.

Pearson, Sarah R.

Peckins, Joshua

Peeters, Pete

Pellegrino family

Pelleriti, Consetta R.

Perkins, Charles

Perkins, Jacob

Perkins, Joseph family

Perkins, Peter

Perkins, Tim

Perkins, Walter

Perkinson, Jennifer

Perley/Emerson genealogy

Perley, Barbara C. and Bertha (also see oversize)

Perley, Elbridge (BHS)

Perley, Enoch (BHS)

Perley, Esther (BHS)

Perley, Henry – Deed to Nathan Andrews, 1798 (BHS)

Perley, John (oversize)

Perley, Mary Ellen (BHS)

Perley, Sarah P.

Perley, Sidney (also see BHS)

Perley family (also see BHS)

Perley family – Bridgton, ME (BHS)

Peterson, Thomas R.

Petitjean family

Phelan, Kim

Phelan, Robin

Phillips, Arthur Perley (oversize)

Phillips, Frances

Phillips, George (BHS)

Phillips family

Phoenix, David

Piemental, Vic

Pierce, Richard

Pike, Alpheus J. – letter to Elvin French, 1841 (BHS)

Pike, Genell

Pike, Gustavius Dorman (BHS)

Pinkham, Arthur

Pinkham, Daniel

Pinkham, Lydia

Plate, John/Carol

Platt, James

Plummer, Ida

Pomroy, Franklin P.

Poor, John

Poor, Loel

Poritzky, David

Porter, Aaron (BHS)

Porter, Rufus (also see oversize)

Porter, Rufus – material given by William Eckel

Porter, Rufus – magazine articles

Porter family (also see BHS)

Power, Daniel/Ellanette

Pratt, Harriet A

Price, Gordon

Price, Richard/Jean

Price, Robert/Arlene

Price family – Ingaldsby Farm

Price family – Ingaldsby Farm – Town by-laws

Price family – Ingaldsby Farm – Nissenbaum

Prohl, Melvin/Janet

Pruitt, Kenneth

Pucci, Dan

Puffer family

Pugia, Joseph R.

Purinton, Charles A.

Quigley, Kelsey

Race, Ruth/Peter

Ragonese, Regina

Rakip, Pete

Rapisardi, Frank/Jacqueline

Rapp, George

Rauseo family

Redington, Abraham and Thomas

Reid, Andrea L.C.

Reid, Naomi

Remaly family

Rennie family

Repucci, Derek

Rescigno family

Reynolds/Runnels family

Reynolds/Lund family – deeds, legal papers

Ricci, Vittorio

Rickenbacker, William

Rio, Daniel

Rish family

Ritter family

Roberts, Franklin C. family

Robinson, Robert “Rob”

Robinson, Walter

Rochenski, Loretta

Rock, Eleanor

Rodes, Cynthia D.

Rogers, John

Rolfsema, Patricia L.

Rollins, Charles M. (also see oversize)

Romasco, Audrey

Romito, Keilan

Rose, Michelle

Rosen, Elizabeth

Ross, Barbara

Rossi, Mary

Rossi, William/Sandra

Rotsko, Alex

Rowen, John A.

Roys, Edville (Rev.) (BHS)

Rubino, Joe

Russell, Gordon/Elizabeth

Russell family (BHS)

Rutstein, Michael

Ryan, Leo

Sackrider, Gary/Mary

Sadacca, Judy

Sager, Arthur

Sansone, Joseph/Leah

Santelli, Gerard

Savage, Carol

Sawyer, Charles

Sawyer, Elizabeth Barnes (also see Record Books and Ledgers and BHS)

Sawyer, Freeman (BHS)

Sawyer, Isaac Howe

Sawyer, John (BHS and oversize)

Sawyer, Mary

Sawyer, Robert H.

Sawyer family (BHS)

Sayward family (BHS)

Schmitt, Meagan

Schricker, Penny

Schroer, Peter

Schultz, Eric

Serret, Gabriela C.

Sevcik, Peter

Seyffert, Anne

Seymour, Lester

Shah, Daksha

Sharis, Peter

Shaw, Fred J. (oversize)

Sheldon family (BHS)

Shelgren, Tristan

Shepard, Robert A.

Sheridan, Joseph/Karen

Sherrill, Right Rev. Henry Knox and family (also see BHS)

Shibel family

Shields, Patricia A.

Shirley, Debbie

Sholomith, Ernie

Sias, Arthur G. (BHS)

Sias family

Sico-McNulty family

Simmer, Charlie

Simmons, Guy

Simpson, John

Siopes, Thomas

Smith, Abram

Smith, Joseph

Smith, Matthew

Smith family - Genealogy (BHS)

Smolak, Michael

Souleris, Peter

Southgate, Jay

Sorenson, Jack

Spencer, Kathleen

Sperry, Herbert W.

Spillman, Lana

Spinale, Colleen A.

Spofford family

Spofford, Daniel Webster

Spofford, Frank Henry, Jr. (also see oversize)

Spofford, Grace Winifred

Spofford, Lydia Warren (BHS)

Spofford, Mary A. - Letter to Rebekah [Rebecca] Northey, 1816 (BHS)

Spofford, Nellie M. (oversize)

Spofford, Nelson

Spofford, Orman I.

Spofford, Philip F.

Spofford, Richard (also see oversize)

Spofford, Samuel – Ledger, 1793-1843 (BHS)

Spofford, Samuel – Deed to David Ward, December 14, 1732 (BHS)

Spofford, Samuel – Miscellaneous papers, 1775-1880 (BHS)

Spofford, Thomas (Farmer’s Almanack, 1823)

Sprague, Sally and Lawrence

Stapleton, Will

Stearn, Diane

Stearns – Genealogy of Mrs. Edward K. Mortimer (BHS)

Stevens, Francis J. (Dr.) (also see BHS and oversize)

Stickney, Brenda Moore

Stickney, Kerry

Stickney family

Stiles, Caroline A. (BHS)

Stiles family

Stiles – Warren family (BHS)

Stoler, Diane

Straub family

Strong, Betty

Sullivan, William H.

Swanson, Eric

Swan, Sylvanus B. (BHS)

Sydor, Donald

Sylvia, Jan

Symmonds family (BHS)

Taber, Molly

Tanner, James/Carolyn Clegg-Tanner

Taylor, Richard F./Nancy S.

Tenney, John Harrison (1840-1918) (BHS)

Tetrault family

Thayer, Craig/Andrea

Thibodeau, Susan

Thomas, Carlyle/Catherine

Thompson, Harry D. (also see BHS for genealogy, Lewes, Meriwether, Washington et al.)

Thompson, Mark

Thuermer, Enid

Tidd family (BHS)

Tinney, Jennifer

Titus family (BHS)

Toomey, Marge

Torlone family

Totten, Zoe Finch

Towne, Elisha (BHS)

Towne family

Tragethon, Kalvin

Trask, Harry

Traugott family

Travis family

Travis, Jennifer

Triglione, Anthony

Truesdale, Edith Park

Trull, Archibald L.

Truman, Dr. John T.

Tuchen family

Tuttle, Estelle

Twiss, Chester K.

Tyler, Bradstreet (BHS)

Tyler, Steven

Tyler family

Tyler family reunion - 1988

Tyler family reunion - 1998

Tyler family newsletters – 1981-1982

Tyler family newsletters – 1989-1996

Tyler family newsletters – 1997-2003

Tyler – Chadwick family (BHS)

Ulman, Richard

Ungerleider, Neil/Diane Stern

Valeriani, Tommy

Valley, Blanche (Brown)

Vallis, Kirsten

Vana, Frank, Jr.

VanLoon, John C./Laurie

Vennix, Courtnie

Verna, Mary Curtis

Vilardi, Vincent

Volchok, Dan

Volpacchio, John

VonKamecke, Thomas

Vose, Nancy

Wadleigh, Levi Cole (BHS)

Wages, David

Wakefield, Sandra

Walker, Tim/Nancy

Wallace, Denver/Helen

Wallace family

Walls, David

Walsh, Joan and Margery

Warner, Caleb – Jeweler, Salem, MA – Account Book, 1856-1861 (BHS)

Warren, Rebecca and Elizabeth

Was, Robert/Barbara

Waters family

Way family

Weatherby, Frank

Weber, Susana

Webster, George Pearl (also see BHS)

Webster, James Henry

Weisslitz, E.F. / Norton, Nancy / Youst, Yvonne

Wells, Kinsman (BHS – genealogy)

Wheadon, Amy

Whitaker, Dana

Whitley, Kathleen

Whitney James C.

Whittier family (also see oversize)

Whittle, John

Widdop, Marjorie

Wiggin family (BHS)

Wilkins, Julie

Wilkins, Zora P. (also see BHS)

Williams, Wayne

Wills, Mary T. (BHS)

Wilmarth, Arthur R.

Wilmarth, Thomas William Isherman Roaf

Wilson, Samnang

Wing, Joan

Winick, Mark/Freyda

Wolfe, Roland E. (Rev.) (BHS)

Wolters, Rachel

Wood, Aaron/Lydia (also see BHS)

Wood, Connie

Wood, Franklin T. (also see BHS)

Wood, Jonathan

Wood, Judith

Wood, Kevin

Wood, Loren

Wood, Sarah J. (Tyler)

Wood family

Woodbury, Dorothy

Woodland, Antigoni

Woodruff, Nancy

Woonton family

Worth, Claudia

Wright, Betty

Yabe, Maketo

Yaekel, Stan

Yannetti, Mark

Yastrzemski, Carl

Young, Jeremiah (oversize)

Young, Robert C.

Zager, Jeffery

Zolla, David