Winthrop Haynes Collection


Letters to Anna Haynes from Annette Sawyer Manny, 1934-1949

Letters to Anna Haynes from Frank A. Manny, 1935-1949

Letters to Anna Haynes from Mary Herrick, 1939-1944

Letters to Anna Haynes from miscellaneous people, 1933-1982

                             Letter from church requesting her deed to her pew

                             Frederick Palmer Jr.

                             Smith and Walker, Architects (RE: 77 Main Street)

                             Gertrude French (RE: founding Boxford Historical Society) (3 letters)

                             Ruby Nason (RE: Boxford Historical Society)

                             Nancyanna Pierce (RE: Porter family genealogy)

                             Grange No. 298

                             Julia A. Cummings

                             Elizabeth W. Coggin

                             Winnifrid Parkhurst (RE: Perley #56, 30 Depot Road)

                             Horace Killam

                             Roger A. Agile

                             Ella Ingalls (RE: Walter R. Ingalls death)

                             Benjamin C. Mayhew (RE: Theodore Meinelt)

                             Clarence I. Sterling, Jr., Massachusetts Water Resources Commission

                             Loring Conant, Trustees of the Reservations

                             Edward D. Pearce, Museum of Science

                             Doris Low Hill (RE: donation of flag to Boxford Historical Society)

                             Charles W. Eliot (RE: “Open Spaces of essex County” BHS lecture)

                             Carolyn Holgate Schoenthal (RE: Perley #206, 285 Main Street)

                             Nathalie Howe (RE: reminisces of Boxford and old Howe and Sawyer family stories)

                             Winnifrid and Amy Parkhurst

                             Evelyn Eaton (Kenneth Eaton’s wife)

                             Kay Thomas (RE: Recipes and land taxes at 82 Baldpate Road)

                             Emery Bradford (2 letters)

                             Denise Welman (of Boxford, England)

                             Elizabeth B. Sawyer (notes yarn reel owned by Dorcas Towne marked “June 1773”)

                             Roland Wolfe

Letters from Anna Haynes

                             RE: Rev. Arthur White

                             RE: House history of 57 Main Street, 23 Cross Street, 21 Cross Street, Almshouse (49 Baldpate Road


Letters to Winthrop P. Haynes, 1941-1972

                             Frank A. Manny

                             Sturbridge Village RE: Powderhouse

                             Conservation Commission correspondence RE: Georgetown Sand and Gravel, Baldpate Pond property

                             Mary A. Herrick

                             The American Museum in Britain RE: Almshouse on Baldpate Pond

                             Kay Thomas RE: Boxford Town Library, 1966

Letters to Winthrop and Anna Haynes, 1937-1969

                             Frank A. Manny

                             Elizabeth Barnes Sawyer

                             Milton P. Lord “All Boxford Country Dance”

                             Carolyn Schoenthal

                             Edward W. Brooke

Letters from Winthrop P. Haynes

                             Conservation commission correspondence

                             Henry P. Chaplin RE: Camp on Baldpate Pond

Letters to Frank A. Manny, 1934-1948

                             Includes extracts from old Boxford letters

Letters to Arthur Morse from Gertrude French, 1924-1940

Letters to Ednah Morse, 1930-1931

                             Contains significant information about Schoolhouse 2 (Little Red Schoolhouse)

Letters from Lewis Kennedy Morse, 1905-1929

             Contains correspondence RE: inconvenience of train table times to Boxford

             Emery L. Bradford

             Larz Anderson

             Clarence Brown

Letters to Lewis Kennedy Morse, 1902-1929

             Emery L. Bradford RE: Portable bowling alley for Boy’s Club

                             A. E. Batchelder (RE: Palmer house – 77 Main Street)

                             F. Cass (J. H. Cass)

                             Bessie Cleaveland

                             Emery L. Bradford RE: Grange projects – planting trees, maintaining sidewalks and public property

                             Emery L. Bradford RE: Rifle Club – First Church basement renovation

                             Frank Manny RE: Butman barn at 2 Elm Street

                             George B. Parkhurst RE: “Boxford Garage” (first Boxford fire station?)

                             William C. Lane RE: 77 Main Street

                             Mary A. Herrick RE: Boxford Public Library

                             Emery L. Bradford RE: Electricity at First Church

                             Chester Killam RE: George Palmer

                             Hiram N. Towne RE: Pearson sheep pasture

                             Clarence Brown (caretaker of 57 Main Street)

                             Chester Killam

                             Emery L. Bradford RE: Men’s Club of the Boxford Church

Letters to George Herbert Palmer and Alice Freeman, 1902-1931

                             Caroline Hazard

                             Emery L. Bradford RE: move to Boxford

                             Ednah Morse RE: Morse playground and Little Red Schoolhouse

                             Joe B. Matthews RE: Little Red Schoolhouse

Letters From Mary Sawyer

                         Unidentified writer (Mary Sawyer?) to aunts Annie and Sarah, no date

                             Mary A. Herrick RE: Library trustee resignation

                             “Lady Douglas” poem

                             Undated poem

Biographical Files for Boxford Residents

Atherton, George W.

Bixby, C.A. – Bills to W. P. Haynes

Bradford, Emery L. – An Account of Birch Island, Lake Winnipesauki

Brisbois, Marshall Bartlett

Brown, Clarence E. – Bills and receipts, 1928-1930

Chadwick, Bessie R.

Chadwick, J. Warren

Ciesinski, Thomas B. – Tax bill, 1928

Cole, Harry L.

Crawford, Frank G.

Crossman, James – Receipt from W. B. Howe, 1906

Cummings, Julia A. – Piece of patchwork quilt made by Mary Wells Perley c.1813

Curtis, Mary

Davis, Daniel and Alona – Account Book, 1813-1836

Dorman, Sarah Sides

Dorman, Ancil – Boxford Post Office receipts, 1885 and 1887

Frame, Roscoe G.

French, Clinton – Receipt, 1948

Fuller, Timothy

Gould, Daniel – Notes on trip to North Carolina, 1822 (sales of bonnets?)

Haynes, Anna Morse

 Haynes, Charles W.

Haynes, Edward

Haynes, Lewis R.

Haynes, Winthrop P.

Haynes, Winthrop P. – Address Delivered at First Parish Church, Boxford, MA, on Sunday, August 2, 1942

Haynes, Winthrop P. – Address / Lecture Notes 

Haynes, Winthrop P. – Published academic journals

Haynes, Winthrop P. – Bills and Receipts (mainly Rockport, MA companies)

Haynes – Canoe Trip

Herrick, Mary Abbie

Johnson, John (Jack)

Kelsey, Harlan

Killam, Horace N.

Killam Family

Lord, Milton E.

Lord, Rosamond – Christmas Cards

Lord Family

Maddock, Stephen J. – Paper on Cape Cod National Park

Maddock Family

Manny, Frank A. and Annette (Sawyer)

Manny, Frank A. – Musings (BHS, Julia Cummings diary entries, Village Cemetery, Genealogy, Roads)

Manny, Frank A. – Musings – Other (Boxford anecdotes and others)

Manny, Frank A. – Publications

Marden Family – Book of Sales from March 1861 – July 1887

Moore, Horace “Hap”

Morse, Lewis Kennedy

Morse, Lewis Kennedy – School books

Noyes, Alerson – Receipt, 1937

Obituaries [all copied to obituary files]

Pageau, Joseph – Variance from Board of Appeals, August 1964

Palmer, Alice Freeman

Palmer, Alice Freeman – Poetry

Palmer, George Herbert

Palmer, George Herbert – History of Boxford – Transcriptions of old Boxford letters and journals

Palmer / Morse / Sprague – Trip to England, 1902 (George Herbert Palmer, Lewis Kennedy Morse, Lucy Sprague)

Parkhurst / Harris – Trip to Isle of Man and Channel Islands (Amy Parkhurst, Calista Harris)

Parkhurst, Frank

Peabody Family

Perley, Bertha – Receipts, 1956 and 1962

Perley, Esther – Address to Boxford Literary Club RE: Civil War

Perley Family

Redington, Asa – Reminiscences, 1838 (born in Boxford in 1761)

Roberts, Franklin C.

Roberts, Franklin C. – Address – Old Home Sunday, August 1945 (“Colonial Agriculture”)

Sawyer, Elizabeth Barnes (Samuel L. Barnes)

Sawyer, Isaace and Bertha Howe – 21 Endicott Road

Schmidt, Dorothy

Sherrill, Henry Knox (Bishop)

Sias, Arthur G. – Address (“The Industries of Boxford and Boxford’s Most Unforgettable Characters”)

Stearns, George M. (daughter Mrs. Edward Mortimer) – “Complete Roster of Survivors Sixteenth Michigan

Volunteers” 1892

Tyler Family – Program, “American Tyler Family Reunion” 1896

Walsh – Walsh-Gillis wedding newspaper clippingWaters, Albert C.Wehling, Jill

 Wood, Aaron / Spofford, Lydia

Boxford Subjects

Boxford, Mass.

-          Certificate of Birth application c.1940

-          Copy of Town Treasurer receipt c.1900

-          Newspaper clipping from Danvers Herald, 1923

-          Packet of misc. notes

Anniversaries – 250th

-          Proclamation, August 1935

-          Program for Musical

-          Map showing location of old houses

Anti-Ballistic Missile

-          Letter to Senator Kennedy from (?), February 8, 1969

-          Facts about ABM – 3 items

-          ABM Committee, Boston & Newtonville, MA, n.d.

Calendars – 1949 and 1950

Camps – Salem Y.M.C.A.

-          2 bulletins

Cemeteries – Boxford Village Cemetery

-          Director’s meeting notes on September 19, 1965

-          Deed for Mrs. Samuel Bixby, October 3, 1917

Cemeteries - Inscriptions from the Essex Antiquarian, 1900 and 1904

Country Dancing

-          Reports by Milton Lord, 1941-1942


-          Meet the Candidates – John Evans, Warren Chadwick, Francis Perry, 1969

-          Letter to voters from School Committee candidate David Blumenfield, n.d.

Girl Scouts (Brownies)

-          Program for H.M.S. Pinafore, n.d.

Golf Club (proposed)

-          Proposed Boxford Country Club, c.1965

History - “The Story of Boxford, 1685-1960”

-          Written for the 275th anniversary


-          Guide Book of Historical Houses and Places in Essex County, Massachusetts, n.d., 2 copies

Houses, Old

-          Write-ups on old homes in Boxford

Housing Development – Baldpate Project Proposal

July 4th

-          Town Committee for Veterans Field Day, 1946

-          Programs for 1949, 1955, 1956

Kelsey Highlands Nursery

-          Advertisement for Country Gift Store, n.d.

-          Card announcing grand opening, 1951

-          Pamplets, 1936 and n.d.

-          Order form


-          List of large woodland owners in Boxford, 1930 (?)

Libraries – Auctions

-          List of items to be auctioned off, June 3, 1961

Libraries – Miscellaneous Items

-          List of books added to the library, 1914

-          Letter to Mr. Bradford from Lucy R. Alcott RE: Portrait of Mr. Alcott, also deed to lot, 1880

-          Insurance policy from War Damage Corporation, July 1942

-          Agreement between Trustees and William J. Fuller for work on the library, November 1948

-          Reports from House and Grounds Committee, 1948 – 2 items

-          Letter from Mrs. Carolyn H. Schoenthal to Donald Anderson RE: Meyer L. Schoenthal Memorial Fund, March 1963

-          Minutes of Meeting of Trustees held on March 18, 1966

-          Newspaper clippings: Tri-Town Transcript, November 4, 1966; Lawrence Eagle Tribune, December 4, 1970 and September 28, 1970 (photos of Rosamond Gowen, Catherine Thomas, Frederick G. Lehmann, Edith Eckel, Donna Milley, James H. Heeremans, Winthrop Haynes, DeWitt Minich, Mrs. Warren Schaalman, Rev. Arthur White, Milton E. Lord)

-          Ticket to Boxford Public Library Benefit event, August 28, 1940

Libraries – Report of Kenneth Shaffer

-          Looking Forward: A Study of Building Facilities for the Boxford Town Library, Boxford, Mass., October 1, 1975


-          Map of Boxford by Frank A. Manny, 1928 (5 copies)

-          Index maps of Boxford drawn by Winthrop P. Haynes, 1949, 1951, 1952

-          Sketches – no source or date

o   Property owners on Washington Street and Willow Road (possibly copy of map by W.R. Ingalls)

o   Town of Boxford c.1973

Master Plan

-          Copy of Master Plan by Charles William Eliot, June 10, 1961

-          Biographical sketch of Charles William Eliot III


-          Newspaper picture of mill on Lowes Pond with dam washed out, November 17, 1965


-          Dedication of Veterans Monument, May 30, 1976

-          Dedication of Korean and Vietnam War Veteran’s Monument, May 26, 1985


-          Newspaper picture of Peter Race, John Cronin and Webster Brockelman, January 6, 1966

Music – Program for “A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Cast: George H. Palmer, Mrs. C. D. Palmer, Gertrude

French, Etelka Evans, Frederic Palmer Jr., Charles Poor, Charlotte Hurlbutt, Katharine French, Barbara French, John Bachelder, Charles Tutty, Oliver Howe


-          The Boxford Chronicle, June 7, 1922

Revolutionary War

-          List of Boxford Revolutionary War Veterans

-          Notes on a play, “Boxford and the Revolution”

Rivers – Parker River

-          Newspaper clipping, “Saltonstall Proposes Parker River Study,” Lawrence Eagle Tribune, January 24, 1970


-          “The New Road to Andover”[history of Lawrence Road] October 3, 1939

-          Extract from E.E. Perl’s “Landmarks and Watermarks in Old Boxford” RE: Road from Main Street to Ipswich Road East of Stiles Pond

Schools – Boxford Academy

-          Catalogue for 1829

Schools – Cole School

-          Play, “The Sunbonnet Girl,” 1954

-          The Clarion, 1954

Schools – School House #2

-          Students, 1859 and 1860 (from Caroline Stiles’ Memorandum Book owned by Middleton Historical Society)

Schools – Elementary

-          Graduation programs, 1939 and 1949

Schools – School Committee Reports

-          Reports of the School Committee, 1906-1912 (some undated)

-          Includes letters from specialist teachers (music, art), as well as correspondence about the consolidation of the district school houses

Schools – School House #2

-          Historical Sketch read by Miss Mary Killam Perley, August 12, 1909

-          Poem by Martha L. Emerson at Reunion of 2nd District, June 1909

-          Deed of land to Town of Boxford, 1930 from Ednah Rich Morse

-          Letters between Harry L. Cole and Paul M. White, September 28, 1930 and November 13, 1930 RE: Playground

-          Letter from Harry Cole to Clarence Brown telling of auction of Palmer and Wood Schools, February 14, 1930

-          Western Union message – bid by Geroge H. Palmer, February 20, 1931

-          Letter from Mrs. Morse to Harry Cole, March 5, 1931

-          Deed of land from Chester Killam to Anna Morse Haynes, March 5, 1931; attachment of letter to Mrs. Morse from R.E. Wolfe RE: Moving of schoolhouse, July 11, 1931

-          Notes from Anna Morse Haynes, July 11, 1931 and Schoolhouse being used as Community House

-          Contract for moving schoolhouse signed by E. B. Peabody and Ednah Rich Morse, July 13, 1931

-          Deed (unsigned) from Anna Morse Haynes to Town of Boxford, August 1931

-          Newspaper picture of Boxford Community House, 1953 (?)

Schools – Teachers

-          Teachers and janitors salaries, 1907-1909 and 1911

-          Bill for drawing lessons given by Mabel Spofford, n.d.

-          Class schedules for School House #2 teachers, Emma G. Holt and Minnie B. Timson, c.1907

Shoe Shop

-          Two items on Shoe Shop on Main Street and Lily Pond Road (Chadwick Shoe Shop)

-          Handwritten note about shoemaking contents of “Old Record Book of Oliver Wood”

State Forest – Essex County Green Belt Association

-          Report of Essex County Green Belt Association – Bald Hill, 1965

-          Handwritten note about Boxford members/donors of Green Belt Association

Telephone Operators

-          “Boxford-Topsfield Testimonial Supper To Our Telephone Operators” November 9, 1953

Town Committees - Boxford Defense Committee

-          Aluminum drive, 1941

Town Committees – Microfilming Committee

-          Report of 1967, 2 items

Town Committees – Planning Board

-          Problems in the development of Herrick Woodlands on Herrick Road, Cold Spring Drive, Glen Forest Drive, January 3, 1961

Town Committees – Town Forest Committee

-          Draft of 1967 report

Town Officials – Conservation Commission

-          Warrant and Budget, 1960-1962

-          Annual Report and enclosures, including budget (notes to and from Mr. Haynes), 1960

Trees – Oaks

-          White oaks of Mr. Curtis (Curtis Oaks) – measurements, 1970


-          Field Day Program, July 4, 1946

World War II

-          Paper Drive, n.d.

-          Ration stamp book and case

Zoning - Bylaws

-          Bylaw of the Town of Boxford, 1962

Zoning – Georgetown Sand and Gravel

-          Board of Appeals notice – Georgetown Sand & Gravel, September 29, 1960, December 28, 1960, December 16, 1960, January 13, 1960 (Pasquale Abruzese land – between Rock Brook Way and the Parker River)

-          Report of Examinations by Winthrop P. Haynes, July 22, 1961

-          Minutes of meeting of Conservation Committee relating to Georgetown Sand & Gravel, December 8, 1961

-          Letter from Winthrop P. Haynes to Richard Spofford, December 12, 1961

Boxford Organizations

American Legion Post #379

-          Program – Variety Show, 1957 (photographs Alfred K. Nason, Mel Smallwood, William J. Greenler III)

-          Program – The Boxford Players – South Pacific, 1963

Boxford Brass Band

-          Newspaper clipping, n.d.

Boxford Children’s Theatre Group

-          Card announcing the organization of a theater group for children, 1938

Boxford Grange #298

-          Program for “The Road Back,” 1954

-          Judges Score Cards for Competitive Grange Exhibits, 1966, 1971-3, 1975, 1977, 1979-80

Boxford Historic District

-          Handwritten and printed documents about the importance and history of the Historic Preservation movement, n.d.

-          Handwritten list of historically significant houses in Boxford with dates of construction

-          Newspaper article, “Historical Inventory Submitted To State,” January 5, 1967

Boxford Historic Document Center

-          Dedication pamphlet and handwritten invitation, 1976

Boxford Historical Society

-          250th Anniversary ticket to Old Homes, 1935

-          Note from Bertha P. Lane requesting membership, 1937

-          Minutes of meeting called to discuss forming a Historical Society, September 3, 1937

-          “Tentative List of Names for Consideration in Connection With the Membership,” September 20, 1937

-          Minutes, Third Annual Meeting, September 17, 1940

-          Note from Marie Pinkham to Anna Haynes with small map of “Boxford House” and surrounding area (474 Ipswich Road), March 5, 1949

-          Meeting announcement of BHS, April 22, 1949

-          Notes on meeting of Topsfield Historical Society by Winthrop Haynes, April 29, 1949

-          Pamphlets on Open Houses, June 25, 1949

-          Lists of members, June 1, 1955 and September 5, 1960

-          Program for February-December, 1980

-          Handwritten lists of old homes in Boxford, 3 items, n.d.

-          Note on Publicity from Frank A. Manny, n.d.

-          Note from Winnifrid Parkhurst to Winthrop Haynes RE: Heritage Day, n.d.

-          Handwritten note on BHS business (meeting agenda?) – Committees to appoint, by-laws, curators, functions, July 1948

-          Note from Joan Cahoon to Winthrop and Anna Haynes on Dana Cahoon stationery

-          Hand-drawn map showing old houses in Boxford, n.d.

-          Two invitations to the Annual Lecture Series by the Historical Societies of Topsfield and Boxford, n.d.

-          Newspaper clipping, “Historical Lecture Postponed,” April 5, 1967

Boxford League of Women Voters

-          List of Boxford Town Election candidates, March 6, 1962

Boxford Literary Club / Boxford Literary Society

-          Programs for 1956-1957 and 1957-1958

-          Bylaws of the Boxford Literary Club, Rev. December 1946

-          Pamphlets giving programs for 1926-1926, 1933-1934, 1934-1935, 1940-1957 (inclusive)

-          Printed meeting schedules, 1956-1957 and 1957-1958

Boxford Oratorio Society

-          Programs for operas conducted by Horace N. Killam: The Pied Piper of Hamelin, 1935; The Bartered Bride, 1937; The Beggar Student, 1938; Princess Ida, 1940; Ruth, the Moabitess, 1941

-          Premium List, Flower Show, June 10-11, 1937 and August 21, 1940

-          Programs for Season 1937 and 1941

-          Program for Memorial Service for Mary Bloom Manny by the Boxford Oratorio Society, n.d.

The Boxford Players

-          List of characters for “Minnie Breezer,” 1940

Boxford Republican Committee

-          Republican Committee and Associate Members, 1960

Boxford Village Garden Club

-          Calendars for 1947-1948, 1950-1951, 1952-1953, 1954-1955, 1956-1957, 1958-1959, 1962-1963

-          Premium List for Flower Show, 1941, 1945, 1947

-          List of members, officers and meeting plans for 1958-1959

-          Programs for Flower Show, 1958 and 1964

-          Newspaper picture of Barbara Ross, Amy Parkhurst and Mrs. Donald Martin, June 21, 1974

-          Newspaper clipping with picture of some Garden Club members, May 26, 1976

-          Newspaper clipping with picture of Dorothy Adams and Caroline Lockwood, n.d.

-          Calendar with membership, bylaws and calendar, 1980-1981

Boxfordians [Theater]

-          Program for a play Boxfordians, August 30, 1923

Topsfield-Boxford Ashler Club

-          Annoucement of meeting, n.d.

Topsfield-Boxford Community Club [provided a community nurse]

-          Reports for years 1937, 1939-1940, 1946-1947, 1947-1948, 1949-1950, 1950-1951

-          Programs, 1957-1958

Topsfield-Boxford Machine Gun Company

-          “The War Activities of Topsfield, Massachusetts During the Great War, 1917-1917” (Boxford page 18)

Topsfield Garden Club

-          Programs and membership, 1939, 1941, 1956

-          Notice for Flower Show, August 17, 1938

West Boxford Village Improvement Society

-          Poster for musical comedy, “Listen to Me,” 1933 (oversize)

-          Advertisement for auction, 1947 

First Church


-          Card announcing 60th Anniversary of Coggin Memorial Chapel, October 16, 1965

-          Announcement of “A History of the First Congregational Church” by Winnifrid C. Parkhurst

-          Bulletins for 100th Anniversary, August 13-14, 1938

-          Bulletins for 250th Anniversary, October 5-13, 1952

-          Report on plans for 250th Anniversary, 1951


-          Proposed expenses for 1955 budget, November 2, 1954


-          Old Home Sunday, August 11, 1940; July 29, 1951; July 12, 1953; August 11, 1957

-          Sunday bulletins, June 13, 1954; October 2, 1960; June 19, 1960; September 18, 1960

-          Ladies Benevolent calendars, 1962-1965, 1968

-          List of Sunday School teachers, 1969-1970

-          List of 2nd graders receiving Bibles, 1963

Committee Reports

-          Miscellaneous, 1948 and undated

Concerts, Pageants, etc.

-          “A Glimpse of the Beginning of Boxford’s Church” by Bertha Palmer Lane, n.d.

-          Dialogue given at church anniversary, n.d.

-          Program for concert in memories of Boxfordians, August 22, 1937

-          “A Short Historic Pageant for Centennial,” August 13, 1938

-           “The Oratorio of Elijah,” October 7, 1952

-          “Penitence, Pardon and Peace,” March 21, 1956

-          Cast list for “The Old Peabody Pew,” n.d.

-          Newspaper article, “A Bit of Chinese Alphabet” (photograph: Mrs. and Mr. Dudley Watkins, Jr., Mrs. Chester Kuczun, Paul Lane, Mrs. Arthur White, Coleman Gorham, Mrs. and Mr. Edward C. Bryant), Lawrence Eagle Tribune, September 30, 1963


-          Service of dedication of education wing, October 9, 1966 (2 copies)

-          Newspaper article, n.d.


-          Handwritten notes, 2 items, n.d.

-          Drawings of pulpit and weathervane, reproduced, October 1963

-          Parsonage Loan Furniture, n.d.


-          Lists of members, 1963, 1965, 1968


-          Atkins, Charles L.

o   Service of Installation, October 1950

-          Bradford, Emery L.

o   Letter from Mr. Bradford to Davis Bates Clapp Memorial Association, March 28, 1912

o   Statement from Committee of the Parish concerning Mr. Bradford’s return

o   Memorandum on the ministry of Mr. Bradford, August 25, 1925

-          Comins, Ellsworth D.

o   Service for Ordination, Springfield, 1956

o   Service of Installation, March 7, 1957 (Boxford)

o   Service of Installation, September 24, 1967 (Pilgrim Congregational, Merrimac)

-          Curtis, Thomas

o   Service of Ordination, June 30, 1946

-          Gammell, Sereno D.

o   Letter to Bertha Perley from Eleanor Perley RE: farewell address, 1963

-          Noss, Frederick B.

o   Ordination and Installation, n.d.

-          Putnam, Raymond

o   Newspaper clipping accepting call to First Church, n.d.

-          White, Arthur F.

o   Installation, May 26, 1963

o   Thanksgiving Sermon, November 21, 1965


-          Missionary Society Activities, 1946-1947

-          Ladies Missionary Society appropriations, 1947-1948

-          Ladies Benevolent Society Program, 1957 and 1960

-          Carrie L. Bradford Guild report, 1962

-          Boxford Gourmand Society dinner menu, May 20, 1967

-          List of Junior and Senior Choir members, 1970

-          List of Junior Choir members, 1970-1971

-          Ladies Benevolent Society Committee Chairmen, n.d.

-          Tri-Town Transcript photograph of John Gould, Amy Parkhurst, Esther Hills, Mrs. John Adams, May 26, 1971


-          Deed of Thomas Killam, 1766 (note: deed is for floor space, not an actual pew) – signed William Hale, Paul Prichard, James Andrews, Solomon Wood

-          Receipt for pew of Mary A. Herrick, July 6, 1900

-          Deed of Lewis Haynes, March 8, 1907


-          Leaflets pertaining to Every Member Canvass, 1924, 1925, 1927

-          Letter from A.L. Trull to raise funds to redecorate church, May 7, 1948

-          Letter to congregation from Finance Committee and Parish Committee with appended financial report, November 10, 1952

-          Letter to congregation from Franklin C. Roberts, November 2, 1954

-          Pamphlet pertaining to stewardship, n.d. (late 1950s or early 1960s, incl. photographs)

Boxford/Topsfield – Episcopal Church

-          Survey of Boxford and Topsfield residents RE: church membership and if they would consider attending a new church

Subjects - Not Boxford

Advertising – “The Simplex”

Bay State Historic League - Bulletins

Billerica, MA

-          “Slavery in Billerica,” 1957

-          “The Evolution of a New England Town,” 1955

Books – Articles on rare books

Boston, MA – Strangers’ Directory, 1930

Bradford College – 175th Anniversary College Community Celebration

Bunker Hill – Photographic book, 1951

Byfield, MA – Schools – Governor Dummer

-          Newspaper article, “The Season of Good Advice: A Commencement Talk by John P. Marquand”

Cambridge, MA

-          Churches – Old Weathercock

-          Heritage Trail

Civil Defense

-          “Personal and Family Survival: Civil Defense Adult Education Course Student Manual,” May, 1963

-          “Fallout Protection: What to know and do about nuclear attack,” December, 1961


-          “In A Persian Garden” by Liza Lehmann, n.d. (Topsfield?)

-          Three Concerts of Music for Violin and Piano by Adolf Busch and Rudolf Serkin, March 2, 6 and 9, 1939

Conservation – Land and Resource – Newspaper articles

Conservation – Land and Resource

Suffolk, England – John Winthrop Tercentenary

Essex Institute – Pamphlet, 1964

Genealogy – Genealogical Publishing Co. pamphlets

Harvard University

-          Department of Geological Sciences Newsletter, May 1972

-          The Ware Collection of Blaschka Glass-Models of Plants in Flower, 1920

Historical Societies - Publications

-          Holliston, MA, 1933-1934

-          Medford, MA, June 1936

-          Nantucket, MA, July 1956

-          Princeton, MA, 1959

-          Roxbury, MA, 1941

-          Taunton, MA, November 29, 1920

-          Watertown, MA (Convers Francis), 1944

-          Massachusetts list of historical societies, 1893

-          Card with engraving of “Historical Hall” by FWH

Historical Societies – Directory, 1959

Masonry – “Dare We Be Masons & Other Addresses” Thomas Sherrard Roy, 1966


-          Oath of allegiance to the constitution of the United States and the Commonwealth of MA, 1950s

Massachusetts – Historic Houses

-          Glen Magna

-          Shirley Eustis

Massachusetts – Tercentenary

Massachusetts – Water Resources Commission – Newsletter, March 1960

National Wilderness Preservation – Hearings on National Wilderness Preservation Act, 1957

Nantucket, MA – List of the 8 original proprietors

New England Courier – SPNEA publication, March 1960

New England – Socony Road Map of New England, 1930

Newburyport, MA – Garden Club – Ticket for historic house tour, n.d.

North Shore Garden Club – Garden and house tour, July 7-8, 1938

Old-Time New England – SPNEA publication, October, 1949

Roads – Old Bay Road, Manumet Roads

Rowley, MA – Annual Report, 1893 (includes inscriptions from the old cemetery)

Rowley, MA – Tour of Historic Points in Rowley, June 5, 1955

Rowley, MA – Houses – Platts-Bradstreet House

Rowley, MA – Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary Celebration, September 6-7, 1930

Rowley, MA – Shoemaker’s Shop – Lecture at Rowley Historical Society given by Albert A. Hicken, n.d.

Rowley, MA – Maps – Topographical map showing Georgetown-Rowley State Forest and Willowdale State Forest

Salem, MA – Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary Celebration, June 12 - September 1, 1930

Salem, MA – Lectures by Fred A. Gannon

Salem, MA – Schools – State Normal School

-          Register and Circular, 1886-1889 (inclusive)

Saltpeter – Copies of Civil War era poems (offensive language)

Saugus, MA – Ironworks

Shakespeare – Lithograph, “Key to Mr. John Faed’s Picture of Shakespeare & His Contemporaries”

Stoneham, MA – Report of the School Committee, 1892

Topsfield, MA

-          “Thornton Stanly; or The Rescue: A Tale of Topsfield at the time of the War of 1812” 1919

-          Newspaper article RE: Colonial Restaurant and Bakery

Topsfield, MA – Annual Reports, 1903, 1909-1911

Topsfield, MA – Organization – Topsfield Fair – Programs, 1977, 1982

Topsfield Historical Society – House Tour, September 18, 1965

Uxbridge, MA – Lecture by Henry Chapin

West Newbury, MA – Annual Reports, 1901-1903