Solomon W. Howe Papers
- Receipts for lumber bought from S.W. Howe (Putnam Lumber Co., A.W. Story,
- Notes of mathematical equations
- Letter from G. B. Sherman, Boston, January 18, 1890
- Letter from Murray R. Ballou, RE: land deed, July 29, 1885
- Receipt from Samuel Andres to Dean Andrews, 1868
- Letter of authorization from B. H. Davis to Solomon Howe and Hiram Cheney allowing them to use newly invented “Machine for Extracting Rocks and Stumps” in the town of Boxford, 1876
- Fishing permit issued to Solomon W. Howe for Baldpate, Four Mile, and Stiles Pond, 1884
- Advertisement for J. J. Spilker Adjustable Joint Cutter and Planer with sawmill notes on reverse
- Partial envelope addressed to Solomon W. Howe from James G. Tarr & Bro., Gloucester, MA