Milton E. Lord Papers
Box 1
- Boxford Historical Society, 1937-1953
- Boxford Historical Society - Holyoke-French House (history of house and inhabitants, including information on some objects and reminiscences of Gertrude French as she was enumerating her wishes for her estate)
- Boxford Historical Society – Speeches
o Notes for speeches on Boxford History and the Holyoke-French House
- Boxford Library Society
o Copy of 1776 constitution of society (original in BHDC collection)
o Letter from John Pearl Jr. to Moses Dorman, March 7, 1801
- Libraries
o Annual Reports, 1950, 1951
o Meeting announcements, 1951-1954
- Boxford Maps
o Copy of Massachusetts General Court Resolution requiring towns to make surveys of their territories, 1830
- Boxford Population, 1765-1940
- Boxford Schools – Elementary, 1942-1960
o Graduation exercises, 1943-1945
o Programs for musical performances
o Report of the School Building Committee, 1950
o School Department letter to Boxford voters, 1951
o Letters from Boxford School Housing Committee / Boxford School House Committee, 1952
o Flier for “Proposed Cole Elementary School Addition” with architectural renderings, 1960
o Flier for “Proposed Spofford Pond School Addition” with architectural renderings, 1968
o Architectural renderings for Proposed Elementary School, 195[?] (Plan “A)
o Architectural renderings for Proposed Changes in Aaron Wood School and Proposed Changes in Gardner Morse School (Plan “B”)
- Boxford Schools – Masconomet
o Invitation to Masconomet open house and dedication
o Dedication booklet
o “Report to the Citizens from the Masconomet Regional District School Committee” c.1956 (includes diagrams and renderings)
o Masconomet Regional District School Committee letter RE: Population growth, October 24, 1960
o Plans for Masconomet addition with supporting letter from Masconomet Regional District School Committee, 1968
o Letter from the League of Women Voters of Topsfield-Boxford RE: Masconomet School addition, 1968
o Summary Report: School Building Needs: Masconomet Regional School District, 1961
o Letter to voters and taxpayers of Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield from the Citizens Committee for the Facts RE: Reasons to vote against construction of Masconomet School, September 26, 1956
- First Church – Auditor’s Report, 1943
- First Church – Historical Sketch
o Play about the history of First Church, c.1940s
- First Church – Ministers, 1943-1945
o Pastoral Supply Committee search for new pastor and hiring of Thomas Curtis
- First Church – Miscellaneous
o Meeting and event notices
o Letters to congregation
o Blueprint for “Preliminary Plan Indication Proposed Alterations & Additions Boxford Congregational Church” (plans for basement and new well, septic and heating)
- First Church – Old House Sunday
o Outline for address by Milton E. Lord, “The Pastorate of the Rev. John Rogers, Second Minister of the Boxford Church,” 1944
o Address by Winthrop P. Haynes, 1942
- First Church – Parish Finance Committee, 1939-1945
Box 2
- Genealogical Information, A-H
o Citations from Essex Antiquarian (publication in BHDC collection) for following: Edwin S. Adams, Hepzibah Andrews (Mrs. Abraham How), Robert Andrews, Bixby genealogy, Cornelius Brown, Dorman, Reuben Gragg, Mrs. David Haynes, Joseph Hovey
- Genealogical Information, French Family
- Genealogical Information, Holyoke Family
- Genealogical Information, K-R
o Elisa Kingsbury, Jacob Peabody, Rufus Porter
o Citations from Essex Antiquarian (publication in BHDC collection) for following: Francis Peabody, George Peabody, Capt. John Peabody, Rev. Oliver Peabody, Perley, Asa Perley, Mary Perley, Sarah Porter (Mrs. Samuel Porter), Tyler Porter, Abraham Redington
- Genealogical Information, Rogers Family
- Genealogical Information, S-Z
o Rev. Thomas Symmes
o Citations from Essex Antiquarian (publication in BHDC collection) for following: Ruth Symonds, Richard Tyler, Daniel Wood
- Parker-Morse House (Perley #234)
o Short play about the Morse-Parker house and family in the Civil War by Alice P. Austin, 1942