1826 - 1835

Page 201


Voted that the 6th article be submitted to the Assessors

to act discresconary upon the subject

Voted to rais four hundred and fifty dollars to defray

Parish charges the present year.

Voted to choose two persons to associate with the Asses-

-sors as a committee to take into consideration the 6th

article in the warrent, and Jonathan Foster Esqr and

Dean John Day ware chosen

Voted to desolve said meeting



The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford

who are qualified voters in Parish Meetings are hereby

notified and warned to meet in their meeting house

on Tuesday the third day of April next at two O clock

P.M. to act on the following articles (viz)

1st    To choose a Modrator ---------

2nd   To choose Parish Officrs for the ensuing year -----

3rd    To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev

         Doct Eaton the ensuing year in addition to his salery of

         $266,67 by contract ------------------

4th    To see what method the Parish ^will adopt to procure the twelve

         cords of wood for the twelv Rev, Doct, Eaton agreeable to contract

5th    To agree with some suitable person to sweep the meeting house

         take the care of the stoves through the winter season, and

         keep the key of the Meetinghouse. --------

6th    To let out the care of the Hearse and burial service.

7th    To see if the Parish will vote to choose a committee to take

         a valuation of the real estate within the Parish the ensu=

         =ing season

8th    To see if the Parish will remit tax set to Mr Greenleaf Dole

         for the year 1826

9th    To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to raise

         to defray Parish charges.

10th  To allow bills of charge

                                Amos Kimball

Boxford North Parish           John Parker    Assessors

March 23d                         Seth Burnham


Page 202


At a legal Parish meeting held in the second Parish

in Boxford ^April 3d 1827 the following votes ware passed (viz)


Chose Seth Burnham moderator

Chose Samuel W Clement Clerk and he was sworn

        Dean Charles Foster

        Dean John Day

Chose  Dean Charles Foster  Assessors

      and Jonathan Foster Esqr      and they ware sworn

Chose Benjamin Pearl treasurer

Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to the lowest

         bidder, and it was accordingly struck off to Manley

         H. Cole at 2 and 3/10 pr cent

Voted that so much of the Parish tax as shal be sufficient

         to pay the Rev, Doct, Eatons salary shal be paid

         into the treasury on or before the first day of

         January 1828, and the remainder before

         the next next anuel meeting.

Chose Manley H. Cole collector he giving satisfactory

security to secure the Parish

Voted to give the Rev, Doct, Eaton $100,00 in addition

         to his salary of $266,67 agreeable to contract

Voted to set up the twelve cords of wood for the

         To provide the Rev doct Eatons wood be the lowest bider

         three cords at a time, that said wood shall be corded at

         the Rev Doct Eatons house by the contracter

         and one person chosen to measure said wood and

         make it merchantable, that the above wood delivered

         before the first day of February 1828 and the

         wood was struck off in the following manner

3 cords to Jonathan Foster Esqr at $4.00 pr cord

3 cords to John Gage at $4.10 pr do

3 cords to Manley H. Cole $4.12 1/2 pr do

3 cords to John Foster $4.01 pr do

Voted to provide one cord and a half good maple wood

         sawed and split and housed by the contractor

         and Measured ^by the sworn measurer on the load

         said wood is to be delivered on or before the

         first of June next and the wood was

         struck off to Samuel W Clement at $5.20

         pr cord

Page 203


Voted to set up the sweeping the meeting house keeping

         the key and tending the fires through the winter sea=

         =son to the lowest bider, and it was struck off

         to Henry Clement for $4-45--

Voted to let out the care of the Hearse and burial service

         to the lowest bider, and it was struck off to Peter

         Pearl at $1-99 for diging each grave and attend=

         =ing the funeral with the Hearse

Voted to pass over the 7th article in the warrent

         the vote was tryed to see if the Parish would

         remit the tax set to Greenleaf Dole for the

         year 1826 and passed in the negative

Voted to choos a committee of three persons to confer

         with Greenleaf Dole on the subject on the above

         taxes and adjust the matter in any way they

         shall think proper, and Jonathan Foster Esq

         Dean Charles Foster and Dean John Day

         were chosen -------------------

Voted to rais four hundred and seventy five

         dollars to defray Parish charges the present

         year ------------------

Voted to desolve this meeting

Voted to allow Charles Fosters bill of 25 cts

for takeing Down the stoves

Voted to allow Benjamin Pearls bill of 50 cents

         for taking down and setting up the stoves

                     then said meeting was desolved ---------

Page 204


The inhabitants of the second Parish in Boxford who are

qualified voters in Parish meeting are hereby notified

and warned to meet in their meeting house on Tuesday

the eighth day of April next at two o, clock P.M. to act

on the following articles (viz)


1st    To choose a moderator.

2nd   To choose Parish officers for the ensuing year.

3 d    To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the

         Rev, Doct, Eaton the ensuing year in addition to his

         salary of $266 67/100 by contract.

4th    To see what method the Parish will adopt to procure

         the twelve cords of wood for the Rev, Doct, Eaton agreeable

         to contract.  ---------------------------------

5th    To agree with some person to sweep the meeting

         house and keep the key, kindle the fire and

         take care of the stoves

6      To let out the care of the hearse and Burial

         service ----------------------------------------

7th    To see what method the Parish will adopt

         to procure wood for the stoves ----------------

8th    To see if the Parish will make some repairs

         in the singing seets ----

9th    To allow bills of charge

10th  To rais money to defray Parish charges


         Dated Boxford second Parish

         March 29th 1828

                          John Day        Assessors

                        Charles Foster       of

                          Jona Foster    Said Parish


Page 205


At a legal Parish Meeting held in the meeting house

of the second Parish in Boxford April 8th 1828

the following votes ware passed (viz)


Chose Jedediah H. Barker Moderator

Chose Samuel W. Clement Clerk and he was sworn

          Dean John Day

Chose    Dean Charles Foster  Assessors

          Jonn Foster Esqr

Chose Benjn Pearl Treasurer

Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to

the lowest bidder, and it was struck off to

Manly H. Cole at 2 1/2 per cent

Chose Manly H. Cole Collector for the present year

Voted to give the Rev Doct Eaton one hundred

dollars in addition to his salary ^of $266 67/100 the present year

agreeable to contract

Voted to provide the twelve cords of wood for

the Revd Doct Eaton, by the lowest bidder three

cords at a time, and said wood is to be corded

at the house of the Revd Doct Eaton, by the

contractor and measured by the sworn

surveyor, and it was struck of in the

following order (viz)

three cords to John Foster at $4.20 per cord

three cords to Samuel W. Clements at 4.37 1/2 per cord

six cords to Jedediah H. Barker at 4.25 per cord

Voted to let out the sweeping of the meeting house the kindle

ing the fire and tending the stoves and keeping

the key to the lowest bidder. the house is to be swept

nine times in the year, seven times in summer

season and twice in the winter season, the snow

is to be cleared from the doors, and it was struck

off to Amos Gage for five dollars -------------

Voted to let out the care of the herse and burial service

to the lowest bider and it was struck off to Peter Pearl at

two dollars for each grave and attending the funeral

with the herse

Page 206


Voted to provide 12 feet of maple wood sawed and split and

carried into the house on or before the first of July next

and it was struck off to Manly H. Cole at $5.12 per cord

Voted to make some repairs in the singers seats

Voted to choose a committee of three persons to repair

said seats, and Dean Charles Foster, Capt George Pearl,

and Edmund Barker ware chosen a committee for

the above purpose  ---------------------------

Voted to rais $375.00 to defray Parish charges the

ensuing year  ------------------------------------

The vote was tryed ^to see if the Parish would recon=

=sidder the vote to giv the Rev Doct Eaton $100.00

in addition to his salary the present year, and

passed in the affirmative ---------------------

Then said meeting was desolved ------------------



October 26 Jonathan Foster Esq was sworn as one

of the Parish Assessors


Essex Ss October 27th 1828

         This may certify that Dea John Day and Dea

         Charles Foster severally made oath faithfully to

         discharge the office of Assessor for the second

         Parish of Boxford the current year --

                     Before me Jona Foster Just, of Peace




The undersigned here signify their intention of

becoming members of the Religious society of the

second Parish of Boxford the currant year ^and of

contributing their several proportions for the support

of the same ----------           William Farnham

Boxford April 28th 1828             Jedediah Farnham

                                   Abijah Ingalls

                                   Moses Kimball


Page 207


The inhabitants of the second Parish in Boxford who are

qualified voters in Parish meeting are hereby notified and

warned to meet in their meetinghouse ^on tuesday the seventh

day of April next at two o. clock P.M. to act on the following

articles (viz).

1st    To choose a moderator

2nd   To choose Parish officers for the ensuing year

3 d    To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev

         Doct, Eaton the present year in addition to his salary

         of $266. 67/100 by contract

4th    To see what method the Parish will adopt to procure the

         twelve cords of wood for the Rev Doct Eaton agreeable to contract

5th    To see what method the Parish will adopt to procure

         wood for the stoves ----------------------------------

6th To agree with some person to sweep the meeting house

         keep the key and tend the stoves -------------------

7th    To let out the care of the Herse and burial service

8th    To rais money to defray Parish charges

9th    To see if the Parish will erect a porch over the front

         door of the meeting house

10th  To allow bills of charg


         Dated Boxford second Parish March 25th 1829

                                        John Day

                                           Charles Foster Assessors

                                       Jona Foster


April 6th 1829 Abijah Northey Esqr signifid his intention

         of becoming a member of the second Parish in this

         town, to me Samuel W. Clement, Parish Clerk


Page 208


At a Parish meeting held in the meeting house of the

second Parish in Boxford on tuesday the 7th day of

April A.D. 1829 the following votes ware passed (viz)


Chose Capt George Pearl Moderator

Chose Samuel W. Clement and he was sworn

          Capt John Kimball

Chose      Daniel K. Gage         Assessors

              Thomas Hovey

Chose Benjn Pearl treasurer

Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to the

         lowest lowest bider and it was struck off to Thomas

         W. Dunn at 2 1/2 per cent

Chose Ens Thomas W. Dunn collector he giving bonds

         satisfactory to the Assessors

Voted the Rev Doct Eaton $100.00 in addition to his

         salary of $266.67 by contract

Voted to set up the twelve cords of wood for the Rev Doct,

         Eaton to be furnished by the lowest bider 3 cords

         in a lot, the above wood is to corded at the

         house of the Rev Doct Eaton by the contractor

         and measured by the sworn measurer, and

         it was struck off to the following persons


         six cords to the heirs John Tyler at $4.15

         per cord ---------------------

         three cords to Samuel Morse at $4.18 per do

         three cords to John Foster at $4.15 per do

Voted to provide 1 1/2 cord of maple wood by the

         lowest bider, sawed split and housed by the contractor

         on or before the the first of July next and it was

         struck off to Capt John Foster at $5.00 per cord

Voted to let out the care of the herse and bureal service

         to the lowest bider and it was struck off to Peter Pearl

         at $2.00 for digging a grave and attending a funeral

         with the herse -----------------

Voted to let out the sweeping of the meeting house keeping

         the key kindling a fier in the stoves and tending

         the same to the lowest bider, the house is to be

         swept 9 times 7 in the summer season and

         twice in the winter, the snow is to be cleared from

         the doors

Page 209


         and it was struck off to Henry Clement for $6.12 1/2

Voted to pass over the 9th article in the warant

Voted to rais four hundred dollars to defray Parish charges

         Then said meeting was desolved

Voted to allow Samuel W. Clements bill of $5.00 for past

         services as Parish Clerk ---------------

         Then said meeting was desolved ----------------

April 29th 1829 ^Capt John Kimball personally appeared

         and was sworn as one of the Assessors

May 5th 1829 Thomas S. Hovey personally appeared and

         was sworn as one of the Assessors

         Daniel K. Gage was also sworn as above


Page 210


The Inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford, who are

qualified voters in parish meetings, are hereby notified

and warned to meet in the North Parish meetinghouse

on Wednesday the seventh day of April next at two

o'clock P.M. to act on the following articles -- viz --


1st    To choose a Moderator.

2d     To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing.


3d     To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

         the Rev. Dr. Eaton the ensuing year in addition to

         his salary of $266 67/100 by contract --


4th    To see what method the Parish will adopt to procure

         the twelve cords of wood for the Rev. Dr. Eaton

         agreeable top contract --


5th    To agree with some person to sweep the meetinghouse

         take care of the Fires and keep the key --


6th    To let out the care of the Hearse and the burial service.


7th    To see if the Parish will move the stoves or take

         some measure to secure the meetinghouse from

         fire; by request of Jno Foster and others.


8th    To raise money to defray Parish charges.


9th    To allow bills of charge.


         Dated Boxford North Parish

             March 26th 1830


                                 John Kimball

                               Thomas S. Hovey Committee

                               Daniel K. Gage


Page 211


At a legal Parish meeting held in the meetinghouse of the

Second parish in Boxford on Wednesday the 7th day of April

A.D. 1830.  The following votes were passed -- viz --


1st Voted That Jedediah H. Barker be Moderator --

2nd  "    That Abijah Northey be Parish Clerk for the year

                                 ensuing, and he was sworn.

"   Voted That Thomas S Hovey, Joshua T Day & Cap Wm Farnham

                                 be the Assessors for the year ensuing --

"   Voted That Benja Pearl be Treasurer for the year ensuing.


4th Voted To set up the 12 cords of wood furnished the Rev Dr. Eaton

                     to the lowest bidder, in lots of 3 cords each, the wood

                     is to be corded at the house of the Revd Dr Eaton by the

                     contractor, and measured by the sworn measurer --

                     It was then struck off to the following persons.

                     6 cords to John Gage a $4.00 p cd

                     3 cords to George Jewet " 4.00  to be furnished by the Widow

                     3 cords to Do    " 3.96       Mary Tyler


(This should have been inserted after the 3d.)


Voted To set up the collection of the parish tax to the lowest bidder

                     and it was struck off to Edmund Barker a 2 1/2 pr cent.

3d  Voted That Edmund Barker be collector he giving bonds

                     to the satisfaction of the Assessors --

Voted That the Rev. Dr. Eaton be paid $100.00 in addition to his

                     salary of $266 67/100 by contract --

5th Voted To let out the sweeping of the Meetinghouse, keeping the

                     key, kindling a fire in the stoves and tending the same

                     to the lowest bidder -- The house is to be swept nine

                     times. -- 7 in the summer and twice in the winter &

                     the snow is to be cleared from the doors -- It was

                     struck off to Daniel Wood for $5 99/100


6th Voted To let out the care of the Hearse and the burial service

                     to the lowest bidder,  It wa struck off to James Meader

                     for $1. 70/100 digging a grave and attending a funeral

                     with the Hearse --


7th Voted That a Committee of three be chosen to ^take such measures

                     as they shall think necessary to guard against damage

                     to the meeting house by Fire --


Voted That Jno Day, Charles Foster & Sam W Clement be this Committee

Page 212


8th    Voted That Four hundred & fifty dollars be assessed

                     to defray parish charges -

         Voted To disolve this Meeting -

The 9th Article in the warrant was not acted upon as

         there were no Bills presented ---

                        A. Northey, Clerk.


         Mr. Richard Spofford agreed to furnish 1 & 1/2 cords

         of Maple Wood, sawed, split and housed on or before

         the first of July next a $4 46 pr cord ---


         April 12. 1830 John T Day was Notified & Sworn as Assessor.

      "   Wm Farnham was Notified & Sworn as Assessor.

      "   Thos S Hovey was Notified & Sworn as Assessor.



Jany 22. 1831

         Daniel Spofford of Rowley became a member of the

         Society in the North Parish of Boxford and received

         a certificate ---           A Northey Clerk


April 4, 1831

         Greenleaf Dole became a member of the North parish

         in Boxford and received a certificate

                                  A Northey Clerk


April 4. 1831

         Daniel Hosmer became a member of the Society

         in the North Parish of Boxford, and received a

         certificate --              A Northey Clerk


April 4th. 1831 James Meader became a member of

         the Society of the North parish of Boxford and

         received a certificate     A Northey Clerk


April 4th. 1831 Samuel Fowler notified me, that

         he considered himself a member of the Society in

         the North parish in Boxford, but took no Certificate

                                   A Northey Clerk

Page 213


April 5. 1831  Samuel S. Reynolds became a member

of the Society in the North parish of Boxford and

received a Certificate -------------- A Northey Clerk

Page 214


The Inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford who are

qualified voters in parish meetings, are hereby notified

and warned to meet in their meeting house on Tuesday

the fifth day of April next at two o clock PM to act on

the following articles -- viz. --


1st    To choos a Moderator.


2d     To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing.


3d     To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

         the Revd Dr Eaton the ensuing year in addition to

         his salary of $266 67/100 by contract.


4th    To see what method the parish will adopt to

         procure the twelve cords of wood for the Revd Dr

         Eaton agreeable to contract --


5th    To agree with some person to sweep the meeting

         house and keep the key and tend the stoves.


6th    To procure a suitable quantity of wood for

         warming the meeting house.


7th    To let out the care of the hearse and burial service.


8th    To see if the Parish will abate sundry taxes in

         Mr Collector Coles list of taxes for 1827 and 1828

         by request of Manley H Cole.


9th    To raise money to defray Parish charges.


10th  To allow bills of charge.


Dated Boxford North Parish

      March 26th. 1831       Thomas S Hovey

                                 Joshua T Day  Assessors

                                 Wm Farnham

Page 215


At a legal parish meeting held in the Meeting house in the Second

parish in Boxford on Tuesday the 5th day of April A.D. 1831.

The following votes were passed. -- viz.--


1st    Voted That Cap. Amos Kimball be Moderator.


2d " That Abijah Northey be Parish Clerk for the year

                     ensuing, and he was sworn.

   "   That Thomas S Hovey, Joshua T Day & Wm Farnham

                     be the Assessors for the year ensuing.

   " That Moses Kimball be Treasurer for the year ensuing.


3d  Voted     That the Revd Dr Eaton be paid $100.00 in addition to

                     his salary of $266 67/100 be contract


4th Voted     To set up the 12 cords of wood furnished the Rev. Dr Eaton

                     to the lowest bidder, in lots of 3 cords each. The wood

                     is to be corded at the house of the Revd Dr Eaton by the

                     contractor, and measured by the sworn measurer --

                     It was then struck off to the following persons.

                     3 Cords to the Widow Tyler a $3.95 pr cord

                     3  do   to Jno Gage...........3.94   "

       3  do   to Jno Foster ........3.94   "

                     3  do   to J. Holt Barker ....3.95   "


5th Voted To let out the sweeping of the Meeting house, keeping

                     the key, kindling the fire in the stoves and tending the

                     same to the lowest bidder __The house is to be swept nine

                     times -- Seven in the summer and twice in the winter

                     & the snow to be cleared from the doors __ It was struck

                     off to Henry Clement for $6 87/100 He to cut and

                     split the wood at the Meetinghouse ___


6th vote That 10 feet of Maple wood be procured for the Meeting

                     house and to be furnish be the lowest bidder on or

                     before the first day of July next __ It was struck off

                     to ^Cap Jno Foster for $3. 90/100 pr cord __


7th voted To let out the care of the Hearse and the burial service

                     to the lowest bidder __ It was struck off to Peter Pearl

                     for $1 30/100 for digging a grave and attending a funeral

                     with the Hearse ___

                                              turn over

Page 216


8th voted To abate the following taxes on Many H Coles list of

         taxes for 1827 & 1828 -- viz

         For the year 1827 - Betsy Wood .... $ - " 20

                " Jonas Runnels 1 " 00  1 " 20

  ___  "  ____ 1828   Wm Brown      - " 23

                " Jno Brown     - " 72

                " Benja Carlton - " 58

                " Abijah Ingalls - " 58

                " Stephen Hovey - " 58

                " Daniel Town   - " 58

                " Paul Wilkins  - " 58

                   " Betsy Wood   - " 18  4.03



9th voted That Four hundred & fifty dollars be assessed

         to defray parish charges


10th vote To allow Daniel Wood's bill of 75 cents for taking

         down putting up the stoves and funnel in the

         Meeting house in 1830 ---


" vote To allow Benja Pearl $6.00 for his services as

         Treasurer for three years ---


         Voted to dissolve this Meeting.


                                      A Northey Clerk --


         Voted. To set up the collection of the parish tax to the

                     lowest bidder and it was struck off to Samuel

                     Morse a 2 1/4 pr cent.


         Voted. That Samuel Morse be collector he giving

                     bonds to the satisfaction of the Assessors --

                                     A Northey  Clerk --

Page 217


         The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford who

are qualified voters in Parish meeting are hereby

notified and warned to meet in their meeting house

on wednesday the fourth day of April next at

one O Clock P.M. to act on the following articles viz.


         1st  To Choose a moderator.


         2d     To Choose Parish Officers for the ensueing year.


         3d   To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

                     the Rev. Dr. Eaton the ensueing year in addition

                     to his salary of $266 67/100 by contract,


         4th    To see what method the Parish will adopt to

                     procure the twelve cords of wood for the Rev. Dr.

                     Eaton agreeable to contract.


         5th    To agree with some person to sweep the meeting

                     house and keep the key and tend the stoves.


         6th    To procure a suitable quantity of wood for

                     warming the meeting house.


         7th    To let out the care of the hearse and burial service.


         8th    To raise money to defray Parish charges.


         9      To allow bills of charge


         Dated at Boxford

         North Parish March 24th 1832

                                  Thomas S. Hovey

                               Joshua T. Day Assessors

                               William Farnham

Page 218


         At a legal Parish meeting held in the North

meeting house in the Second Parish in Boxford on

wednesday the 4th day of April A.D. 1832

The following votes were passes viz.

1st Voted that Mr. Seth Burnham be Moderator.

2d   "    that Jedediah H. Barker be Parish Clerk for the

                     year ensueing and was Sworn.

  "    That Thomas S. Hovey Wm Farnham and

                     Joshua T. Day be the assessors for the year ensueing.

  That Moses Kimball be Treasurer for the year ensueing.

3d Voted that Dr. Eaton be paid $100.00 in addition to his

         Salary of $266 67/100 by contract.

4th Voted To set up the 12 Cords of wood furnished the Rev. Dr. Eaton

         to the lowest bidder, in lots of 3 cords each, The wood is

         to be corded at the house of the Rev. Dr. Eaton by the

         contractor and measured by the Sworn Surveyor,

         It was then struck off to the following persons

         3 Cords to John Foster at $4.00 per cord

  3  do   to Wid M. Tyler at 3.95 "

         3  do   to J.H. Barker at 4.00    "

         3  do   to J.H. Barker at 4.05    "

5th voted To let out the Sweeping of the Meeting house,

         keeping the key kindleing the fires in the stoves and

         tending the same to the lowest bidder.  The house is to

         be Swept nine times - Seven in the Summer twice

         in the winter & the Snow to be cleared from the Doars .

         It was struck off to Peter Pearl at $6.98 he to cut and

         split the wood of the stoves at the Meeting house.

6th voted That 10 feet of ^dry Maple wood be procured for the Meeting

         house and to be furnished by the lowest bidder on or

         before the first day of October next.  It was struck off

         to Cap. Richard Spofford at $4.05 pr. Cord


                                         Carried forward

Page 219


7th voted To let out the care of the hearse and the burial

         service to the lowest bidder.  It was struck off to

         Peter Pearl at $1.95 for digging a grave and

         attending a funeral with the hearse. --

8th voted That four hundred forty five dollars be assessed

         to defray Parish charges the present year. --

9th voted To set up the Collection of the Parish tax to the

         lowest bidder and it was struck off to Samuel

         Morse at 2 1/2 per cent.

         voted That Samuel Morse be collector he giving

                     bonds to the satisfaction of the assessors --

         voted To dissolve this meeting --

         June 16th 1832 Thomas Hovey was notified and Sworn ^as assessor

   "   23d "  Joshua T. Day was notified and Sworn assessor

                 William Farnham was Sworn assessor

                 Jedediah H. Barker, Clerk


Page 220


The male inhabitants of the second Parish in Boxford who

are qualified to vote in Parish meeting are hereby

notified and warned to meet and assemble at their

Meetinghouse on tuesday the second day of April next at

one O. Clock P.M. to act on the following articles (viz.)


1st To ^Choose a moderator.

2nd To Choose Parish Officers for the ensuing year

3d To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the

         Rev. Dr. Eaton the ensueing year in addition to his

         Salary of $266, 67/100 by contract.

4th To know what method the Parish will adopt to procure

         the Rev. Dr. Eaton twelve cords of wood agreeable to contract.

5th To agree with some person to sweep their house keep

         the key and tend the fires.

6th To procure a suitable quantity of fuel for warming

         their meeting house.

7th To let out the care of the hearse and burial service

8th To raise money to defray Parish charges.

9th To allow bills of charge

Boxford second Parish March 23d 1833

Page 221


AT a legal Parish meeting held in the Meeting house of the

Second parish in Boxford on Tuesday the second day of

April A.D. 1833

1st Voted that Seth Burnham Moderator

2nd Choose Jedediah H. Barker Clerk and was Sworn

   "    William Farnham First Assessor

   "    Joshua T. Day 2nd do

   "    William Ross 3d do

   "    Moses Kimball Treasurer

3d Voted that Dr. Eaton be paid $100, dollars in addition

         to his Salary of $266 67/100 by contract.

4th voted to set up the 12 Cords of wood furnished the Rev. Dr. Eaton

         to the lowest bidder, in lots of 3 cords each, the wood is to be corded

         at the house of the Rev. Dr. Eaton by the contractor and measured

         by the Sworn Surveyor and Left to him to make it merchantable

         it was struck off to the following persons

                     3 Cords to John Foster at     $4,25 per cord

       3 Cords to Jedediah H. Barker at   4,25   "

     3 Cords to Amos Kimball at  at 4,37 1/2 "

    3 Cords to Jedediah H. Barker at   4,37 1/2 "

5th voted To let out the Sweeping of the Meeting house, keeping

         the key kindleing the fires in the stoves and tending

         the same to the lowest bidder.  The house is to be swept

         nine times.  Seven in the Summer twice in the winter

         and the Snow to be cleared from the doors, also to cut and

         split the wood for th stoves at the Meeting house

         It was struck of to Manly H. Cole at $6.50


               Carried Over

Page 222


6th Voted that 10 feet of Drye Maple wood be procured

         for the meeting house and to be furnished be the lowest

         bidder on or before the first of October next, it was

         struck off to Jedediah H. Barker at $4,30 per cord.

7th Voted to let out the care of ^the hearse and burial

         service to the lowest bidder, It was struck off to

         Peter Pearl at $2.00 for digging a Grave and

         attending a funeral with the Hearse. --

8th Voted that four hundred forty five dollars be assessed

         to defray Parish charges the present year.

9th Voted to set up the Collection of ^the Parish taxes at the lowest bidder

         it was struck to William ^P. Henry at 2 1/4 per cent.

10th Voted that William Henry be Collector he giving

         bonds to the satisfaction of the assessors.

         voted to dissolve sd meeting.

                                Jedediah H. Barker, Clerk


         July 4th 1833 William Farnham, Sworn first assessor

         Sept. 8th 1833 Joshua T. Day, Sworn Sec. assessor

Page 223


The male inhabitants of the second Parish in Boxford who are qualified

to vote to in Parish meeting are hereby notified and warned to

meet and assemble at their meeting house on tuesday the eighth

day of April next at one O clock P.M. to act on the following

articles (viz)

1st    To Choose a Moderator.

2d     To Choose parish officers the ensuing year.

3d     To see what sum of money the parish will vote the Rev. Dr.

         Eaton the ensuing year in addition to his salary of

         $266 66/100 by Contract.

4th    To see what method the parish will adopt to procure

         the 12 cords of wood for the Rev. Dr. Eaton, agreeable to contract.

5th    To agree with some person to sweep their house keep the

         key, and tend the fires.

6th    To procure a suitable quantity of fuel for warming

         their meeting house.

7th    To let out the care of the hearse and burial services.

8th    To see if the parish will shingle their meeting house, or act

         any thing thereon they may think proper when assembled.

                             by request of John Day & others.

9th    To raise money to defray parish charges.

10th To see what measures the parish will adopt to collect

         the parish tax

11th  to allow bills of Charge


Boxford 2d Parish March 25th 1834


                              William Farnham

                              Joshua T. Day     Assessors


Page 224


At a legal parish meeting held in the meeting house of the second

parish in Boxford on Tuesday the 8th day of April 1834.


1st    Choose Jonathan Foster Esqr. moderator.

2d       "  Jedediah H. Barker parish Clerk and was Sworn.

                     Thomas S. Hovey Joshua T. Day and Edmund Barker assessors.

                     Moses Kimball Treasurer.

3d     Voted Dr. Eaton 100 dollars in addition to his salary of 266 66/100

         by contract.

4th    Voted to set up the 12 Cords of wood furnished the Rev. Dr.

         Eaton to the lowest bidder in lots of 3 cords each, the wood is to be    corded at the house of Dr. Eaton by the contractor and measured by a

         Sworn Surveyor and left to him to make it merchantable

         It was struck off to the following persons,

         3 cords to J.H. Barker at $4,70 per cord

         3  "   Daniel H. Gage   .480

         3  "   Ephraim F. Cole at 4.80

         3  "   John Foster Jr 4.80

5th    Voted to let out the Sweeping of the meeting house keeping

         the key kindling the fires in the stoves and tending the

         same, also to take down the stoves and clean them to the

         lowest bidder.  The house is to be swept nine times, seven in

         the summer twice in the winter and the snow to be

         cleared from the doors, also to cut and split the wood for

         the stoves at the meeting house.  It was struck off to

         Peter Pearl at $7.40

6th    Voted that 10 feet of dry Maple wood be procured for the meeting

         house and to be furnished and corded at the meeting house by

         the lowest bidder on or before the first of October next it was

         struck off to Ephraim F. Cole at $4,75 per cord

Page 225


7th    Voted to let out the care of the hearse and burial service to the

         lowest bidder.  It was struck off to Peter Pearl at $2.00 for

         digging a grave and attinding a funeral with the hearse

8th    Voted to shingle the foreside of their meeting house.

         Voted that the parish assessors be a Committee to see the

         above work accomplished.

9      Voted $430 to defray parish charges the present year.

10    Voted to let out the collection of the parish tax to the lowest

         bidder, It was struck off to Daniel Hosmer at 2 1/4 per. cent

         Choose Daniel Hosmer Collector he giving satisfactory bonds.

11th  Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Tuesday in May

         April instant at 3 O clock PM.


April 29th 1834 the parish meet agreeable to adjournment

and passed the following votes.

Ordered to assess 90 dollars to shingle the foreside of their

meeting house.

Voted that the Committee be directed to make their

repairs before the first of October next.

Voted that the Treasurer be authorised to hire

seventy dollars for to repair their meeting house.

Voted to dissolve said meeting.


         Thomas S. Hovey  Notified and Sworn

         Joshua T. Day Notified and Sworn

         Edmund Barker Notified

Page 226


The male members of the second congregational society in

Boxford who are qualified voters are hereby notified and

warned to meet at their meeting house on tuesday the seventh

day of April next at one O Clock P.M.  to act on the

following articles (viz).

1st    To Choose a moderator.

2d     To Choose officers for the ensuing year.

3d     To see what sum of money the society will vote the

         Rev. Dr. Eaton the ensuing year in addition to his

         sallary of $266 67/100 by contract.

4th    To see what method the society will adopt to procure

         twelve cords of wood for the Rev. Dr. Eaton agreeable

         to contract.

5th    To agree with some person to sweep the house keep

         the key, kindle and take care of the fires &c.

6th    To procure a suitable quantity of wood for warming

         the meeting house

7th    To agree with some person to act as sexton or undertaker

8th      To raise money to defray charges.

9th    To allow bills of charge.


Dated Boxford March 28th 1835


                           Thomas S. Hovey

                           Joshua T. Day Assessors