1808 - 1826

Page 151


At a legal Parish meeting held in the second Parish of Boxford

March 21st 1808 M.r Nathan Barker being moderator the following

votes were passed ---


Voted that Daniel Adams serve clerk the present year - And he was

         sworn --

        Isaac Barker Serve as Assessors and committee

Voted that  Nathan Barker   the present year ---- they were sworn

         Simeon Pearl


Voted that Joseph Carlton serve as collector the present year (and he

was sworn) and that he shall have four pr cent for collecting he

        giving a bond for the Parishes security --


Voted that John Foster serve as treasurer the ensuing year --

Voted the Rev.d Peter Eaton's Salary two hundred & sixty six

         Dollars and Sixty seven cents agreeable to contract for

         the ensuing year ---

Voted to raise one hundred dollars in addition to the Rev.d

         Peter Eaton's salary the ensuing year ------

Voted to procure twelve Chords of fire wood for the Rev.d

         Peter Eaton by the lowist bidder ------


Voted that Nathan Barker procure three cord at four

         Dollars pr cord --


Voted to give Moses Chadwick three Dollars and ninety five

         cents Eight mills pr. cord for nine cord --

Voted Fifty five Dollars to defray Parish charges the present

         year --

Voted Moses Chadwick four Dollars and ninety cents for

         sweeping the meeting house and keeping the Key the

         present year ----   Than s.d meeting was dissolved

Page 152


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants of the North

Parish in Boxford who are qualified as the Law directs to

vote in Parish affairs to meet in their meeting house on

Tuesday the fourth day of April next at two oclock P.M.

to act on the following articles (viz)

1st To chuse a Moderator to govern said Meeting.

2nd To chuse parish Officers for the ensuing year.

3rd To vote two hundred sixty six ^Dollars and sixty seven cents

         for the Rev. Peter Eatons sallary for the present year agreeable

         to contract.

4th To vote twelve cords of fire wood for the Rev. Peter Eaton for

         the present year agreeable to contract, and to see what

         method the Parish will adobt to procure s.d wood~~~~

5th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote in addition

         to the Rev. Peter Eatons salary the present year ~~~~~

6th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to defray

         the Parish charges the present year.

7th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the Meeting house

         and keep the key the ensuing year.

8th To allow bills of charge.         Isaac Barker com.t

                 Boxford March 25th 1809  Nathan Barker   for s.d

                                       Simeon Pearl Parish



At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish in Boxford on

the fourth Day of April AD. 1809 the following votes were pass'd

(viz) voted that M.r Isaac Barker serve as moderator and he accepted.

Voted that Daniel Adams serve as Clerk the Ensuing year and he was

         sworn to the faithful discharge of that office.

Voted that M.r Nathan Barker   1st

Voted that Mr. Simeon Pearl 2nd  Serve as Assessors and Committee

Voted that Mr. Amos Kimball Jr 3rd  for s.d Parish the ensuing year & they

                                 were sworn into office April 4th 1809

Voted that Thomas Spofford Serve as Collector the ensuing year and

         that he shall have three and a half per cent for collecting taxes

         He giving a bond to secure the Parish

Voted that M.r John Foster serve as treasurer the present year.

Voted that the Parish raise two hundred Sixty six dollars & sixty seven

cents for the Rev. Peter Eatons salary the ensuing year agreeable

         to contract

Voted to procure twelve cords of fire wood for the Rev. Peter Eaton

         agreeable to contract by the lowist bidder.

Voted to give M.r Nathan Barker twenty two shillings per cord for

         for six cord

Voted to give John Foster twenty two shillings per cord for 3 cord

Voted to give Moses Chadwick twenty two shillings per cord for 3 cord

Voted to raise one hundred Dollars in addition to the Rev. Peter Eatons

         Salary the Present year

Page 153


Voted to raise seventy five Dollars to defray the Parish Charges the present



Voted to give Daniel Harriman four Dollars and twenty five

         cents for sweeping the meeting house and keeping the Key the

         ensuing year.


Voted to allow Mr Joseph Carlton five Dollars out of the Treasury

         for having taken the same in counterf^eit by collecting the

         taxes.  Voted to dissolve this meeting.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                      --------------------------------------


         These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living in the

         North Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote

         in Parish meeting, to meet in their meeting house on Monday

         the 24th of April Ins.t at 3 O-clock P.M. to act on the following

         articles. (viz)

1st To chuse a moderator to govern said meting

2nd To see if the Parish will take ^any method to furnish themselvs with

         a Herse for the use of s.d Parish ---------------------------------

3rd If the above article pass in the affirmative to take such measures

         for that purpose as the Parish shall think most proper when

         conven'd.  Agreeable to a request from Phineas Cole & others -----.


                                     Nathan Barker Assessors

        Boxford April 13th 1809  Simeon Pearl  for s.d

                                     Amos Kimball J.r  Parish


         At a legal Paris^h meeting held in the North Parish in Boxford on Monday

         the 24th day of April 1809 the following votes were pass'd (viz)

1st Voted that Ens. Enos ^Runnels Serve as Moderator.

2nd Voted to pass over the 2nd article in the warrant ~~~~~

3rd Voted to dissolve this meeting. ------------------------------------


NB. Essex, ss. April 29th 1811  Then Thomas Spofford personally

               appeared and took the oath of a Collector of taxes

            within the North Parish in Boxford for the year

               1809 before Jon.a Foster J.r Justice of the Peace ~~~

Page 154


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants in the North

Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in

Parish meeting to meet in their meeting house on Tuesday

the third day of April next at 2 Oclock P.M. to act on the

following articles - viz -


1st To choose a Moderator to govern said meeting.

2nd To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the Law directs

3rd To vote two hundred Sixty Six dollars - Sixty Seven cents for

         the Rev. Peter Eatons Salary agreeable to contract.

4th To see what sum of money the Parish the Parish will vote

         the Rev. Peter Eaton in addition to his Salary the present year

5th To vote the Rev. Peter Eaton twelve cords firewood agreeable to

         to contract --

6th To see what measure the Parish will adopt to procure s.d wood --

7th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the meeting house and

         keep the key the ensuing year

8th To see if the Parish will take any method to furnish themselves

         with a Hearse for the use of s.d Parish -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

9th If the above Article pass in the affirmative to take such

         measures as the Parish may think Proper when conven'd --

10th To see if the Parish will take any measure in regard to the

         Petition of Sam.l Spofford to the Legislature to be set off from

         the 2.nd Parish in Rowley and be annexed to the 2nd Parish

         In Boxford

11th To see if the Parish will vote to raise a sufficient sum of

         money to procure the Statute Laws of the commonwealth --

12th If so - to chuse and Instruct a committee to purchase the same

         for the use of s.d Parish -- Agreeable to a request of Cap.t

         Moses Carleton and other -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

13th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to defray

         Parish Charges the Present year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

14th To see if the Parish will abate Billy Bradstreets tax or any

         part of it in consequence of His being of a different persuasion

15th To allow bills of Charge.


Dated at Boxford 22.nd March               Committee

1810                        Nathan Barker for s.d

                             Simeon Pearl Parish

                            Amos Kimball J.r

Page 155


At a legal Parish meeting held in the 2.nd Parish of Boxford

April 3.rd 1810 the following votes were passed (viz)

Voted that Jonathan Foster ^Esqr Serve moderator.

Voted that Daniel Adams Serve as clerk the ensuing year

         and he was sworn to the faithful discharge of that office

Voted that Nathan Barker, John Day and Ens Samuel

         Kimball Serve as Assessors And Committee for the

         2nd Parish of Boxford the year ensuing - they were Sworn

Voted that Ens. Enos Runnels be Collector for the year

         ensuing he giving a bond to Secure the Parish -- at 3 1/2 pr Cent

Voted that John Foster Serve as treasurer the Present year --

Voted the Rev. Peter Eatons Salary agreeable to contract

         which is two hundred Sixty Six Dollars & Sixty Seven cents

Voted to raise one hundred Dollars in addition to the Rev.

         Peter Eatons Salary

Voted 12 cords fire wood for the Rev. Peter Eaton to be provided

         by the lowist bidder 3 cords at a time --

Voted that John Foster provide 3 cords at $3=50 pr. cord --

Voted that Nathan Barker provide 3 cords at 3=50 pr. cord --

Voted that Nathan Barker provide 3 cords at 3=48 pr cord --

Voted that John Foster J.r provide 3 cords at 3=45 pr. cord --

Voted that Moses Chadwick serve as surveyor of s.d wood --

Voted to give Daniel Harriman three Dollars for sweeping

         the Meeting house and keeping the key the ensuing year

Voted to pass over the 8th Article in the Warrant

Voted to chuse a committee of three persons to assist M.r Sam.l

         Spofford in geting set off from the 2nd Parish in

         Rowley and be annexed to the 2nd Parish in Boxford

Voted that M.r Israel Adams Capt John Kimball and

         Jonathan Foster Esq.r be s.d committee --

Voted to raise a sufficient sum of money and empower

         the 5 following as a committee to purchase the

         Statute Laws of the commonwealth (viz)

         Nathan Barker, John Day, Ens Samuel Kimball

         Daniel Adams and Isaac Barker --

Voted to raise 75 Dollars to defray Parish charges the present

         year --

Voted to pass over the 14th article in the warrant

Voted to dissolve this meeting --

Page 156


These are to notify & warn all the Inhabitants in the North

Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in Parish

meeting to meet in their meeting house on thursday the 12th

Day of April Ins.t at 3 O,Clock P.M. to act on the following articles

(viz) 1st To Choose a moderator to govern s.d meeting.

2nd To see if the Parish will vote to purchase for the support of

         their Minister the Chadwick farm which was lately bid

         off from Lemuel Wood at publick auction by Dea: Broadstreet


3rd If the above article pass in the affirmative to take any method

         respecting the same as they shall think proper when conven'd

         Agreeable to a request of Dea: Broadstreet Tyler and others.

Dated at Boxford April 4th 1810  Nathan Barker   Committee

                                       John Day   for s.d

                                 Samuel Kimball Parish

At a legal Parish meeting held in the North district of Boxford

April 12th 1810 the following votes were pass'd (viz)

1 Chose M.r Isaac Barker Moderator.

2nd Voted to pass over the 2 articles in the warrant.

3rd Voted to dissolve this meeting.


NB. So S.d farm is gone, by the genuine prudence of L.W. Esq.r



These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants

in the North Parish in Boxford, who are legally

qualified to vote in Parish meeting to meet in their

meeting House on monday the 9th day of July

at 6 Oclock P.M. to act on the following articles (viz)

1st To choose a moderator --

2nd To see if the Parish will excuse Ens. Enos Runnels

         of Collecting the Parish Tax If so then to

         agree and except of some Person Instead.

Agreeable to a request of Ens. Enos Runnels. Com

Dated at Boxford 29th June 1810             mittee

                           Nathan Barker for sd

                            John Day     Parish


At a Parish meeting held in the 2nd Parish in

Boxford July 9th 1810 M.r Lemuel Wood being

moderator -- Voted to excuse Ens Enos Runnels

agreeable to his request -- from being Collector --

Voted that John ^Foster Serve as Collector he giving bonds to

Secure the Parish -- Also voted 3 1/2 pr centum to him for Collecting

Voted to Dissolve s.d meeting

Page 157


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants in the North

Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in Parish

meeting to meet in their meetinghouse the Sixteenth day of April

Ins.t at 4 Oclock P.M. to act on the following articles (viz)


1.st To choose a moderator to govern said meeting.

2nd To choose Parish officers for the ensuing year.

3rly To vote two hundred sixty six Dollars sixty seven cents for the

         Rev: Peter Eatons Sallary agreeable to contract.

4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev Peter Eaton

         In addition to his Sallary the present year.

5th To vote the Rev. Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood agreeable to contract.

6th To see what measures the Parish will adopt to procure s.d wood.

7th To agree with some person to sweep the meeting house and keep the key

8th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to defray Parish


9th To see where the Statute Laws shall be deposited.

10th To allow bills of charge.

         Boxford April 6th 1811          Nathan Barker Assessors

                                     John Day      for said

                                     Samuel Kimball   Parish


At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish in Boxford

April 16th 1811 the following votes were pass'd (viz)

Voted that M.r Nathan Barker serve as moderator.

Voted that Daniel Adams serve as Parish Clerk and he was sworn

         to the faithful discharge of that duty

Voted that John Day, Greenlief Dole and Kimball Cole

         Serve as Assessors the year ensuing as they stand in order

Voted that the assessors serve as a Committee to manage the

         prudentials of the Parish the ensuing year --

Voted that John Foster J.r be Collector for s.d Parish the year ensuing

         He giving bonds as the Law directs -- voted to give 3 1/2 pr cent for collecting

Voted that John Foster Serve as treasurer the year ensuing

Voted the Rev. Peter Eatons Sallary $266=67 agreeable to contract

Voted the Rev. Peter Eaton one hundred Dollars in addition to his

         Sallary the present year --

Voted the Rev. Peter Eaton 12 cords fire wood agreeable to contract

         by the lowist bidder 3 cords at a time

Voted that John Foster J.r procure 6 cords at $3=65=5 pr cord

Voted that Moses Chadwick procure 3 cords at 3=65=0 pr cord

Voted that Nathan Barker procure 3 cords at 3=65=0 pr cord

Page 158


Voted to give Moses Chadwick four Dollars for sweeping the

         meeting House and keeping the key the ensuing year --

Voted to raise Seventy Dollars to defray Parish charges the

         ensuing year

Voted that the Statute Laws from the Date of this meeting

         be and are here by ordered to be deposited 6 months

         with the 1st assessor and the remaining 6 months

         with the Clerk of said Parish --

Voted to dissolve s.d meeting -----------------------------------

NB. April 26th 1811 M.r Greenleaf Dole appeared before me

         and took the oath of 2nd assessor for the North Parish of Boxford

N.B. April 27th 1811 Mr John Day appear'd and took the oath

         of 1st assessor --


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants

In the North Parish in Boxford that are legally

qualified to vote in Parish meetings to meet in their

meeting House on Tuesday the 7th Day of April next

at 2 Oclock P.M. to act on the following articles (viz)

1.st To Choose a Moderator to govern s.d meetings.

2nd  To choose Parish Officers for the ensuing year --

3rd  To vote $266=67 cents for the Rev. Peter Eatons

         Salary agreeable to contract --

4th  To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

         In addition to his Salary ---

5th  To vote the Rev. Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood

         agreeable to contract ---------------------------------

6th  To see what measure the Parish will adopt to

         procure s.d wood.

7th  To agree with some person to Sweep the meeting

         House and keep the Key.

8th  To see what sum of money the the Parish will

         vote to defray Parish charges.


          March 25th 1812    John Day        Assessors

                                 Greenleaf Dole   for s.d

                                 Kimball Cole     Parish

Page 159


At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish in Boxford

the following votes were pass'd (viz)      April 7th 1812


Voted That Greenleaf Dole be Moderator.


Voted That Daniel Adams serve as Parish Clerk and he was sworn.


Voted That M.r Nathan Barker serve as 1st assessor.  Said Assessors

                                                  appeared before

Voted That Cap.t John Tyler serve as 2nd Do:     me May 5th 1812

                                                     and took the Oath

Voted That M.r Richard Carleton serve as 3rd Do: of office D. Adams


Voted That said assessors be a Committee for s.d Parish ----------


Voted That Billy Broadstreet be collector for three p.r cent for collecting

         he giving bonds to secure the Parish and to the satisfaction of

         the Assessors and Committee. --------------------------------------


Voted That M.r John Foster serve as Treasurer the ensuing year --


Voted The Rev. Peter Eatons Salary $266=67 cents agreeable to contract.


Voted The Rev: Peter Eaton one hundred Dollars in addition to his

         Salary the present year. --------------------------------------


Voted The Rev Peter Eaton 12 cords wood agreeable to contract


Voted That s.d wood be procured by the lowist bidder 3 cords at a time


Voted to give John Foster J.r 3=65 cents p.r cord for - 6 cord


Voted to give Nathan Barker 3=65 cents p.r cord for - 3 Do:


Voted to give Moses Chadwick 3=65 cents p.r cord for - 3   Do:


Voted That Francis Swan survey the Rev. Mr Eatons wood


Voted That Moses Chadwick Sweep the meeting house and keep

         the key the ensuing year for $3=45 cents  -----------------


Voted to raise 25 Dollars to Defray the Parish charges the

         ensuing year ------------------------------------------------


         Then s.d meeting was dissolved

Page 160


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants in the

North Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote

In Parish meeting to meet in their Meeting house on monday

the twelfth day of October Inst at 3 Oclock P.M. to act on the

following articles (viz) --------------------------------------

1st To choose a Moderator to govern s.d meeting.

2nd To take some method to furnish themselves with a collector

         Billy Bradstreet neglecting to give the Assessors satisfactory

         Bonds.  Boxford October 2nd 1812

                                 Nathan Barker  Assessors

                                 John Tyler Jr  for sd

                              Richard Carleton  Parish


At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish in Boxford

October 12th 1812 the following votes were Passd (viz)

1st Choose Isaac Barker Moderator

2nd Voted to set up the tax to the lowist bidder for Collection

3rd Voted to give Cap.t John Kimball 3 cents & 4 mills pr. Centum

4th Voted to accept of Cap.t John Kimball as Collector He giving bonds

         to secure the Parish and to the satisfaction of the assessors and

         Committee.  then s.d Meeting was dissolved by vote.


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants in the north

Parish of Boxford who are legally qualified to vote ^in Parish meeting

to meet in their meeting house on tuesday the sixth day of

April next at 2 O clock P.M. to act on the following

articles (viz)

1st To coose a moderator to govern s.d meeting

2nd To choose Parish officers for the ensuing year as the law directs

3d  To vote $266.67 cents for the Reverend Pater Eatons sallery

agreeable to contract

4th To see w^hat sum of money the PArish will vote the Rev

         Peter Eaton in addition to his sallery the present year

5th To vote the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of fire wood agreeable

         to contract

6th To see what measure the Parish will take to procure

         said wood

7th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the meeting

         house ^and keep the key the ensuing year

8th To see what sum of money the parish will vote to

         defray parish charges the present year

9th To allow bills of charge          Nathan Barker Assessors

Dated Boxford March 25th 1813         John Tyler Jr for said

                                     Richard Carleton Parish

Page 161


At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish in Boxford

April 6th 1813 the following votes were passed (viz)

Voted that Amos Kimball Jr be moderator

Voted that Samuel W. Clement serve as Parish Clerk and he was sworn

Voted ^that Isaac Barker serve as 1st assessor and Committee man

Voted that Jedadiah H. Barker serve as 2nd    Do

Voted that Richard Carleton serve as 3d assessor Do

Voted that Mr John Foster serve as Thomas Spofford be

collector he giving bonds to secure the Parish and to the

satisfaction of the assessors and Committee at 31/2 pr cent

Voted that Mr John Foster serve Treasurer the ensuing year

Voted the Rev Peter Eatons sallery $266.67 cts agreeable to contract

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton $100 in addition to his sallery

the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton 12 cords wood agreeable to contract

Voted that said wood be provided at the lowest bidder

Voted that Nathan Barker ^provide six cord at $3.65 cts pr cord

Voted that John Foster Jr provide 6   do   at $3.65 cts pr do

Voted that the care ^of the meeting house be let out to the lowest bidder

Voted that Daniel Wood sweep the meeting house and

keep the key the ensuing year for $3.30 cents

Voted to raise 40 dollars to defray Parish charges the

ensuing year

Then said meeting was desolved

April 6th 1813 Then the above named assessors

appeared before me and took the oath of office

                                   Samuel W. Clement.

Page 162


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants in

the North Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified

to vote in Parish meeting to meet in their meeting house

on Tuesday the fifth day of April next at one

O Clock PM to act on the following articles (viz)

1st To Choose moder^ator to govern said meeting

2nd To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the

         law directs

3d To vote two hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven

         cents for the Rev Peter Eatons sallary agreeable to


4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the

         Rev. Peter Eaton in addition to his salary the present


5th To vote the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood agreeable

         to contract

6th To ^see what measure the Parish will adopt to procure

         the said wood

7th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the

         meeting house and keep the key the present year

8th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

         to defray Parish charges the present year

9th To allow bills of charge

Dated Boxford March 25th 1814        

                                       Isaac Barker    Assessors

We the subscribers being Committees   Jedediah H. Barker  for said

of the first and second parishes in   Richard Carleton Parish

Boxford met at the bounds near

L.t Kimball Coles on Mr Enoch

Kimballs land which is a bound

on the line between Andover and Boxford then (thence perambulated

on the line between parishes) easterly to the floom Southerly end of

Stiles Pond so called thence across said pond to the end of the wall

by the sheep pen between land of Mr David Wood and Moody Pearley

thence northerly by sd wall as it now stands to the road west of Mr

David Woods barn thence easterly in the middle of the road about

fifty rods to a stake and stones by the wall on the north side of the road

thence northerly to the stump of Rogers tree so called thence

thence easterly to Rowley line.  Boxford November 11th 1814

Parker Spofford   Committee        Isaac Barker Committee

Daniel Chapman    for the      Kimball Cole for the

Joseph Kimball    first Parish                     second Parish


Page 163


At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish in

Boxford April 5th 1814 the following votes ware pased (viz)

Voted that Amos Kimball Jr be moderator to govern said


Voted that Samuel W Clement serve as Parish Clerk the year

ensuing and he was sworn

Voted that Isaac Barker Dea.n Charles Foster and Ens Kimball Cole

serve as assessors ^and committee the year ensuing as they stand in order

Voted to set up the collection of Parish tax to the lowest bider

Voted that John Johnson be Collector at 3 1/2 pr cent be giving

satisfactory security to the assessors

Voted that Mr John Foster serve as treasurer the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton $266-67 agreeable to for his

sallery agreeable to contract

Voted the Rev Peter eaton $100. in addition to his sallary ^the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of firewood the present

year agreeable to contract

Voted that said wood be provided by the lowest bidder

Voted that John Foster ^Jr provide 4 cords at $3-66 pr cord

Voted that Nathan Barker provide 8 cords at $3-66 pr cord

Voted that Mary Chadwick have $3-40 for sweeping the

Meeting house ^and keeping the key the present year --

Voted to rais 40 dollars to defray Parish charges the pres=

ent year.

then said meeting was desolved


April 5th 1814 then the above named assessors appeared

before me and took the oath of office

                                        Samuel W Clement

Page 164


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants that

belong to the North Parish in Boxford and are qualified

as the law directs to vote in Parish affairs to meet in their

Meeting house on tuesday the 4th day of April next at

two OClock in the after noon to act on following

articles (Viz)

1st To chus a moderator to govern said meeting

2nd To chuse Parish officers for the ensuing year

3rd To vote the Rev Mr Eaton two hundred sixty six dollars

         and seventy seven cents for his support the ensuing year

         agreeable to contract

4th To see what sum of money the parish will vote the

         Rev Mr Eaton in addition to his sallery the ensuing year

5th To vote the Rev Mr Eaton twelve cords of firewood

         for the ensuing year agreeable to contract

6th To see what ^method the parish will take to procure said


7th To see what sum of money the parish will vote ^to raise to

         defray parish charges the ensuing year

8th To see if the parish will repeare the gate of their

         burying yard or build a new one and see what measures

         the parish will adopt to affect the same

9th To agree with some suitable person ^to sweep the meeting

         house and keep the key the year ensuing

10th To allow bills of charge


                            Isaac Barker     Committee

                            Charles Foster   for said

Dated Boxford North        Kimball Cole      Parish

Parish March 24th 1815


Page 165


At a legal Parish meeting held in the no^rth parish

in Boxford, April 4th 1815

the following votes ware pased (Viz)

Voted that Isaac Barker be moderator to govern

said meeting and he was sworn

Voted that Samuel W. Clement serve as Parish Clerk

the year ensuing and he was sworn

Voted that Capt Amos Kimball Jedediah H Barker

and Ens John Bacon serve as assessors and commit=

tee the year ensuing

Voted that John Johnson be Collector at two pr

cent the ensuing year he giving satisfactory bonds

to secure the Parish

Voted that John Foster serve as treasurer the ensuing year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton $266,67 for his sallery the year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton $100,00 in addition to his

sallery the ensuing year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton 12 cords firewood the

year ensuing

Voted to provide said wod by prov the lowest bider

Voted to give Kimball Cole $3,93 pr cord for 3 cords

           to give Nathan Barker $3,93 pr do for 3 cords

   to give John Foster ^Jr 3,93 pr do for 3 cords

   to give Kimball Cole $3,92 pr do for 3 cords

Voted to rais 40 dollars to defray Parish charges the

ensuing year

Voted to build a new gate to the burying yard

Voted that Samuel W. Clement be employed to build s.d gate

and he be directed to procure sedar posts that he m^ake

a bord gate that he build such a gate as he thinks prop^er

Voted to give John Johnson $3,25 for sweeping the

meeting house and keeping key the ensuing year

Voted to alow Amos Kimball Jr $1,60 for repeareing

the Pall of s.d Parish

                           Carryed over

Page 166


brought over

Voted to excuse Amos Kimball and John Bacon

from serving as assessors the ensuing year

Voted that Jonas Runnels serve a first assessor and

that Frederick Carleton serve as 3d do the ensuing year

Voted to desolve sd meeting


April 4th 1815 Then the above named Jedediah H

Barker and Frederick Carleton ware sworn to the

office of assessors


May 2d Jonas Runnels was sworn as first assessor


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants in the

North parish in Boxford who are legally qualified

to vote in parish meeting to meet at their meeting house

on monday the third day of July next at five Oclock

PM to act on the following articles (Viz)


1st To choose a moderator to govern said meeting

2nd To take some method to provide themselves with some

         suitable person to collect the parish tax the year

         ensuing in the room and stead of John Johnson

         who has removed           Jedediah H Barker   Assessors

Dated at Boxford the 22 day   Jonas Runnels  for said

of June  ad   1815         Frederick Carleton Parish


At a legal Parish meeting held in the North parish

in Boxford July 3d 1815, the following votes

ware pased  (Viz)

Voted that John Foster be moderator

Voted to set up the collection of the parish tax to

the lowest bidder

Voted that John Bacon be collector at 2 1/2 pr cent

he giving bonds to secure the Parish to the satisfaction

of the assessors

Voted to desolve said meeting


Page 167


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants in the

North Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in

Parish meeting to meet in their meeting house on Tuesday

the second day of April next at one O Clock P.M. to act

on the following articles (viz)

1st To choose a mod^erator to govern said meeting

2nd To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the law ^directs

3.d To vote two hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven

         cents for the Rev Peter Eatons salary agreeable to


4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev

         Peter Eaton in addition to his salary the present year

5th To vote the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood agreeable

         to contract

6th To ^see what measure the Parish will adopt ^to procure said wood

7th To agree with some suitable pearson to sweep the

         Meeting house and keep the key the present year

8th To see if the Parish will take up the ground of the body

         seats and build pews thereon or act upon ^it when conven,d

9th To see if the parish will repeare and paint the Meeting

         House and in what manner at the request of Simeon

         Pearl and others

10th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to

         defray Parish charges the present year

11th To allow bills of charge

Dated Boxford March 22nd 1816


                            Jedediah H Barker   Assessors for

                                Jonas Runnels

                           Frederick Carleton said Parish

Page 168


At a legal Parish meeting held in the north Parish in

Boxford April 2d 1816 the following votes ware pased (viz)

Voted that Deac.n Charles Foster be Moderator to govern s.d


Voted that Samuel W. Clements serve as Parish Clerk the

present year and he was sworn

                   Amos Kimball Jr  serv as assessors the

Voted that      Jedediah H. Barker  present year, and they

                   Benjamin Pearl   were sworn

Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to the lowest


Voted that Daniel Adams be collector at 2 3/4 pr cent he giving

bonds to the satisfaction of the assessors

Voted that John Foster serve as treasurer the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton 266, dollars 67 cents for his

sallery agreeable to contract

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton 100 dollars in addit^ion to his

salary the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood agreeable

to contract

Voted to procure wood by the Lowest bider


Voted that John Foster Jr provide six cords of wood at

4. dollar pr cord, that he provide 3 cores at $3.07

and 3 do at 3.79

Voted that John Johnson have $3.35 for sweeping the

meeting house and keeping the key the present year

The vote was tryed to see if the Parish would take up the

ground occupied by body seats and build four pews on the floor

of their meeting house and pased in the affirmative

The vote was tryed to see if they would preserve the ally behind

the seats and pacd in the negative

Voted that the Parish build the above mentioned pews

Voted to choose a comittee of three per^sons to build the above pews

        Charles Foster

Voted that Samuel Kimball   be a committee to build

        Samuel W. Clement said pews


Page 169


The vote was tryed to see if the Parish would reconsider

the votes with respect to the seats on the east side of the

broad ile provided they could have one hundred dollars for

the ground and pased in the negative

The vote was tryed to see if the Parish would repeare

and paint their meeting house and pas.d in the


Voted to choose a commitee of three ^persons to repeare and paint

the meeting house

       John Foster          be a committee to

Voted that Samuel W. Clement    repeare and paint

        Charles Foster       the Meeting House

The vote was tryed to see if the Parish would paint the

roof of their Meeting house and passed in the negative

The vote was tryed to see if the Parish would sell the

pews about to the built, at this meeting and passed in

the affirmative

Voted to reconsider the last ^above pased voted

Voted to pass over the 10th article to the adjournment of

of this meeting

Voted to pass over the 10th article to the adjournment of

this meeting

Voted to abate a tax of 84 cents against Daniel Currier

in collector Thomas Spoffords list of rates for 1813

Voted to allow Samuel W. Clement,s bill of $7.13 for build=

ing a gate at the burying ground

Voted to adjourn this m^eeting to the 30th day of April

inst at two Oclock P.M.

April 30th 1816

The Parish met agreeable to adjournment and pased the

the folowing votes (viz)

Voted to make an addition of two persons to the commit=

tee for building the above mentioned pews

                                  Carryed over

Page 170


Voted that Capt Stephen Barker and Capt John Kimball

be added to the afore mentioned comittee

Voted to remove the four front pews back to them in rear

and rais them half way to the top of them provided

the owers will consent to have it done at the expence of

the Parish

Voted that the above committee confer with the owners

of the four front pews and remove and rais them if not

they will consent if not go on and build the pews as

afore directed

Voted to give up the two small iles at the end of the front

pews and divide it equal btween the four front pews

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the second tuesday in June

next at two Oclock PM. at which time the above

mentioned pews are to be ready for sale

June 11th. 1816

The Parish met agreeable adjournment and passed the following

votes (viz)

Voted to choose a committee of three persons to confer ^with Mr Nathen

Barker and see what his demand will be for the back and

end of his pew

Voted that Capt Stephen Barker Samuel Kimball &

Thomas Spafford be a comittee for the above purpose

Voted to sell the pews recently built on the floor of the

Meeting house, at this meeting

Voted to choose a Committee of three persons to sell the above

pews                Capt. John Kimball    be a committee to sell

Voted that            Simeon Pearl        and convey the pews

                  Capt Stephen Barker 

Voted to appraise the pews

Voted to make an addition of two persons to the above committee

and that they appraise the pews

Voted that Nathen Barker and Capt Simeon Cole be added

to the above Committee

Page 171


Voted to accept the report of the committee chosen to sell the

pews by taking satisfactory security of the purchaser payable

in sixty days on interest

Voted to reconsider the vote passed to appraise the pews

Voted to adjourn the meeting half an hour

the Parish ^met agreeable to adjournment and voted as follws

Voted ^to raise sixty dollars to defray Parish charges the present year

Voted to white wash the meeting house

Voted to leve it discressionary with the committee chosen to

repeare and Paint the house, what part of it to wh^ite


Voted to allow Nathen Barker one dollar for the back and end

of his pew and 43 cts for some Joist $1.43

Voted to allow Dea.n Charles Fosters bill of charge $7.29 and

Samuel W. Clement,s bill $19.02 for Biulding four pews

then s,d meeting was desolved


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To M.r Daniel Adams Collector for the North Parish in

Boxford ---------------------------------------Greeting

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you

are here by required to notify and warn the male inhabitants

of said Parish who are legally qualified to vote in Parish

Meeting to meet and assemble at their Meeting House in said

Parish on Monday the 22d of April current at three O clock

afternoon to act on the folowing articles (viz)

1st To apoint a Moderator to govern s.d Meeting

2d To see if the Parish will reconsider a vote passed at their

  last meeting which was to remove the body seats in their meet=

  =ing House and build pews joining on those next in rear, or so

  far as to have an ile of decent width between the pews about to

  be built and those a^lready made, or to act thereon in any way

  that shall be Thought proper respecting the matter when convened -

Here of fail not and make due return of this warent with your doings

thereon to the Clerk of s,d Parish at time and place  

Given under our hands and seal at the   Amos Kimball Jr   Assessors

North Parish in Boxford thirteenth day of  Jedediah H Barker  for s,d

April AD 1816                         Benjamin Pearl  Parish

Page 172


                           Boxford April 22nd 1816

Agreeable to the within warrant I have summoned and noti=

=fied the inhabitants to the s.d North Parish of Boxford qual=

=ified as therein expressed to assemble at their meeting

house for the purpose within mentioned


                         Daniel Adams  Collector

At a legal Parish Meeting held in the North Parish in

Boxford April 22nd 1816 the following votes were pased (viz)

Voted that Jo^nathan Foster Esq be moderator to govern

s.d meeting

Voted to pass over the second article ---- --- ---

Voted to desolve this meeting --- --- ---


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The male inhabitants for the of the North Parish

in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in Parish

Meeting are hereby notified and warned ^to meet at their

Meeting house on Tuesday the eighth day of April next

at two O clock PM at act on the following articles (viz)

1st To Choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting -- --

2d To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as

         the law directs -- -- -- --

3d To vote the Revd Peter Eaton two hundred sixty six

         dollars and sixty seven cents for his salery the present

         year agreeable to contract -- -- -- --

4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

         the Rev Peter Eaton in addition to his salery

         the present year. -- -- -- --

5th To vote the Rev,d Peter Eaton twelve cords of fire

         wood agreeable to contract -- -- -- -- -- --

6th To see what measure the Parish will adopt to

         procure said wood -- -- -- -- -- --

7th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the

         Meeting House and keep the key the present year

Page 173


8th To see what sum of money the parish will

         vote to defray Parish charges the present year --

9th To see if the Parish will agree in some method by which

         their Parish Meetings shall in future be notified -- --

10th To allow bills of charge ----------

         Boxford  North Parish Amos Kimball Jr Assessors

         March 26th 1817   Jedediah Barker for s.d

                         Benjamin Pearl  Parish


         At a legal Parish Meeting held in the North Parish

         in Boxford April 8th 1817 the following votes ware

         passed  (viz)  -- -- -- -- --

Voted That Jonathan Foster Esq be moderator to govern

         said meeting --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Voted that Samuel W. Clement serve as Parish Clerk

         the present year and he was sworn -- -- --

                Capt Amos Kimball    Serve as

Voted that      Jedediah Barker      Assessors the

                Lieut John Bacon     present year

                                      and they ware sworn

Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to the

         lowest bider --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Voted that Kimball Cole be collector at 3 1/2 pr cent

         he giving bonds to secure the Parish -- -- -- --

Voted that John Foster serve as Treasurer the pres,t year

Voted the Rev. Peter Eaton $266::67 for his salery the

         present year agreeable to contract

Voted the Rev. Peter Eaton 100 dollars in addition to

         his salery the present year -- -- -- --

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood the

         present year -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Voted to set up s.d wood to the lowest bider three

         cords at a time --  --  --  -- --

Voted that Lieu,t Kimball Cole procure three cords at

         four dollars pr cord

Page 174


Voted that Nathan Barker procure 3 cords at $4.00 pr cord

         that John Foster Jr procure  3  do - at 4.00  pr  do

         that ^Moody Kimball procure  3 do   at  $3.92 pr  do

Voted that Moses Chadwick sweep the Meeting house and

         keep the key for $2=90 the present year --

Voted to rais $65=00 to defray Parish charges the present

         year --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --

Voted that the assessors be au^thorised to notify Parish

         meetings in future by posting warrants -- -- -- --

         then s.d meeting was desolved -- -- -- -- -- -- --




The Inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford who are

legally qualified to vote in Parish meeting are hereby notified

to assemble at their meetinghouse on Tuesday the seventh

day of April next at two O Clock P.M. to Act on the following

articles (viz)

1st To Choose a Moderator to govern said meeting

2nd To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the

         law directs -- -- --    -- -- --   --

3d To vote two hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven

         cents for the Rev Peter Eaton's salary the present year

         agreeable to contract -- -- --    -- --

4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev

         Peter Eaton in addition to his salary the present year

5th To vote the Rev Peter Eaton twelve Cords of wood

         agreeable to contract -- -- --    -- --

6th To see what measures the Parish will adopt to

         procure said wood ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,, ,, ,,

7th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the meeting

         house and keep the key the present year  --  --  --  --

8th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to defray

         Parish charges the present year

9th To allow bills of charge      Amos Kimball Jr   Assessors

Dated Boxford March 25th 1818     Jedediah Barker   for said

                                   John Bacon    Parish

Page 175


At a legal Parish Meeting held in the North Parish

in Boxford, April 7th 1818 the following ware pass,d

(viz) ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Voted that Capt Amos Kimball be moderator to govern

         said meeting  ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Voted that Samuel W Clement serve as Clerk the present

         year and he was sworn ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

             Jedediah H Barker Serve as assessors

Voted that   Dean John Day     the present year

             Leonard Carleton   and they ware


Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to the

         lowest bider ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Voted that Kimball Cole be Collector at 3 cts 3 .mills

         on a dollar he giving satisfactory security to

         secure the Parish ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Voted that Mr John Foster serve as treasurer the

         present year ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Voted The Rev Peter Eaton two hundred six dollars

         and sixty seven Cents fore his salery the present

         year ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

Voted The Rev Peter Eaton one hundred dollars in

         adition to his salery the present year

Voted The Rev. Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood the pres=

         =ent year agreeable to contract

Voted To set up s.d wood to the lowest bider 3 cords at a time

Voted   John Foster Jr agreed to furnish 3 cords at $4.00

That pr. cord

     Kimball Cole 3 do at 4 dollars pr do

     Moody Kimball 3 do at 4 dollars pr do

     Nathan Barker 3 do at 4 dollars pr do

Voted to set up the care of the Meeting house to the

         lowest bider

Voted that Moses Chadwick sweep the Meeting house

         and keep the key the present year for $4.00

Voted to rais 75 dollars to defray parish Charges the present year

         then s.d meeting was desolved

Page 176


         The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford

         who are legally qualified to vote in Parish meeting are

         hereby notified to assemble at their Meeting House on

         Tuesday the sixth day of April next at two O clock

         P.M. to act on the following articles   (viz)


1st To choose a moderator to govern said meeting

2nd To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the

         Law directs

3d To vote two hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven

         cents for the Rev Peter Eaton's salery agreeable to contract

4th To see what sum of money Parish will vote the Rev

         Peter Eaton in addition to his salery the present year

5th To vote the Rev Peter Eaton twelve Cords of wood

         agreeable to contract

6th To see what measure the Parish will adopt to procure

         said wood

7th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the

         Meeting House and Keep the Key the present year

8th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

         to defra Parish charges the present year

9th To allow bills of Charge ----


Dated Boxford North Parish March 24th 1819


                          Jedediah H Barker Assessors

                          John Day       for said

                         Leonard Carleton Parish

Page 177


   At a legal Parish Meeting held in the North Parish in

         Boxford April 6th 1819 the following votes ware

         passed  (viz)

Voted that Dea.n John Day be Moderator to govern said meeting

Voted that Samuel W, Clement serve as Parish Clerk the present

         year and he was sworn

           Lt Jedediah H, Barker   Serve as

Voted that Ens Samuel Kimball      Assessors the

           John Tyler 3d           present year


Voted that John Merrill ^be Collector at 3 1/2 pr cent he

         giving bonds to the satisfaction of the Assessors

         to secure the Parish

Voted that John Foster ^serve as Treasurer the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton two hundred and sixty six dollars

         and sixty seven cents for his salery agreeable to con=

         =tract the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton on hundred dollars in addition

         to his salery the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood agreeable to contract

Voted to set up said wood to the lowest bider three cords at a time

Voted that John Foster Jr procure three cords at $4.00

   that John Foster procure three do   at  4.00

   that Stephen Barker procure three  do   at  4.00

   that Moody Kimball procure three   do   at  4.00

Voted to set up the Meeting House to the lowest bider

Voted that Moses Chadwick sweep the meeting house and keep

         the key the present year for $3.50

Voted to rais seventy five dollars to defray Parish charges the

         present year

         then said meeting was desolved ----------------

Oct. 13th 1819 then Jedediah H Barker was worn as one

         of the Assessors the present year

Page 178


We the subscribers being committees of the first and second

Parishes in Boxford met at the bounds near M.r Moody

Kimballs on land of said Kimballs which is a bound

on the line between Andover and Boxford thence

perambulated on the line between the Parishes esterly

to the floom at the southerly end of stiles Pond so called

thence across said pond to the end of the wall by sheep

pen between land of Mr David Wood and Moody Perley

thence northerly by by said wall as it now stands to the

road west of Mr David Woods barn thence easterly in

the middle of the road about fifty rods to a stak and

stones by the wall on the north side of the road thence

northerly to the stump of Rogers tree so called thence

eastly to Rowley lin

                         Phineas Barnes Committee

Boxford Novr 2d 1819     Josiah Kimball of the first

                         Samuel Perley  Parish in



                        Jedediah H. Barker  Committee

                         Samuel Kimball of the second

                         John Tyler 3d  Parish in




The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford who are

legally qualified to vote in parish meetings, are hereby

notified to assemble at their meeting house on Tuesday

the fourth day of April next at tow O Clock P.M.

to act on the follow articles  (viz)


1st To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting

2nd To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing

         as the law directs

3rd To vote two hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven

         cents for the Reve Peter Eaton's salary agreeable

         to contract

4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

         the Rev. Peter Eaton in addition to his salary the

         present year

5th To vote the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood

         to contract agreeable to contract

Page 179


6th To see what measure the Parish will adopt to

         procure said wood

7th To a^gree with some suitable person to sweep the meet=

         =ing house and keep the key the present year

8th To see what sum of money the parish will vote to

         defray parish charges the present year

9th To see of the parish will vote to allow the assessors in

         future an annual compensation for their services

10th To allow bills of charge ---


Dated Boxford March 23d 1820

                         Jedediah H. Barker Assessors

                         John Tyler 3d     for said



At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish in Boxford

April 4th 1820 the following votes ware pased (viz)

Made choice of Jonathan Foster Esqr for moderator

Voted that Samuel W Clement serve as parish Clark the present

         year and he was sworn --------------

Voted      Lt Jedediah H. Barker   serve as

Voted that     Samuel W. Clement           assessors the

         and Bradstreet Tyler Jr    present year

Voted to set up the collection of the parish taxes to the

         lowest bidder ----------

Voted that John Merrill be collector at 3 pr cent

         he giving bonds to secure the parish to the satisfac=

         =tion of the assessors --------

Voted that Mr John Foster serve as treasurer the present year

Voted the Rev, Peter Eaton 266 dollars and 67 cents for his

         salery the present year ------------

Voted the Rev, Peter Eaton 100. dollars in addition to his

         salery the present year ------------------

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of wood the present year

Voted to set up the wood to the lowest bider three cords

         at a time

                           Carryed over

Page 180


Brought over

              Lieut Kimball Cole p^rovide 3 cord $3.50

              Moody Kimball procure   3  do at -- 3.45

Voted that John Tyler provide   3  do at -- 3.45

           John Runnels  provide   3  do at -- 3.40

Voted to set up the care of the care of the meeting house

         to the lowest bider ---------------------------

Voted that Moses Chadwick sweep the meeting house

         and keep the key for 3 dollars and 50 cents the

         present year --- --- ---

Voted to rais one hundred dollars to defray Parish

         charges the present year  --------------

Voted to allow the Assessors a reasonable compensation

         for their services in future -------------

         Then said meeting was desolved -----------



         November 15th 1820 there Jedediah H. Barker

         and Bradstreet Tyler were sworn to the office

         of assessors


Page 181


         The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford who

         are legally qualified to in Parish Meeting are hereby

         notified to assemble at their Meeting House on Tuesday the

         third day of April next at two O Clock P.M. to act on the

         following articles   (viz)

1st To Choose a Moderator to govern said meting -----------

2nd To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the law

         directs -------- ----------- ----------- -----

3rd To vote two hundred sixty six dollars and sixty six cents

         for the Rev Peter Eaton,s salary agreeable to Contract

4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev

         Peter Eaton in addition his salery the present year --

5th To vote the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cords of woods of was

         agreeable to Contract --- ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

6th To see what measure the Parish will adopt to procure

         said wood ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

7th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the Meeting

         House and keep the key the present year -- -- --  --  --

8th To see if the Parish will procure a Hearse for the use

         of said Parish ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---  ---

9th If the above articl pass the affirmative then to see what

         measure they adopt to procure said hearse

10th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to defray

         Parish Charges the present year ---   ---   ---   ---

11th To allow bills of Charge ---   ---   ---   ---   ---


                     Dated Boxford March 21st 1821


                      Jedediah H. Barker Assessors

                      Samuel W. Clement   for said

                     Bradstreet Tyler     Parish

Page 182


At a legal Parish Meeting held in the North Parish

in Boxford April 3d 1821 The folowing votes ware pasd

(viz) -----------------------------------------------

Voted That Amos Kimbal Jr be Moderator ----------------

Voted That Samuel W. Clement serve as Parish Clerk

         the present year and he was sworn  -----------------

          Dean John Day           serve as

Voted That   Capt. Enoch Parker      Assessors the

        and Samuel W. Clement     present year

                                   and they ware sworn

Voted That Mr John Foster serve as Treasurer

Voted To set up the collection of the Parish tax to the

         lowest bider ------------------------------------------

Voted That Daniel Adams be Collector at 3 pr cent

         he giving satisfactory bonds to secure the Parish

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton 266. dollars and 66 cents for

         his salery agreeable to contract --------------------

Voted The Rev Peter Eaton $100 dollars in addition

         to his salery the present year ---  ---  ---  ---  --

Voted The Rev Peter Eaton twelve Cords of wood agreeable

         agreeable to contract, By the lowest bider 3

         cords at a time.  --------------------------------------

           Lt John Foster   procure 3 Cords $3.30 per cord

Voted that   Mo^ody Kimball procure 3  do   at 3:25

             Thomas W. Durunt  procure 3  do   -- 3-24

             Thomas W. Durunt  procure 3  do      3-26

Voted To Choos some person to Measure the above wood

         and John Merrill was c^hosen for that purpose

Voted to set up the care of the Meeting ^house to the lowest bider

Voted That the Meeting House be swept one additional

         time the present year -----------------------------

Voted that Moses Chadwick sweep the Meeting House and

         keep the key the present year for two dollars

         and ninety five cents  -- -- 2.95 -- -- -- --

Voted To procure a hearse for the use of the Parish

Voted to adjour reconsider the voter las pased

Voted To choos a committee of three persons to enquire into the

         expedency and probale expence attending the purchase

         of a hearse.  Also to ascertain the legality of assesing

         a tax for the same.  And that they report

         at the adjournment of this Meeting

Page 183


Voted That Dea.n Charles Foster M.r John Foster

         and Jonathan Foster Esq be a comittee for

         the above purpose --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

Voted to adjourn said meeting to the last Wednesday

         in May next at 4 O clock in the afternoon -- --

         May 30th 1821 the Parish met agreeable to adjournment

Voted To purchase a Hearse for the use of the Parish

Voted To Choose a Committee of five persons to purchase

         said Hearse

Voted       Dean Charles Foster  be a Committee

                Samuel W. Clement    for the

Voted that      Benjamin Pearl       above purpose

             Dean John Day

           and  En. Samuel Kimball

Voted that the above mentioned hearse be Built with four

         wheels --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  ---

Voted to excuse Daniel Adams from serving as collector

         and accept of Capt Amos Kimbal in his stead ----

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the 20th day of June inst

         at 4 O Cloc P.M. --------------------------------------

         June 20th 1821 The Parish met agreeable to adjo=

         =urnment and voted as follow  (viz) -------------------

Voted to adjourn the meeting to 6 O Clock P.M. ------------

6 Oclock Voted to rais one hundred dollars to defray Parish

         charges the present year ----------------------------------

         Then said meeting was desolve ----------------------------

Page 184


The inhabitants of the North Parish ^in Boxford who are

legally qualified to vote in Parish Meeting are hereby

notified to assemble at their Meeting house on wednes=

=day the twentyeth day of June Inst at five O clock P.M.

to act on the following articles (Viz) ----  ----

1st To Choose a moderator to govern said Meeting ---- ----

2nd To see of the parish will vote to build a House to contain

         the Hearse for the use of the Parish ----------------------

3rd If the above article pass in the affirmative then to see

         watt measure the Parish will adopt to procure said

         Hous and also to determine whare said House shall

         stand --- ---- ----       ---  -----

Dated Boxford June 7th 1821 John Day Assessors

                                             for said

                    Samuel W. Clement Parish



At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the North

Parish on Boxford June 20th 1821 the following

votes ware passed (viz) ------   -------   -------   -------

Voted that Dea.n John Day be moderator --- ---   ---   ---

Voted to build a hous to contain the Hearse ----------------

Voted that the five person Chosen as a Committee to purchase

         a Hearse shall also be a committee ^to build the house

Voted to build the House at or near the Burying ground


         Then said Meeting was desolved.

Page 185


The Inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford who

are legally qualified to vote in Parish Meetings are hereby

notified to meet assemble at their meeting house on tuesday

the second day of April next at two Oclock P.M. to act

on the following articles  (viz)

1st To choose a moderator to govern said meeting

2nd To chose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the

         the law directs ----------------------

3rd To vote the two hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven

         cents for the Rev Peter Eatons salary agreeable to

         contract ------------------------

4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the      

         Rev. Peter Eaton in addition to his salary the present

         year ----------------------

5th To vote the Rev. Peter Eaton twelve cords of

         wood agreeable to contract ---------------

6th To see what measure the parish will adopt to

         procure said wood -----------------

7th To agree with some suitable person to s^weep the

         meeting house and keep the key the present year

8th To see if the Parish will take any order respecting

         the care of the Hearse and choosing a saxon and

         determin the same when convened --------------------

9th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

         to defray Parish Charges the present year -------


Dated Boxford March North Parish March 21st 1822


                             John Day  Assessors

                         Enoch Parker Jr  for said

                         Samuel W. Clement Parish

Page 186


At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the North Parish

in Boxford April 2nd 1822 the folowing votes

ware passed    (viz)

Voted that Capt John Bacon be moderator to govern

said meeting

Voted that Samuel W. Clement serve as Parish Clerk

the present year and he was sworn

               Capt John Bacon    Serve as

Voted that         John Merill    Assessors

         and Capt John Foster  the present


                  and they ware sworn

Voted that Mr John Foster serve as treasurer the present year

Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to

         the lowest bider

Voted that Capt John Foster be collector at 2 3/4 pr cent

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton 266 dollars and 67 cents

         for his salary the present year agreeable to contract

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton 100 dollars in addition to

         to his salary the present year

Voted the Rev Peter Eaton twelve cord of wood agreeable

         to contract

Voted to set up said wood to the lowest bider 3 cords at

         a time

Voted to choose a committee of three persons to examine

         said wood and that the wood be corded up when

         brought ^to the rodse set for measureing by the contractors

                     that Moody Kimball provide 3 cords at 3.74 cts pr cord

Voted   that Samuel Dale provide   3  do   at 3.73

                     that Moody Kimball provide 3  do   at 3.70

                     that Moody Kimball provide 3  do   at 3.65

Voted that Capt Amos Kimbal Samuel W Clement

         and Moses Chadwick be a commitee to examin

         and survey said wood -----------------

Voted that the meeting house be swept 7 times the first

         to be immediately after this meeting

Voted that Daniel Adams have one dollar and ninety

         cents for sweeping the meeting house and keep=

         =ing the key the present year

Page 187


Voted to let out the care of the Hearse and ^diging of the graves

         to the lowest bider to be paid by individuals that imploy

         him -------------------

Voted that the per^son who takes the care of the hearse may

         attend funerals out of the Parish with the same

         he paying to the Parish one half of the money

         which he receives for the same  ----------------

Voted that Daniel Harriman have two dollars and thurty

         five cents for diging each grave and attending

         the funeral with the Hearse and taking care of

         the same -------------------------------

Voted to raise seventy dollars to defray Parish charges

         the present year -----------------------------

Voted to allow Capt John Fosters bill of one dollar

         for extra work done on the Hearse house -------



         Then said meeting was desolved    ------------------

Page 188


The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford

who are qualified voters in Parish me^eting are hereby

notified and warned to meet in their meeting house

on Friday the fourth day of April next at two oclock

P.M. to act on the following articles (Viz)

1st To choos a Moderator ------------

2nd To choos Parish officers for the ensuing year

3d To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev,

         Dr, Eaton, in ad the ensuing year in addition to his

         salary of $266 67/100 by contract -------------

4th To see what method the Parish will adopt to procure the

         twelve cords of wood for the Rev, Dr Eaton agreable

         to contract --------

5th To agree with some person to sweep the meetinghouse

         and keep the key ------------

6th To let out the care of Hearse and the burial service

7th To see if the Parish will vote to rais money for the

         support of a singing school or any other measure calcu=

         =lated to revive from its present depression this too

         long neglected part of public Worship within said

         Parish, by request of Capt Amos Kimball and others

8th To rais money to defray Parish charges. ------

9th To allow bills of charge -------------------

Dated Boxford North                 John Bacon

Parish March 22 1823               John Merrill  Assessors

                                   John Foster 3d


At a legal Parish meeting held in the North

PArish in Boxford April 4th 1823 the following

votes were passed (Viz)

C^hoose Capt Amos Kimball moderator

Choose Samuel W Clement Clerk and he was sworn

Choose Capt John Bacon Lt John Merrill and

John Gage Parish assessors the present year

Choose Mr John Foster treasurer the present year

Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to the lowest bider

Voted that Lt Jedediah H. Barker be collector at 3 pr cent

Voted that one hundred dollars be deaded to the Rev Doct

Eaton,s salary of two hundred sixty six dollars and sixty

seven cents by contract, the present year

Voted to set up the wood for the Rev Doc.t Eaton to the

lowest bider three cords at a time

Voted that Jedediah H Barker procure three cords at

three dollars and e^ighty five cents pr cord

Page 189


Voted that Samuel Cree procure 3 cords at $3.70. pr cord

   that John Foster 3d procure 3 do 3.75  pr  do

   that Jedediah H. Barker procure 3 do 3.75  pr  do

Voted that the wo^od furnished the Rev Doct Eaton shall

be corded at his house by the contractor and there shall

that there be a committee of three persons to survey

said wood and make it merchentable  ------------------

Choose John Merrill Moses Chadwick and Samuel W Clement

for a committee for the above purpose ---------------

Voted that the meeting house be swept seven times the present year

Voted that Benjamin Pearl sweep the meeting house and

keep the key the present year for $1.65

Voted to let out the care of the Hearse of to the lowest bider

Voted that Peter Pearl have $2,25 for digging each grave

and attending the funeral with the Hearse and takeing

care of the same ---------------------

The vote was tryed to pass over the 7th article and passed

in the negative

Voted to request all who are capable of assisting in sacred

musick to go into the seats ^and assist in that part of worship

The vote was tryed to see if the parish would rais

$30,00 ^for the use of singing and passed in the negative ----

Voted to choose a committee of nine persons to confer on the

subject of reviewing the singing in the meetinghouse

and that they report at an adjournment of this meeting

Voted that the Rev Doct Eaton, Capt John Bacon Stephen

Barker Esq Jonathan Foster Esq Isaac Barker Dr Charles

Foster Capt Aaron Spofford Lt Joseph Kimball and

Samuel Spofford be a committee for the above per=

=pose ------------------------------

Voted to raise four hundred sixty six dollars

and sixty seven cents to pay the Rev Dr Eatons

salary and other Parish charges

Voted to allow Mr John Fosters bill of $2,00 for

past service as treasurer

Voted to adjourn this Meeting ^to the 18th day of this

present month at 3 O.clock after noon

April 18th 1823

Page 190


April 18th 1823  the Parish met agreeable to adjourn=

=ment and voted as follows

         Voted to have the report of the Committee for reviveing

         sacred music read ------------

         Voted to accept the report of the above committee and

                     that it be recorded --------------

         Voted ^to adjourn this meeting to the first monday

                     in October next at 3 Oclock after noon


October 6th 1823 the Parish met agreeable to adjourn=

=ment and voted as follows (viz)

The vote was tryed to see if the Parish would rais any

money for the support of singing in the meeting

and there was a tie

The vote was tryed to desolve the meeting and passed

in the affirmative, and the meeting was accordingly desolved

Page 191


The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford

who are qualified voters in Parish meeting are hereby

notified and warned to meet in their meeting house on

Friday the 18th day of April inst at 4 oClock PM

to act the following articles (viz)

1st To choose a Moderator,

2nd To choose a committee especially for the purpose of

         certifying the membership of those who may wish

         join the religious society in this Parish and to give

         such directions to the committee and to act in any way

         on the same as the wisdom of the inhabitants may

         think proper ^when assembled --------------------

3d To see if the Parish will vote to abate sundrey nonresident

         taxes in Collector Capt John Fosters list of rates for the

         year 1823 ----------------------------------------

4th To see if the Parish will vote to abate sundrey taxes

         in collector Kimball Coles list of rates for the years

         1817 and 1818 --------------------John Bacon

Dated Boxford N.P.                  John Merrill   Assors

April 4th 1823                    John Gage


         At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish

         in Boxford April 18th 1823 the folowing votes ware

         passed (viz) --------------

         Chose Capt Amos Kimball moderator ------------

Voted to choose a committee especially for the purpose

         of certifying the membership of those who may wish

         to join the religious society in this Parish ------

Voted that this committee consist of three persons

Voted that the Assessors be a committee for the above

         purpose ------------------------

Voted to defer the consideration of the 3d article

Voted to abate sundry taxes in Collector Lt Kimball Coles

         list of rates for the years 1817 and 1818 the whole

         amounting to $5-03

Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first monday of October

         next at 4 o Clock P.M. -------------------------------

Page 192


The report of the Committee

The Committee appointed by the second Parish

in Boxford to devise means ^to revive sacred musick

have attended to that duty, & beg leave to submitt the

following report,


Sacred musick, your committee consider a verry

important & pleasing part of religious worship,

Nor can they scarcely avoid envying those societys

in which it has been enjoyed with out interruption.

With great pleasure they look back & contemplate the

uninamity which prevaled among those who led in

this ^part of worship years past -- the pleasure and satis=

faction imparted to this society & the honor which

both the society & the performers derived from this

acceptable service.  But if gratified in reviewing

the past they are pained & destressed in witnessing the

presentt they feel no desposition to criminate any

individual, their object ^is not to censure, but to devise

means by which we may be restored to our former

harmony, they have a greatful sense of the services

of those who have led & now lead in this part of sacred

devotion,  And while they would express their

own greatful sense of this service they cannot refrain

from recommending a vote of thanks to those who

have lent their kind assistance ----------

But the main question is which presents is this

how to rais this science from its present state of

depression:  Your Committee cannot but believe

there is a sufficiency of musical talent & taste in

the society if combined & united to render our

singing respectable, And ^their opinion is too favorable

& their hopes too confident of the riseing generation

to suppose for a moment they wish for a moment

they wish to withhold their service and support from

whatever may tend to the harmony & respectability

of the society,  that they but they have been

subjected to expence in times past.  your committee

realize & feel readiness to afford assistance.  As a most

effectual way to accomplish this subject -- to secure aid

they cannot but recommend & pressingly urge those

who can assist in this part of worship to return

to their seats.  As the present season is convenient

for a school, your Committee would recommend

that a certain sum of          should ^raised be raised

this and autumn to defray the expence of a school

Page 193


they beg further to state although it may be thought

most equitable to rais this money by our last assessment

yet at the present time they think it inexpedient and

that recorse be had to subscription & a committee of

  be appointed to take charge of the business.


         All which is respectfully submitted


                     In behalf of the Committee


                                Peter Eaton



The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford who

are qualified voters in Parish meeting are hereby no=

tified and warned to meeting in their meeting house on

Tuesday the sixth day of April next at two O clock P.M.

to act on the following articles   viz

1  To choose a Moderator

2  To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing ----

3  To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev

         Doc,t Eaton the ensuing year in addition to ^his salary by contract

         of $266 67/100  -----------------------

4  To see what method the Parish will adopt to procure

         the twelve cords of wood for the Rev Doc,t Eaton the present

         year agreeable to contract ----------------

5  To agree with some person to sweep the meeting house

         and keep the key -------------------------

6  To let out the care of the Hearse and burial service

7  To see of the Parish will abate the taxes set to Moses

         Wilkins as guardian of Widow Deborah Averill for

         the year 1823 ----------------

8  To see if the Parish will direct a valuation of the

         real estate of the members of the Parish to be taken

         the present year and to act in any way on said article

         which they may think proper when assembled

9  To allow bills of charge

10 To rais money to defray Parish charges

Dated Boxford North           John Bacon

Parish March 18th 1824      John Merrill Assessors

                               John Gage

Page 194


At a legal Parish Meeting held in the North

Parish in Boxford April 6th 1824 the following

votes ware passed  (viz)


Chose Jonathan Foster Esqr moderator

Chose Samuel W. Clement Clerk and he was sworn

   Lt Jedediah H. Barker

Chose Simeon Pearl, and    Assessors

   Capt Aaron Spofford  and they ware sworn

Chose Mr John Foster treasurer

Voted toset up the collection of the Parish taxes to the low=

=est bider

Voted that John Gage be Collector at 3 pr cent

he giving bonds to secure the Parish

Voted the Rev. Doct Eaton one hundred dollars in

addition to his salary of $266.67 by contract

Voted that the wood for the Rev Doct Eaton be pro=

=vided by the lowest bider 3 cords at a time

         Moses Chadwick provide 3 cords

Voted that  at 3 dollars and 70 cts pr cord

   that  Lt John Morrill provide 6 cords

         at $3.75 pr cord

   that  Capt Amos Kimball provide 3 cords

         at $3-70 pr cord

the above mentioned wood is to be corded at the

at the Rev Doct Eatons house by the contractor

Voted that the Meeting house be swept seven times the

present year ------------

Voted that Benjamin Pearl sweep the meeting house

and keep the key the present year for $1.65 cts

Voted to let out the care of the hers and burial service

to the lowest bider, and it was struck off to Moses

Danforth at $1.90 to be paid by individuals

who imploy them

Voted to abate the Parish tax set to Moses Wilkins

as guardian for widow Deborah Averill for the

year 1823

Voted that the Assessors be impowered to reduce

the valuation list of real estate one thurd for

for a general rul and also to make such

other alterations as they think proper


Page 195


Voted to rais four hundred and fifty dollars to defray

Parish charges the present year.

Voted to desolve said said meeting


Essex SS December 6th 1824

Capt Aaron Spofford made oath faithfully to discha=

=rge the of an Assessor for the North Parish in

Boxford for the current year

                        Before me Jona Foster Justs of Peace


At at a legal Parish meeting held in the North

Parish in Boxford April 5th 1825 the following

votes ware passed (viz)



The inhabitants of the North Parish in Boxford

who are legally qualified to vote in Parish meeting

are hereby notified ^to meet at their Meeting house on Tues=

=day the 5th day of April next at two O clock P.M.

to act on the following articles  (Viz)

1st To choose a Moderator -

2nd To choose Parish officers ^for the ensuing year

3rd To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the

         Rev, Doct, Eaton in ad the ensuing year in addition

         to his salary by contract of $266.67/100 ----------

4th To ^see what method the Parish will adopt to procure

         the twelve cords of wood for the Rev, Doc,t Eaton the

         ensuing year agreeable to contract ----------------

5th To agree with some person ^to sweep the Meeting house

         and keep the key ----------------------------------

6th To let out the care of the Hearse and burial service

7th To see if the Parish will direct a valuation of the

         real estate of the members of said Parish to be taken

         the ensuing year; or take any order ^on the subject which

         they may think proper when assembled.

8th To see if the Parish will agree to furnish a stove for

         the Meeting house and make provision for the sup=

         =port of a fire in the same when nescesary -----------

9th To raise a suitable sum of money to defray the Parish

10th To allow bills of charge.                  (charges

Dated Boxford       Jedediah J. Barker Assessors

  March 24th 1825 Simeon Pearl    for said

                     Aaron Spofford   Parish


Page 196


At a legal Parish meeting held in the North Parish in

Boxford April 5th 1825 the following votes ware

passed (viz)

Chose Jonathan Foster Esqr. moderator

Chose Samuel W. Clement Clerk and he was sworn

        Capt Aaron Spofford          Assessors the

Chose  Major John Parker            present year

        Capt George PearlSeth Burnham and they ware sworn

Voted to excuse Capt George Pearl from serving

         as one of the Assessors and Chose Mr Seth Burnham

         in his room,

Chose Mr John Foster treasurer the present year

Voted to set up the collection of the Parish tax to the

         lowest bider and it was accordingly struck off to

         Capt John Foster at 2 3/4 pr cent

Chose Capt John Foster Collector ---------------

Voted to give the Rev Doct Eaton fifty dollars in addi=

         =tion to his salary of $266.67/100 by contract

Voted to procure the twelve cords of wood for the

         Rev. doct Eaton by contract by the lowest bider

         to be set up 3 cords at a time

         Capt John Foster agreed to provide three cords at

         $3.70-cts pr cord and 3 do $3.71 pr do

Lt Jedediah H. Barker 3 cords at $3.70

Cap Amos Kimball 3 cords at $3.70 cts pr cord

         the above wood to be corded at the house of the Rev

         Doct Eaton by the contract and measured by the

         sworn measurer

Voted that the meeting house be swept seven times

         the first time to be the present week and the six

         following times to be the week previous to the

         first Sabbeth in each month by the lowest

         bider and it was struck off to Mr Benjm Pearl

         to sweep the meeting house and keep the key

         for $1. 80/100 the present year

Voted that the care of the hearse and burial service be

         submitted to the Assessors to appoint a suitable

         person to that office ------------------

Voted to pass over the 7th article in the warrent

Voted to choose a committee of three persons to inquire

         the probable expense attending the purchase

         and placing a stove in the Meeting house the

         convenience and inconvenience attending

Page 197


         the same when placed in the above house, also

         to make all other inquiries relative to the subject they

         think proper and report at the adjournment of

         this meeting

Chose Stephen Barker Esqr John Bacon Esqr and Deacn

         John Day for the above Committee

Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first mondy in

         May next at 5 o clock after noon ----------

         May 2nd 1825 the Parish met agreeable to

         adjournment and voted as follows --------

Voted to provide ^and place a stove or stoves in the Meeting house

Voted to chuse a committee of three persons to procure

         the above mentioned stove -----------------

       Dea,n Charles Foster    for the above

Chose Dea,n John Day          Committee

                 Benjamin Pearl

Voted that the above committee be instructed

to procure one or two stoves as they think proper

and in case of opposition to defer the matter

to some futur time  ---- ---- ----    ----

Voted to rais four hundred and fifty dollars

to defray Parish charges the present year

Voted to adjourn this meeting the thurd

tuesday in September next 3 O clock.  P.M.

September 20th 1825

The Parish met agreeable to adjournment and

voted as follows --------------------------------

the moderator being absent, chose Dea,n John

Day moderator pro tem ---------------------

Voted that the Committee chosen to purchas

the stoves be impowered to provid wood for

the maintainance of a fier and agree

with some person to take care of it though

the winter season


Then said Meeting was desolved

Page 198


The Subscribers Committees for the first

and second Parishes in Boxford met this day

at a bound near the residence of Zacheus Gould

being the westerly bound between Parishes

and on the line between the towns of Andover and

Boxford; and proceeded to perambulate the

line between Parishes as follows, from the bound

above named Easterly on a strait line to

the floom at the westerly end of Stiles Pond

thence to the end of the wall towards the

Easterly end of said pond by the old sheep pen

between land of Israel Foster and Wengate

Ilsley, thence by said wall as it now stands

to the middle of the road near Richard Spoffords

barn thence in said road Easterly to a stake

and stones on the Northerly side of the road

on the hill about fifty rods from said

Spoffords barn, thence Northerly to the

stump of Rogers tree so called, ^thence Easterly

to Rowley line ---------


Dated Boxford Novr

  15th 1825           Josiah Kimball Committee

                          Asa Perley Jr of the first

                                            Parish in



                         Aaron Spofford Committee

                         John Parker    of the second

                        Seth Burnham    Parish in


Page 199


The inhabitants of the Second Parish in Boxford

who are duly qualified to vote in Parish meeting are

hereby notified to meet at their meeting house on

tuesday the 4th day of April next at two O clock PM

to act on the following articles  (Viz)

1st To choose a Moderator ----------------------------

2nd To choose Parish officers for the ensuing year ---

3rd To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the

         Rev Dr Eaton the ensuing year in addition to his

         salary by contract of $266.67

4th To see what method the Parish will adopt to procure

         twelve cords of wood for the Rev Dr Eaton the

         present year agreeable to contract

5th To make such provision for the care of the Hearse

         and burial service, the sweeping the meeting

         house and keeping the key and the support of

         of a fier in the stoves as shall be thought

         most expedient when assembled -------------------

6th To see if the Parish will abate any part of a

         tax set to Simeon Foster for the year 1825

         in collector John Fosters list of taxes

7th To rais a suitable sum of money to defray

         Parish charges ----------------------------------

8th To allow bills of charge -------------------------


Dated Boxford second Parish March 25th 1826

                         Aaron Spofford

                         John Parker   Assessors

                         Seth Burnham

Page 200


At a legal Parish meeting held in the second

Parish in Boxford April 4th 1826 the following

votes were passed (viz)


Chose Capt Enoch Parker moderator    (sworn

Chose Samuel W. Clements Parish Clerk and he was

Chose Capt Amos Kimball, Majr John Parker

and Mr Seth Burnham assessors and they were sworn

Chose Mr John Foster Treasurer

Voted to set the up the collection of the Parish

taxes to the lowest bider and it was struck off to

Edmund Barker at 2 cts 9 mills pr cent  (contract

Voted the Rev Doctr Eaton 266 dollars and 67 cts by

Voted to give the Rev, Doct, Eaton $100,00 in addition to

his salary the present year

Voted to provide the Rev, Doct, Eaton twelve cords

of wood the present year by the lowest bider three

Cords in a lot, and it was struck off

3 cords to Jedediah H, Barker for $3..95 pr cord

3 cords to   do  ----------------- 3 -85 pr  do

3 cords to John Foster ------ for  3..95 do  do

3 cords to Leonard Carleton   for  3..90 pr  do

Voted that the care of the Hearse and burial service be

submitted to the Assessors to appoint some suitable

person to the service that they agree on the price

for opening each grave and attending each funeral

with the herse and that they enter the same on

the Parish Book

Voted to provide 1 1/2 cord of good maple wood for

the use of the stoves in the meeting house, to be

sawed, split and housed fit for the fier, by the lowest

bider and it was struck off to Jedediah H. Barker

at $4.89 pr cord

Voted that the funal of the stoves shall be taken down

through the summer season ---------------------------

Voted that the care of the meeting house and keeping

they key and tending the fier in the stoves through

the winter season, be done by the lowest bider, that

the meeting house be swept nine times the present

year, the first time to be immediately after this

meeting, once a month through the summer and

once in two months through the winter season

and it was struck to John Chadwick for $6.25