1796 - 1808

Page 101


These are to notify and warn all the freeholders and

Other Inhabitants living in the second Parish in Boxford

who are qualified by Law to vote in Parish Meetings

to assemble and meet in the meeting House in said

Parish on wednesday the 16.th day of Nov.r Ins.t at 2, oClock

in the afternoon to act on the following articles (viz)

first To Choose a moderator to govern said meeting

2.nd To vote eighty Pounds for the Support of the Rev.d

     M.r Eaton the Present year agreeable to Contract

3.rd To vote twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the

     Present year agreeable to Contract --------------

4.th To see if the Parish will vote to Supply M.r Eaton's

     wood the present year by letting it to the lowest bidder

5.th To see if the will vote that the moderator Shall put

     up said wood agreeable to the 4th article-------

6.t  To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to raise

     towards paying the Parish debt --------------------

7.th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to

     raise to Defray the Parish Charges the Present year

8.     To see if the Parish will vote that the several

     sums of money to be raised Shall be assesed in

     one list of rates ----------------------------

9.th To allow Bills of Charge ---------------------

Dated Boxford second

Parish Nov.r 2.nd 1795       Moses Carleton Committe

                            Stephen Barker J.r  for said

                              Enos Runnels  Parish

Page 102


At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford

Nov.r 16th 1796 John Robinson Esq.r moderator for said

Meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)

Voted eighty pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eaton's support the present year

Voted twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the Present year

Voted that M.r Eaton's fire wood Shall be furnished by the

   loest bidder by the Cord ----------------------------------

Voted that that the moderator Shall put up said wood

   by the Cord ----------------------------------------------

Voted to raise thirty five pounds towards paying the

   Parish debt -----------------------------------------------

Voted to raise twenty pounds to defray the Parish Charges

   the present year .-----------------------------------------

Voted that the several Sums of money to be raised the

   Present year Shall be assessed in one list of rates ------

Voted that M.r William Foster Shall have 19/6 p.r Cord for

   2 Cords of fire wood Delivered to M.r Eaton --------------

Voted That M.r John Foster Shall have 19/6 p.r Cord for

   4 Cords of fire wood Delivered to M.r Eaton --------------

Voted That M.r Daniel Foster Shall have 19/6 p.r Cord for

   4 Cords of fire wood Delivered to M.r Eaton -----------------

Voted that M.r Nathan Barker Shall have 19/6 p.r Cord for

   2 Cords of fire^wood Delivered to M.r Eaton ------------------

Total 12 Cords

            then said meeting was desolved

Page 103


These are to notify and warn all the freeholders and

other Inhabitants living in the second Parish in

in Boxford who are qualified by Law to vote in

Parish meetings to assemble and meet in their

meeting house on tuesday the twentyfirst day of

march Instant at two oClock in the afternoon on

said day to act on the following articles (viz)

first  To appoint a moderator for said meeting

2.ndly To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as

    the law directs.

3.rdly To agree with some suitable Person to sweep the

     Meeting house & keep the Key the year ensuing

4.thly To see if the Parish will vote to place a monument

     in our graveyard to perpetuate the memory of

     M.rs Cushing Deceas'd and if so then to Choose

     Some suitable Person to Persons to see if Carried

     into effect.

5.thly To allow Bills of Charge


   Dated Boxford March 10th 1797


                                 Moses Carleton Committe

                               Stephen Barker J.r for said

                                  Enos Runnels   Parish

Page 104


At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford

March 21.st 1797, John Robinson Esq.r moderator for

said meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)

Voted that L.t Moses Carleton serve as Parish Clerk the

   year ensuing and he was sworn ----------------------

Voted That L.t Moses Carleton serve as assessor the year

   ensuing and he was sworn ---------------------------

Voted that M.r Stephen Barker J.r serve as 2.nd assessor the year

   ensuing and he was sworn -----------------------------

Voted that M.r Israel Foster serve as 3.rd assessor the year

   ensuing and he was sworn ------------------------------

Voted that M.r John Tyler Serve as Collector the year

   ensuing and he was sworn --------------------------------

Voted that John Robinson Esq.r serve as Treasurer the

   year ensuing and he was sworn -------------------------

Voted that Tymon shall have four Dollars for sweeping

   the meeting house and keeping the Key the year

   ensuing Provided he keep the snow shoveled from

   from the Door in the winter.

A vote was try'd if the Parish would place a monument in

   in their grave yard to perpetuate the memory of M.rs

   Cushing Deceas'd and pass'd in the negative

Voted and ^allowed John Robinson Esq.r two Dollars for his

   Service as Treasurer for the year 1796

Voted that the assessors serve as Parish Committe the

   year ensuing


   Then said meeting was Desolved

Page 105


These are to notify the Inhabitants of the second Parish in

Boxford who are legally Qualified to vote in Parish meet

=ings to meet in their meeting House on monday the

thirtieth day of October Instant at two oClock in the after

=noon to act on the following articles (Viz) -------------

first To appoint a moderator to Govern said meeting ------------

2nd   To vote eighty Pounds for the rev.d M.r Eaton for his support

     the present year agreeable to contract ------------------

3.rd  To vote twelve Cords of firewood for M.r Eaton the Present

     year agreeable to Contract --------------------------------

4.th  To see of the Parish will vote that the moderator shall

     put up said wood to be furnished to M.r Eaton by the lowest

     bidder by the Cord ---------------------------------------

5.th  To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to raise to

     defray the Parish charges the Present year -----------------

6.th  To see if the Parish will vote that the several sums of money

     to be raised shall be assessed in one list of rates

7.th To allow bills of Charge         Moses Carleton Committe

   Boxford October 21.st 1797     Stephen Barker J.r  for said

                                            Israel Foster Parish


At a meeting held by the 2.nd Parish in Boxford Oct.o 30.th 1797

M.r Luke Hovey moderator for said meeting the following

voted were pass'd (viz)

Voted eighty pounds for M.r Eaton's salary the Present year

Voted twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the present year

Voted that the moderator put up said wood to be furnished by the

   lo^west bidder by the Cord,

Voted that Nathan Barker shall have nineteen shillings & 15.d p.r

   Cord for twelve Cords of good fire wood Delivered to M.r Eaton -Voted to        raise the sum of twenty pounds to defray the Parish Charges

   the present year

Voted that the several sums of money to be rais'd the Present year be

   assessed in one list of rates

                            then said meeting was Desolved

Page 106


These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants

living in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally

qualified to vote in Parish meetings to assembler & meet

in their meeting house on Tuesday the 27th day of

march Instant at three oClock in the afternoon to

act on the following Articles (viz)

first To Choose a moderator to govern s.d meeting

2nd   To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the law directs

3rd   To agree with some suitable Person to sweep the meet

     =ing house and keep the Key the year ensuing

4.th  To allow bills of Charge  Moses Carleton  Committe

Dated Boxford march 17.th 1798 Stephen Barker J.r   for said

                                 Israel Foster  Parish



At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford this

27.th day of march 1798 M.r John Robinson moderator for said

meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)

Voted that Moses Carleton serve as Clerk the year ensuing

Voted that Moses Carleton M.r Stephen Barker J.r & M.r Israel

   Foster serve as assessors the year ensuing and also as

   Parish Committe

Voted that M.r Simeon Foster Serve as Collector the year ensuing

Voted that John Robinson Esq.r serve as Treasurer the year ensuing

Voted that M.r Lemuel Wood shall have three Dollars & eighty

   four Cents for Sweeping the meeting house and

   keeping the Key the year ensuing

Voted that John Robinson Esq.r shall have two Dollars for

   for his Services as Treasurer the year passt --

   then said meeting was desolved.

Page 107


These are to notify the Inhabitants of the second Parish in

Boxford who are legally Qualified to vote in Parish meetings

to assemble and meet in their meeting house on monday

the 29th day of Oct.o Inst.t at three O.Clock in the afternoon

to act on the following articles (Viz)

first To appoint a moderator for s.d meeting

2ndly To vote eighty pounds for the rev.d M.r Eaton's

   Sallary the present year agreeable to Contract

3rdly To vote twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton --

   agreeable to Contract -------------------

4thly To see what Sum of money the Parish will vote to

   raise to defray the Parish Charges the present year

5thly To see of the Parish will vote that the several

   sums of money to be raised shall be assessed in

   on one list of rates ------------------------

6thly To see if the Parish will vote that the moderator

   shall put up s.d wood to be furnished to M.r Eaton

   by the loest bidder by the Cord ---------------

7thly To allow bills of Charge -------------------


Dated Boxford Oct.o 20.th 1798

                      Moses Carleton    Committe

                  Stephen Barker J.r    for said

                   Israel Foster        Parish

Page 108


At a meeting held by the 2.nd Parish in Boxford

this 29.th day of october 1798 Mr. Stephen Barker

moderator, the following votes were Pass'd (Viz)

first Voted eighty pounds for the rev.d M.r Eaton's Sallary the

   present year --------------------------------------------

Voted twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the present year

Voted to raise twenty five pounds to defray Parish

   Charges the present year ------------------------

Voted that all the Sums of money to be raised shall be

   assessed in one list of rates

Voted that the moderator shall Put up the wood for M.r

   Eaton to be furnished be the loest bidder by the Cord

   En.s Tyler ^Porter to have three Dollars p.r Cord for twelve Cords

   of good fire wood delivered to M.r Eaton agreeable to contract

               then said meeting was desolved



These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living in

the second Parish in Boxford who are legally Qualified to vote

in Parish meetings to assemble and meet in their meet

=ing house on Tuesday the fifth day of march next

at two OClock in the afternoon to act on the following

articles (viz) ------------------------------------------

first To Choose a moderator to Govern s.d meeting --------

2ndly To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the law directs

3rdly To agree with some suitable Person to Sweep the meeting house

               and keep the key the year ensuing -----------------------

4thly To see of the Parish will vote to accept some Person to

               serve as Collector instead of Simeon Foster --------------

5thly To see if the Parish will vote to let out their Taxes to

               be collected in future by the loest bidder he giving

               bonds for the security of the Parish, if So to take such

               other measures respecting s.d Collection the Parish shall

               think best when Conven'd

Page 109


6thly To see if the Parish will vote to build a convenient Pew for the

               Singers in the meeting house where they usually sit ---------

7thly To see of the Parish will vote to sell the ground in their meet-

               =ing house where the front Pew and hind seat now stands

               for the purpose of Erecting Family Pews leaving a sufficient

               alley in front of said Pews ----------------------------------

8thly To allow bills of Charge

Dated Boxford 22.nd February 1799    Moses Carleton   Committee

                                   Stephen Barker J.r   for s.d

                                      Israel Foster Parish



At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford this 5th day

of march 1799, the following votes were pass'd (viz) -----

Voted that Moses Carleton Serve as Clerk the year ensuing & he was sworn

Voted that Moses Carleton M.r Stephen Barker J.r and M.r Israel Foster

   Serve as Assessors the year ensuing and they were sworn --

Voted that the assessors serve as Parish Committe y.e year ensuing

Voted that M.r Nathan Kimball serve as Treasurer the year

   ensuing and he was Sworn. ------------------------------

Voted that Moses Chadwick shall have three dollars ^and 84 Cents for

   Sweeping the meeting house and keeping the Key

   the year ensuing --------------------------------------------

Voted to let out the Parish taxes in future to be collected

   by the loest bidder he giving bonds for the security of

   the Parish, voted that the Parish Committe agree with a

   Collector requiring bonds agreeable to the above vote ----

Voted that the said Collector forfeit his fee for Collecting if not Settled at    the ^time specified in his bond, voted that s.d Committe agree with a   Collector instead of Simeon Foster.

Voted that John Robinson Esq.r shall have two Dollars for his --

   Service as treasurer the year past.

Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd to the 26th Day of march

   Instant at 3 OClock in the afternoon ---

Page 110


Tuesday 26.th march 1799 the Parish met agreeable to the

above adjournment a voted as follows -- (viz) ----

Voted to Sell the ground in their meeting house where the

   front Pew & hind seat now stands for the purpose of

   erecting family Pews ------------------------------

Voted to reconsider the above vote ---------------------

Voted to pass over the sixth article in the notification

   then s.d meeting was desolved ----------------------



These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants

living in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally

qualified to vote in Parish meeting to assemble and

meet in their meeting house on monday the eighth

day of April next at three Oclock in the afternoon

on said day then & there to act upon the following

articles (viz)

first To appoint a moderator to Govern said meeting

2nd To see if the Parish will vote to build a convenient seat for the

   singers in the front of the Gallary in their meeting house

   in s.d Parish.

3rdly To see if the Parish will vote to sell any part of the Ground

   in the front of the Gallary in their meeting house in said

   Parish to build family Pews on.

4thly To vote what part of said Ground they will sell or build

   family Pews upon as they shall think proper when Conven'd

5thly If the above ^articles votes pass in the affirmative to vote to choose a  Committe to sell the Ground or sell the Pews as they shall

   think proper

6th  To accept a man to serve as Collector the year ensuing

   agreed with by their Committe agreeable to the Parish

   votes pass'd march 5th 1799.

Dated Boxford 29th march 1799        Moses Carleton  Committe

                                Stephen Barker Jun.r  for said

                                      Israel Foster   Parish


Page 111


At a meeting held by the Second Parish in Boxford this

   8th day of April 1799 Cap.t Ivory Hovey moderator for said

   meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)--------------

Voted to build a convenient seat in front of the Gallary in

   their meeting house for the singers ----------------

Voted to appropriate the Ground from the west porch door

   rou^nd by the wall in the front of the Gallary to the east

   porch door for the purpose of building family Pews on

   (except such part as shall be taken for the singers seats)

Voted that Cap.t Ivory Hovey M.r Samuel Chadwick En.s Enos

   Runnels En.s Tyler Porter & M.r Stephen Barker Jun.r be

   a Committe to build said Pews & also the singers seat

Voted that M.r Lemuel Wood Serve as Collector the year ensuing

               Then said meeting was desolved.



These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living

in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified

to vote in Parish meetings to assemble and meet in their

Meeting house on Friday the 19.th day of July Inst at

three o,Clock in the afternoon on said day to act on the

following articles (viz)


first To choose a moderator to govern s.d meeting

2.nd  To see if the Parish will vote to accept the Pews lately

   erected in the gallary in their meeting house (if so)

3.rd  To see if the Parish will choose a committee to appraise

   and sell said Pews to the highest bidder on said day

4th  To take such other measures respecting s.d Pews as the Parish

   thinks best when met --

5.th To allow bill of Charge

6.th To see if the Parish will vote that Instrumental musick

   be Introduced into the meeting house on Sundays   turn over 


Page 112


Dated Boxford July 6.th 1799 Moses Carleton Committee

                           Stephen Barker J.r   for said

                             Israel Foster  Parish


At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford the 19th day of

July 1799 Cap.t Ivory moderator for said meeting the following

votes were pass'd (viz) ---------------------------------------


Voted to accept the Pews lately erected in their meeting house

Voted that Cap.t Ivory Hovey En.s Enos Runnels L.t Eben.r Peabody

   En.s Tyler Porter Moses Carleton M.r Lemuel Wood M.r Stephen

   Barker J.r be a Committee to appraise s.d Pews, then said

   meeting was adjourn'd for fifteen minutes --------------

   The Parish met agreeable to adjournment and ------------

Voted that the Pews be sold to the highest bidder to begin at

   what they were appraised at respectively ---------------

Voted that the above Committee be & is hereby autherized to

   sell said Pews and give Conveyances of the same ----------

Voted that Instrumental Musick be Introduced into the

   meeting on Sundays.


   then said meeting was desolved. --------------------------


These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living

in the 2nd Parish in Boxford who are legally Qualified to vote

in Parish meetings to meet in their meeting house on monday

the fifth day of august at three oClock in the afternoon

on sd day to act on the following articles (viz)

first To choose a moderator to Govern s.d meeting ---------------

2nd  To see if the Parish will vote to appropriate the ground

   in the front of the Gallary in their meeting house in s.d Parish

   that is not already taken up, for the purpose of Building

   four family Pews.

Page 113


3.rd To choose a Committee to build s.d Pews, or sell the Ground as the

   Parish shall think best when met ----------------------------------

4.th To take such other measures respecting s.d Pews as the Parish

   shall think best when Convene'd -----------------------------------

5.th To see if the Parish will vote to repair the Ground pinning of

   their meeting house -----------------------------------------------

6.th To see if the Parish will vote to hang the inner door of their

   meeting house with weights - and to Choose a committee for the

   above purpose

7.th To see if the Parish will vote that a Stove may be built in their

   meeting house provided it is done by Subscription

8.th To allow bills of charge -------------- Moses Carleton   Committe

Dated Boxford 27th July 1799        Stephen Barker J.r for said

                                          Israel Foster   Parish


At a meeting held by the 2nd Parish in Boxford August 5th

1799 Maj.r Ivory Hovey moderator for said meeting the following

votes were pass'd -------------------------------------------------------

Voted that the Ground not already taken up in the front of the

   Gallary in their meeting house shall be appropriated for

   the purpose of Building four family Pews ------------------------

Voted that M.r Lemuel Wood Maj.r Ivory Hovey Samuel Carleton J.r

   M.r William Foster & L.t Eben.z Peabody be a Committee to

   sell said Ground or build the Pews & sell the same as they

   shall judge most advantageous to the Parish ----------------------

Voted to repair the Ground pinning of their meeting house and hang

   the ^inner Doors with weights, ----------------------------------

Voted that Maj.r Ivory Hovey L.t Ebenezer Peabody & M.r Isaac Barker

   be a Committee for the above purpose ---------------------------

Voted to pass over the 7.th article in the Notification --------------

                then s.d meeting was desolved. -----------------------

Page 114


These are to notify and warn all th Inhabitants living

in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified

to vote in Parish meetings to meet in their meeting house

on tuesday the twelfth day of Nov.r next at two oClock

in the afternoon to act on the following articles (viz)

first To choose a moderator to Govern s.d meeting -----------

2.nd  To vote eighty pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eatons support

   the present year agreeable to Contract.

3.rd  To vote twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton agreeable to


4.th To see if the Parish will vote that M.r Eatons wood shall

   be furnished by the best bidder by the Cord if so,

5.th To see if the Parish will vote that the moderator Put

   up said wood to be furnished accordingly

6.thly To see if the Parish will vote that the Doors of the

   two end Pews that are to be built in the front of the

   Gallary may be mad in the foreside of s.d Pews where

   the short seats are. ---

7.thly To allow Bills of Charge.

                                 Moses Carleton   Committee

Dated Boxford october 30th 1799   Stephen Barker J.r  for said

                                 Israel Foster Parish


At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford Nov.r 12.th 1799

Cap.t Ivory Hovey moderator for said meeting -----

Voted eighty pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eaton's support the

   the present year agreeable to contract.

Voted twelve Cords of firewood for M.r Eaton the Present year

Voted that m.r Eaton's wood Shall be furnished by the lowest

   bidder by the Cord. ---

Voted that the Moderator put up said wood accordingly

Page 115


   M.r Nathan Barker agreed to furnish six Cords of good wood to

   M.r Eaton at -----------------------------------$3,50. cts p.r Cord

   M.r William ^Foster to furnish three Cords of wood at 3,50 -Do-

   M.r John Foster One Cord of -------------------Do-----3,50 -Do-

   Then said meeting A vote was try'd whether the Parish

   would Consent that the doors of the two end Pews to be built

   in the Gallary in their meeting house may hang in the

   front of said Pews where the Short seats stands & Pass'd in y.e    negative

   Then said meeting was adjourn'd to tuesday the 26.th day of

   Nov.r Ins.t at 3, oClock in the afternoon -----


   Tuesday Nov.r 26.th 1799 the Parish met agreeable to the above

   adjournment and M.r Jonathan Tyler agreed to furnish

   M.r Eaton with two Cords of fire wood at -- $3,50 Cts p.r Cord

   Then said meeting was desolved.


These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living in the second

Parish in Boxford who are qualified by law to vote in Parish meetings

to meet in their meeting house on tuesday the 26.th day of Nov.r Ins.t at

four oClock in the afternoon to act on the following articles (viz)

first to choose a moderator to Preside at s.d meeting -----------------

2.nd To see what sum of money the the Parish will vote to raise to de-

   =fray the Parish charges the present year. -----------------------

3.rd To see if the Parish will vote that the doors of the two end Pews that

   are to be built in Gallary in their meeting house may hang in the

   front of s.d Pews agreeable to a request of M.r Jn.o Foster ------

4.th To see of the Parish will Consent that the short seats may be

   moved for that purpose. --------------------------------------------

5.th To take any other measures respecting said Foster's request

   that the Parish shall think proper when met.

Dated Boxford Nov.r 16.th 1799   Moses Carleton Committee

                            Stephen Barker J.r   for said

                                Israel Foster Parish

Page 116


At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford the 26th

day of Nov.r 1799 Cap.t Ivory Hovey moderator for s.d meeting

the following votes were pass'd (viz) ------------------------

Voted to raise the sum of twenty pounds for the purpose

   of defraying the Parish Charges the Present year -----

Voted that M.r John Foster may swing his pew door where the

   end of the short seats now stands his paying to the Parish

   for the ground he may necessarily improve for

   that purpose valuing the whole seats at ten Dollars ------


   Then said meeting was Desolved ------------------------------



These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living

in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to

vote in Parish meetings to meet in their meeting house

on tuesday the 24.th day of December Ins.t at two oClock in

the afternoon to act on the following articles (viz) --

first To choose a moderator to govern said meeting ---------------

2nd  To see if the Parish will vote to purchase a wood lot & a pall

   for the used of said Parish and to Choose a committee for that


3rd  To take any measures respecting the above article that the

   Parish may judge best when Convene'd

4.th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to raise

   for the above purposes

5.th To see if the Parish will vote to seat the People of Colour

   in any particular part of their meeting house (if so) to vote

   what part shall be appropriated for the use of the above

   mentioned People

7.th  To take any other measures respecting seating said

   People that the Parish shall think best when met ------

8th  To see if the Parish will vote that the several sums of money

   to be raised shall be assessed in one list of rates

Page 117


9th  To allow Bills of Charge -----------------------------------

   Dated Boxford Dec.r 14.th 1799   Moses Carleton Committee

                                    Stephen Barker J.r

                                      Israel Foster   for said



At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford

the 24.th day of December 1799 Cap.t Ivory moderator for said

meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)

Voted to Purchase a pall for the use of said Parish

Voted that Lieut. John Robinson & M.r Isaac Barker be a committee

   for the above purpose.

Voted that John Robinson Esq.r L.t Ebenezer Peabody Stephen Barker J.r

   L.t Moses Carleton Cap.t Ivory Hovey L.t John Robinson Nathan -----

   Kimball Nathan Barker Joseph Carleton be a committee to

   Purchase a wood lot for said Parish if they shall judge it

   advantagious to the Parish -------

Voted that Moses Carleton Cap.t Ivory Hovey Samuel Spofford J.r

   Samuel Carleton J.r & John Tyler be a committee to seat the

   People of Colour and report some future time

Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd to tuesday the 7.th day of

   January next three oClock in the afternoon.


   Tuesday 7.th Jan.y 1800 the Parish met agreeable to adjournment

   and voted as follows --

Voted that En.s Enos Runnels Cap.t Ivory Hovey & L.t Moses

   Carleton be a Committee to build two family Pews in the

   North end of the womans Gallery in their meetinghouse

   for the People of Colour to set in -------------------------------


   then said meeting was Desolved --

Page 118


These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants

living in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally

qualified to vote in Parish meetings to assemble & meet

in their meetinghouse on tuesday the eighteenth day of

march Instant at two oClock in the afternoon on sd day

to act on the following articles (Viz) ----------------

first To choose a moderator to govern said meeting. --------

2.nd  To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the ---

   Law directs --------------------------------------------

3.rd To agree with some suitable Person to sweep the meet

   =house and keep the Key the year ensuing ---------------

4.th  To allow Bills of charge       Moses Carleton   Commit

Dated Boxford March 7.th 1800    Stephen Barker J.r   for said

                                    Israel Foster  Parish

At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford 18.th march 1800

John Robinson Esq.r Moderator for said meeting the following

votes were pass'd (viz) ----------------------------------------

Voted that L.t Moses Carleton serve as Parish Clerk the year

   ensuing and he was sworn ----------------------------------

Voted that L.t Moses Carleton serve as first assessor the year ensuing

Voted that Charles Foster serve as second assessor the year ---------

   ensuing and he was sworn ------------------------------------------

Voted that Stephen Kimball serve as 3.rd assessor the year

   ensuing and he was sworn voted that the assessor serve

   as Committee the year ensuing

Voted that M.r Nathan Kimball serve a Treasurer the

   year ensuing and he was sworn.

   then said meeting was adjourn'd to the first day of April next

   at 3:oClock afternoon; April 1st 1800 the Parish met agreeable

   to adjournment, and voted that Lemuel Wood serve Collector

   the year ensuing, voted

voted that Jacob Parker shall have three Dollars & 66 cents for sweeping the meeting house the year ensuing

Page 119


These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living

in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified

to vote in Parish meetings to assemble and meet in their

meeting house on tuesday the first day of April next at 4 -

oClock in the afternoon to act on the following articles /viz

first To choose a moderator to govern said meeting -----------

2.nd  To agree with some suitable Person to take charge

   of the Burying ground in said Parish

3.rd To agree with some suitable Person to take Charge of

   the Pall lately Purchased by said Parish

4.th  To take any measures respecting said Burying ground and

   Pall that the Parish shall judge expedient when conven'd

5.th To allow Bill of charge Dated march 22.nd 1800

                             Moses Carleton   Committee

                             Stephen Kimball  for s@


At a meeting held by the 2.nd Parish in Boxford April 1.st 1800

John Robinson Esq.r moderator the following votes were pass'd/viz

Voted that M.r Amos Kimball shall take charge of the bury=

   =ing ground and Pall for s.d Parish

Voted and allowed M.r Lemuel Woods bill of two Dollars & 50 cents

   for his service writing Conveyances forof Pews sold in their

   meeting house. then said meeting was Desolved.


At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford march 18.th 1800

John Robinson Esq.r moderator

Voted and allow'd Isaac Barker bill of two Dollars for work done

   raising the ground round the meeting house -------------

Voted and allow'd Cap.t Hovey's bill of one Dollar & 50 Cents for

   work done round the meeting house

Voted and allow'd L.t Peabody's bill of Six Dollars & fifty cents for

   work done round the meeting house

Voted and allow'd John Pearl's Bill of one Dollar & 50 cents for work

   done round the meeting house

Voted and allow'd Charles Fosters bill of three Dollars & sixty cents

   for work done hanging the doors in the meeting house with


Page 120


These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants

living in the second Parish in Boxford who are

legally qualified to vote in Parish meetings to assemble

and meet in their meeting house on monday the 17.th day

of November Instant at two oClock afternoon to act on

the following articles (Viz)

first To appoint a Moderator ---------------------------

2.nd  To vote eighty pounds for the Rev'd M.r Eaton's Sallary

   the present year agreeable to Contract. ---------------

3.rd  To vote twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the

   present year agreeable to Contract. -------------------

4th  To see of the Parish will vote that M.r Eaton's wood shall

   be delivered to him by the loest bidder by the Cord -----

5.th To see if the Parish will vote that the Moderator of

   this meeting put up said wood to be furnished accordingly

6.th  To see if the Parish will vote an additional sum to M.r

   Eaton's Sallary the present year so as to bring his

   stated pa^yments to the first of January in future. ------

7.th  To see what sum of money th Parish will vote to raise

   to defray Parish Charges the present year ---------------

8.th  To see if the Parish will vote that the several Sums

   of money to be raised the Present year shall be assessed

   in one list of rates. --------------------------------------

9.th  To see of the Parish will vote to build family Pews in both

   the side Galleries in their Meeting house leaving sufficient

   Seats for the People of Colour next to the doors.

10.th To take any measures that the Parish shall judge expedient

   respecting the two pews lately built in the side Gallery and

   appropriating any other part for the purpose of building Pews

11th  To allow bills of Charge

Dated Boxford Second Parish        Moses Carleton Committee

November 8th 1800                  Charles Foster for said

                                    Stephen Kimball   Parish

Page 121


At a meeting held by the second Parish Nov.r 17.th 1800 ---

M.r Lemuel Wood moderator the following votes

were past (viz.)

1.st  Voted eighty pounds for the Rev'd Peter Eaton's Sallary

   the present year.

Voted twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the present year

Vo that Lieu.t John Robinson furnish 2 Cords of said wood

   at three Dollars & sixty six 1/2 Cents p.r Cord --- $733 --

   that M.r Benjamin Parker furnish ten Cords of s.d wood

   at three Dollars & 66 1/2 Cents p.r Cord ---------- $3666 --

Voted twenty pounds in addition to M.r Eatons Sallary

   the present year so as to bring the Stated payment

   of his Sallary in future to fall on the first of January

Voted seventy Dollars to defray Parish Charges the --

   present year --------------------------------------------

Voted that the several sums of money to be raised the

   present year shall be assessed in one list of rates

Voted to pass over the ninth & tenth articles in the --

   notification --

   then said meeting was desolved --

Page 122


These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants

living in the North Parish in Boxford who are

qualified by law to vote in Parish meetings to meet

in their meeting house on monday the thirteenth

day of April Instant at two oClock afternoon to

act on the following articles (viz) -------

first To appoint a Moderator

2nd  To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the

   Law directs -----------------------------------------

3rd To see if the Parish will vote that the assessors shall

   be Parish Committee the year ensuing ------------------

4th To agree with some suitable Person to sweep the

   Meeting house and keep the Key the year ensuing.

5th To take such measures as the Parish shall think best

   when met in order to dispose of the Pews lately

   built in the east Gallary in their Meeting house.

6th To see if the Parish will bote to appropriate any

   more ground in the Gallaries in their Meeting house

   for the purpose of building family Pews and

   Determine how many ------------------------------------

7th To take any measures respecting said Pews and

   Pew ground that the Parish shall judge

   expedient when convened ---------------------

8th To allow bills of Charge

   Boxford April 4th 1801


                                Moses Carleton Committe

                           Charles Foster   for said

                              Stephen Kimball   Parish

Page 123


At a meeting held by the North Parish in Boxford the

thirteenth day of April 1801

Lieut. John Robinson Moderator, the following votes were

   Pass'd (Viz)

Voted That Moses Carleton serve a Parish Clerk the year


Voted that Moses Carleton Charles Foster & Stephen Kimball

   Serve as assessors the year ensuing

Voted that the assessors serve as Parish Committee the year


Voted that M.r Nathan Kimball serve a Parish Treasurer

   the year ensuing

Voted that M.r Lemuel ^Wood serve as Parish Collector the

   year ensuing

Voted that Jacob Parker shall have three Dollars & 17 Cents

   for sweeping the meeting house and keeping the

   Key the year ensuing.

Voted that the Committe appointed to build two Pews in the

   north end of the East Gallary in their Meeting house

   be directed to dispose of said Pews for the advantage of

   the Parish

Voted to appropriate all the Ground in both the side

   Gallary's in their Meeting house for the purpose of

   Building family Pews leaving sufficient seats next

   to the two doors for the People of Colour to sit in

Voted that M.r M.r Stephen Barker Jun.r M.r John Porter

   Moses Carleton M.r Lemuel Wood & Ens. Enos Runnels

   be a Committe to Build said Pews ------------------


   Then said Meeting was desolved

Page 124


These are to notify the Inhabitants of the north Parish

in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in Parish

=meetings to meet in their meeting house on Tuesday

the 8.th day of December next at two oClock in the after

=noon to act on the following articles (Viz)

first To appoint a Moderator ---------------------------

2 To vote eighty pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eaton's Sallary

   the year ensuing agreeable to Contract. -----------

3 To vote Twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the year

   ensuing. -------------------------------------------

4 To take such measures with respect to furnishing M.r

   Eaton's wood as the Parish shall Judge expedient when conven'd

5 To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to raise

   to defray Parish Charges the year ensuing. -------------

6 To see if the Parish will vote that the several sums of

   money voted to be raised the ensuing year shall be

   assessed in one list of rates. ---------------------

7 To allow bills of charge.       Moses Carleton

Boxford Nov.r 28.th 1801             Charles Foster Committe

                                     Stephen Kimball



At a meeting held by the north Parish in Boxford this

8.th day of December 1801 Lieut. John Robinson moderator

Voted eighty pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eaton's Sallary the year ensuing

Voted twelve Cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the year ensuing

Voted to raise $60,00 to defray Parish Charges the year ensuing

Voted that the several sums of money to be raised shall

   be assess'd in one list of rates. ---------------------------

Voted that M.r Eatons wood shall be furnished by the loest

   Bidder by the Cord. ------------------------------------------

Voted that M.r Jonathan Tyler shall have $3,66 p.r Cord for 51/2 Cords

   Cords of wood delivered to M.r Eaton

Voted that M.r John Foster shall have $3,66 for 11/2p.r Cord for -- 11/2

Voted that M.r Nathan Barker shall have $3,66 p.r Cord for -------- 3

Voted that M.r William Foster shall have $3,66 p.r Cord for ------- 2


Then said meeting was Desolved.

Page 125


In compliance with a request from M.r Amos Spofford

and others These are to notify and warn all the

freeholders and other Inhabitants living in the north

Parish in Boxford who are qualified by Law to vote in

Parish meetings to assemble and meet in their meeting

=House on monday the 25.th day of January Instant at

two oClock afternoon on said day to act on the following

articles (viz)

first To appoint a moderator to Govern said meeting

2.nd  To see if the Parish will vote a certain sum of money

   to be paid to the Rev.d Peter Eaton as a compensation

   to him in consiquence of his relinquishing his fire

   wood to the Parish the three first years after he was

   Ordained, and likewise considering the high price of

   the neccessaries of life made use of in a family, and

   the high price of Labour for a number of years past.

3.rd To take any measures respecting the above

   article that the Parish may Judge expedient when

   conveined.           Moses Carleton   Committe

Dated Boxford Jan.y 16.th 1802  Charles Foster   for said

                          Stephen Kimball   Parish



At a meeting held by the North Parish in Boxford

January 25th 1802 John Robinson Esq.r moderator

for said meeting, the following votes were pass'd

a vote was try'd to see if the Parish would ^give M.r Eaton

a certain sum of money & pass'd in the affirmative

voted that a present be made to the Rev.d M.r Eaton of the

   sum of $125 Dollars

voted that the money due to the Parish be appropriated

   for the purpose of the above mentioned present

voted that this meeting be desolved.

Page 126


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants living

in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified

to vote in Parish Meetings to assemble and meet in their

Meeting-house on Wednesday the seventh day of April

next at two of the Clock in the afternoon to act on the

following articles (viz)


First To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting.


2.ndly  To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing

   as the law directs. --


3.rdly To agree with some suitable person to sweep the

   Meeting-house & keep the key the year ensuing.


4.thly To allow bills of charge.


Dated Boxford March 24, 1802

                             Moses Carleton   Committee

                             Charles Foster for said

                             Stephen Kimball   Parish

Page 127


At a meeting held on Wednesday 7.th April 1802, by the

second Parish in Boxford - John Robinson Esq. being

Moderator the following votes were pass'd.

1.stly Voted That Stephen Kimball serve as Parish Clerk

   the year ensuing & he was sworn --

Voted That Cap.t Moses Carleton M.r Charles Foster & M.r

   Samuel Spofford serve as Assessors the year ensuing

   also voted that the Assessors serve as Parish

   Committee the year ensuing

Voted That M.r Nathan Kimball serve as Parish

   Treasurer the year ensuing. --

Voted That M.r Lemuel Wood serve as Parish Collector

   the year ensuing -- & agreed with him to collect the

   Parish Tax for the ensuing year for the compensation

   of six cents on Twenty Shillings. --

Voted that Timon Freeman have Two dollars &

   fifty eight cents for sweeping the Meeting-house

   & keeping the year for the year ensuing. --

   Then said Meeting was dissolved. ----

Page 128


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants

living in the North Parish in Boxford, who are

legally qualified to vote in Parish meetings to

assemble & meet at their Meeting-house -- on Mon

day the twenty-second day of November instant

at two oClock in the afternoon to act on the following

articles (viz).

First to appoint a Moderator to govern said

meeting ~

2.nd  To vote Eighty Pounds for the Rev'd Mr Eaton's

support the present year agreeable to contract. --

3.rd  To vote twelve Cords of M.r Eaton the present year.

4.th  To see if the Parish will vote that M.r Eaton's

wood shall be furnished by the lowest bidder

by the cord.

5.  To see if the Parish will vote that the Moderator

put up said wood to be furnished accordingly. --

6.th  To Choose a Parish Treasurer for the present year

7.th  To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to

raise to defray Parish charges the present year

8.th  To allow Bills of charge. --

Dated Boxford Nov.r 11.th 1802

                        Moses Carleton       Comittee

                      Sam.l Spofford J.r    for s.d


Page 129


At a meeting held in the North Parish in Boxford

on Monday the 22.d of November 1802 - Lieut. John

Robinson being Moderator for said meeting the

following votes were pass'd. viz.

Voted Eighty Pounds for the support of M.r Eaton the

ensuing year agreeable to contract.

Voted Twelve Cords of Fire wood for Rev.d Mr Eaton for    

   the present ensuing year. ----

Voted.  That the wood shall be furnished by the cord by the

   lowest bidder. ----

Voted.  That Lieut John Robinson serve as Parish Treas

   =urer for the present year. --

Voted  That M.r Nathan Barker shall have $3,50

   per cord for furnishing the whole of M.r Eaton's wood

   for the ensuing year. ----

Voted that Sixty dollars be raised to defray Parish

   charges ---   Then said meeting was dissolve'd.



                      December 28, 1802  Capt. Moses

                      Carleton, M.r Charles Foster & M.r

                      Samuel Spofford Jun.r were sworn

                   to the Office of Assessors for the

                      year ensuing. ---

Page 130


These are to notify & warn all the Inhabitants

living in the North Parish in Boxford, who are

legally qualified to vote in Parish meetings, to assemble

and meet in their Meeting house on Friday the 15th

day of April instant at three o Clock in the afternoon

to act on the following articles (viz) --

first. To appoint a Moderator

2.d To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing

   as the Law directs. ---

3.   To agree with some suitable person to sweep

   the meeting house & keep the key the year ensuing.

4.th To see if the Collector of Parish Taxes, who does

   not pay in the monies to be by him collected agree

   -able to his orders, shall not only be deprived of

   of his premium for collecting, but also be debar'd

   from collecting Taxes in said Parish for the next year.

5.th To allow Bills of charge. ~~

                           Moses Carleton Committee

Dated Boxford April 1st 1803. Charles Foster for

                         Samuel Spofford Jr  said Parish

Page 131


   At a legal meeting in the North Parish in

Boxford, on Friday the 15th day of April 1803, the

following voted were passed. ---------

1.st Voted that Capt. Moses Carleton be Moderator for

   said Meeting.

2.   Voted that Stephen Kimball be Parish Clerk for

   the ensuing year & he was sworn. -------

3.   Voted that Samuel Spofford Jun.r serve as first

   Assessor for the year ensuing. ------

4.   Voted that Charles Foster serve as second Assessor

5.th Chose John Kimball as third Assessor for the

   Parish, for the year ensuing.

6.thly Voted that the Assessors serv.e as a Parish

   Committee for the ensuing year. -------

7.thly Voted that the person who will collect the Parish

   Taxes the lowest, by giving bonds to secure the Parish

   shall collect them.

8.th Voted that Moses Chadwick be Parish Collector

   for the year ensuing, and that he have Eight

   cents on twenty shillings for his collecting them,

   he giving sufficient bonds to secure the Parish.

9.   Chose Lt. John Robinson Parish Treasurer ~~

10. Chose Lemuel Wood to sweep the meeting house

   & keep the key the year ensuing, & voted him

   seventeen shillings & sixpence for said service --

& then said meeting was dissolved. ---

Page 132


These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants living

in the second Parish in Boxford, who are legally quali

-fied to vote in Parish Meetings, to assemble and meet in

their meeting House on Monday the twenty first day

of November instant at two oClock afternoon to act on

the following articles (viz). --------------------------

First To appoint a Moderator.

2.d To vote Eighty Pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eaton's

   Salary the year ensuing agreeable to contract.

3.   To vote Twelve cords Fire wood for M.r Eaton

   the year ensuing agreeable to contract.

4.   To take such measures with respect to furnishing

   M.r Eaton's wood as the Parish shall judge expedient

   where conven'd

5.   To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to defray

   Parish charges the year ensuing ---------

6.th To see if the Parish will vote to raise such sums of

   money as may be deemed necessary to encourage the

   study and practice of sacred vocal music ---

7.   To see if the Parish will vote chuse a committee to dispose

   of such monies as may be voted for procuring an instructor

   and such other methods as may be judged most expedient

   when convened -----------

8 To see if the Parish will vote that the several sums of money to be

   raised for the ensuing year shall be assessed in one list of rates.

9.th To see if the Parish will pass a vote that the intermission between

   meetings on the Lord's day be but one hour during the ensuing

   winter season, or act anything on the subject they may think

   proper when assembled -------------------

10  To see if the Parish will vote to abate one half of Jeremiah

   Harriman's ministerial Tax in collector Lemuel Wood's list

   of rates in consequence of a certificate from the Rev'd Shubael

   Lovell or act any thing on the subject they may think

   most expedient when conven'd. ----------

11.th To allow Bills of charge ------------

                                Samuel Spofford Jr. Committee

                                Charles Foster  for s.d

                                John Kimball    Parish

Boxford Nov.r 11.th 1803

Page 133


   At a legal meeting in the North - Parish in Boxford

on Monday the twenty first day of November 1803, the

following votes were passed --

Voted that Lieut. John Robinson be Moderator for said Meeting

Voted Eighty Pounds for the support of the Rev.d M.r Eaton for

   the ensuing year agreeable to contract. --

Voted Twelve Cords of Fire wood for the Rev.d M.r Eaton the

   ensuing year --

Voted That the Firewood be furnished by the lowest

   bidder by the cord --

Voted That 3 Cords of Wood be put up at once

Voted William Foster 23/P.r cord for 3 Cords

do  John Foster 23/P.r cord for 3 Cords

do  Nathan Barker   23/P.r cord for 3 Cords

do  William Foster  22/P.r Cord for 3 Cords

Voted That Seventy dollars be raised to defray Parish charges

   for the ensuing year -------

Voted to pass over the 6th article in the warrant for the

   present time. --

Voted to chuse a Committee of 5 men to ascertain the expence

   which shall arise for procuring an instructor of sacred

   vocal Music - and also to ascertain the number of scholars

   who may wish to attend - and report to the Parish

Voted That the following Gentlemen be a Committee for the

   above purpose. -- viz -- Mesieurs, Samuel Carleton

   Lemuel Wood, Samuel Spofford, Jonathan Tyler & William

   Gage. -----

Voted To assess the several sums of money, which are to be

   raised for the ensuing year in one list of rates. ---

Voted to chuse a Committee of 3 men to consult with M.r

   Eaton with regard to altering the intermission between

   Meetings on Lord's days for the ensuing winter

   season - and that said Committee be John Robinson

   Esq. Israel Adams and Lemuel Wood ----

Voted that the Assessors inform themselves, and report to the

   parish concerning the lawful manner of proceeding

   relative to the 10.th article in the warrant for this meeting.

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the 3.d Monday of December next

   at two o,clock P.M. --------

Page 134


Monday 19, December 1803 The Parish met agreeable

to adjournment and the following are the articles which

were acted upon -- viz.

1.st A vote was put to see if the Parish would vote to raise

   any money for the purpose of encouraging the study

   and practice of sacred vocal Music - and passed in

   the Negative. --

2.nd The 9.th Article in the Warrant was negatived. --

3.   Voted to chuse a Committee to consult with M.r Eaton

   with respect to altering the intermission between

   meetings on Lord's days for this winter season

Voted that the Committee consist of the 3 following

   gentlemen for the above purpose - viz -

   John Robinson Esq. M.r Lemuel Wood M.r William Foster

NB This long tedious meeting was then dissolved. ----

March 16.th 1804 M.r Samuel Spofford Ju.r was sworn

                 to the office of First Assessor for

                 the year ensuing. ----------

March 16.th 1804 M.r John Kimball was sworn to the

                 office of third Assessor for the year ensuing.


Page 135


   These are to notify & warn all the inhabitants living in the

North Parish in Boxford, who are qualified by law to vote in Parish

meetings to meet in their Meeting House on Tuesday the 3.rd April

next at two of the Clock afternoon to act on the following articles. --

1.st To appoint a Moderator

2.nd To chuse Parish Officers for the year ensuing as the Law

   directs. --

3.   To see if the Parish will vote that the Assessors shall be

   Parish Committee the year ensuing -- --

4 To agree with some suitable person to sweep the Meeting

   house & keep the key the year ensuing

5.   To see if the Parish will vote to assist & enable M.r Eaton

   to build a Chaise House and Wood House in such way

   manner or form as the Parish shall think best when conven'd

6. or take any other measure respecting said building as shall

   then be thought best.

7.th To allow bills of charge. --

                                                                           Samuel Spofford Jr   Committee

                                Charles Foster     for sd

                                John Kimball     Parish

Boxford March 16, 1804


At a legal Parish Meeting in the North Parish in Boxford

on Tuesday 3.d April 1804 the following votes were passed

First That John Robinson Esq. be Moderator for said Meeting.

2.d Stephen Kimball - Parish Clerk  and he was sworn. --

3 - Samuel Spofford Jun.r thirdfirst Assessor.

4 - Isaac Barker second Assessor.

5 - Jonathan Foster Jun.r third Assessor. --

6.  Voted that the Assessors serve as Parish Committee the

    year ensuing.



         Turn over

Page 136



7.th Voted that Moses Chadwick serve as Parish Collector

   for the ensuing year & that he have 2 cents 9 mills on the

   dollar for collecting the Parish Tax, he giving sufficient

   Bond to secure the Parish.

8.th Voted that Lieut. John Robinson be Parish Treasurer for

   the year ensuing.

9.   Voted that Moses Chadwick have $3,10 cts for sweeping,

   keeping the key, & shovelling snow from the Meeting

   house when necessary. ---

10. A vote was put to see if the Parish would make any

   assistance to Rev.d M.r Eaton, for erecting an addition to his

   barn, or erect a new building - pass'd in the affirmative

11. Voted to chuse a Committee to consult with M.r Eaton with

   respect to the 10.th vote

12. Voted this Committee consist of 7 men

13. Voted the following gentlemen be said Committee --

   Isaac Barker - John Tyler -  Charles Foster -  Simeon

   Foster L.t Stephen Barker Jun.r David Kimball - Samuel Carleton.

14  Voted to adjourn this meeting to 9.th April next at

   3 oClock afternoon


Monday 9th April the Parish met agreeable to

   adjournment & voted as follows ~~ viz

   A vote was tried to see if the Parish would vote to raise one

Hundred dollars in order to erect a Chaise House & wood house

for Rev.d M.r Eaton & pass'd in the affirmative. --

Voted to money which is already appropriated belonging

to the Parish - to defray the expence of erecting a building

for Rev.d M.r Eaton

Voted To direct the Treasurer to call in all the money due on

   Notes of hand to the Parish

Voted to direct the Parish Committee to call upon the treasurer

   for 100 dollars for the use of Rev.d M.r Eaton

Voted to chuse a Committee to Assist M.r Eaton in erecting said

   building - the house was divided and pass'd in the affirm.e

Page 137


it was moved & seconded whether, whether the Parish would chuse

any committee for the above purpose and pass'd in the

Negative --

                                                   Then was said meeting Dissolv'd ------




   These are to notify and warn all the freeholders and

other inhabitants living in the North Parish in Boxford

who are qualified by Law to vote in Parish Meetings to

assemble & meet in their meeting house on Thursday

the seventeenth instant at four oClock afternoon

to act on the following articles --  To wit ----

1.st Appoint a Moderator for said Meeting

2.nd To see what order the Parish will take -- respecting Nat

   Sessions being committed to Goal for his taxes by Lemuel

   Wood Collector ----------

3.   To see if the Parish will chuse a Committee to seat the

   Singers & see that there is some suitable man or men

   provided to take the lead of the singing in the meeting house


Boxford 12th May 1804          Saml Spofford Jr

                                Isaac Barker   Committee

                                Jona Foster Jr

Page 138


At a legal Parish meeting in Boxford North Parish

on thursday 17th May 1804 the following articles

were acted upon (viz)

1.st Chose Capt. Moses Carleton Moderator for said Meeting

2.nd Voted to choose a Committee to confer with the town

   Committee with respect to Nat Sessions being committed

   to goal Lem.l Wood Collector. --

3.   Voted to choose a Committee of 3 Men. ----

4.   Voted that Isaac Barker, Doct. William Gage &

   Jonathan Foster Jn.r be s.d Committee --

Voted That the 15 following Gentlemen be a Committee

   to seat the singers in the Parish's Meeting house

   (viz) Isaac Barker - Stephen Spofford - Ens.n Enos Runnels -

   Samuel Spofford Thomas Spofford - Jonathan Foster Jr

   John Kimball - Doct.r W. Gage - Isaac Parker - Dan   X

   William Tyler - Stephen Johnson - Jonas Runnels -

   Amos Kimball Jun.r ------------

Then dissolv'd said Convention -----------------



   These are to notify the inhabitants of the North

Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in

Parish meetings, to meet in their meeting house, on monday

the twelfth day of November Ins.t at two OClock in the

afternoon to act on the following articles (viz.) ---

1.st To appoint a moderator.

2.nd To vote Eighty Pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eaton's

Sallary, the year ensuing agreeable to contract.

3.rd To vote Twelve cords Fire wood for M.r Eaton

   the year ensuing according to contract. ------


X In perusing this page I discovered an intentional error suited perfectly to the penmans consideration

Page 139


4th To take such measures with respect to furnishing

   M.r Eaton's wood as the Parish shall judge most

   expedient when conven'd

5. To see what sum of money the Parish will vote

   to raise to defray the parish charges the year ensuing.

6. To see if the Parish will vote that the several

   sums of money voted to be raised for the year

   ensuing, shall be assess'd in one list of rates.

7. To see if the Parish will vote to do any thing with

   respect to the intermission of Public worship,

   during the winter season, if so, chuse a Committee

   to make proposals & lay then before the Parish

   for their acceptance. ---------------

8. To see if the Parish will vote that a Stove be

   put in their meeting house, provided it be done

   on free cost. ----------

9. To allow Bills of charge. ----------------


Boxford North Parish     Sam.l Spofford J.r Committee

Nov.r 3.d 1804           Isaac Barker       for s.d

                          Jon.a Foster J.r   Parish

Page 140


At a legal Parish Meeting held in Boxford, North

Parish on Monday the 12.th day of November 1804

the following are the votes which were pass'd --


1st Voted that Samuel Spofford J.r serve as Moderator.

2.d Voted Eighty Pounds, for the support of the Rev.d Peter

    Eaton for the Ensuing year. --

3.d Voted to furnish M.r Eaton with twelve cords fire

    wood for the ensuing year. --

4   Voted that two cords of wood be farmed out at

    one time to be put up by the Moderator at the

    lowest bidder ----------

5.  Voted that Ens.n Joseph Parker furnish 8 Cords

    of wood at 22s/. p.r cord ----------

6   Voted that L.t John Robinson furnish 2 cords

    at 22/. p.r Cord ---------

7.th Voted that Stephen Kimball furnish 2 cords

    wood at 22s/. p.r Cord ---------------

8.th Voted that Two hundred & thirty Dollars

    be raised to defray parish charges the year

    ensuing - ----

9.th Voted that the several sums of money, voted by

    the Parish, be assess'd in one list of rates. --

10.th Voted to pass over the 7.th article of the warrant

11. Voted to pass over the 8.th article of the war^rant


    Then ended said meeting

Page 141


These are to notify the inhabitants of the North

parish in Boxford, who are legally qualified to vote

in parish meetings to meet in their meeting house on

monday the twelfth day of November instant, at

four of the Clack in the afternoon to act on the

following articles (viz.)

1.st To appoint a Moderator.

2.d To see what order the Parish will take respecting

 a bill exhibited against the Town, in consequence

 of Nathaniel Sessions being committed to Goal by

 for his Town and Parish Taxes by Lemuel Wood

 Collector. ----

Boxford North Parish        Sam.l Spofford J.r

Nov. 10.th 1804             Isaac Barker     Committe

                              Jon.a Foster J.r



   At a legal Parish meeting, on November

   12.th at 4 oClock PM. --

   1.st Chose Samuel Spofford J.r moderator.

   2.d Voted to pass over the 2.nd article in the

   above warrant --- & then dissolv'd the

   said meeting ------------------------------


   Nov.r 12. 1804 Then Samuel Spofford J.r

            Isaac Barker & Jon.a Foster J.r were

            sworn as Assessors for the Parish

            for the year ensuing. --------

Page 142


Through inattention of S.K. the following

Transactions were omitted being inserted, in their

proper place, --------------- viz


   These are to notify and warn all the inhabitants

living in the North Parish in Boxford, who are qualified

as the law directs, to vote in Parish meetings, to meet

at their meeting House, on Monday the twenty seventh

day of August instant, at four of the Clock afternoon

to act on the following articles --------- (viz)


1.st To chuse a Moderator for said Meeting.

2.d  To see if the Parish will vote to repair

   the roof of their meeting house. ----

3.d  To see what measures the Parish will take

   to effect the same. --


Boxford August 18. 1804.   Sam.l Spofford J.r   Committee

                           Isaac Barker     for said

                            Jon.a Foster J.r Parish

Page 143


At a legal Parish meeting, held in the

North Parish in Boxford, on Monday the

27.th day of August 1804, the following votes

   were pass'd. ----------viz

1.st Chose Lieut. John Robinson Moderator

2.d Voted to repair the roof of the meeting


3.   Voted to chuse a Committee & leave it

   discretionally with them, with regard to

   repairing the same ---

4.   Voted to chuse three men, for the above


5.th Voted to chuse said Committee by ballot.

6.thly Voted that Charles Foster, Nathan

   Barker & Moses Chadwick be said Comm.tee

7.th Dissolv'd said meeting.

Page 144


These are to notify and warn the Inhabitants of

the North parish in Boxford who are Qualified as

the Law directs to Vote in parish meetings to meet in

their Meeting House on thursday the fourteenth day of

March Current at two oClock in the afternoon to act

on the following articles (Viz)

1st To chuse a Moderator to govern sd Meeting

2nd To see if the Parish will vote to postpone Assessing

   the moneys Voted to be assessed till after the first of

   May next

3rd To chuse parish Officers for the year ensuing

4th To agree with some suitable person to sweep

   the MeetingHouse & keep the Key

5th To allow Bills of charge Saml Spofford Jr   Committee

Boxford March 2nd 1805      Isaac Barker       for

                           Jonathan Foster   said Parish



   Thursday 14th of March 1805

   The parish met & voted as follows

1.st Chose M.r Israel Adams Moderator

2nd Voted to postpone assessing the Money voted

   to be assessed till after the first of May next

3rd Chose Isaac Barker parish Clerk for the year

   ensuing and he was Sworn

4th Chose Samuel Spofford J.r first Assessor for the

   year ensuing

5th Stephen Barker J.r 2nd Assessor

6th Isaac Barker 3rd Assessor

7th Voted the Assessors serve as parish Committee

   the year ensuing

8th Voted that Thomas Spofford serve as Parish

   Collector the ensuing year and that he have

   3 1/2 Pr Cent for Collecting the Money he giving

   Bond to secure the parish

Page 145


9th Voted that Lt John Robinson be Parish Treasurer

   the year ensuing

10th Voted that Moses Chadwick have $.3;90ct for

   Sweeping the Meeting House & keeping the Key the

   ensuing year

11 Voted to Dissolve said Meeting


   August 27th 1805

then M.r Samuel Spofford J.r Cap. Stephen Barker and

Isaac Barker were Sworn to the office of Assessor

for the present year



   These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living in

   the second Parish of Boxford who are qualified by Law to vote

   in Parish meetings to meet in their house on monday the 1st Day

   of November Inst at 2 Oclock in the afternoon to act on the

   following articles (Viz).


1st to chuse a moderator to regulate said meeting.


2nd to vote the Rev. Mr Eaton twelve cords of wood for the year

   ensuing agreeable to contract and see what measures the

   Parish will take to furnish said wood.


3rd To see if the Parish will vote to raise the money for the Rev. Peter

   Eatons Salary and other Parish charges for the ensuing year

   and in futer at the annual me^eting in march or April.


4th If the preceeding article pass in the negative to raise two hundred Sixty

   Six Dollars and Sixty seven cents for the Rev. Peter Eatons Salary

   for the Ensuing year agreeable to contract.


5th to see whether the Parish will make an addition to the Rev Peter Eatons

   Salary in consequence of the depreciation of currency and the enhans'd

   Price of the articles of living or to take any measure the Parish shall

   think propper when conven'd.

6.th to see what order the Parish will take respecting the two pews begun in the

   North East corner of the meeting house in the Galary -----------------

7th to allow Bills of charge

                                      Samuel Spofford Jr Committee

   Dated at Boxford                Stephen Barker Jr   for s.d

   North Parish                            Isaac Barker    Parish

   November 5th 1805

Page 146


   Monday Nov.r 18th 1806 the Inhabitants of the north Parish of

   Boxford assembled agreeable to Notification -------------- and

1st made choice of Ens. Enos Runnels moderator.

2.nd Voted the Rev. Peter Eaton twelve cords of fire wood for the Ensuing


3.rd to furnish Mr Eaton's wood by the lowest bidder. ------------------

4th Voted to give Mr Jonathan Tyler 22/6 for four cord

5th Voted to give Mr William Foster 22/6 for four cord

6th Voted to give Mr Nathan Barker  22/6 for four cord

7th Voted to rais the money for the Rev. Peter Eatons Sallary and other

Parish charges at the annual m^eeting in March or April.

8.th Voted to chuse a committee to co^nfer with the Rev. Mr Eaton.

9th Voted that the committee consist of Seven (Viz) ---------

   John Robinson Esq.r Israel Adams, Broadstreet Tyler Nathan

   Barker, Ephraim Foster, Israel Foster & Samuel Spofford J.r

10th Voted to pass over the Sixth article in the warrant.

11th Voted to Allow a bill, of $170=64 cents, exhibited by the committee

   for repairing the meeting House. ------------------------

12th Voted to adjourn this meeting to the annual meeting

   in March or April.


   March 31st 1806 Agreeable to the above adjournment the

   Inhabitance of the North Parish of Boxford assembled and pass'd

   the following Votes (Viz).

Voted to raise one hundred Dollars in addition to the Rev. Peter

   Eatons Salary for one year.

Voted to reconsider the Sixth Article of the warrant dated 18th

   November 1805.

Voted to finish the two Pews in the North East corner of the

   gallary in the Meeting House.

Then said meeting ^of the 18 Nov was voted to be adjourned into then present


Page 147


   These are to notify & warn all the Inhabitance living in the 2.nd

   Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in Parish

   meetings to assemble and meet in their Meeting House on Monday

   the 31.st Ins.t at two oclock P.M. to act on the following Articles (Viz)


1.st to chuse a moderator to govern Said meeting.

2.nd to chuse Parish officers to the year ensuing as the Law directs.

3.rd to Vote two hundred and Sixty Six Dollars and Sixty Seven cents

   for the Rev. Peter Eatons Salary the present year agreeable

   to contract.

4.th to See what method the Parish will take to furnish the Rev Peter

   Eaton with twelve cords of fire wood the Present year.

5.th to See what Sum of money the Parish will vote to raise to defray

   Parish charges the present year.

6.th to See if the Parish will vote that the several sums of money voted

   to be raised the PResent year shall be assess'd in one list of rates.

7.th to agree with some Person to sweep the Meeting House and keep

   the key the present year.

8.th to allow bills of charge.       Samuel Spofford Jr  Committee

   Boxford Second Parish             Stephen Barker Jr for s.d

   March 22nd 1806.                    Isaac Barker  Parish.


   March 31st 1806 Agreeable to notification the Inhabitance of the

   North Parish of Boxford met in convention and passed the

   following votes.

1.st Made choice of Ens. Enos Runnels moderator.

2.nd Chose Daniel Adams Clerk and he was Sworn.

3.rd Chose Isaac Barker 1.st Nathan Barker 2.nd and Israel Foster

   3.rd Assessors and thy were sworn.

Voted that the assessors serve as committee the ensuing year.

Voted that the collector; Isaac Barker, have four pr cent for

   collecting taxes he giving a bond to Secure the Parish.

Voted that Mr Israel Adams Serve as Parish Treasurer the

   year Ensuing.

Voted to raise two hundred Sixty Six Dollars and sixty seven cents

   for the Rev. Peter Eatons Salary the ensuing year

Voted. to pass over the 4th, 5th and 6th articles in the warrant to some

   future day

Voted that Moses Chadwick have four Dollars for sweeping the

   meeting house and keeping the key the ensuing year

Page 148


Voted to adjourn this meeting to the 14th Day of April at 4 Oclock.


April 14th 1806

Agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish conven'd and pass'd

the following votes.

Voted that the Parish Committee Provide twelve cords of fire

   wood for the Rev. Peter Eaton

Voted to raise One hundred and thirty three Dollars and thirty three

   cents to discharge Parish charges

Voted that the several sums of money raised shall be assess'd in

   one list of rates                (July 1807 Isaac Barker

Voted that this meeting be dissolved was sworn to the office

                                      of collector for 1806


These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants of the second

Parish in Boxford who are qualified as the Law directs to vote

in Parish affairs to meet in their Meeting house on Tuesday

the 24th day of March Instant at 2 Oclock P.M. to act on the

following articles (Viz).

1st To chuse a Moderator for s.d meeting.

2nd To chuse Parish officers for the Ensuing year.

3rd To vote $266,,67 for the Rev. Peter Eatons Salery agreeable to contract.

4th To vote 12 cords of firewood for the Rev Mr Eaton according to contract

   and see what measures the Parish will take to procure it.

5th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote in addition to the

   Rev. Mr Eatons Salery the ensuing year.

6th To see what sum of money the PArish will vote to defray Parish

   charges the ensuing year.

7th To see if the Parish will vote that the several sums of money voted

   to be raised shall be assessed in one list of rates.

8th To see if the Parish will direct their assessors to take a valuation

   of all the rateable property in the Parish -- and to take such other

   measures relative to a valuation as the Parish may think proper

   when conven'd.

9th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the meetinghouse and

   keep the key the ensuing year.

10th To allow bills of charge.       Isaac Barker

                                      Nathan Barker   Committee

             Boxford March 14th 1807  Israel Foster for s.d


Page 149


                      March 24th 1807

Agreeable to an Invitation by notification a few of the Inhabitants of

the Second Parish of Boxford meet to dispatch business and actually

pass'd the following votes.


Voted that Dea.n Charles Foster be moderator.


Voted that Daniel Adams serve as Parish Clerk the Present year.

   And was sworn to that office.

       (Isaac Barker)

Voted that (Nathan Barker) serve as Assessors and committee the present

        (Samuel Spofford) year and they were sworn into office.

Voted that Collector Joseph Carleton have 3 1/2 pr. cent for collecting taxes he

   he Giving a bond to Secure the Parish.

Voted that M.r Israel Adams serve as treasurer the ensuing year.

Voted To raise two hundred Sixty Six Dollars and Sixty Seven cents

   for the Rev. Peter Eaton agreeable to contract.

Voted To furnish the Rev. Peter Eaton with twelve chords of firewood

   according to contract, by the lowist bidder.

Voted to give Mr Nathan Barker 23/. or L1=3=0 pr chord for

   Six chord.

Voted to give Mr William Foster 23/. or L1=3=0 pr chord for

   Six chord.

Voted to raise ^for the Rev. Mr Eaton one hundred Dollars in

   addition to his Salery the present year.

Voted to raise $37=33 to defray Parish charges the Present year.

Voted That the several sums of money voted to be raised shall

   be assess'd In one list of rates.

Voted That the Assessors take a valuation of all the rateable

   Property in the Second Parish in Boxford

Voted To give Mr Stephen Runnels $4=95 for sweeping the

   meeting House and keeping the key the Present year.

Voted That this meeting be dissolved.

Page 150


These are to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants

of the North Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote

in PArish affairs to meet in their Meeting-House on Monday

the twelvth day of October instant at four Oclock P.M. to act on

the following articles (Viz)

1.st to chuse a moderator to govern s.d meeting.

2.nd to see what sum of money the parish will vote to defray Parish

   charges the present year.

Dated Boxford Oc.tr 1807      Isaac Barker Committee

                               Nathan Barker  for

                               Sam.l Spofford s.d



At a legal Parish meeting held in the North of Boxford.

October the 12th 1807 the following votes were passed.

First voted Mr Samuel Spofford the office of moderator which he


2ly Voted to raise fifty five Dollars in addition to the sum rais'd on the

   24th day of March 1807 to defray Parish charges.

3ly Voted to dissolve this meeting.



These are to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the second Parish in

Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in Parish affairs to

meet in their Meeting house on Monday the twenty first day

of March Inst: at two oclock PM to act on the following articles --

1.st To chuse a moderator to govern s.d meeting.

2.nd To chuse Parish officers for the year ensuing as the law directs --

3.rd To vote twohundred Sixty six ^dollars and Sixty seven cents for the

   Rev. Peter Eatons Salary the present year agreeable to contract.

4th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote the Rev Peter

   Eaton in addition to his Salary the present year --

5th To vote twelve cords of firewood for the Rev: Peter Eaton

   the present year agreeable to contract ----

6th To see what measures the Parish will adopt to procure s.d wood --

7th To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to defray

   Parish charges the present year --

8th To agree with some suitable person to sweep the meeting house and

   keep the key the present year --

9th To allow bills of charge --    Isaac Barker Committee

                                    Nathan Barker for s.d

              Boxford March 11th Sam:l Spofford   Parish
