1788 - 1796
Second Church - Parish records, Volume 2 part 2
Page 51
These are to notify all the inhabitants living in the Second Parish
in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in Parish meetings
to meet att the meeting House in s.d Parish on wednesday the twelfth
day of March Instant at two O'Clock afternoon on s.d day to act on the
following articles (Viz)
1st To chuse a moderator to regulate s.d meeting
2nd for the Parish to provide a Collector to Collect the Tax already
assesed on s.d Parish for the Present year --------
3rdly To Chuse Parish officers for the year insuing
4thly To See of the Parish will vote to hire a Preacher to Supply the
Pulpit after the time is expired already voted to hire for
5thly To See if the Parish chuse a Committee to Supply ^the Desk
6thly To See if the Parish will instruct s.d Committee to agree with aney=
Peticular Candidate or leave it with then to agree with one
7th To Provide a place for the Preacher to put up at Should one be engaged
8th To agree with Some Person to Sweep the meeting house and keep
the Key the year ensuing Moses Carlton
9th To alow Bills of Charge Isaac Barker Committee
Dated Boxford March 1st 1788 John Tyler
wednesday 12th March 1788 --
at a Parish meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford Cap.t Isaac
=Adams being Chosen moderator of s.d meting votes were pased that
vote Cap.t ^Ivory Hovey M.r Jona Tyler & M.r Samel Chadwick Serve as assessors the ensuing
year and also ^voted that the assessors be a Committee for s.d Parish the ensuing
voted that L.t Moses Carlton Serve as Clerk the ensuing year
voted that Mr Lemuel Wood Serve as Treasurer the ensuing year
voted that M.r David Foster Serve as Collector the ensuing year
voted that widw Marey Bointon Sweep the Meeting house and keep the key of
the some the Ensuing year for fifteen Shillings
voted to hire further preaching
voted to hire three months Preaching after the time is expired already ^agreed for
voted that M.r Moses Porter Ensn Gideon Tyler & Magr John Robenson be a
Committee for the above purpose of hireing s.d Preaching
voted to hire M.r Alford Jonson three months, if he may be obtained
voted that the above Committe provide a Place the Candidate to put up at
voted and alowed M.r Moses Porters bill of Charge for Boarding M.r 7 weaks
att twelve Shillings P.r weak L4=4=0
voted and alowed Capt adams Bill of Charge for boarding M.r Bacon one pound
voted Mr Tyler Porters Bill of 9=4=6
Page 52
These are to notify & warn all the Inhabitants living in the second
Parish in Boxford who are legally Qualified to vote in Parish meetings
to meet at the meeting=House in sd Parish on thursday the tenth
day of April next at two oClock in the afternoon to act on the
following Articles (Viz)
firstly To chuse a moderator to regulate s.d Meeting -----------
2.ly To see if the Parish will concur with the Church in giving M.r Alfred
Johnson a Call to Settle in the work of the Ministry in sd Parish
3.ly To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to M.r Johnson as Incourage
=ment for Settlement.
4.ly To see what sum of money the Parish will vote M.r Johnson for his
Annual Support during his Ministry in s.d Parish.
5.ly To see if the Parish will chuse a Committee to wait on M.r Johnson and
lay before him the votes of s.d Parish.
6.ly or take any other measures relating to M.r Johnsons settling in s.d Parish
that the Parish Shall think proper when convened.
7.ly To Allow Bills of charge. Ivory Hovey Committee fo
the Second Parish
Dated Boxford March 21.st 1788 Jonathan Tyler in Boxford
Samuel Chadwick
At a Parish meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford on thursday the 10th
day of April 1788. M.r Lemuel Wood being Moderator the following votes were
pass'd -
Voted to Concur with the Church in giving M.r Alfred Johnson a Call to Settle
in the work of the Gospel Ministry in s.d Parish.
Voted M.r Johnson one Hundred & Sixty pounds as encouragement for Settlement
Voted M.r Johnson Twelve Cords of firewood as a further encouragement to be
Delivered annually ----
Voted to give M.r Johnson Eighty pounds annually for his Support during his mini
=stry in s.d Parish.
Voted that M.r Stephen Barker Ens.n Gideon Tyler Dea.n John Chadwick M.r Tyler
Porter M.r Thomas Chadwick Cap.t Jonathan Foster Maj.r John Robinson
Cap.t Ivory Hovey & M.r Isaac Barker be a Committee to wait on M.r Johnson
and lay before him the votes of the Parish.
Page 53
Voted to Ajourn this meeting to the first day of may at four oClock P.M.
May 1st 1788 the Parish met agreeable to the above adjournment & voted as follows
Voted forty Pounds in addition to the L160 already voted to M.r Johnson as encouragement for Settlement.
Voted that the Committee last chosen wait on M.r Johnson & lay the above vote before him & make report the next meeting.
Voted to Adjourn this meeting to the third day of may Instant at five oClock P.M.
May third 1788. the Parish met agreeable to the above adjournment & voted as
Voted that M.r Stephen Barker Maj.r John Robinson M.r Lemuel Wood Cap.t Ivory
Hovey & Ens.n Enos Runnels be a Committee to see what a House Lott suitable for a Minister Can be Purchased for & take the Dementions of a House & Compute the Cost of finishing and report to the Parish the next meeting at adjournmen.t
Voted to adjourn this meeting to the 19th day of may Instant at four oClock P.M.
May 19th 1788 the Parish Met agreeable to the above adjournment & voted
as follows
Voted and allow'd M.r Lemuel Woods Bill of L1"14"4 for mend^ing the Glass in the
meeting=House Sundry times, and then the meeting was Desolved.
These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the second Parish
in Boxford that are Qualified as the Law directs to vote in
Parish meetings to meet at the meeting House in s.d Parish
on monday the 25.th day of aug.t Inst. at found oClock in the after
=noon to act on the following articles (Viz)
1stly To Chuse a moderator to regulate s.d meeting.
2ndly To see if the Parish will vote to hire a Preacher till they
hear further from m.r Johnson.
3rdly To see if the Parish will Chuse a Committee to procure a --
Preacher for s.d Parish
4thly To see if the Parish will excuse L.t Samuel Runnels from serving
as a Collector in s.d Parish if not to see if they will except a man to serve for him Ivory Hovey
Dated augt 16.th 1788 Jonathan Tyler Committee
Samuel Chadwick for 2d Parish
Page 54
At a meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford augt 25th 1788
Maj.r John Robinson Moderator the following votes were Pass'd
Voted to hire Preaching untill they hear further from M.r Johnson --
Voted that Deac.n John Chadwick M.r Moses Porter Maj.r Jn.o Robinson
Be a Committee for the above purpose and then the meeting
was desolved.
These are to notify & warn all the Inhabitants in the
Second Parish in Boxford who are legally Qualified to vote in
Parish meetings to Assemble at the meeting House in sd Parish
on monday the seventeenth day of the Instant at two oClock in
the afternoon to act on the following articles (Viz).
1.stly To chuse a Moderator to regulate s.d meeting. -------------
2.ndly To see if the PArish will vote to hire Preaching if so to see
if they will Chuse a Committee to hire
3rdly or take any other measures with regard to hiering Preach
=ing that the Parish shall think proper when conven'd.
4thly To see if the parish will excuse Lieut. Samuel Runnels
from Serving a Collector in s.d Parish if not to see if they will
Except a man to Serve in his room
5thly To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to raise to
defray the Charges ^of the Present year.
6thly To see of the Parish will vote to abate William Porter's Rates in
in Collector Moses Kimball's list of Rates.
7thly To allow Bills of Charge.
Dated Boxford Nov.r 18th 1788 Ivory Hovey
Jon.a Tyler Committee
Sam.el Chadwick
Page 55
At a Parish meeting held the Seventeenth day of November 1788
Cap.t Ivory Hovey being Chosen moderator the following votes were pass'd (Viz)
Voted To hire Preaching until the anual meeting in march next.
Voted that Deac.n John Chadwick M.r Stephen Barker M.r Moses Porter be a
Committee for the above Purpose.
A vote was try'd to see if the Parish would take any other measures
with regard to hiering Preaching & Pass'd in the negative.
Voted that this meeting stand adjourned to next monday three oClock P.M.
Monday 24.th Nov.r 1788
The Parish met agreeable to the above adjournment & Pass'd the
Following votes --
Voted y.t Lieut Asa Merrill to serve as Collector in the room of L.t Samuel
Runnels who was chosen the 14.th of march 1787
Voted to raise the Sum of eighty pounds for the purpose of defraying the
Parish Charges the Present year Coffin to the Revd Mr Hale
Voted and allow'd Joseph Hovey's Bill of seventeen Shillings 14/ for making a^
L17/ 3/ for work Done at the old Meeting House
a vote was try'd to see if the Parish would abate William Porters Rates
in Collector Moses Kimballs list of Rates & Pass'd in the negative
and then the meeting was desolved.
These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the second Parish in
Boxford who are qualified to vote in Parish meeting to assemble
at the meeting House in s.d Parish on monday the fifteenth day of
this Instant at one oClock afternoon to act on the following --------
articles (Viz)~~
firstly To Chuse a moderator to regulate s.d meeting.
2.ly To See if the Parish will vote to renew their Call to m.r Johnson
to settle on s.d Parish in the work of the Gospel Ministry
3.rdly To see if the Parish will vote to pay M.r Hall for two day Preac
=hing and M.r Strong for two days when the Parish was destitute
of a Committee that was autherized to hire
4.thly To see if the Parish will abate some part of John
Robinsons Rates in Collector Abraham Tylers list of Rates
5thly To allow Bills of Charge Turn over.
Page 56
Dated Boxford Second Parish Dec.r 6.th 1788.
Ivory Hovey
Jonathan Tyler Committee
Samuel Chadwick
At a meeting held in the second Parish on Boxford Dec.r 15.th 1788.
Cap.t Isaac Adams Moderator the following votes were pass'd (Viz)
a vote was try'd to see if the Parish would renew their Call to M.r
Johnson to Settle in s.d Parish in the work of the Gospel Ministry and
Pass'd in the Negative
Voted to pay M.r Hall and M.r Strong for two days Preaching each at a
time when there was no Committee autherized to hire
Voted to abate one head rate set against John Robinson in Collector
Abraham Tylers list of Rates --
Voted and allow'd M.r Moses Porters Bill of seven Pounds Twe^lve shillings
for boarding M.r Johnson for thirteen weeks and then the meeting --
was Desolv'd.
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants in
the second Parish in Boxford who are legally Qualified
to vote in Parish Meetings to meet at the Meeting House
in said Parish on Monday the twenty third day of
this Instant at two oClock afternoon to act on the following
articles (Viz)
first To choose a Moderator to regulate s.d Meeting
2.nd To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing
3rd To see if the Parish will vote to hire Preaching any term
of time if so to see if the Parish will choose a committee for
that Purpose.
4th To see if the Parish will give thier committee Instruction
to apply to any perticular Candadate
5th To see if the Parish will except of a man to Serve as Collector
for the last year in the room of David Foster
6th To see if the Parish will abate William Porter Tyler Porter
Moses Plummer Joseph Jacksons Enos Carlton and Thomas
Page 57
Thomas Kimballs Rates in Collector Stephen Barker's list of
78thly To See if the Parish will agree with some suitable
Person to sweep the meeting House and Keep the Key
the year ensuing
7thly To See if the Parish will abate some pat of Ephraim
Fosters Rates in Collector Abraham Tyler's list of Rates
9thly To allow Bills of Charge Ivory Hovey
Dated Boxford second Parish Jonathan Tyler Committee
March 13th 1789 Samuel Chadwick
Att a Meeting held on monday the 23rd day of March 1789
by the second Parish in Boxford M.r Stephen Barker being
Moderator for s.d Meeting the following votes were Pass'd
first - voted that L.t Moses Carleton Serve as Parish Clerk the year
2nd - voted that Cap.t Ivory Hovey Mr Jona Tyler & Mr
Samuel Chadwick Serve as assessors ^and Committee the year ensuing
3rd voted that M.r Lemuel Wood serve a Treasurer the year ^ensuing
4th Voted that Mr BradStreet Tyler Serve a Collector for the
year ensuing
5th Voted to hire three months Preaching from this date
6th Voted that M.r Moses Porter Ensn Gideon Tyler & Mr
Stephen Barker be a Committee for the above Purpose
7th Voted that the above Committee be Instructed to apply
to M.r Peter Eaton to Supply the Desk in s.d Parish ---
8th Voted that M.r Abraham Tyler Serve a Collector for the last
year in the room of M.r David Foster
9th Voted that the Widdw Mary Boynton have fifteen Shillings
for Sweeping the Meeting House & Keeping the Key the
year ensuing
10th Voted To abate 10/4 of Ephraim ^Fosters Rates in Collector A. Tyler
lists of Rates
11th Voted to Maj.r Robinson two pounds fourteen Shillings for
Page 58
for boarding M.r Strong Six weeks & keeping his Horse at 9/p week
and then Sd Meeting was desolv'd --- L2"14"0 --
March 23rd 1789 Abra.m Tyler March 23.rd 1789 then Moses Carleton
was Sworn to the office of was Sworn to the office of Clerk
Collector in the Room of March 23.rd Ivory Hovey Jon.a Tyler &
David Foster who was Sam.ll Chadwick ^was Sworn to ^the office of assessor Chosen last march the ensuing year
June 23.rd the Lemuel Wood was Sworn
to the office of Treasurer for the Present y.r
March 19th 1790 M.r Broadstreet Tyler was Sworn to the office of Collector
At a Parish meeting held Boxford may 12.th ^by the 2nd Parish --
Maj.r John Robinson being chosen Moderator for s.d meeting
the following votes were Pass'd (Viz)
Concur with the Church &
firstly Voted to ^ give M.r Peter Eaton of Haverhill a Call to Settle
in the work of the Gospel Ministry in this place
Voted to give M.r Eaton the Sum of one Hundred & sixty pounds as
encouragement for Settlement Payments to be made as
follows eighty pounds to be paid in one year after his ordination
and the other eighty in two year after s.d ordanation --
Voted to give M.r Eaton the Sum of eighty pounds L. Money & --
Twelve Cords of fire wood annually during his Ministry in
s.d Parish ---------
Voted that Dea.n John Chadwick Major John Robinson M.r
Stephen Barker M.r Broadstreet Tyler & Cap.t Ivory Hovey
be a Committee to Present the votes of s.d Parish to M.r
Eaton for his Consideration & Answer ------------------------
Voted that this meeting Stand adjourn'd to the 26.th day of may
Instant Six oClock afternoon.
May 26.th 1789 The Parish Met agreeable to the above adjournment &
Voted that this Meeting Stand Adjourn'd until the 15.th day of
June next four oClock afternoon
monday June 15.th 1789 the Parish Met agreeable to the above
adjournment and voted as follows -------
Voted that what remains unpaid of Mr Eaton's Sallary at the end of
Six months after s.d Sallary becomes due if not paid then, then it
Shall be put upon interest until paid
and then s.d Meeting was desolved
Page 59
* These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants in the second
Parish in Boxford who are Qualified to vote in Parish meetings
to assemble at the meeting House in s.d Parish on Tuesday the
12.th day of may next at two oClock in the afternoon to act
on the following articles (Viz)
firstly To Choose a Moderator to regulate s.d Meeting
2.nd To See if the Parish will concur with the Church in giving
M.r Peter Eaton a Call to Settle in the work of ye Ministry
in said Parish
3.rd To See what Sum of money the Parish will vote M.r Eaton a
encouragement for his settlement.
4.th To see what Sum of money the Parish will vote M.r Eaton
for His annual Support during his Ministry in s.d Parish
5th To Choose a Committee to wait on M.r Eaton and lay be
=fore him the votes of Said Parish
6.thly of take any other Measures relating to M.r Eatons
Settling in s.d Parish that the Parish shall think
Proper when Convened
Ivory Hovey
Dated Boxford Apr.l 24.th 1789 Jonathan Tyler Committee
Sam.el Chadwick
Page 60
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants in the second
Parish in Boxford who are qualified to vote in Parish Meetings
to assemble at the Meeting House is s.d Parish on tuesday the
twelveth day of may next at two oClock in the after
=noon to act on the following Articles (Viz)
firstly To choose a Moderator to regulate s.d Meeting.
2ndly To see if the Parish will concur with the Church in
giving M.r Peter Eaton a Call to Settle in the work of
the Ministry in said Parish,
3rdly To see what Sum of money the Parish will vote M.r Eaton
as an Incouragement for his settlement.
4thly To see what sum of money the Parish will vote M.r Eaton
for his annual Support during his Ministry in s.d Parish
5thly To choose a Committe to wait on M.r Eaton and lay ----
before him the votes of said Parish.
6thly Or take any Measures relating to M.r Eaton's Settling in
s.d Parish that the Parish shall think Proper when
Ivory Hovey Committe
Dated Boxford Ap.l 24.th 1789 for the 2nd
Jonathan Tyler Parish
Samuel Chadwick
Page 61
At a Meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford this 12.th day
of may 1789 Maj.r John Robinson being moderator for said meeting -
the following votes were pass'd,
1stly Voted To concur with the Church in giving M.r Peter Eaton a Call
to settle in the work of the Gospel Ministry in this Place.
2ndly Voted to give M.r Eaton the Sum of One Hundred and Sixty pounds as
an Incouragement for his Settlement to be paid in the following
manner (viz) eighty pounds at the expiration of one year from his
Ordination & the other eighty pounds at the expiration of two -
years from this ordination in s.d Parish.
3rdly Voted to give M.r Eaton the Sum of eighty pounds and twelve Cords of fire
=Wood annually during his Ministry in s.d Parish
4thly Voted that Dea.n John Chadwick, Maj.r John Robinson M.r Stephen Barker
M.r Broadstreet Tyler & Cap.t Ivory Hovey be a Committe to
wait upon M.r Eaton and lay the votes of s.d Parish before him
for his consideration & answer.
5thly Voted that this Meeting stand adjourn'd to tuesday the 26.th day of may - Instant at Six oClock afternoon.
May 26.th the Parish met agreeable to the above adjournment
and voted that this meeting stand adjourn'd to monday the 15.th day of
June next at four oClock afternoon.
Monday June 15.th the Parish met agreeable to the above adjourn
=ment and voted as follows (Viz) ---
Voted That M.r Eaton's Salary that is not paid at the expiration of six
months after it becomes due shall be on Interest until
paid - and then s.d Meeting was Desolve'd.
Page 62
These are to notify all the Inhabitants in the second Parish
in Boxford who are legally Qualified to vote in Parish Meeting
to Assemble at the Meeting House in said Parish on monday
the twentieth day of this Instant at four oClock after
=noon to act on the following articles (Viz) --
firstly To choose a Moderator to regulate s.d Meeting.
2- To see of the Parish will concur with the Church in appointing
a day for the ordaining of M.r Peter Eaton as Paster & Teacher
in this place, provided the Church proceed to appoint a day
for the above purpose in their Meeting which is to take place
on said day.
3- To see if the Parish will Concur with the Church in the choice
the Council which the Church shall make Choice of at their
4- Or take any other Measures relating to Ordaining M.r Eaton
that the Parish shall think most Proper when convened.
Dated Boxford second Parish Ivory Hovey Committe
July 11th, 1789 -- Jonathan Tyler for said Samuel Chadwick Parish
At a Meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford July 20th
1789 M.r Lemuel Wood Moderator for said Meeting the following
votes were pass'd (Viz)
1.st Voted that the Parish do Concur with the Church in the Choice
of a Council for the purpose of Ordaining M.r Peter ---
Eaton as their Pasture & teacher.
2nd Voted That this Meeting Stand adjourn'd to the 3.rd day of
August next at five oClock P.M.`
Monday August 3rd 1789 the Parish Met agreeable to adjourn
=ment and voted as follows - (Viz)
3.rd Voted That Wednesday the 7.th day of october next is to appointed as
a day for the Purpose of ordaining M.r Peter Eaton as a
Pasture & Teacher for the Church & Congregation in this
Parish ---
Page 63
4.th Voted that Dea.n John Chadwick M.r Tyler Porter En.s John Barker
Lieut. Moses Carleton Major John Robinson be a Committe
to see that Provision is made for the Council who shall assist
in Ordaining M.r Eaton.
5.th Voted That M.r Stephen Barker En.s Enos Runnels M.r Asa Parker
be a Committe to Prepare the Meeting House Previous to the day
of Ordination for the reception of the People on s.d day ~~~
6.th Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the 5.th day of October next at
two oClock P.M.
Monday october 5.th 1789 the Parish met according to adjourn
=ment and desolve'd said Meeting.
This will notify all the Lawful voters in the second Parish in
Boxford to Assemble at the Meeting House in s.d Parish on
Monday the seventh day of December next at two oClock
in the afternoon to act on the following articles (Viz.)
firstly To choose a Moderator to Govern said Meeting.
2ndly To see what Sum of money the Parish will raise to defray Parish
Charges the Present year.
3rdly To allow Bills of charge. Ivory Hovey Committe
Boxford Nov.r 28th 1789 Jonathan Tyler for sd
Samuel Cha^dwick Parish
At a Meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford Dec.r 7.th 1789
Maj.r John Robinson Moderator for said Meeing the following
votes were pass'd (Viz.)
firstly voted to raise the Sum of one Hundred and eighty pounds to
Defray the Parish charges the Present year. ~
2.ndly Voted to allow M.r Moses Porter the Sum of fifteen^15 pounds for Board M.r Eaton and Keeping his Horse from the 17.th day of Jan.y 1789
to the 7.th day of Oct.r following. and then said Meeting
was desolv'd. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Page 64
These will Notify all the Lawfull voters in the second Parish
in Boxford to meet at the Meeting=House is s.d Parish on Monday
the 29th day of this Instant at two oClock in the afternoon to act on
the following Articles (Viz)
first To Choose a Moderator to Govern said Meeting ---------
2- To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing ---------
3- To see if the Parish will Provide some Suitable Person to Sweep the
Meeting House and Keep the Key the year ensuing.
4- To see of the Parish will abate somepart of David Fosters Rates
in Collector Asa Merril's list of rates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
5- To allow Bills of Charge Ivory Hovey Committee
Dated Boxford Second Parish Jonathan Tyler for
March 17.th 1790 Samel Chadwick s.d Parish
At a Meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford on Monday
the 29.th day of March 1790 Maj.r John ^Robinson Moderator for sd Meeting
the following votes were pass'd (Viz)
first Voted that Cap.t Ivory Hovey M.r Jonathan Tyler & M.r Samel
Chadwick serve as Assessors for the year ensuing & also Committee
voted That L.t Moses Carleton shall serve as Clerk the year ensuing --
voted That Cap.t Jonathan Foster shall serve as Collector the ensuing ^year
voted That M.r Lemuel Wood shall serve as Parish Treasurer for
the ensuing year ----------
voted that the widw Mary Boynton shall have Fifteen Shillings
for Sweeping the Meeting ^House and keeping the Key the ensuing
year ---------
voted To abate one head rate set against M.r David Foster
in Collector Asa Merrils list of rates -- and then s.d Meeting
was Desolved ------------------------------
March 29.th 1790 then L.t Moses Carleton was Sworn to the office of Clerk
Jan.y 19.th 1791 then M.r Lemuel Wood was sworn to the office of Treasurer
March 22.nd 1791 then Capt. Ivory Hovey M.r Samuel
Chadwick and M.r Jonathan Tyler was Sworn the office
of Assessors -
Page 65
These are to notify all the Lawfull voters in the second
Second Parish in Boxford to meet at the Meeting House in
s.d Parish on wednesday the first Day of December next at two
oClock in the afternoon to act on the following articles (VIZ)
first to Choose a Moderator to Govern s.d Meeting. ------
2- To see what sum of money the Parish will vote to raise
to defray Parish Charges to Present year.
3- To see if the Parish will vote the Rev.d M.r Eaton twelve Cords
of wood agreeable to Contract.
4- To see if the Parish will make null and void a vote that
was Pass'd in regard to the Revn.d M.r Eaton's having Interest
for his money after it became due.
5- To see if the Parish will abate Thomas Kimballs William
Porters Tyler Porters Moses Plumer and Joseph Jacksons Rates
in Collector Stephen Barkers list of rates ---
6- To allow Bills of Charge Ivory Hovey Committee
Dated Boxford second Parish Jonathan Tyler for the Second
Nov.r 10.th 1790 Samuel Chadwick Parish Boxford
At a Meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford on wednes
=day the first Day of December 1790 --
Cap.t Ivory Hovey Moderator for said Meeting the following votes
were pass'd (viz)
first voted to raise the Sum of One Hundred and eighty pounds for the
purpose of Defraying the Parish Charges the present year
2- voted to annul and make void a vote pass'd June 13.th 1789
obligeing the Parish to pay Interest to the Rev.d M.r Eaton for
his Salary if not paid at the expiration of Six months after
it Became due, then said Meeting was Desolved. -----------
In witness that the above vote is agreeable to my will
I this 30 day of March 1791, set my hand - Peter Eaton
Moses Carleton P. Clerk
Page 66
These are to notify and warn all the Lawful voters in the
Second Parish in Boxford to meet at the Meeting House
in s.d Parish on wednesday the Thirtieth day of this Ins.t
at two oClock in the afternoon to act on the following
articles (Viz)
first To choose a Moderator to Govern S.d Meeting
2ndly To choose Parish officers for the Present year
3rdly To see if the Parish will Provide Some suitable Person to Sweep the
the Meeting House and keep the Key the year ensuing.
4thly To see if the Parish will choose a Committee to take a view of
all the Land lying in the first Parish in Boxford belonging to
Ensign Gideon Tyler and others of the second Parish and to make
their report to the assessors for the direction in future in assess
=ing those Persons in future that own s.d Land.
5thly To see if the Parish will abate the rates of the Wid.w Middleton
Deceas'd in Collector Moses Kimballs list of rates.
6thly To see if the Parish will abate Thomas Kimball William
Porter, Tyler Porter, Moses Plummers & Joseph Jacksons rates in
Collector Stephen Barkers list of rates
7.th To see if the Parish will abate Amos Carleton Joho Ames &
William Porters rates in Collector Asa Merrils list of rates
8thly To Allow Bills of Charge. Ivory Hovey Committe
Dated Boxford Second Parish Jonathan Tyler for s.d
March 18.th 1791
Sam.el Chadwick Parish
Page 67
At a Parish Meeting in the second Parish in Boxford March 30.th 1791
Maj.r John Robinson Moderator for sd meeting the following votes
were pass'd (viz) -----------
first voted - that L.t Moses Carleton Serve as Parish Clerk the ensuing
year --------------------------------------------------------
voted - that M.r Broadstreet Tyler M.r John Robinson & M.r Parker
Spafford shall serve as assessors for the year ensuing
voted - that M.r Asa Barker Shall Serve a Collector for sd Parish
for the year ensuing ----------------------------
voted - that M.r Lemuel Wood Shall Serve as Parish Treasurer for
the year ensuing ---------------------------------------
voted - that the wid.w Mary Boynton Shall have 15/. for Sweeping
the Meeting House and keeping the Key the year ensuing
voted - to Choose a Committe of three men to take a view of the
Land lying in the first Parish in sd Town belonging to Ens.n
Gideon Tyler and other of the Second Parish and report to the
assessors for the direction in future in assessing those Persons that
own Said Land --------------------------------------------
voted - that M.r Lemuel Wood Maj.r John Robinson and L.t Moses
Carleton be a Committe for the above purpose ----------------
voted- to abate the wid.w Middletons rates in Collector Moses Kimball list of rates
voted to abate Thomas Kimballs Tyler Porters Moses Plummers & Joseph
Jacksons rates in Collector Stephen Barkers list of rates ------
a vote was try'd to abate William Porters rates in s.d Barkers list of
rates and pass'd in the negative
voted to abate John Ames rates in Collector Asa Merrils list of rates -
A vote was try'd to Abate Amos Carletons rates in s.d Merrils list
of rates and pass'd in the negative
A vote was try'd to abate William Porters rates in s.d Merrils
list of rates and pass'd in the negative --
then s.d Meeting was Desolved
Page 68
March 30.th 1791 Moses Carleton was Sworn to the
office of Clerk for the Second Parish in Boxford
June 1791 M.r Lemuel Wood was Sworn to the office of
Treasurer for s.d Parish for the year ensuing -------
September 19.th 1791 M.r Broadstreet Tyler & M.r John
Robinson were sworn to the office of assessors for year ensuing
January 24.th 1792 M.r Parker Spafford was Sworn to the office
of an assessor
February 13.th 1792 M.r Isaac Barker was sworn to the office
of Collector in the room of M.r Asa Barker -------
These are to notify and warn all the freeholders & other in
=habitants of the second Parish in Boxford, qualified as the
Law directs to vote in Parish meetings, to meet at the
Meeting house in s.d Parish on monday the 22th day of this
Instant August at four oClock in the afternoon there
to act on the following articles (Viz)
1ly To Choose a Moderator to regulate s.d Meeting
2ly To see if the Parish will pass a vote to new paint their
meeting-house, if so, then --
3ly To see what method they will take to effect the Same
4thly To see if the Parish will abate Oliver Fosters & Obediah
Carletons rates in Collector Broadstreet Tylers list of rates
Boxford August 12th 1791
Brad. Tyler Committee
John Robinson for said
Parker Spafford Parish
Page 69
At a legal Parish meeting held in Boxford 2.nd Parish on
monday the 22.nd day of august 1791 M.r Lemuel
Wood moderator for said meeting the following votes
were pass'd (viz)
Voted To new paint the meetinghouse in s.d Parish --
Voted To Choose a Committe of three men to paint s.d house
Voted That M.r Stephen Barker M.r Broad.st Tyler & M.r
Lemuel Wood be a Committe for the above Purpose --
Voted To abate Oliver Fosters & Obediah Carletons rates in
Collector Broadstreet Tylers list of rates
Voted to adjourn this meeting until monday the 29.th day
of this Instant at four oClock afternoon -------
Monday four oClock august 29.th 1791 The Parish met
agreeable to adjournment and --
Voted that their Committe Chosen to paint the Meet-
=ing house shall hire a Sum of money to pay for
the oil & Colours & one workman and then s.d meet
ing was desolved.
Page 70
These are to notify & warn all the Freeholders & other Inha
=bitants of the second Parish in Boxford qualified as the
Law directs to vote in Parish Meetings to Meet at the
Meeting-house in said Parish, on Monday the 19.th day of
this Instant September at three oClock afternoon, there to
act on the following Articles (Viz)
1ly To Choose a moderator to govern S.d Meeting.
2ly To see if the Parish will paint the roof of their Meeting-house
and point the underpining of the same, if so then
3ly To see on what manner they would have it painted & pointed
4ly To see if the Parish will vote to appropriate any part of the
Meeting-house towards defraying the expence of Painting s.d
5ly To see if the Parish will vote to except of the bill exhibi=
=ted by the Committe chosen to paint the Meeting-house
Containing the Cost of Painting said House. ------------
Dated Boxford second Parish September 12.th 1791
John Robinson Committe
Parker Spafford for s.d
At a Legal Parish Meeting held in Boxford 2.nd Parish
Sept.r 19.th 1791 Maj.r John Robinson Moderator for s.d Meeting
The following votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted and alow'd the Committees bill of L33"18"41/2 for painting
the Meeting-house
Voted to apropriate some part of of the meeting-house
towards defraying the expence of painting said House
Voted That this Meeting stand adjourn'd to Tuesday the 27th
day of this Instant Sept.r at three of Clock afternoon.
Page 71
Sept.r 27.th 1791 the Parish met agreeable to adjournment
and pass'd the following votes (viz)
A vote was try'd whether the Parish would apropriate the four
hind seats in the body of Seats below towards defraying
the expence of painting the meeting-house & pass in the
A vote was try'd whether the Parish would reconsider the
preceeding vote and pass'd in the afermitive
A vote was try'd whether the Parish would apropriate
the front Pew & back Seat in the Gallary towards defraying
the expence of Painting the Meeting-house and pass'd in
the negative.
Voted to Choose a Committe of seven men to lay out certain
Ground in the Meeting-house (either below or in the
Gallary or in both places) Convenient to build family
Pews and lay their doings before the Parish for their
Voted that M.r Moses Porter Cap.t Jonathan Foster M.r Broad.st
Tyler Ens.n John Barker M.r Lemuel Wood M.r Jn.o Tyler
and M.r Abraham Tyler be a Committe for the above
Purpose, Then s.d Meeting was Adjourn'd to the tenth
Day of October next at three oClock afternoon,
October 10.th 1791 The Parish met agreeable to the above
Adjournment and voted as follows
A vote was try'd whether the Parish would Sell Ground in the
back seats below Sufficient to build four family Pews
and pass'd in the negative
A vote was try'd whether the Parish would Sell Ground
in the Gallary where the front Pew & back Seat Stands,
Convenient to build family Pews & there was a Tie --
A vote was try'd whether the Parish would reconsider all
the votes that had been pass'd respecting apropriating
Some Ground in the meeting-house towards defraying
the expence of Painting s.d House & pass'd in the negative
A vote was try'd whether this Meeting should be adjourn'd
pass'd in the negative
a vote was try'd whether this meeting should be
Desolved & pass'd in the negative, & so it Died.
Page 72
This is to notify and warn all the Freeholders & other Inhabitants
living in the second Parish in Boxford qualified as the Law directs
to vote in Parish Meetings, to meet at the Meeting-house in
the Parish on Monday the tenth day of this Instant October at
one oClock afternoon on s.d Day to act on the following Articles
1.ly To Choose a Moderator to Govern s.d Meeting,
2.ly To vote the Rev.d M.r Eaton Eighty pounds for his Support the
Present year agreeable to Contract,
3.ly To vote the Rev.d M.r Eaton twelve Cords of fire wood the prisent
year according to Contract,
4.ly To See how much money the Parish will vote to raise to defray
the Parish Charges to present year,
5.th To see if the Parish will Choose a Committe to take the
Delivery of the Meeting-house of M.r Stephen Barker and deliver
the same to the Parish.
Broad.st Tyler Committe
6.ly To allow bills of Charge for s.d
Dated Boxford october 1.st 1791 John Robinson Parish
At a Legal Parish Meeting held in Boxford Second Parish
the tenth day of Oct.r 1791 Maj.r John Robinson Moderator for s.d
meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted eighty pounds to the Rev.d M.r Eaton for his support the present
Voted twelve Cords of fire wood to the Rev.d M.r Eaton the Present year
Voted to Choose a Committe of three men to take the delivery of the
Meeting-house of M.r Stephen Barker and Convey s.d House
to the Parish,
Voted that Maj.r John Robinson M.r Lemuel Wood & Cap.t Isaac
Adams be a Committe for the above Purpose --
Voted To raise the Sum of forty five pounds for the purpose of
Defraying the Parish Charges the present year.
Then said Meeting was Desolved.
Page 73
These are to notify and warn all the freeholders and other
Inhabitants living in the second Parish in Boxford qualified
as the Law directs to vote in Parish meetings to meet at the
meeting house in s.d Parish on monday the twelveth day of
Dec.r Instant at three oClock afternoon to act on the follow=
=ing articles (viz)
1.stly To choose a moderator to Govern s.d meeting.
2 To see if the Parish will except of and comply with the propo
=sels which the rev.d M.r Eaton made to the Parish at the last Parish meeting which are as follows, that if the Parish
Treasurer shall come to a settlement with me between
now and the tenth day of Feb.y next and pay up all that
shall be in arrear I will relinquish the twelve cords of wood
which will be raised for the ensuing year and also Ten pound
of money which shall be Due of the arrears, Should the
Treasurer Come to a Settlement Previous to the Time specified
I shall Consider myself bound to relinquish the articles proposed.
Should he not I shall not consider myself obliged to make
such a sacrifice, now if the Parish should except the above
Mentioned Proposal then.
3ly To see if the Parish will vote to order and direct the Treau.r
to oblige all the out standing Collectors to pay in and
Settle up their Collections Previous to the tenth Day of Feb.y
next so that the Treasurer may not fail of settling with M.r
Eaton according to his Proposals
Dated at Boxford Broadstreet Tyler Committee
December 3.rd 1791 for sd
John Robinson Parish
At a legal Meeting held Dec.r 12.th 1791 by the second Parish Boxford
John Robinson Esq.r Moderator for s.d Meeting the following
vote was pass'd (viz)
Voted To direct the Treasurer to oblige the out Standing Collectors
to pay in and Settle up their Collections Previous to the tenth Day of February next then said Meeting was Desolved --
Page 74
These are to notify and warn all the Freeholders and
other Inhabitants living in the second Parish in Boxford
qualified as the Law directs to vote in Parish meetings
to meet at the meeting House in s.d Parish on monday the
10th day of this Instant Jan.y at one oClock afternoon to
act upon the following articles (viz)
1.ly To Choose a Moderator to Govern s.d meeting,
2.ly To See if the Parish will vote to have all the money voted to
be raised in s.d Parish laid in one list of rates
3.ly To See if the Parish will vote to take away two of the hind
Seats in the meeting house Below and Build four Pews in
Stead thereof, one seat on each of the alley or more if wanted
and also to take away the front Pew in the Gallary & the hind Seat
and Build Pews instead thereof,
Boxford Jan.y 6.th 1792 Broadst. Tyler Committee
Parker Spofford for
Att a Parish meeting held in Boxford Second Parish this 16th day
of January 1792 John Robinson Esq.r moderator for s.d meeting
the following votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted That all the money rais'd in the Parish the last year
shall be assessed in one list of rates
Voted Top take away four hind Seats below viz two each side of the alley
and to build four Pews in liew thereof
A vote was try'd whether the Parish would take away the front Pew &
hind seat in the Gallery and erect Pews instead thereof and in
Pass'd in the negative,
Then s.d Meeting was desolved, --------------------------------
Page 75
These are to notify & warn all the Inhabitants living in the
Second Parish in Boxford qualified as the Law directs to vote
in Parish meetings to meet at the meeting House in said
PArish on monday, the thirteenth day of this Instant Febr.y
at one oClock in the afternoon to act upon the following
articles (Viz.)
1.ly To Choose a Moderator to govern said meeting,
2.ly To see if the Parish will choose a Committee to lay out and
Sell at Public Auction that part of their meeting House
which they voted at their last meeting should be appropria
=ted and sold for Pews
3.ly To see if the Paris will vote to have the assessors for the
future abate all such Persons rates as they shall think
Necessary they being all agreed
4.ly To see if the Parish will vote to accept of M.r Isaac Barker
To serve as Collector in the room of M.r Asa Barker
Boxford Feb.y 3.rd 1792 Broads.t Tyler
Parker Spofford Committee
At a Parish meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford
February the 13th 1792 M.r Broads.t Tyler Moderator for
said meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)
1.ly A vote was try'd whether the Parish would choose a Committe
to lay out and sell at Public Auction that Part of their meet
=ing House which they voted to appropriate for Pews at a meet
=ing held the 16.th day of Jan.y 1792 and it Pass'd in the negative
Voted, That the assessors in future shall abate all such Persons
rates as they shall think Necessary they being all agreed
Voted To accept of M.r Isaac Barker to serve as Collector for the
Present year in the room of M.r Asa Barker
Then said Meeting was Desolved -----------------------
Page 76
These are to notify and warn all the freeholders and other
Inhabitants living in the second Paris in Boxford Qualified as
the Law directs to vote in in Parish meetings to meet at the
Meeting house in s.d Parish on wednesday the twentyeighth day
of this Instant at one oClock in the afternoon to act on the
following articles (viz)
1.stly To Choose a moderator to govern s.d meeting
2.ly To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing
3.ly To Choose Some Suitable Person to keep the key of their meeting
-House and to Sweep s.d House the ensuing year.
4.ly To see of the Parish will vote to choose a Committe to Sell the
Pew ground that was voted to ne sold in ^sd Meeting house at a
late Parish meeting in s.d Parish.
5.ly To allow Bills of charge BroadStreet Tyler
Dated Boxford 16.th march 1792 John Robinson Committee
Parker Spofford
At a legal meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford march 28.th 1792
John Robinson Esq.r moderator for s.d meeting the following votes was
Pass'd (viz)
voted That Lieut. Moses Carleton Shall serve as Clerk the ensuing year
voted That Mess.rs Broadstreet Tyler John Foster & John Carleton
Shall serve as assessors & also Parish Committee the ensuing
voted That Lieut. Ebenezer Peabody Shall serve as Collector the ensuing year
voted That M.r Lemuel Wood Shall Serve a Treasurer the ensuing
voted that M.r John Pearl shall have 18/ shilling for sweeping the
Page 77
Meeting House & keeping the Key the ensuing year.
a vote was try'd whether the Parish would choose a Committe
to sell ground sufficient to build four Pews where the 4
hind seats Stand in the Meeting House below and pass'd
in the negative, and then s.d meeting was desolved -----
March 28.th 1792 then Moses Carleton was
sworn to the office of Parish Clerk y.e year ensuing
Dec.r 11.th 1792 M.r Lemuel Wood was Sworn to the
office of Treasurer the Present year -----
Dec.r 11th 1792 M.r Broadstreet Tyler M.r
John Foster & Moses Carleton was sworn
to the office of Assessors the Present year
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living in the
Second Parish in Boxford Qualified as the Law directs to
Vote in Parish Meetings, to meet at the Meeting house in s.d
Parish on monday the 19.th day of this Instant Nov.r at
one oClock afternoon to act upon the following articles (Viz)
1.st To choose a moderator to Govern s.d meeting --------------
2.nd To see if the Parish will vote the Rev.d Peter Eaton eighty
pounds for his support the Present year ---------------------
3.rd To see what method the Parish will take in order to procure
M.r Eatons Wood the Present year ------------------------------
4.th To see if the Parish will dismiss Joseph Carlton form serving
as an assessor the Present year and choose another in his room.
5.th To see what Sum of money the Parish will vote to raise to defray
Parish Charges the PResent year .---------------------------
6.th To allow Bills of charges Broadstreet Tyler
Dated Boxford Nov.r 9.th 1792 John Foster Committee
Page 78
At a Parish Meeting held in Boxford Second Parish Nov.r 19.th 1792
M.r Broadstreet Tyler Moderator for s.d Meeting the following
Votes was pass'd (Viz)
1.st Voted the Rev.d M.r Eaton eighty pounds for his Support the Pres.t year
Voted the Rev.d M.r Eaton twelve Cords of fire wood for the Present year
Voted to procure M.r Eatons fire wood the present year by leting it to the
best Bidder by the Cord
Voted that M.r John Foster shall have twelve Shillings for one cord
of wood delivered to M.r Eaton.
Voted that M.r Parker Spafford shall have twelve Shillings for one Cord
of wood delivered to M.r Eaton.
Voted that M.r John Robinson shall have twenty four Shillings for
two Cords of wood delivered to M.r Eaton.
Voted that John Robinson Esq.r Shall have twelve Shillings for one
Cord of wood delivered to M.r Eaton.
Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd to tuesday the 27.th day of Nov.r
Ins.t at one oClock afternoon.
Tuesday Nov.r 27.th 1792 as there was not a Sufficient number of the Parish
meet to Transact Business the Moderator adjournd s.d Meeting to
the 11.th day of Dec.r next at two oClock afternoon
Dec.r 11.th 1792 the parish met agreeable to adjournment and
Voted as follows (Viz)
Voted that M.r John Foster Shall have four pounds four Shillings for
Seven Cords of firewood delivered to M.r Eaton -------
Voted to Dismiss M.r Joseph Carlton from Serving as an assessor the
Present year.
Voted that Moses Carleton Shall Serve as an assessor the Present year
Voted to raise the Sum of Twenty pounds to Defray Parish
Charges the Present year.
Then s.d Meeting was desolved.
Page 79
This is to notify and warn all the Freeholders and other in
=habitants living in the second Parish in Boxford that is
qualified ^as the law directs to vote in Parish meeting to meet at the meeting
=House on Thursday the twenty eighth day of this Instant march
at one oClock afternoon on s.d day to act on the following articles
1.st To choose a moderator to regulate s.d meeting
2.nd To choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the Law directs
3.rd To see if the Paris will choose a Committe to lay out and
Sell at a Public Vendue the ground in their meeting house
they voted Should be appropriated to the use of Building four
Pews at a meeting held by s.d Parish the 16.th day of Jan.y
1792. and if this is not sufficient room for the Pews, then
4.th To see if the Parish will vote to Include the alley behind y.d seats
5.th To see if the Parish will vote to pay Lieu.t Ebenezer Peabody for collect
=ing the Parish Tax the Present year
6.th To allow Bills of Charge Broads.t Tyler
Dated Boxford march the 15.th 1793 Committe
Moses Carleton
Page 80
At a Legal Parish meeting held by the Second Parish in Boxford
this 28.th day of march 1793 John Robinson Esq.r Moderator
for said meeting the following votes were Pass'd (Viz)
1.st Choose Moses Carleton to Serve as Clerk & he was Sworn ----------
Moses Carleton M.r Isaac Barker and M.r Parker Spafford were
Chosen assessors for the year ensuing and they were Sworn
2.nd M.r David Kimball was chosen Collector for the year ^ensuing and he was sworn
3.rd M.r Luke Hovey was Chosen Treasurer for the year ensuing ^and he was sworn
4.th Voted that the assessors shall serve as Parish Committe the
year ensuing -
5. Voted that Tymon Shall have Twenty Shillings for Sweeping the
meeting House and keeping the Key the year ensuing
a vote was try'd whether the Parish would lay out and sell
Certain ground in their meeting House Suitable to build 4
Pews and pass'd in the negative
6.th Voted that Lieu.t Ebene.r Peabody Shall have four pence on the
pound for Collecting the Paris Tax the Present year
Then said meeting was desolved.
Page 81
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living
in the second Parish in Boxford qualified as the Law
directs to vote in Parish meetings to meet at the meeting
House in s.d Parish on wednesday the fifth day of June
next at three oClock afternoon on s.d day to act on the
following articles (Viz)
1.st To choose a moderator to regulate said meeting
2.nd To choose a man to Serve as an assessor in the room
of M.r Parker Spofford who has moved out of the Parish --
3.rd To see if the Parish will vote to except a Statement of
of the Treasury as exhibited by M.r Wood their late Treasur
4.th To see if the Parish will vote to give their assessors directi^ons
to reckon and Settle with M.r Wood in order that the
Treasury may be transfered
5.th To take any other any other Measures with regard to the
Treasury that the Parish may think proper when Conven'd
6.th To allow Bill of Charge Moses Carleton
Dated Boxford 24.th May 1793 Isaac Barker Committe
At a Parish meeting meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford
June 5.th 1793 John Robinson Esq.r moderator for s.d meeting
the following votes were pass'd
Voted that En.s Enos Runnels shall serve as an assessor in the
room of Parker Spofford moved out of the Parish
Voted that Lieu.t Ebenezer PEabody Cap.t Ivory Hovey J.n Robinson Cap.t
Jon.a Foster be a Committe to join with the Parish Committe and
Settle was M.r Wood respecting the Treasury if they Shall think best
and lay the Same before the Parish. Then s.d meeting
was adjourn'd to the 17.th Ins.t 4:oClock P.M.
Page 82
Monday June 17.th 1793 the Parish met agreeable to adjourn
=ment and a vote was try'd whether the Parish would except of
the statement of the treasury as exhibited by M.r Wood and
Pass'd in the negative
Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd to the 26.th day of this Instant
June 26.th 1793 the Parish met agreeable to adjournment &
Voted that the assessors be directed to examine into the Present State
of the Treasury and assertain what sums of money is in the hands
of the out standing Collectors and lay their Proceedings before
the Parish, then Said meeting was adjourn'd to the first day
of July next four oClock afternoon
July 1.st 1793 the Parish met agreeable to adjournment and
Voted that the assessors be directed to Settle with M.r Wood late
Treasurer and relinquish twenty five pound & ten pence of
Charges against sd Wood made in march 1792 his bringing
no Charge against the Parish for his service as Treasurer
then said meeting was desolved.
Page 83
These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the
Second Parish in Boxford who are qualified as the Law directs to
Vote in Parish meetings to assemble in the meeting House in
Said Parish on monday the twenty first day of Oct.o Instant
at three oClock in the afternoon to act upon the following
Articles (Viz) To Choose a moderator to govern s.d meeting
2.nd To Vote eighty pounds to the rev.d Peter Eaton for this Sup=
=port the Present year agreeable to Contract.
3.rd To Vote twelve Cords of fire wood to M.r Eaton the Present year
agreable to Contract.
4.th To See if the Parish will vote to furnish M.r Eaton's wood
the Present year by letting it to the loest bidder by the Cord
5.th To See what Sum of money the Parish will vote to raise to
Defray Parish charges the Present year.
6.th To allow Bill of Charge Moses Carleton Committe
Boxford Oct.r 11.th 1793 Isaac Barker for s.d
Enos Runnels Parish
At a meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford
Oct.r 21.th 1793 Cap.t Ivory Hovey moderator for s.d meeting
the following votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted eighty Pounds to the rev.d Peter Eaton for his Support the
Present year
Voted twelve Cords of fire wood to M.r Eaton the Present year
Voted that M.r Eaton's wood Shall be furnished the Present
year be letting it to the loest bidder by the Cord
M.r John Robinson engaged to furnish two Cord of s.d wood @ 13/
p.r Cord M.r Isaac Barker ---- Do-------one-----Do----------13/p.r Cord
Cap.t Ivory Hovey--------Do-------one-----Do Do
M.r John Foster----------D.-------Three---Do------------Do
M.r William Foster-------Do-------two-----Do------------Do
L.t Eben.z Peabody-------Do-------one-----Do------------Do
M.r Tyler Porter---------Do-------two-----Do------------Do
Voted to raise the Sum of thirty pounds to defray Parish
Charges the Present year.
then s.d meeting was desolved
Page 84
These are to notify and warn all the freeholders & other Inhabitants
living in the second Parish in Boxford that are qualified as the Law
directs to vote in Parish meetings to Assemble in the meeting
House in s.d Parish on monday the 17.th Day of February Ins.t
at two oClock in the afternoon to act on the following Articles (Viz)
1.st To Choose a moderator to regulate said meeting
2.nd to See if the Parish will vote to abate M.r William Porter's rates that
shall be found against him in the Several Collectors rate Bills in s.d
Parish that has not already been abated.
3.rd To See if the Parish will vote to abate all such rates that they shall
think proper when Informed of the circumstances of said rates by the
Several Collectors in whose lists they are Set.
4.th To allow Bills of Charge. Moses Carleton Committee
Dated Boxford Second Parish Isaac Barker for s.d
Feb.y 3.rd 1794 Enos Runnels Parish
At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford this 17.th Day of
February 1794 M.r Lemuel Wood moderator for s.d meeting
a vote was try'd to see if the Parish would abate all M.r William Porters
rates in the several Collectors rate bills in s.d Parish that has not
already been abated and pass'd in the negative
Voted To pass over the 3.rd article in the notification and not to
act upon it.
and then said meeting was desolved
Page 85
These are to notify & warn all the Freeholders & other
Inhabitants living in the second Parish in Boxford
that are qualified by Law to vote in Parish Meetings to
assemble & meet in the Meeting House in said Parish
on monday the 17th day of march Instant at two
oClock in the afternoon to act on the following
articles (Viz)
1.st To Choose a moderator to govern s.d meeting
2.nd To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the
Law directs
3.rd To agree with some suitable Person to sweep the meet
=ing House & Keep the Key the year ensuing
4.th To see if the Parish will vote twelve Shillings ^to M.r Luke Hovey for his
Service as Treasurer the year Past,
5.th To see what measures the Parish will take respecting an
action Commenced against s.d Parish by Jeremiah
6.th To see if the Parish will vote to errect four Pews in their
meeting House on the lower floor where the four hindseats
now stands (if so then)
7.th To Choose a Committe to see the work effected in such a
manner as the Parish shall agree upon when Convened
8.th To allow Bills of Charge Moses Carleton Committe
Dated Boxford march 7.th 1794 Isaac Barker for s.d
Enos Runnels Parish
Page 86
At a legal Parish meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford this 17.th day of march 1794 John Robinson Esq.r
moderator for said meeting the following votes were Pass'd
Voted that Moses Carleton shall serve as Parish Clerk the
year ensuing and he was sworn --
Voted that Moses Carleton M.r Isaac Barker & Ensign Enos
Runnels shall serve as assessors the year ensuing and
they were sworn, also voted that the assessors serve as
Parish Committe the year ensuing
Voted that M.r Enoch Kimball shall serve as Collector ^for the
Parish the year ensuing
Voted that John Robinson Esq.r serve as Parish Treasurer for
the year ensuing and he was sworn.
Voted that M.r Samuel Chadwick shall have Twenty shillings
for sweeping the meeting House & keeping the Key the year ensuing
Voted that M.r Luke Hovey shall have twelve shillings his service
as Treasurer the year Past
Voted that the Treasurer be directed to take measures to
stop the action Commenced by M.r Herriman before the writ
is returnable
Voted to build four Pews where the four hind seats now stands
on the lower ^floor of the meeting House (viz) two on each side
of the Broad alley
Voted that John Robinson Esq.r Ensn Enos Runnels & M.r Tyler
Porter be a Committe to build the Pews above mentioned
Voted that the Committe be directed to build Pews eight Inches
Distance from this already built & to rais them two Inches
from the old floor & to lay out the Ground report.
then said meeting was adjourn'd to mondy the 31.th day of
March Instant at three oClock afternoon
Page 87
Monday march 31.st the Parish met agreeable to adjournment
and voted as follows (viz)
M.r Enoch Kimball not having legal notice that he was Chosen
Collector, he was again chosen to serve as Collector for the year
Voted to except the report of their Committe respecting what ground
is neccessary to build four Pews in their Meeting House
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants living in
the second Parish in Boxford that are Qualified by Law to vote in
Parish meetings to assemble and meet in the Meeting House in
s.d Parish on monday the 31.st day of march Instant at four
oClock in the afternoon on s.d day then & there to act on the
following articles (viz)
first To Choose a moderator to regulate s.d meeting
2.nd To see if the Parish will vote to direct their Committe which
they have Chosen to erect four Pews on the lower floor of their
meeting House to build them five feet 9 Inches long & four feet ten
Inches wide improving so much of the allies as is sufficient for
that Purpose agreeable to the report of said Committe
3.rd To see if the Parish will vote to move the two fore seats below
six Inches forward and the two seconds seats nine Inches forward
4.th To take any other measures respecting said Pews that the
Parish shall think Proper when convened
5.th To se what the Parish will do with a note given to M.r Lemuel
Wood signed by M.r Nathan Barker Deceas'd now in the hands
of the Treasurer.
Moses Carleton Committe
Dated Boxford second Parish Isaac Barker for
march 20.th 1794 Enos Runnels said
Page 88
At a legal Parish meeting held in Boxford second Parish this 31.st day
of march 1794 John Robinson Esq.r moderator for s.d meeting the
following votes were Pass'd (viz)
Voted that the Committe Chosen to build Pews be directed to
build s.d Pews five feet nine Inches long & four feet ten Inches
wide agreeable to their report
Voted that the Committe appointed to build Pews be directed to move
the two fore seat below six Inches forward and the two second
seats nine Inches forward if they shall find it neccessary
Voted that the Committe be directed to Build the aforesaid Pews
in that way that they shall judge most advantageous
for the Parish
and then said meeting was desolved.
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants
living in the second Parish in Boxford who are
legally Qualified to vote in Parish meetings to assemble
and meet at the meet at the meeting House on monday
the 16.th day of June Instant at three oClock
afternoon to act on the following articles (viz)
first To choose a moderator to regulate said meeting
2.nd To see if the Parish will Choose a Committe to apprise
the four Pews lately errected in their meeting House
3.rd To autherize s.d Committe to Sell said Pews & give
Conveyances of the same
4.th To give s.d Committe such Directions with regard to
to selling said Pews as the Parish shall think Proper
when Convened
5.th To take any other with regard to said Pews that the Parish
shall think best when met
6.th To allow Bills of Charge Moses Carleton
Boxford June 7.th 1794 Isaac Barker Committe
Enos Runnels
Page 89
At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford June
the 16.th 1794 John Robinson Esq.r moderator for said
meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted that John Robinson Esq.r Cap.t Ivory & M.r Isaac
Barker be a Committe to appraise the four Pews
lately errected in the meeting House then s.d meeting was
adjourn'd for fifteen minutes -- The Parish met agreeable
to adjournment and voted to except the report of the
Committe with regard to the appraisal of said Pews that
the two Pews next to the alley be L15 each and the other two
Pews be L10 each
Voted that the above Committe be authorized to sell s.d
Pews & give Conveyances of the same
Voted that the Committe shall sell said Pews to the highest
Bidder setting them up at the sum each Pew is appra
=ised at
Voted that s.d Pews shall be sold to Inhabitants of s.d Parish
Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd to the 30th day
of June Instant four oClock afternoon
June 30.th 1794 the Parish met agreeable to adjourn
=ment and voted that in selling s.d Pews one shilling
shall be a bid and if more Convenient to the Purchase
=er once years Credit to be given the Purchaser to
give an obligation for the same. voted that this
meeting be adjourn'd to the second day of July next at
four oClock afternoon
July 2.nd 1794
The Parish met agreeable to adjournment and
Voted and allow'd Moses Chadwicks Bill of Charge 7/s---
Voted and allow'd En.s Enos Runnels Bill of Charge for build
4 Pews in the meeting House of L8'6'0 then s.d
Meeting was Desolved
Page 90
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants
living in the second Parish in Boxford who are
qualified as the law directs to vote in Parish meetings
to assemble and meet in the meeting House in s.d Parish
tuesday the TwentyFifth day of November Instant at two
oClock in the afternoon to act on the following
Articles (Viz)
First To Choose a moderator to regulate s.d Meeting
2nd to vote eighty pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eatons
Support the present year agreeable to contract
3.rd To vote twelve cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the Present
year agreeable to Contract
4.th To see what Sum of money the Parish will vote to
raise to defray the Parish Charges the present year
5.th To see if the Parish will vote that M.r Eatons fire wood
shall be delivered to him by the Person or Persons that
do it the Cheapest by the Cord.
6.th To see if the Parish will vote that the moderator of
this meeting shall put up s.d wood to be furnished by the
lowest bidder.
7.th To see if the Parish will vote to except of a man to Serve
as Collector in the room of M.r Enoch Kimball.
8.th To see if the Parish will vote that the several Sums
of money voted to be raised the Present year shall be
assessed in one list of rates
9.th To allow Bills of Charge
Dated Boxford Nov. 15.th 1794
Moses Carleton
Isaac Barker Committe
Enos Runnels for sd
Page 91
At a meeting held by the Second Parish in Boxford Nov.r the
twentyfifth 1794 Cap.t Ivory Hovey moderator for said
Meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted eighty pounds for the Rev.d M.r Eatons Support the
Present year agreeable to contract.
Voted twelve cords of fire wood for M.r Eaton the Present year
agreeable to Contract.
Voted to raise the Sum of twenty pounds to defray the
the Parish Charges the present year
Voted that M.r Eatons fire wood Shall be delivered to him by
the present year by the person or persons that will do it
the Cheapest by the cord
Voted That the moderator of this meeting Shall put up said
wood to be furnished by the lowest bidder
Voted that M.r Tyler Porter Shall have fourteen Shillings
p.r Cord for twelve Cord of fire wood Delivered to M.r Eaton
Voted to except of M.r Lemuel Wood to Serve as Collector in
the room of M.r Enoch Kimball and he was Sworn
Voted that the Several Sum of money to be raised the present
year be the Parish shall be assess in one list of rates
Then said meeting was Desolved.
Page 92
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants
living in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally
qualified to vote in Parish meetings to assemble & meet
in the meeting House in s.d Parish to tuesday the 24th
Day of march Instant at two oClock in the afternoon on
said day to act on the following Articles (viz)
first To Choose a moderator to preside at s.d meeting
2ndly To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the law
3rdly To agree with some Suitable Person to Sweep the meet
=ing House and keep the Key the year ensuing
4thly To see if the Parish will Choose a Committe to Seat
the Inhabitants of Said Parish in their meeting house
5thly To allow Bills of Charge Moses Carleton
Dated Boxford march 7.th 1795 Isaac Barker Committe
Enos Runnels
At a meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford march
24.th 1795 John Robinson Esq.r moderator for s.d meeting
Voted that L.t Moses Carleton shall serve as P. Clerk y.e year ensuing
Voted that ^L.t Moses Carleton M.r Stephen Barker J.r & Ens.n Enos Runnels
Shall serve as assessors the year ensuing & also as Parish Committe
Voted that M.r Jonathan Tyler Shall serve as Collector the year ensuing
Voted that John Robinson Esq.r Shall serve as Parish Treasurer
the year ensuing
Voted that M.r Joseph Hovey Shall have twenty three Shillings
for Sweeping the meeting House & keeping the Key
the year ensuing
Voted that the assessors be a Committe to seat the Inhabitants
in their meeting House. then said meeting was adjourn'd
to the third wednesday in April next at five oClock P.M.
Wednesday April 15.th 1795 the Par^ish met agreeable to adjournment
and voted to except the report of the Committe Chosen to
to Seat the meeting House, then said Meeting
was desolved.---------
Page 93
April 15.th 1795 then Moses Carleton M.r Stephen Barker J.r and
Ens.n Enos Runnels were sworn to the office of assessors for the
year ensuing & John Robinson Esq.r was sworn to the office of
Treasurer for the year ensuing
These are to notify all the freeholders & other Inhabitants
living in the second Parish in Boxford who are qualified as the
Law directs to vote in Parish meetings to assemble at the
Meeting House in s.d Parish on monday the nineteenth
day of october Instant at three oClock in the afternoon
to act on the following articles (viz)
firstly To Choose a Moderator to Govern said meeting
2ndly To vote eighty pounds to the rev.d M.r Eaton for His
Support the Present year agreeable to Contract.
3rdly To vote twelve Cords of fire wood for the rev.d M.r Eaton the
Present year agreeable to Contract
4thly To see what measures the Parish will take to procure s.d
wood for M.r Eaton. ------------------
5thly To see what Sum of money the Parish will vote to raise
to defray Parish Charges the present year. -------------
6thly To see if the Parish will vote that the several sums of
money voted to be raised the Present year shall be assessed
in one list of rates. ------------------------------
Moses Carleton
7thly To allow Bills of Charge Committe
Stephen Barker J.r for said
Dated Boxford second Parish Parish
October 3.rd 1795 ----- Enos Runnels
Page 94
At a meeting held by the Second Parish in Boxford this
nineteenth day of october 1795 Cap.t Jona Foster ^moderator for sd
meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd to monday the 26th day of
octo Ins.t at three oClock afternoon.
Monday octo 26.th 1795 the Parish met agreeable to adjourn
=ment and voted as follows (viz)
1.st Voted eighty pounds to the rev.d Peter Eaton for his support the
Present year agreeable to contract
Voted twelve Cords of fire wood for the rev.d M.r Eaton for the
present year agreeable to Contract
Voted that the wood Shall be furnished to m.r Eaton by the
lowest Bidder by the Cord.
Voted that M.r Tyler Porter Shall have Seventeen Shillings & six
pence p.r Cord for the above mentioned wood when Delivered
Voted To raise the Sum of twenty pounds for the Purpose of
Defraying the Parish Charges the present year
Voted That the Several Sums of money voted to be raised
Shall be assessed in one list of rates.
Then said meeting was Desolved.
Page 95
These are to notify and warn all the freeholders & other
Inhabitants living in the second Parish in Boxford who are
legally qualified to vote in Parish meetings to Assemble and
meet in the meeting house in said Parish on monday the
first Day of Feb.y Next at two oClock in the afternoon to
act on the following articles (Viz)
Firstly To Choose a moderator to regulate said meeting
2ndly To see if the Parish will vote to abate M.r William Porters
rates in the several Collector lists of rates in s.d Parish that
has not been a bated.
3rdly To take any other measures respecting said rates that the
Parish shall think proper when Conven'd
Dated Boxford Jan.y 29.th 1796 Moses Carleton Committee
Enos Runnels for said
At a meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford February
first 1796 M.r Broadstreet Tyler moderator for s.d meeting
the following votes were pass'd
A vote was Try'd to see if the Parish would abate all M.r
William Porters rates in s.d Parish and pass'd in the negative
Voted to abate said Porters rates in all lists where the denomination
of Babtists were left out, then said meeting was Desolved
Page 96
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants
living in the 2nd Parish in Boxford who are legally
qualified to vote in Parish meetings to assemble and
meet in the meeting House in said Parish on monday
the fifteenth day of Feb.y Ins.t at two oClock in the after
=noon on said day to act on the following Articles (Viz)
Firstly To Choose a Moderator to regulate s.d meeting
2.ndly To see if the Parish will vote that the assessors
draw orders on the Treasurer in faviour of the Rev.d
M.r Bass for the money paid into s.d Treasurry by
the Several Collectors who have received M.r William
Porters rates
3.rdly To take any other measures respecting said rates
or money that the Parish shall think best when met.
Dated Boxford Feb.y 13.th 1796 Moses Carleton Commit
Enos Runnels for said
Stephen Barker J.r Parish
At a meeting of the 2nd Parish in Boxford Feb.y 13.th 1796
M.r Lemuel Wood moderator for s.d meeting the following
votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted to pass over the second article in the Notification
A vote was Try'd to see if the Parish would take
any any measures respecting s.d rates & pass'd in
the negative, then s.d meeting was desolved
Page 97
These are to notify and warn all the Inhabitants
living in the second Parish in Boxford who are legally
qualified to vote in Parish meeting to assemble and meet
in the meeting House in s.d Parish on monday the
22.nd day of Feb.y Ins.t at two oClock in the afternoon on
said day to act on the following Articles (Viz)
first To choose a moderator to regulate said meeting
2ndly To see if the Parish will take any further measures
respecting a settlement of M.r William Porters rates --
and if so --
3.rdly To see of the Parish will choose a Committe to settle
the matter in dispute in that way. that Which
Shall be thought most advantagious to the Parish
Boxford Feb.y 20.th 1796 Moses Carleton Committe
Enos Runnels for said
Stephen Barker J.r Parish
At a meeting held by the 2.nd Parish in Boxford Feb.y
22.nd 1796 M.r Lemuel Wood moderator for s.d meeting the
following votes were pass'd (viz)
a vote was Try'd to see if the Parish would Choose
a Committe to Settle the matter in dispute
respecting M.r William Porters rates & Pass'd in the
negative ---- then said meeting was Desolved
Page 98
These are to notify and warn all the freeholders & other
Inhabitants living in the second Parish in Boxford
who are legally qualified to vote in Parish meetings
to assemble and meet at the meeting house in said
Parish on the 21st day of march Inst at two oClock on
said day to act on the following articles (viz)
firstly To Choose a moderator to regulate said meeting
2.nd To Choose Parish officers for the year ensuing as the
Law directs.--------------------------------
3rdly To See what sum of money the Parish will vote to raise
towards paying the Parish debt.--------------
4thly To agree with some suitable Person to sweep the --
meeting house and keep the Key the year ensuing
5thly To See if the Parish will vote to pay M.r David Kimball
for collecting the Parish Tax in the year 1793 --
6thly To See if the Parish will vote to pay M.r Lemuel Wood for
collecting the Parish tax in the year 1794 ---
7thly To See if the Parish will vote to pay all the Collectors
in future for Collecting Parish Taxes (if so)
8thly To See what sum of money the Parish will vote to pay on
the pound for Collecting Parish Taxes
9thly To See if the Parish will vote to pay M.r Eaton's sallary
in the following manner (viz) one moiety every six
months for three years to Come in Case he supplies the
10.th To allow Bills of Charge
Dated Boxford march 11.th 1796 Moses Carleton Committe
Stephen Barker J.r for the
Enos Runnels Parish
Page 99
At a legall meeting held by the second Parish ion Boxford this 21st day
of march 1796 M.r Lemuel Wood moderator for said meeting
the following votes were Pass'd (viz)
Voted That Moses Carleton Serve as Parish Clerk the year ensuing and
he was sworn ----------------------------------------------
Voted that Moses Carleton Stephen Barker J.r & Ens.n Enos Runnels
Serve as assessors for the year ensuing & they were sworn ----
Voted that the Persons Chosen for assessors Shall serve as Committe
for the year ensuing
Voted that M.r Nathan Kimball serve as Collector the year ensuing
Voted that John Robinson Esq.r serve as Treasurer the year ensuing
and he was sworn ---------------------------------------------
Voted that Tymon shall have three Dollars & 83 Cents for sweep
=ing the meetinghouse and keeping the Key the year
ensuing and keeping the Doors Clear from snow in ye winter
Voted that M.r David Kimball Shall have /4d on the pound for
his Collection in the year 1793 ------------------------
Voted that M.r Lemuel Wood Shall have /4d on the pound for his
Collection in the year 1794 -----------------------------
A vote was try'd whether the Parish would pay M.r Eaton's
Sallary Simiannually and pass'd in the negative
Voted that John Robinson Esq.r Shall have four Dollars for
his service as Treasurer for the years 1794 & 1795.
then said meeting was Desolved.
Page 100
These are to notify and warn all the freeholders & other
Inhabitants living in the second Parish in Boxford who are
legally Qualified to vote in Parish meeting to meet in the
Meeting house in said Parish on monday the 23.rd day of
may Instant at four oClock in the afternoon on said day
to act on the following articles (viz)
first To Choose a moderator to regulate said meeting -----------
2nd To see what measures the Parish will take respecting an
action Commenced against said Parish by M.r Bass ----
Dated Boxford may 14.th 1796 Moses Carleton Committe
Stephen Barker J.r for said
Enos Runnels Parish
At a legal Meeting held by the second Parish in Boxford
this 23.rd day of may 1796 M.r Lemuel Wood moderator for
said meeting the following votes were pass'd (viz)
Voted to Choose a Committee of three men to Settle the
matter in Dispute with M.r Bass or Pursue it in Law as
they Shall think best.
Voted that John Robinson Esq.r L.t Ebenezer Peabody &
M.r Stephen Barker be a Committe for the above
purpose then said meeting was Desolved