1776 - 1788

You A.B. do swear that you will faithfully perform

the duties as treasurer of the second religious society

in Boxford, the year ensuing, and untill another

is chosen and sworn in your stead

                      So help you God.


You  ..A..B.. being chosen parish clerk in the North

Parish of Boxford for one year next following, do swear,

that you will truly record all votes passed in the

meeting at which you are chosen, and all other

parish meetings during the year, and untill

another clerk shall be chosen and sworn in your

stead, and also faithfully to discharge all the other

duties of your office. So help you God.



You.  A B. one of the Assessors for the North

Parish of Boxford for the year ensuing, do swear

that you will proceed equally and impartially,

according to your best skill and judgement, in

assessing and apportioning all such rates and

taxes as you may, according to law, be directed

to assess and apportion, during the time.

   So help you God.



You A.B. Being chosen Collector of taxes for the

second Religious Society in Boxford for one year

next following, do Swear that you will levy and

collect with what speed you can, all such rates and

assessments, for which you shall have sufficient

warrants according to law; rendering an account

thereof and paying the same according to the directions

in your warrant.  So help you God.


Page 1


At a Legal parish Meeting held in the Second parish

in Boxford on Monday the 25th of March & Continued

by adjournment till the 9th of April 1776 at two o Clock

afternoon.  The parish meet agreeable to adjournment.


1      voted to Dismiss Mr Isaac Robinson from being Assessor

2      voted to Chuse Mr Phineas Tyler assessor for the ensuing


3      voted to abate Mr Samll Spaffords Rates for his Heads

         & personal Estate in Collector Stephen Merril

         List of Rates --------------------

4      voted to abate Jeremiah Perley Rates in Collector

         Stephen Merrils List of Rates

5      Voted to abate Mr Jesse Kimball real Estate in Collector

         Stephen Merril List of Rates

6      Voted to^abateNathaniel Lakeman Jur Rates in Collector

         Samuel Carlton List of Rates

7      Voted to Chuse a Committee to provide Stones for

         Steps for the meeting house Doors --------------

8      Voted that Said Committee consist of nine persons

9      Voted that Messrs John Cushing Isaac Robinson John

         Chadwick John Barker Moses Porter Gideon Tyler

         Stephen Barker Thoms Chadwick Benj Porter Ju

         for Said Committee ----------------

10    Voted to Chuse Mr David Wood to keep the

         key & Sweep the Meeting House the ensuing

         year  also voted the said wood Eighteen Shill

         =ings for the Said Service -------------------

11    Voted to adjourn the Said meeting to May

         9th at 4 o Clock afternoon -------------------


         So small a Number of the parish Being present

         on the 9 of May that Nothing further was done at

         Said meeting -----------

                              March 26th 1777

                              John Cushing Esqr

                              was sworn as



Page 2


At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the

Second parish in Boxford on the 12th September 1776

1      John Cushing Esqr was Chosen Moderator

2      Voted to Chuse a Committee to Endeavour a Settle

         =ment with Mr Stephen Barker Relative to the action

         he has Commenced against the parish ---

3      Voted Said Committee consist of five men -

4      Voted that Ensn Gideon Tyler Mr Isaac Robinson

         Jona Foster John Cushing Esqr Capt Issac Adams

         be a Committee for the above purpose ---------

5      Voted to adjourn Said meeting to Tuesday Next

         at 4 o Clock in the afternoon --------------------


Tuesday Septr 17th the parish^meetat 4 o Clock

PM according to adjournment

1      Voted to Chuse a Committee to Defend the

         parish or Settle with Mr Stephen Barker

         as they Should think best when Chosen -

         Relative to the above Said action -------

2      Voted that the Said Committee consist of three

         men ------------------

3      Voted that John Cushing Esqr Ensn Gideon Tyler

         & Jonathan Foster be a Committee for the above

         purpose -----

4      Voted that Deacn Joseph Hovey be added to the

         above Committee to Sittle with Mr Barker or

         defend the parish at the next Court  ----

         then Said meeting was Desolved ------------


At a Legal parish Meeting held in the

Second parish^inBoxford  January 13th 1777

1      Chose Ensn John Chadwick Moderator

2      Chose John Cushing Esqr Assessor in the Room

         of Liut Asa Merril absent

3      Voted to Raise L95 Lawfull money to Defray

         parish Charges for the year --- 1776

         then the Said meeting was Desolved


Page 3


At a Legal parish Meeting held in the Second

parish in Boxford on Monday March 31st 1777

John Cushing Esqr Moderator

1      Chose Ensn John Chadwick Jona Foster & Mr Asa

         Robinson Assessors for the present year and also a

         Committee for Said parish ----------------------

2      Chose Mr Lemll Wood parish Clerk for the present year

3      Chose John Cushing Esqr Treasurer for the present year

4      Chose Mr John Hovey Jur Collector for the present year

5      Voted to abate Eliphelet Cole rates in Collector Stephen

         Merril List

6      Voted to abate on Head for Ephraim Foster in Collector

         John --------- Barker List of Rates  --------------

7      Voted to abate the Widw Lacy's Sons Head in Collector

         John Barker List

8      Voted to abate Jesse Kimball Real Estate in Collector

         John Barker List -------------------------

9      Voted to abate Jona Foster Rates for a mill in

         Collector John Barker List

10    Chose Mr David Wood to Sweep the Meeting house &

         Keep the key for the present year for which 18/

         was Voted the Said Wood -----------------------

11    Voted to adjourn the Said Meeting to Friday the

         fourth day of April next at 4 o Clock PM



         Friday ye 4 April the Parish met pursuant to the

         above adjournment and Voted as follows (viz)

1      Voted to abate David Wood's Jr head rate in Collector John Barker's

         List of Rates.

2      Voted to abate Mr Jonathn Wood's Rates in Collector John Barker's

         List of Rates.

3      A vote was try'd whether the Parish wou'd allow Lieut John

         Barker's Bill of charge for underpining the New Meeting-House,

         and passed in the Negative.

4      A vote was try'd whether the Parish wou'd Choose a Committee

         to settle the Accot of Lieut John Barker for underpining the

         New Meeting-House: passed in the Negative.

5      Voted to adjourn this meeting to Friday next at 4 o'Clock in

         the Afternoon.


Page 4


Friday^ye 11 April4 o'clock P.M. agreeable to the above adjournment the

Parish met and Voted. -

1      ^Voted toAnnul the vote passed in the negative concerning Lieut John

         Barker's Bill of charge for underpining the new Meeting-House.

2      Voted to Annul the vote respecting choosing a Committee to settle

         with Lieut John Barker.

3      Voted to allow Lieut John Barker L87~8~3 old Tenr for his service

         in underpining the new Meeting House.

4      Voted to allow Lieut John Barker 27s old Tenr for Lime to levell

         the sills of the Meeting^Houseon.


                                       April ye 11 1777 Ens.n John Chadwick

                 and M.r Asa Robinson were sworn to the

                 Office of Assessors, And Lemll Wood to the

                 Office of Clerk Capt Jonathn Foster

                 was sworn to the office of Assessor March ye 6th 1778

                 M.r John Hovey Jr was sworn to the office of Colector.




At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the second Parish in

Boxford on Tuesday ye 3rd July 1777 -------

1      Voted that Ens.n John Chadwick serve as Moderator for said


2      Voted to pay to the Rev.d M.r David Osgood Forty Shillings,

         for past services, while he preached amongst us.




At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the second Parish in

Boxford, on Tuesday ye 23d of Decemb.r 1777

1      Voted that M.r Isaac Robinson serve as Moderator for the present


2      Voted to raise L90 for the support of the Rev.d Mr Moses Hale,

         and other Parish charges for part of the year 1777, and part of the

         year 1778.

3      Voted to abate the Rates of Jesse Hardy, Jonathan Wood J.r and

         William Porter in Collector Oliver Fosters List of Rates

4      Vote that the money raised to defray Parish charges be Lay'd in one

         List of Rates.

5      A voted was try'd whether the Parish would abate James Baynton's Rates

         in Collector Oliver Fosters List of Rates:  passed in the Negative. And

         then said meeting was disolved.

Page 5


At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Monday ye 16th of March 1778.

1      Voted that John Cushing Esq.r serve as Moderator for the present


2      Voted that Capt Issac Adams, M.r Isaac Robinson , and M.r Samuel

         Carlton, Serve as Assessors for the Year ensuing. - And also a

         Committee to call Parish Meetings &c.

3      Voted that Lemuel Wood serve as Parish Clerk the Year ensuing.

4      Voted that John Cushing Esq.r serve as Parish Treasurer the Year


5      Voted that M.r Stephen Barker serve as Collector the Year


6      Voted to axcept of M.r Asa Parker, and all his Lands Lying in

         the North Parish in Andover, to be equally Privileged with the

         Inhabitants of this Parish, upon provision he shall get set off from

         the said North Parish in Andover.

7      Voted that Mr David Wood sweep the Meeting House, and

         keep the Key the year ensuing, for which 27/s was voted him.

         And then the Meeting was disolved.

                   March ye 16 1778 Lemll Wood was sworn

                   to the Office of Clerk.

                  May ye 11 John Cushing Esq.r was sworn to

                 the Office Treasurer; and Capt. Isaac Adams

                M.r Isaac Robinson, & M.r Samuel Carlton

               were sworn to the Office of Assessors.

              * April ye 15th M.r Stephen Barker was sworn 

                to the Office of Collector.




At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the second Parish

in Boxford on Monday ye 11th of May 1778 ------

1      Capt Isaac Adams being Moderator, the following

         votes were pas'd --------

1      Voted to choose a Committee to to settle with Lieut John

         Barker, and Lieut Samuel Runnels for their underpining

         the Meeting House; and to Report to the Parish at the Adjourn


2      Voted the Ens.n Gideon Tyler, Capt. Jonath.n Foster and Mr

         Isaac Robinson, be a Committee for the above purpose.

Page 6


3      Voted to axcept of all the Land of M.r Stephen

         Barker's, formerly M.r Hananiah Barkers Deceas'd.

4      Voted that a Committee be chosen to treat with M.r

         Stephen Barker respecting buying a Pew for the use of

         the Ministrey in this place, and to^makeReport to the Parish

         at the Adjournment.

5      Voted that Cap.t Isaac Adams, M.r Pelatiah Lakeman

         and Ens.n John Chadwick, be a Committee for the

         above purpose.

6      Voted to Adjourn this Meeting to the 8th Day of June

         next at 4 o'Clock in the afternoon.




Tuesday ye 8th Agreeable to the above Adjournment

the Parish met and voted as follows (viz)

1      Voted to allow Lieut John Barker L1~9s/7d in addition

         to the Sum already voted him for underpining the Meet

         -ing House.

2      Voted to allow Lieut Samuel Runnels L13~3s/ for his

         service in underpining the Meeting-House, and for the

         cost of Lime and a workman to point the underpining.

3      Voted to give M.r Stephen Barker L46~18 for the

         Pew No 41, said Pew is to be for the Use of the Ministry

         in this place.  And then said Meeting was disolved.




These are to Notify all the Inhabitants that live

in the second Parish in Boxford Qualified as the Law di

-rects to Vote in Parish-Meeting, to meet at the Meeting-House

in said Parish, on Monday the fourteenth Day of this instant

December at two of the Clock, in the afternoon on said Day, to

act on the following Articles. (viz)

1      To Chuse a Moderator for said Meeting.

2      To see if the Parish will agree upon some Time when to pay

         M.r Hales Salary.

Page 7


3      To Vote M.r Hale eighty Pounds for his Support for the

         present Year, according to agreement, or the same in propotion

         to the Time we agree to pay him.

4      To see what measures the Parish will take to support the Rev.d

         M.r Hale, more than his Stated Salary by reason of the dear

         -ness of the necesaries of Life.

5      To see how much Money the Parish will raise to defray the

         Parish charges the present year.

6      To see of the Parish will Vote that the Assessors shall Lay all

         the Money that shall be rais'd for the^Parishes use thispresent year, be in

         one List of Rates.

7      To see if the Parish will Vote to mend the Glass that is broken

         in our Meeting-House, also to chuse a Comtee to see the work


8      To see of the Parish will abate William Porters Rates in Collector

         John Barkers List of Rates, and also in Benj.m Porters List of

         Rates, and also to see if the Parish will abate Eliphelet Coles Rates

         in Collector John Barkers List of Rates.

9      To allow Bill of Charge.

                                     Isaac Adams  Comttee

                                     Isaac Robinson   for the Secd

                                     Samll Carlton Parish in

   Dated Boxford Dec.r ye 4th 1778                Boxford




At a Legal Parish Meeting held in Boxford, second Parish on

Monday the 14th of Dec.r 1778


John Cushing Esq.r being Moderator for said Meeting the

following votes were pas'd.

1      Voted to pay M.r Hale's Salary for the futer the 16th Day

         of March.

2      Voted to pay the Revd M.r Hale L26~13/4 from ye 16th Day of

         last Nov.r, to ye 16th Day of March next, it being one third part of

         his stated Salary

Page 8


3      Voted that a Comttee be chosen to converse with the Revd

         M.r Hale, in respect to his support, in consequence of the

         dearness of the necessaries of Life.

4      Voted that said Committee consist of seven men.

5      Voted that Dea.n Joseph Hovey, Dea.n Thomas Chadwick, John

         Cushing Esq.r M.r Isaac Robinson, Cap.t John Robinson,

         Lieut John Barker, and M.r Nathan Kimball be a Com

         -mittee for the above purpose.

6      Voted to mend the Glass to mend the that is broken in the

         Meeting House.

7      Voted that Lemuel Wood shall mend the Glass which is broken

         in the Meeting House.

8      Voted to abate William Porters Rates in Collector John Bar

         -kers List of Rates, and in Collector Benj.a Porters List of


9      Voted to abate Eliphelet Coles Rates in Collector John Bar

         -kers List of Rates.

10    Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday next, at two of the

         Clock P.M.




Dec.r ye 21st, Agreeable to the above Adjournment the Parish

met and pas'd the following Votes.

1      A vote was try'd whether the Parish would raise L400 for the

         support of the Rev.d M.r Hale, from ye 16th of Nov.r 1777 to the

         16th of March next, in addition to his Salary exclusive of what

         is already voted, but it passed in the Negative.

2      Voted to raise L293~6/8 for the Rev.d M.r Hales support, from

         ye 16th of Nov.r 1777, to ye 16th of March next, excepting of the Sum

         already voted, the above sum is voted to M.r Hale as a gratuity

         for the depreciation of our Money.

3      Voted that all the Money that is Rais'd shall be Levy'd

         in one List of Rates, And then the Meeting was disolved.

Page 9


These are to Notify all the Inhabitants that live in

the second Parish in Boxford Qualified to Vote in Parish Meeting

as the law directs, to meet at the Meeting House is said Parish

on Monday ye 4th day of Jan.y next at 3 of the Clock in

the Afternoon on said Day to act upon the following

articles-------------- (viz.)

1      To choose a Moderator for said Meeting.

2      To see how much Money the Parish will Raise to defray

         the arisen, and arising charges for the Present Year.

3      To see if the Parish will abate Stephen Foster J.r Head

         Rate in Collector John Barkers List of Rates


                           Isaac Adams     for the

                           Isaac Robinson  second Parish

                           Sam.ll Carlton  in Boxford

Dated Boxford second Parish

ye 29th Day of Dec.mr 1778




At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the second Parish in

Boxford on Monday ye 4th Day of Jan.y 1779


Capt. Issac Adams being Moderator for said Meeting

the following Votes were passed -----------

1      Voted to Raise L340 to defray the Parish Charges in

         -cluding the Rev.d M.r Hales Salary for the present year.

2      Voted to abate Stephen Foster J.rs Head Rate in Col

         -lector John Barkers List of Rates.  And then

         the Meeting was disolved.

Page 10


These are to give notice to all the Inhabitants of the second

Parish in Boxford that are Qualified by Law to Vote in Parish Meet

=ing to meet at the Meeting House in said Parish on Monday the

fifteenth Day of this Instant March at two of the Clock in the af

=ternoon on Said Day.

1  To Choose a Moderator for Said Meeting.

2  To choose Parish Officers for the year ensuing year as the

   Law directs.

3  To choose some suitable person to Sweep the Meeting House and

   to keep the Key of the Meeting House.

4  To see if the Parish will Vote to abate the Rates Several Persons

   hereafter named.  (viz) William Porters Rates in Collector John

   Hoveys List of Rates, and also in Collector Stephen Barkers List

   of Rates, and also Moses Plummers in said Barkers List of Rates, and

   also Dudley Fosters David Chadwick Juniors, and Jonathan Robinsons

   in Collector John Hoveys List of Rates, and also Allen Snows in Col

   =lector Samuel Carltons List of Rates.                                    5  To allow Bills of Charge.


                              Isaac Adams  Comttee

                                              for the second

                            Samll Carlton  Parish in


Dated Boxford Second

Parish March the fifth

AD 1779




At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish

in Boxford on Monday ye 15th Day of March 1779


Cap.t Isaac Adams being Moderator the following Votes were pas'd.

1      Voted that Deacon Joseph Hovey, M.r John Pearl, and M.r Stephen

         Barker serve as Assessors for the ensuing Year, and also a Committee

         to call Parish Meetings as occation may require.

2      Voted that Lemuel Wood serve as Parish Clerk the Year ensuing

3      Voted that John Cushing Esq.r serve as Parish Treasurer the Year


4      Voted that M.r Amos Spafford serve as Collector the Year


5      Voted that M.r David Wood Sweep the Meeting House, and keep

         the Key the Year ensuing.


Page 11


6      Voted to abate Moses Plum^mers Rates in Collector Stephen

         Barkers List of Rates.

7      Voted to abate Dudley Fosters Rates in Collector John

         Hoveys List of Rates.

8      Voted to abate David Chadwick Juniors Rates in Col

         -lector John Hoveys List of Rates.

9      Voted to abate Allen Snows Rates in Collector Samuel

         Carlton's List of Rates.

10    Voted to allow Lemuel Wood L4~6/ for mending the

         Windows in the Meeting House.

           Then Said Meeting was disolved.

     April ye 6th 1779 Dea.n Joseph Hovey was sworn to the office

     of an Assessor, ye 19th M.r John Pearl was Sworn to the Office of an

     Assessor.  May ye 7th Lemuel Wood was sworn to the Office of Clerk.

     Jan.y 27 1780 M.r Amos Spafford Sworn to the Office of Collector.




These are to give notice to all the Inhabitants of the second Parish

in Boxford that are qualified by Law to Vote in Parish Meetings to

meet at the Meeting House in said Parish on Thursday the twenty fifth

Day of this Instant March at three of the Clock in the afternoon on

said Day to act on the following Articles (viz)

1  To choose a moderator for said Meeting.

2  To see if the Parish will dismiss M.r Stephen Barker for serving as

   an Assessor for Boxford, and choose another in his stead.

3  To allow Bills of Charge.             Isaac Adams Committee

                                                         for the

Dated Boxford second Parish        Samll Carlton Second Parish

March ye 20th 1779                                  in Boxford




At a Legal Parish Meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford, on

Thursday ye 25th Day of March 1779 , - Cap.t Isaac Adams being Moder

=ator for said Meeting the following Votes were pass'd --

1      Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday ye 12th Day of April next at 3

         oClock P.M.

Page 12


April ye 12th agreeable to the above adjournment the

Parish met and past the following Votes.

1      Voted to dismiss M.r Stephen Barker from serving as an assessor

         and a Committee ^man this Year.

2      Voted that M.r Asa Parker ^Serve as an Assessor and a Committee man

         the Year ensuing.

3      Voted to give M.r David Wood the sum of L1~13/ in addition to

         what was voted to him for sweeping the Meeting House last Year,

         and then the Meeting was disolved.




The Inhabitants of the second Parish in Boxford qualified to Vote

in Parish Meeting are hereby Notified to meet at the Meeting House

in said Parish on Monday the sixth Day of Decemb.r next at two

o'Clock afternoon to act on the following Articles (viz.)

1.st  To chuse a Moderator for said Meeting.

2.ly  To See what the Parish will Vote as a Consideration on the

   Depreciation of Money to the Rev.d M.r Hales Salary for the

   present year, or to take some measures for the same purpose.

3.ly  To See what Money the Parish will Raise to defray Parish

   Charges the present Year.

4.ly  To allow Bills of Charge.

                                     Jos.h Hovey   Committee

                               John Pearl for said

Boxford Nov.r 25th 1779       Asa Parker Parish




At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Monday ye 6th Day of Decemb.r 1779, Dea.n Joseph Hovey

being Moderator for said Meeting the following Votes were passed.

1.st        Voted that there be a Committee chosen to discourse with the

               Rev.d M.r Hale with regard to his support the present Year --

               Said Committee to consist of three Men.


Page 13


2.ly        Voted that Cap.t Isaac Adams, Cap.t John Robinson

               and Ens.n Gideon Tyler be the Committee for the above


3.ly        Voted to Adjourn this Meeting to Monday ye 13th of this instant

               Decemb.r at two of the Clock P.M.




December ye 13th Agreeable to the above Adjournment the

Parish met and Voted as follows.

1.st To give the Rev.d M.r Hale the Sum of 80L (which is his

               Stated Salary) for the Current Year.

2d          To give M.r Hale 1500L including his Stated Salary, for the

               present Year, fourteen hundred and twenty Pounds of the 1500L

               is Voted to M.r Hale on the Depreciation of Money.

3.ly        To Raise the Sum of 20L to defray the Parish Charges

               the present Year.  And then the Meeting was disolved.




The Inhabitants of the second Parish in Boxford qualified for to

Vote in Parish Meetings as the Law directs, are hereby notified to meet

at the Meeting House in said Parish on Monday ye 27th of this Instant at

two o'Clock afternoon to act in the following articles (viz).

1ly         To choose a Moderator for Said Meeting.

2ly         To choose Parish Officers for the currant Year as the Law directs.

3ly         To See if the Parish will Vote to Seat the Meeting House, and if they

               should to choose a Committee for said purpose and for said Committee

               to Report to the Parish their doings thereon.

4ly         To See if the Parish will Vote to alter the Singers Seats for their better

               accomodation and if they do to choose a Committee to effect the Same.

5ly         To See if the Parish will abate James Boyntons Rate in Collector Samuel

               Spaffords List of Rates, Also William Porters Rate in Collector John Hoveys

               List of Rates, Also Moses Plummers Rate in Collector Amos Spaffords List

               of Rates, Also William Porters Rate in Collector Amos Spaffords List of    Rates

6ly         To choose Some Suitable Person to Sweep the Meeting House and to keep the

               Key this present Year.              Jos: Hovey  Committee

7ly         To Allow Bills of Charge.               Asa Parker  for the Second

                                                John Pearl  Parish in


Page 14


At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Box

=ford on Monday ye 27th of March 1780


Deacon Joseph Hovey being Moderator for Said Meeting the

following Votes were pased.

1st         Voted that Dea.n Francis Swan, M.r Asa Parker, and L.t Asa Merril

               serve as Assessors the ensuing Year, and also Voted that the Assessors

               Shall be a Committee to call Parish Meetings the Year ensuing

2ly         Voted that Lemuel Wood serve as Parish Clerk the ensuing Year.

3ly         Voted that M.r Richard Hovey Serve as Collector the ensuing Year.

4ly         Voted that John Cushing Esq.r Serve as Parish Treasurer the ensuing Year.

5ly         Voted that the Meeting House should be Seated,

6ly         Voted to choose a Committee of five Men to Seat the Meeting House

               (viz) Cap.t Isaac Adams Ens.n Gideon Tyler, Joseph Hovey,

               L.t John Barker, and Cap.t John Robinson, and to make Report

               to the Parish for acceptance.

7ly         Voted to alter the Singers Seats for their Better accomodation.

8ly         Voted that Lemuel Wood, and L.t Asa Merril be a Committee

               to make the alterations in the Singers Seats.

9ly         Voted to abate James Boyntons Rates in Collector Samuel

               Spaffords List of Rates

10ly       Voted that M.r David Wood take the care of the Meeting House

               till the adjournment.

11ly       Voted to adjourn this meeting to Monday ye 10th Day of April

               at three of the Clock afternoon.


April ye 10th agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish met

and pas'd the following Votes.

1   Voted to allow M.r David Wood 27L for Sweeping the Meeting

    House and keeping the Key the Year past.

2   Voted that ^Mr David Wood Sweep the Meeting House and keep the

    Key the ensuing Year

3   Voted to except of the Committee's Report in Seating the Meet

    =ing House.

4   A vote was tryd whether the Parish would abate Moses

    Plummers Rates in Collector Amos Spaffords list of Rates, but

    it passed in the Negtive.

5ly Voted to abate William Porters Rates in Collector Amos Spoffords

    List of Rates.  And in Collector John Hoveys list of Rates.

6ly Voted to allow Lemuel Wood L8~5/ for altering the Singers

    Seats and finding Nails.  And then Sd meeting was disolved.


Page 15


April ye 10th 1780 Dea.n Frances Swan, M.r Asa Parker, and

L.t Asa Merril were Sworn to the Office of Assessors, and

M.r Richard Hovey was Sworn to the Office of Collector

and Lemuel Wood was Sworn to the Office of Clerk.




The freeholders and other Inhabitants in the Second Parish in Boxford

qualified to Vote in Parish Meetings as the Law directs are hereby no

=tified to meet at their Meeting House in Said Parish on Monday ye 19th

Instant at five o'Clock afternoon to act in the following Articles, (viz)

1  To chuse a Moderator for Said Meeting.

2  To see if the Parish will chuse some suitable person to serve as Treasurer in

   the room of John Cushing Esq.r

                                    Francis Swan     Committee for

June ye 5th 1780                                            the Second

                                    Asa Parker       Parish in





At a Parish Meeting in the Second Parish in Boxford on Monday

ye 19th Day of June 1780, John Cushing Esq.r being Moderator for said Meet

=ing the following Vote was passed.

Voted that M.r Pelatiah Lakeman Shoud Serve as Treasurer in the Room of John

Cushing Esq.r and then the Meeting was disolved.




The freeholders and other Inhabitants in the Second Parish in Boxford

Qualified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby notified to meet at their

Meeting House in said Parish on Tuesday ye forth Day of July next at four

o'Clock afternoon to Act on the following Articles. (viz)

1   To chuse a Moderator for said Meeting

2   To see if the Parish will Vote to make the Rev'd M.r Hale any further

    consideration in Addition to fifteen hundred Pounds voted him last

    Decemb.r 13th to the 16th of last March on Account of the Depreciating

    Currency under twenty for one, which twenty for one at that Time was

    considered as a proper medium on both sides, or take such other measures

    as the Parish shall Think proper, when conven'd.

3ly To see if the Parish will abate Moses Plummers Rates in Collector Amos     Spaffords list of Rates

                                Francis Swan   Committee for

Boxford June ye 20th 1780      Asa Parker the second

                                Asa Merril Parish in



Page 16


At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Box

=ford on Tuesday ye 4th Day of July 1780 Dea.n Francis Swan being

Moderator for said Meeting the following Votes were pased.

1    Voted that a Committee be chosen to discourse with the Rev'd Mr

     Hale and lay their proceedings before the Parish.

2    Voted to Reconsider the above Vote

3    Voted to abate Moses Plummers Rates in Collector Amos

     Spaffords List of rates.

4    Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday ye 10th Day of this

     Instant July at 4 o'Clock P.M.


July ye 10th agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish met

and passed the following vote.

Voted to give the Rev'd M.r Hale 1500L in addition to the Sum

voted him for his support last Decemb.r the above 1500 L and the

1500L voted last Decemb.r makes M.r Hale good to ye 16 of March

last.  And then the Meeting was disolved.



The freeholders and other Inhabitants in the Second Parish in

Boxford Qualified to Vote in Parish Meeting as the Law directs are

hereby notified to meet at the Meeting House in said Parish on Monday

the eighth of January next at two o'Clock afternoon to act on the

following Articles ~ (viz.)

Firstly To chuse a Moderator for Said Meeting.

    2ly     To See if the Parish will vote to Raise eighty Pounds to pay the Rev'd

               M.r Hale his state Salary the currant Year.

    3ly     To See if the Parish will vote to Raise any Sum or Sums of Money

               in addition to the eighty Pounds on account of the depreciating currency

    4ly     To See what Sum or Sums of Money the Parish will Raise to defray

               other charges necessarily arising in the Parish.


                                   Francis Swan  Committee

Boxford Dece.r 22d 1780           Asa Parker    for said

                                      Asa Merril    Parish

Page 17


At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Monday ye 8th Day of Jan.y 1781 Dea.n Joseph Hovey being Mo

=derator for Said Meeting the following votes were pas'd.

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday ye 15th Day at 2 o'Clock P.M.


Monday ye 15th agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish met and

passed the following votes.

Voted to Raise 80L for the Support of the Rev'd M.r Hale (which is

his stated Salary) the currant year.

Voted to Raise a Sum or Sums of Money in addition to the 80L Salary


Voted to chuse a Committee to see what Sum or Sums of Money

will make M.r Hales 80L good, he allowing his equal proportion

toward the Support of the War, and make Report to the Parish at

the adjournment for acceptance.

Voted that the above Committee consist of three men (viz) Cap.t Isaac Adams

M.r Pelatiah Lakeman and L.t Asa Merril

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday ye 22d Day at 2 o'Clock P.M.


Monday ye 22d agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish met and

passed the following votes

Voted to give the Rev'd Mr Hale 6000 including the 80L already

voted for his support the currant Year.

Voted to Raise 150L to defray the Parish charges the currant Year.

Voted previously to levey all the Money Rais'd the currant year in

one List of Rates.  And then the meeting was disolved.



Whereas by a manifesto from the Rev'd M.r Hale to the Parish

Clerk wherein he esteems what the Parish have done with regard to

his outward Support inadequate to their Solemn contract with him,

Therefore all the freeholders and other Inhabitants in the Second

Parish in Boxford qualified as the law directs to vote in Parish

Meeting are hereby notified to meet at the Meeting House in

Said Parish on Tuesday the Sixth Day of Feb.y next at two o'Clock

afternoon to Act on the following Articles, (viz)

First       To chuse a Moderator for Said Meeting.

  2ly       To See if the Parish will vote the Rev'd M.r Hale a sufficient Sum of

               Money for his outward Support the currant year in addition to the

               Sum already voted (to make his eighty Pounds good, it being com

               =puted at one hundred and twenty for one) he allowing his full pro

               =portion towards the Support of the War. out of the hundred and twenty

               for one, or otherwise take such measures as the Parish shall think pro

               =per when ---- conven'd.

  3ly       To See if the Parish will vote that the Several Sums of Money Raised by

               them be all put into one List of Rates.

                                               Francis Swan   Committee

                                               Asa Parker for the

                                               Asa Merril Parish

Page 18


At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Tuesday ye 6th Day of Feb.y 1781 M.r Asa Parker being Mo

=derator for said Meeting the following votes were pass'd

Voted to give the Rev'd M.r Hale eighty Pounds in Silver Money

for his Support the currant year in lieu of the five thousand

Pounds in the present circulating currency voted him at a

former meeting.

A vote was tryed whether the Parish would vote that the several

Sums of Money raised by them should be all put into one List

of Rates - but it passed in the negative.



The freeholders and other Inhabitants in the Second Parish in

Boxford Qualified to vote in Parish-Meeting as the Law directs

are hereby notified to meet at the Meeting House in said Parish

on Monday ye 19th Day of this Instant March at one of the Clock

afternoon, to act on the following articles. (viz)

First       To chuse a Moderator for said Meeting.

  2ly       To chuse Parish Officers for the Year ensuing.

  3ly       To chuse some suitable Person to sweep the Meeting House the

               year ensuing and also to keep the Key of said house.

  4ly       To see if the Parish will agree upon some Method to procure

               M.r Hale his Wood the Year ensuing.

  5ly       To see if the Parish will abate William Porters & Moses Plummers

               Rates in Collector Rich.d Hoveys lists of Rates, also one head for

               Asa Robinson in said Hoveys list of Rates, and John Cushing

               Esq.r Rates in said Hoveys list of Rates.

  6ly       To allow Bills of Charge.


Boxford March ye 7th 1781       Asa Parker

                                 Asa Merril   for said





At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in

Boxford on Monday ye 19th Day of March 1781, Ens.n John

Chadwick being Moderator for said Meeting the following

votes were pas'd.


Voted that M.r Samuel Spafford M.r Asa Robinson and M.r

Daniel Cole Serve as Assessors the Year ensuing, and also voted

that they be a Committee to call Parish Meetings the year ensuing


Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Parish Clerk the year ensuing.

Page 19


Voted that M.r John Pearl Serve as Collector for the year ensuing.


Voted that M.r Pelatiah Lakeman Serve as Treasurer the year ensuing


Voted to give M.r David Wood L67"10/ for Sweeping the Meeting

House and keeping the Key the year pas'd.


Voted that M.r David Wood keep Key till the adjournment.


Voted to adjourn this Meeting to next Monday at 3 oClock P.M.


Monday March 26th Agreeable to the above adjournment the

Parish met and pasd the following Votes.

Voted L.t Asa Merril 18s/ in Silver for his Sweeping the Meet

=ing House and keeping the Key the Year ensuing, or an equivalent

Sum in Paper Money.


A Vote was tryd whether the Parish would act upon the 4th Article

and it pas'd in the Negative.

Voted to abate William Porters Ministerial Rates in two Lists of

Rates in Collector Richard Hoveys Hands

Voted to abate Moses Plummers Rates in Collector Rich.d Hoveys

Lists of Rates.

Voted to abate one head for M.r Asa Robinson in said Hoveys

List of Rates.

A Vote was try'd whether the Parish would abate John Cushing Esq.r

Rates in Collector Hoveys List of rates, and passed in the Negative.


               May 25 1781 Lemuel Wood was Sworn to the Office of Clerk

               Feb.y 12 1782 Mr Samuel Spafford and M.r Asa Robinson

               were Sworn ^to the Office of Assessors.

               Feb.y 22d 1782 M.r John Pearl was Sworn to the Office of Collector



These are to give notice to all the Inhabitants in the Second

Parish in Boxford that are qualified as the Law directs to Vote

in Parish Meeting to meet at the Meeting House in said Parish

on Tuesday the twelveth Day of this Instant Feb.y at two oClock

in the afternoon on said Day to Act upon the following Articles (viz)

First       To appoint a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting.

  2ly       To see if the Parish will vote the Rev'd M.r Hale eighty Pounds

               for his Support the Currant Year, agreeable to Contract.

  3ly       To see what Sum of Money that Parish will vote to raise for the

               charges of said Parish the Currant Year.


Page 20


This is to warn and notify all the freeholders and other Inhabi

=tants in the Second Parish in Boxford qualified for Voting as the law

directs, to meet at the meeting-House in said Parish on Thursday

the seventeenth Instant at four oClock in the afternoon to act

on the following articles (viz)

1ly         To chuse a Moderator for said Meeting.

2ly         To chuse a Parish Treasurer to serve in the room of Pelatiah

               Lakeman                    Samll Spafford Committee

Boxford May 12th 1781              Daniel Cole   of said Parish



At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford on

Thursday 17th Day of May 1781. Dea.n Joseph Hovey being Mode

=rator for said meeting the following vote was pas'd.

Voted that Joseph Hovey J.r Serve as Parish Treasurer in the room

of M.r Pelatiah Lakeman, who is removed out of said Parish

         The above is of no account.



4ly         To see if the Parish will vote that the Assessors Shall Levy all

               the Sums of Money in one List of Rates the currant Year.

5ly         To chuse some Suitable person to serve as Parish Treasurer

               instead of M.r Pelatiah Lakeman.

6ly         To see if the Parish will abate Joseph Jacksons and Elijah

               Clarks Rates in Collector John Barkers list of Rates.

7ly         To allow bills of charge.

Dated Boxford Second Parish          Samll Spafford Committee         Feb.y 8th 1782                       Asa Robinson for the Secd

                                                           Parish in



At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Tuesday ye 12th Day of Feb.y 1782, Capt. John Robinson

being Moderator for said Meeting the following votes were


Voted to give the Rev'd M.r Hale 80L for his support the

               Currant Year.

Voted to Raise 10L to defray the charges of said Parish

               the currant Year.

Voted that the Assessors sahll levy all the sums of Money

               Raised the currant Year in one list of Rates.

Page 21


Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Parish Treasurer in the room

               of M.r Pelatiah Lakeman, who is removed our of said Parish.

Voted to abate Joseph Jacksons Rates on Collector John Barkers

               List of Rates

Voted to abate Elijah Clarkes Rates in said Collector Barkers

               List of rates.



These are to give Notice to all the Inhabitants in the

Second Parish in Boxford that are qualified as the Law

directs to Vote in Parish-Meetings to meet at the Meeting House

in said Parish on Tuesday the twenty sixth Day of this Instant

March at two o'Clock in the afternoon on said Day to act on

the following articles -- (viz)

First       To appoint a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting

  2ly       To chuse Parish Officers for the Year ensuing as the law directs

  3ly       To see if the Parish will allow Collector Rich.d Hovey pay for

               gathering an extraordinary tax for making up the Depreciation

               of the Rev'd M.r Hales Salary.

  4          To chuse some suitable person to sweep the Meeting House the

               ensuing year, and to keep the Key of the same

  5ly       To allow Bills of charge.                            Committee

Dated Boxford Second Parish             Sam.ll Spafford  for the

ye 15th Day of March 1782                                Second Parish

                                         Asa Robinson in



At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Monday Tuesday ye 26 Day of March 1782, Capt. John

Robinson being Moderator for said Meeting the following

votes were pas'd

Voted that Cap.t John Robinson, M.r John. Robinson & L.t Ivory Hovey

               serve as assessors the ensuing Year, and also voted that they be

               a Committee to call Parish Meetings &c.

Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Clerk the ensuing Year

Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Treasurer the ensuing Year.

Voted that M.r Phineas Tyler Serve as Collector the ensuing Year

Voted that M.r Amos Spafford shall have 17s/ for Sweeping the

               Meeting House and keeping the Key the ensuing Year.

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the next Lecture at five

               oClock in the Afternoon.

Page 22


April ye 11 agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish

met and pas'd the following Vote

Voted to except of M.r Abraham Tyler to Serve as Collector in

               the room of M.r Phineas Tyler.


               March ye 26 Cap.t John Robinson, M.r John Robin

               =son & L.t Ivory Hovey were sworn to the Office of

               Assessors.  and Lemuel Wood was sworn to the Office

               of Clerk.  Feb.y 28 1783 Ab.m Tyler was sworn

               to the Office of Collector.



These are to notify all the Inhabitants that live in the

Second Parish in Boxford qualified to Vote in Parish Meet

=ings as the Law directs to meet at the Meeting House in said

Parish on Monday the second day of Decem.r next at three oClock

in the Afternoon to act on the following Articles (viz)

First       to chuse a Moderator for said Meeting

    2        To see how much Money the Parish will Vote to Raise for the

               Support of the Rev'd M.r Hale the Currant Year.

    3        To see how much Money the Parish will vote to Raise to

               defray the Parish Charges that has arisen of that may arise

               the Present Year.

    4        To all bill of Charge         John Robinson Committee

                                       John Robinson Jr  for the Sec'd

Dated Boxford Second Parish           Ivory Hovey   Parish in

Nov.r 21st 1783                                        Boxford




At a Parish Meeting held in the second Parish in

Boxford on Monday ye 2d Day of Dece.r 1782. Cap.t John

Robinson being Moderator for said Meeting the following

Vote was pas'd

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday ye 9th Day at

               3 oClock P.M.


Monday ye 9th agreeable to the above adjournment the

Parish met and pas'd the following Vote

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to THursday ye 12th Day at

               at 3 oClock P.M.

Page 23


Thursday ye 12th Agreeable to the above adjournment the

Parish met and pasd the following Votes

Voted that L.t Ivory Hovey Serve as Clerk for the Day

Voted to give the Rev'd M.r Hale eighty Pounds for his Support the

               currant Year.

Voted to Raise eight Pounds to defrey the Parish Charges the

               Currant Year. and then this Meeting was disolved.



These are to notify all the Inhabitants that live in the

Second Parish in Boxford qualified as the Law directs to Vote

in Parish Meetings to meet at the Meeting-House in said

Parish on Monday the seventeenth Day of this Instant

March at two o Clock in the Afternoon on said Day to

act on the following Articles -- (viz)

Firstly    to chuse a Moderator for said Meeting

    2ly     To chuse Parish Officers for the present Year as the Law directs.

    3ly     To agree with some suitable Person to sweep the Meeting

               House and keep the Key of the same the present Year.

    4ly To Allow bills of Charge         John Robinson     the

                                                           Com  ~

Dated Boxford Second Parish                           for the

March ye 6 1783                      John Robinson Jr Second

                                                           Parish in

                                      Ivory Hovey   Boxford



At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in

Boxford on Monday ye 17th of March 1783, Cap.t John

Robinson being Moderator for said Meeting the follow

=ing Votes were pass'd.

Voted that Lemuel Wood M.r William Foster and M.r Samuel

               Carlton J.r Serve as Assessors the Year ensuing, and also

               Voted that they Serve as a Committee to call Parish

               Meetings the Year ensuing

Page 24


Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Parish Clerk the Year


Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Parish Treasurer the

               year ensuing.

Voted that Samuel Kimball Serve as Parish Collector the year


Voted that M.r Amos Spafford Sweep the Meeting House &

               keep the Key of the same for eighteen Shillings the

               year ensuing

Voted to allow M.r David Wood two Shillings and four Pence

               for mending the Lock of the Meeting House &c.


March ye 17th 1783 Lemuel Wood was Sworn to the Office of

                Clerk.  And M.r Wm Foster & M.r Samll

                Carlton J.r were Sworn to the Office as Assessors.

    June    Lem.ll Wood was Sworn to the Office of an Assessor

                and Treasurer.




These are to notify all the Inhabitants that live in the

Second Parish in Boxford that are qualified as the Law

directs to Vote in Parish Meeting to meet at the Meeting

-House in said Parish on Monday the twentyninth Day of this

Instant Dece"r at two of the Clock in the Afternoon on said

Day, to act upon the following Articles --- (viz)

Firstly    To appoint a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting

    2ly     To see if the Parish will vote the Rev'd M.r Hale eighty Pounds

               for his Support the present year agreeable to contract.

    3ly     To see what Sum of Money the Parish will vote to Raise to de

               =fray the arisen and arising charges the present year.

    4ly     To see if the Parish will vote that the Assessors Shall levy the

               Several Sums of Money Raised the present Year in one list of Rates

    5ly     To see if the Parish will vote that the Division in the mens

               part of the Pew in the front Gallerie shall be put up, and

               the Glass that is broke in the Meeting House Shall be men

               =ded, and if so then

    6ly To chuse some person or persons to See the work effected

    7ly     To see if the Parish will vote^to abatethe Rates of John Simson in   Collector

               John Pearls list of Rates.

    8ly     To allow Bills of charge.         Lemuel Wood Committee

                                                         for the

Dated Boxford Second Parish           William Foster Second

December ye 15th 1783.                               Parish in

                                      Samll Carlton  Boxford

Page 25


At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford on

Monday ye 29th of December 1783, Lieut Asa Merril being

Moderator for said Meeting the following Votes were pass'd

Voted that the Rev'd M.r Hale shall have eighty Pounds for his

Support the present Year agreeable to Contract.

Voted to Raise eight Pounds to Defray the Parish Charges the

present Year.

Voted that the Assessors shall levy the Several Sums of Money

Raised in one list of Rates the present Year.

A Vote was try'd whether the Parish would put up the division

in the mens Pew in the front Gallire, and it pass'd in the Negative

Voted that the Glass in the Meeting House shall be mended

Voted that Lemuel Wood shall mend the Meeting House Windows

Voted to abate the Rates of John Simson in Collector John Pearls

List of Rates, and then the Meeting was disolved.



At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford on

Monday ye 23rd of Feb.y 1784 Lemuel Wood being Moderator for said

Meeting the following Vote was pass'd

Voted to except of M.r Abraham Tyler to serve as Collector instead

of M.r Samuel Kimball.



These are to notify all the Inhabitants that live in the Second

Parish in Boxford that are qualified as the law directs to vote

in Parish Meetings to assemble and met at the Meeting House

in said Parish on Monday the fifteenth Day of this Instant

March at two oClock in the Afternoon on said Day, to Act

upon the following Articles. -- (viz)

Firstly    To appoint a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting

    2ly     To Choose Parish Officers as the law directs the

               ensuing year.


Page 26


    3ly     To agree with some suitable Person to Sweep the

               Meeting House, and keep the Key of the same the

               ensuing year.

    4ly     To allow Bills of Charge.     Lem.ll Wood   Committee

Dated Boxford Second                                for the Sec'd

Parish March 2.d, 1784.               Wm Foster Parish in

                                Sam.ll Carlton J.r   Boxford




At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Monday ye 15th of March 1784. Cap.t John Robinson Mo

=derator for said Meeting the following Votes were passed.

Voted that Cap.t John Robinson M.r Asa Barker & M.r Luke Hovey J.r

               Serve as Assessors for said Parish the ensuing year, and also

               voted that the Assessors be a Committee to call Parish Meet

               =ings the ensuing year.

Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Parish Clerk the ensuing Year.

Voted that M.r Moses Kimball Serve as Collector the ensuing Year.

Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Treasurer the ensuing Year.

Voted that Cap.t John Robinson sweep the Meeting House and

               keep the Key the ensuing year for which 24s/ was voted him.


                             March 15th 1784 Cap.t John Robinson & Mr

                             Luke Hovey J.r waswere Sworn to their Office as

                             Assessors, and Lemuel Wood was Sworn to the

                             Office of Clerk.  April 12th 1784 M.r Asa

                             Barker was sworn to the Office of an Assessor.

                             Dec.r 27th M.r Moses Kimball was sworn

                             to the Office of Collector.


Page 27


These are to notify all the Inhabitants in the Second

Parish in Boxford qualified as the Law directs to vote in

Parish Meetings to meet at the Meeting House in said

Parish on Monday the twenty seventh Day of December Instant

at two oClock in the Afternoon on said Day to Act on the fol

=lowing Articles. ---- (viz)

Firstly    To chuse a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting.

    2ly     To see if the Parish will vote eighty Pounds for the support

               of the Reve'd M.r Hale the Present Year according to contract

    3ly     To see if the Parish will vote to allow M.r Hale twelve per-cent

               for what Money was due to him last March, till such time as

               it is paid.

    4ly     To see if the Parish will vote to Direct the Parish Treasurer to

               oblige those Collectors that have not fitted with him to

               settle their Collections with him at some certain period.

    5ly     To see if the Parish will vote to mend the Glass Windows in the

               Meeting-House and if so to chuse Some Person to see it affected.

    6ly     To see if the Parish will abate William Parkers and David Lacys

               head Rates in Collector John Pearls list of Rates.

    7ly     To allow bills of Charge.   John Robinson Committee

                                                         for the

Boxford Second Parish               Asa Barker   Second

Dec.r 23rd 1784                                          Parish in

                                    Luke Hovey J.r   Boxford



At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in

Boxford on Monday ye 27th Day of December 1784

Cap.t John Robinson being moderator for said Meeting

the following Votes were pass'd.

Voted that to give the Rev'd M.r Hale eighty Pounds for his

               Support the present year agreeable to contract.

Page 28


A Vote was tryed whether the Parish would give M.r Hale 12 prct

Interest for what Money was due to him last March untill paid, but

it pass'd in the Negative.


Voted that the Parish Treasurer oblige the delinquent Collectors

with him at some certain period.


Voted that the Collectors settle their Collections by the 31.st of Jany^next


Voted that Lemuel Wood mend the Windows that are broke in

the Meeting House.


Voted to abate William Parkers head Rate in Collector John Pearls

list of Rates.


A vote was tryed whether the Parish would abate David Lacys

head Rate in Collector John Pearls list of Rates, but it pass'd in

the Negative.



These are to notify all the Inhabitants in the Second Parish in Boxford

Qualified as the Law directs to Vote in Parish Meetings to meet at the Meet

=ing House in Sd Parish on Monday the fourteenth Day of March Instant at

two oClock in the Afternoon on Said Day to act on the following Articles


First       To Chuse a Moderator to Regulate Said Meeting

    2        To Chuse Parish Officers for the Year ensuing

    3        To See if the Parish will Vote to Fence the burying Yard, and if so to See   what Method they will take to affect the same.

    4        To See if the Parish will Vote to abate Wm Porters Rates and John Barker Jr Rates and David Lacys^head Rates in Collector John Pearls list of Rates

    5        To See if the Parish will Vote to abate Wm Porters and Stephen Spaffords

               Rates in Collector Abraham Tylers list of Rates

    6        To chuse Some Suitable Person to Sweep the Meeting House and to keep

               the Key

    7        To Allow Bills of Charge.   John Robinson Committee

                                                          for the

                                     Asa Barker    Second

                                                          Parish in          Boxford Second Parish              Luke Hovey Jr  Boxford

March ye 3d 1785

Page 29


At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford on Mon

=day ye 14th Day of March 1785, Cap.t John Robinson being Moderator for

Said Meeting the following votes were pas'd

Voted that Cap.t John Robinson Messer Isaac Barker and L.t Moses Carlton

Serve as Assessors the ensuing year, and also voted that the Assessors be a

Committee to call Parish Meetings the ensuing Year.

Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Parish Clerk the ensuing Year.

Voted that Lemuel Wood Serve as Treasurer the ensuing Year.

Voted to chuse a Committee to Fence the burying Yard.

Voted that Cap.t John Robinson L.t Asa Merril Messer Asa Barker Moses

Kimball and Tyler Porter be a Committee to Fence the burying Yard in

the cheapest Manner they can with a Stone Wall and lay their Accounts

before the Parish at some futer Meeting for allowance

Voted to abate W.m Porters, John Barkers and David Lacys Rates in Collector

John Pearls list of Rates

Voted to abate W.m Porters and Stephen Spaffords Rates in Collector Abraham

Tylers list of Rates.

Voted that M.r Samuel Carlton J.r Sweep the Meeting House and keep the Key

of the Same for 24/s the ensuing Year.

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Wednesday ye 30th of this Instant March at

two o Clock P.M.


March ye 30th agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish met and pasd

the following vote

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Thursday ye 5 Day of May next at three

oClock P.M.


May ye 5th agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish met and pasd

the following Vote

Voted to annul all the Votes that has been pas'd with regard to Fencing the

burying Yard, and then the Meeting was disolved.


                                                   March ye 14th 1785 Cap.t John Robinson M.r

                                                   Isaac Barker and Lt. Moses Carlton were Sworn

                                                   to the Office of Assessors, and Lemuel Wood was

                                                   Sworn to the Office of Clerk.

                                                   Jany 30 1786 William Foster was Sworn

                                                   to his Office of Collector

Page 30


These are to notify all the Inhabitants in the Second Parish in

Boxford, qualified as the Law directs to Vote in Parish Meeting to

Meet at the Meeting House in said Parish on Thursday the fifth

Day of May next, at three oClock in the afternoon on said Day

to act on the following Articles, (Viz)

Firstly    To chuse a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting

    2ly     To see if the Parish will take any measures to get a conveyance

               of the Ground now occupied as a burying place for said Parish,

               and if so to see how much ground, and upon what Terms they

               can have it.

    3ly     To see if the Parish will take any measures in regard to fencing

               the burying place than what has been taken at a former meeting.

    4ly To see if the Parish take^will any measures to releave the Rev'd M.r

               Hale under any of his present difficulties.

    5ly     To see if the Parish will Vote to now paint the Meeting House (in

               said Parish) the ensuing Summer, if so to see what Measures

               they will take to accomplish the same.

    6ly     To allow Bills of Charge.            John Robinson   Comttee

                                                                 for the

Boxford Second Parish                         Isaac Barker   Second

April 30th 1785                                                  Parish in

                                                 Moses Carlton   Boxford



At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Thursday ye 5th Day of May 1785, Capt. John Robinson

being Moderator for said Meeting the following Votes were pass'd

Voted that L.t John Barker Ens.n Gideon Tyler and Lemuel Wood

               be a Committee to procure Ground and take conveyance of a Piece

               of Land for a Burying Yard in said Parish, and make report to

               the Parish at the Adjournment.

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the next Lecture at five oClock

               in the afternoon.

Page 31


June ye 16 agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish

met and pass'd the following Votes.

Voted to give M.r Tyler Porter Thirty Shillings for the Land Staked

               out for a Burying Yard in said Parish.

Voted to fence said Burying Yard.

Voted to chuse a Committee of three Men to fence the Burying Yard

Voted That M.r Tyler Porter Ens.n Gideon Tyler and L.t Asa Merril

               be a Committee to fence the Burying Yard with a good stone

               Wall and lay their Account before the Parish at some future

               Meeting for allowance.

Voted that the Committee fence the front of the Burying Yard

               with something of a handsome Stone Wall four Feet high, and

               the other parts three and a half feet high and a common Stone


The 4th & 5th Articles pas'd in the Negative, and then

Said Meeting was disolved.



These are to notify the Inhabitants of the Second Parish in Boxford

qualified as the Law directs to Vote in Parish Meeting to meet at

the Meeting House in said Parish on Monday the fifth Day of

December next at two o'Clock in the afternoon, to Act on the

following Articles (viz).

First       To chuse a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting.

    2        To Vote the eighty Pounds for the Support of the Rev'd

               M.r Hale for part of the Year 1785 and part of the Year 1786

               according to contract.

    3        To see how much Money the Parish will raise to defray Parish

               charges for the present Year.

    4        To see if the Parish will chuse a Committee to take a View of those

               Estates that lay part in M.r Holyoke's Parish and part in this in order

               to Ascertain the Assessors what part of said Estates should be laid

               to this Parish.

Page 32


    5        To see if the Parish will direct said Committee to Report to the

               Assessors in order for their direction in proportioning the Tax and

               for the direction of the Assessors in future.

    6        To see if the Parish will abate William Porters Rates in Collector Moses

               Kimballs list of Rates.         John Robinson Committee

    7        To allow Bills of Charge.                        for the

                                            Isaac Barker Second

Dated at Boxford ye 26th of November                     Parish in

Anno Dom: 1785                          Moses Carleton Boxford




At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford on Monday

ye 5th Day of Decemb.r 1785, Cap.t John Robinson being Moderator

for said Meeting the following Votes were pas'd.

Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday ye 12th at two o Clock P.M.


Monday ye 12th agreeable to the above adjournment the Parish

met and pas'd the following Votes.

Voted the Rev'd M.r Hale eighty Pounds for his support for part of

               the Year 1785, and part of the Year 1786 agreeable to contract.

Voted to Raise twenty Pounds to Defray Parish Charges the present Year.

Voted to Chuse a Committee^of three Men to take a View of those Estates that

               lay part in M.r Holyokes Parish and part in this, in order that

               the Assessors may know what part of said Estates should be

               laid to this Parish.

Voted that Cap.t John Robinson M.r Asa Parker and Cap.t

               Jonathan Foster be a Committee for the above purposes.

Voted that the Committee make a Report to the Assessors in

               order for their Direction in proportioning the Tax and

               for the Direction of the Assessors in future.

Voted to abate William Porters Rates in Collector Moses Kimballs

               list of Rates.

Page 33


These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the

Second Parish in Boxford, who are qualified as the law directs

to Vote in Parish Meetings to meet at the Meeting-House in said

Parish on Wednesday the fifteenth Day of March Instant at

two o Clock in the Afternoon on said day to act on the fol

=lowing Articles. (viz) ---------------

Firstly    To chuse a Moderator to regulate said Meeting

    2ly     To chuse Parish Officers for the present Year as the law directs

    3ly To agree with some Person to sweep the Meeting House and

               keep the Key the present Year.

    4ly To See if the Parish will vote to repair the front Pew in the

               Mens Gallery, and put up the partition where it first stood

               and if so, to chuse some Person to Persons to see the work effected.

    5ly     To see if the Parish will abate John Barker J.r Head Rates in

               Collector Richard Hoveys list of Rates.

    6ly     To see if the Parish will abate David Sessions's, Jesse Hardys

               Samuel Porters and Moses Sergeants Rates, or either of them

               in Collector Richard Hoveys list of Rates.

    7ly To see if the Parish will abate Paul Spafford of one

               Head Rate as Set in Collector Richard Hoveys list of Rates.

    8ly To Allow Bills of Charge.       John Robinson   Comttee

                                                        for the

Dated Boxford Second                Isaac Barker Second

Parish March 4th 1786                               Parish in

                                     Moses Carlton   Boxford

Page 34


At a Parish Meeting held in the Second

Parish in Boxford on Wednesday the fifteenth

Day of March 1786, Cap.t John Robinson be

=ing Moderator, the following Votes were pass'd.

Voted that Cap.t John Robinson M.r Isaac Barker

               and L.t Moses Carleton serve as Assessors the

               ensuing Year, and also voted that the Assessors

               be a Committee to call Parish Meetings the ensu

               =ing Year.

Voted That Lemuel Wood Serve as Clerk the ensuing


Voted That M.r Ephraim Foster serve as Collector

               the ensuing Year.

Voted That Lemuel Wood Serve as Treasurer the

               ensuing Year.

Voted That M.r Joseph Wood Sweep the Meeting House

               and keep the Key of the same for 21/s the en

*            =suing Year.

Voted to abate John Barker J.t Head Rates, and the

               Rates of David Sessions Samuel Porter L.t Moses

               Sergeant, and one Head Rate for Paul Spafford, all in

               Collector Richard Hoveys lists of Rates.

*Voted To repair the front Pew in the Mens Gallery, and

               M.r Tyler Porter and M.r Ephraim Peabody see

               the work effected.

           March 15th 1786 Cap.t Robinson M.r Issac

           Barker and L.t Moses Carlton were Sworn to

           the Office of Assessors.  And Lem.ll Wood was

           Sworn to the Office of Clerk.

Page 35


These are to notify all the Inhabitants living to the

Second Parish in Boxford who are qualified to Vote in

Parish Meetings to meet at the Meeting-House on Thurs

=day the first Day of June next at one oClock afternoon

to act on the following Articles, (viz)

Firstly To chuse a Moderator to regulate said Meeting.

    2ly To see if the Parish will take any measures to supply the

               Desk with a Preacher  -- if so to agree what term of Time

               to hire for.

    3ly     If the Parish do agree to hire preaching for any certain

               term of Time to see what measures they will adopt to ef

               =fect the same.

    4ly     To see if the Parish will provide a suitable place for a

               Preacher^to up at of one shou'd be obtained.

    5ly To allow Bills of Charge

                                   John Robinson

Dated Boxford Sec.d Parish

this 27 Day of May 1786           Isaac Barker Comttee


                                   Moses Carleton




At a Parish Meeting held in the Second Parish in Box

=ford on Thursday ye 1st Day of June 1786. Majr John

Robinson being Moderator for said Meeting the following

Votes were pas'd.

Voted To supply the Desk with a Preacher.

Voted To hire a preacher six Sabbaths to preach while the

               Bariers are preaching with us.

Voted That W.m True preach for the Bariers if he can be obtained.

Voted That a Committee be chosen to apply to M.r True to see whether

               he can Supply the Bariers or not, and if not to apply to any

               Gentleman they shall think proper.

Voted To allow the Bill exibited by the Comttee chosen to pro

               =vide Mourning and other Articles for the Rev'd M.r Hales Fu

               =neral, amounting to L8~9/4.

Page 36


Voted That M.r Moses Porter Ens.n John Chadwick &

               M.r Luke Hovey J.r be a Committee for the above


Voted That M.r Moses Porter entertain the preacher for the Terme

               of six Sabbaths except the Days they put up at the House'

               of the late M.r Hales Deceas'd.



These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the

Second Parish in Boxford who are qualified to vote

in Parish Meetings to meet at the Meeting House

in said Parish on Thursday the sixth Day of July

next at three oClock afternoon on said day to act

on the following Articles. --- viz)

Firstly    To chuse a Moderator to regulate said Meeting

    2ly     To see of the Parish will take any measures to

               Supply the Desk with a preacher after the expi

               =ration of the Term already agreed upon.

    3ly     If the Parish do hire a preacher to provide a suita

               place for him to put up at.

    4ly To see what measures the Parish^will take with regard to the

               Money due from from the Parish to the Heirs of

               the late Rev'd M.r Hale.

    5ly To Allow Bills of Charge.

                                     John Robinson

Boxford June 28th 1786

                                     Isaac Barker   Comttee


                                     Moses Carleton


Page 37


At a Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Thursday ye 6th Day of July 1786, Maj.r John Robinson

being Moderator for said Meeting the following Votes were


Voted    To Supply the desk with a preacher for the Term of three Months

Voted    To chuse a Committee of three Men to supply the pulpit with

               a preacher the above Term.

Voted    That Dea.n Thomas Chadwick, M.r Asa Parker and Ensn

               John Barker be a Committee for the above purposes.

Voted    That the Committee chosen to supply the pulpit with a

               Preacher, to provide a suitable place to Board at the above


Voted    That the Treasurer give the Executors of the Rev'd M.r Hale

               (upon a final settlement) security upon Interest till paid.

Voted    That the Treasurer oblige the Collectors to settle their Collections

               within the Term of three Months from this Day, and all that

               do not settle by that Time are to expect an Execution.

Voted    To allow the Committee appointed to Fence the Burying Yard

               the Sum of L13"6"0 for fencing the Burying Yard




These are to notify the Inhabitants of the Second Parish

in Boxford legally qualified to vote in Parish meeting

to meet at the Meeting House in said Parish, in Mon

=day the eleventh Day of September Instant at three

OClock in the afternoon to Act on the following

Articles. (viz)

First       To chuse a Moderator to regulate said Meeting.

   2d       To see if the Parish will hire any further preaching

               after the expiration of the Term already agreed for,

               upon - if so to see what measures they will take to

               procure a preacher.

  3ly       To see if the Parish will chuse a Committee to see if

               M.r Stephen Barker is over Rated in the Parish

               Rates wherein or how much said Barker has

               been over Rated (if any) and if M.r Barker and the


Page 38


               Committee cannot agree than to join said Barker

               in chusing indifferent Men to determine the matter

               and to lay their proceedings before the Parish for

               their exceptance, or to take any other measures

               the Parish may think best when conven'd.

  4ly       To allow Bills of Charge.  John Robinson


Boxford  Septr 2d 1786             Isaac Barker   Comttee


                                    Moses Ca^leton




At a Meeting held in the Second Parish in

Boxford on Monday ye 11 Day of September 1786

Maj.r John Robinson being Moderator for said

Meeting the following Votes were passed.

Voted    to pass over the second Article in the Warrant

               at present

Voted    To chuse a Committee of three Men to examin the

               Rates to see wherein and how much M.r Stephen

               Barker is over rated (if any).  Chose Cap.t Isaac Adams

               Lemuel Wood and M.r Broadstreet Tyler for the above


Voted    that if the above Committee and M.r Stephen Bar

               =ker cannot agree in settling then to join said Bar

               =ker in chusing Indifferent men to determine the

               matter, and to lay their proceedings before the Parish

               for their exceptance

Voted    To adjourn said Meeting to Monday ye 2d Day

               of October next at 3 oClock P.M.



Monday Octr 2d the Parish met agreeable to the

above above adjournment and pas'd the fol

=lowing Votes,

Voted    To hire preaching for the Term of three Months.

Page 39


Voted    That M.r Moses Porter Deacon Thomas Chadwick and

               M.r Asa Parker be a Committee to hire preaching

               the above Term.

Voted    To allow Mr Moses Porter the sum of L1"5/6

               for his providing for the Minister at the Fast, and

               for five Barriers putting up with him.

Voted    To adjourn this Meeting to the next Meeting at

               four o Clock P.M.



These are to notify all the Inhabitants belonging

to the Second Parish in Boxford who are Legally

qualified to vote in parish meetings to meet at

the Meeting House in said parish on Monday

the 27th Day of November Instant at two oClock

afternoon to act on the following Articles (viz)

First       To Chuse a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting.

  2ly       To see how much Money the Parish will vote to

               raise for the purpose of defraying the Parish

               charges the present Year.

  3ly       To see if the Parish will chuse a Committee to

               take a valuation of all the Real and Personal Estate

               belonging to said Parish and to give them such instruc

               =tions as the parish shall think proper when conven'd.

  4ly       To allow Bills of charge.

                                    John Robinson

Dated Boxford November

the 18th Day 1786                  Isaac Barker   Comttee


                                    Moses Carleton

Page 40


At a Meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford

on Monday ye 27th Day of Oct.r Nov.r 1786 Maj.r

John Robinson being Moderator for said Meeting

the following votes were pas'd.

Voted    To raise eighty Pounds to defray the Parish charges

               the present Year.

               Put to vote to see whether the Parish wou'd choose a

               Committee to take a Valuation in said Parish,

               pas'd in the Negative.  Then said Meeting was dis



Agreeable to an adjournment of a Meeting of

ye 2d of Oct.r the Parish met and pas'd the following


Voted    That M.r Stephen Barker instead of standing

               thirty shillings for personal Estate in the form

               =er single Lists shou'd stand but sixteen shillings

               and eight Pence.



In compliance with the request of Jonathan Tyler and

others.  These are to notify the inhabitants of the Second

Parish in Boxford who are legally qualified to Vote in Parish

Meetings to meet at the Meeting House in said Parish on

Monday the eighteenth of December Instant at two OClock,

in the Afternoon to act on the following Articles. (viz)

Firstly    To chuse a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting.

   2.ly To see if the Parish will except of Abraham Tyler as

               Collector in the room of Ephriam Foster.

   3.ly To see if the Parish will Vote to hire M.r Solomon Aiken

               to supply them as a Preacher, at this or any future Time,

               or to take such other measures as the Parish shall think best

               when convened.

                                             John Robinson

Boxford Dec.r 13th 1786                   Isaac Barker Comttee

                                             Moses Carlton

Page 41


At a meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford on

Monday ye 18th Day of December 1786, Maj.r John Ro

=binson being Moderator for said Meeting the follow

=ing Votes were pass'd

Voted    To except of M.r Abraham Tyler to serve as Collector

               insted of M.r Ephriam Foster.

Voted    To hire M.r Solomon Aiken to preach with us some

               futur Time.

Voted    That the Committee who are now chosen to supply

               the Pulpit be impowered to ingage M.r Aiken to preach

               with us some future Time if he can be obtain'd.

Voted    To adjourn this Meeting to ye 1st Day of January next

               at three OClock P.M.



January ye 1st 1787, Agreeable to the above adjourn

=ment the Parish met and Voted as follows,

Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first Tuesday in Feb

               =ruary at three oClock P.M.



February 6th Agreeable to the above adjournment

the Parish met and Voted as follows.

Voted    To hire preaching for the Term of three months

               from this Time.

Voted    That Dea.n Thomas Chadwick M.r Moses Porter &

               L.t John Barker be a Committee to hire preaching

               the above Term.

Page 42


These are to notify all the Inhabitants in the Second

Parish in Boxford, who are legally qualified to vote in Parish

Meetings to meet at the Meeting House in said Parish on

Wednesday the fourteenth Instant at 2 oClock P.M. on

said Day to Act on the following Articles (viz)

1.st        To choose a Moderator to regulate said meeting

2.ly        To choose Parish Officers for the ensuing Year.

3            To agree with some Persons to sweep the Meeting

               House and keep the Key the ensuing Year.

4.ly        To allow bills of charge. John Robinson

Dated Boxford March 3d 1787           Isaac Barker  Comttee

                                   Moses Carlton




At a Meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford

Wednesday ye 14th Day of March 1787, Lt. Moses Carlton

being Moderator for said Meeting the following votes were


Voted    That Lt Moses Carlton M.r Isaac Barker & M.r John

               Tyler serve as Assessors the ensuing Year. Also voted

               that the Assessors be a Committee for said Parish the

               ensuing Year.

Voted    That M.r Samuel Carlton J.r Serve as Clerk the

               ensuing Year.

Voted    That Lemuel Wood Serve as Treasurer the ensuing


Voted    That L.t Samuel Runnels Serve as Collector the ensuing


Page 43


Voted    That M.r Joseph Wood sweep the Meeting-House and

               keep the Key of the same for thirteen Shillings the en

               =suing Year.

Voted    And allow'd M.r Moses Porters Bill for boarding sundry

               Ministers Sixteen Days one Pound four Shillings.

Voted    and allow'd M.r Moses Porters bill for boarding M.r Aiken

               and keeping his Horse six Weeks at twelve Shillings p.r

               Week, three Pounds twelve Shillings.



                          March 14th 1787 M.r Sam.ll Carlton J.r was

                          Sworn^to the Office of Clerk, and L.t Moses Carl

                          =ton M.r Isaac Barker and M.r John Tyler were

                          Sworn to the Office of Assessors.



These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the Second parish

in Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in parish meetings to

meet att the Meetingin=house in said Parish on thursday the fifth

day of April next 3 oClock afternoon on Said day to act on the

following articles (Viz.)

1st         To chuse a moderator to regulate sa^id Meeting --------------------

2ndly     To see if the Parish will take aney measures to retain M.r Solomon

               Aiken in the Parish if he can be prevail'd with tarrey, that

               all who wish for it, may have an oppertunity of acquiering

               that acquaintance with him that is necessary in order to

               give him a call to Settle with them in the Ministry. -------

3rdly      If the Parish when convean'd agree to have M.r Aiken

               Continue with them, then to adopt Such measures as Shall

               appear to them most practicable for the accomplishment

               of their wishes ----------------

4thly      To allow Bills of Charge           Moses Carlton

                                               Isaac Barker Committee

Boxford 23rd, March 1787                   John Tyler

Page 44


At a Parish meeting held in the Second parish in Boxford

on thursday the 5th day of april 1787 M.r Isaac Robinson

Being moderator for said meeting the following

Vote was pas'd.


Voted    To adjourn said meeting to thursday the 12th day of april

               to three oClock P.M.



agreeable to the above ajarnment the parish met and





Voted to abate abner woods rate in Collector Moses Kimballs List

               of rates

Voted to alow Lieu.t John Barkers bill of 1s/ for his Service in going

               after M.r Aiken to Supp the Parish as a preacher

Voted to adjurn s.d meeting to tuesday the 17th Instant four

               oClock P.M.

               agreable to the above aJurnment the Parish met &

Voted to retain M.r Aiken further as a preacher as he

               Can be obtain'd

Voted to aJurn this meeting to tuesday the 8th of may next

               three oClock P.M.

               agreable to the above aJurnment the Parish met &

Voted to hire M.r Aiken three Sabaths

Voted that M.r Moses Porter be a Committee to agree

               with M.r aiken ^the above term & then desolved the meetting

Page 45


These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the Second Parish who are

Legally qualified to voted in Parish meetings ^to assemble at the

Meetinghouse in Said Parish on monday the 11th day of June next at three

oClock P.M. on Said day to act on the following articles (Viz.

1st         To chuse a moderator to regulate Said meeting -----

2nd        To see of the Parish will vote to hire further preaching after the time

               is expired already agree'd upon to for if so, --------

3rdly      Take aney measures to Supply the pulpit with a preacher that the

               Parish Shall think proper when convean'd

Dated Boxford May 19th 1787           Moses Carlton

                                       Isaac Barker Committee

                                       John Tyler



At a Parish meeting held in the Second Parish on Boxford on monday

the 11th day of June 1787 M.r Stephen Barker being moderator for Said

meeting the following votes were pas'd

Voted to hire further Preaching

Voted hire three months Preaching

Voted to Choose a Committee to Supply the Desk for three months

Voted that Capt Isaac Adams M.r Stephen Barker & M.r Moses Porter

               be a Committee for the above Purpose

               and then Said meetting was desolved



These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the Second Parish in Boxford

who are Legally Qualified to vote in Parish meetings, to assemble at the

meeting house in Said Parish on monday the 17th day of Sept.r Instant

two oClock afternoon to act on the following articles (viz.) ----

1st         To chuse a moderator to regulate said Meeting ------------------

2            To See if the Parish will vote to give M.r Solomon Aiken a Call to

               Settle in the ministry in this Parish --------------------------

3            To See what Sum of money the Parish will vote M.r Aiken as incourigement

               for Settlement

4            To see what Sum of money the Parish will vote M.r Aiken for his

               annual Support during his ministry in said Parish --------------------

5            To see if the Parish will Chuse a committee to represent the votes

               of Said Parish to Mr aiken

6            To take aney other measures the Parish may think Proper

               when Conveaned -------------------------  turn over

Page 46


7.thly     To alow Bills of Charge

                                       Moses Carlton

Dated Boxford September 1st: 1787     Isaac Barker Committee

                                       John Tyler



Att a Legal Parish meeting held in the Second Parish in Boxford Sept.r 17th 1787

M.r Stephen Barker being Chosen moderator of said meeting ~~~

the following votes Pas'd (viz)

st1.        Voted to give Mr Solomon Aiken of Hardwick a Call to Settle

               with us in the work of the ministry, votes for him 22 & 16 against him

2 Voted M.r Aiken one hundred and Sixty Pounds by way of Settlement Eighty Pounds

               Att the Expiration of one year after he gives his answer to TarreySettle   with us in Said

               Parish and the other eighty pounds att the Expiration of two years after   he

               Gives his answer to Settle in the Parish -------------------------

3 voted To give M.r Aiken Eighty Pounds annually for his Support

               during his ministry in Said parish ------------------------------

4 voted To chuse a Committee to Represent the votes of Sd Parish to M.r Aiken

5 voted the above Committee of three men -----------------------------

6 voted that M.r Stephen Barker M.r Moses Porter and M.r Tyler Porter

               Serve as a Committee to represent the votes of Said Parish to Mr Aiken

7 voted that this meeting be adJurned three weaks from this day ~~


               Octo.r 8th 1787 agreable to the above adJurnment the Parish met and

               desolved Said meeting

8 voted this meeting be adJurned 4 weaks from this Day -------------------


               Nov.r 5 1787 agreable to the above adJurnment the Parish met &

9 voted this meeting be desolved ---------------------------------------

Page 47


These are to notify all the Inhabitents liveing in the Second Parish

In Boxford who are legally qualified to vote in Parish meetings

to meet at the meetinghouse in said Parish on monday the fifth day of

November Instant at half past three oClock afternoon on sd Day

To act of the following articles. (viz)

1st         To Chuse a moderator to regulate Said Meeting --

2nd        To See what Sum of money the Parish will vote to raise

               For the purpose of defraying Parish Charges the Present year

3rd         To See if the Parish will vote to hire a preacher to Supply

               the desk (if so)

4th         To See what term of time the Parish will vote to hire for

5th         To See of the Parish will Chuse a committee to Supply the

               Desk for the term which Shall be agreed upon to hire for

6th         To See if the Parish will Instruct sd committe to agree with

               Some particular candidate to Supply the Pulpit, or leave

               it with the committe to provide a Preacher -------------

7th         To See if the Parish will provide a proper place for a

               Preacher to put up at, Should one be obtain'd

8thly      To allow Bills of Charge -----

                                            Moses Carlton

Boxford November 2.nd 1787             Isaac Barker Committee

                                            John Tyler



November fifth 1787

At a Parish meetting held in the Second Parish In Boxford

Cap.t Isaac Adams being Chosen moderator of said meetting the follow

=ing votes were Pas'd (viz)

Voted To raise Eighty five Pounds the Present year to defray

               Parish Charges the Ensuing Present year

2nd Voted To hire further Preaching

3rd Voted To hire Preaching four Sabaths

4ly Voted a Committee to Supply the Desk the above term

5th Voted Cap.t Isaac Adames M.r Moses Porter Dea.n John Chadwick be a

               Comme for the above purpos

6th Voted that the Candedate put up at M.r Moses Porters

7th Voted To alow M.r Moses Porters Bills of charge for boarding M.r Aiken

               & keeping his horse 9 weaks at twelve shillings p.r weak L5~8~

               another bill of 2L..14s~ for boarding M.r Aiken Six weaks &

               keeping his horse at nine Shillings p.r weak

8th Voted this meeting be desolv'd --------------------

Page 48


These are to notify all the Inhabitants living in the Second Parish

who are legally Qualified to vote in Parish Meetings to meet at

the Meeting house in said Parish on monday the 26th day of November

Instant at half Past three oClock afternoon on Said day to act on

the following articles (Viz)

1st         To chuse a moderator to regulate sd Meeting

2nd        To see if the Parish will take aney measures to Supply the desk

               with a Preacher after the time is expired already agreed upon

               to hire for. (if so)

3rd         To see if the Parish will chuse a Committee to Supply the Pulpit

               or take aney other measures to hire Preaching that the Parish

               Shall Judge best when convened

4th         To see if the Parish will vote that their Treasurer oblige the

               Several Parish Collectors to pay up and Settle for the Sums

               due on their Collections a perfixed future Period of time which shall

               be agreed upon when the Parish is Convened.

5th         To alow Bills of Charge                   Moses Carlton

Dated Boxford November 16.th 1787             John Tyler Committee

                                                  Isaac Barker


Boxford November 26th 1787

At a legal Parish meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford

on monday Nov.r 26 1787 Mr Stephen Barker being chosen moderator

of sd meeting the following Votes were Pas'd (VIZ)

1st voted to Supply the desk with a Preacher Some term of time     for

2nd voted to hire a Preacher 15 weaks from the term of time already agread

3rd voted that there be a Committee Chosen for the above purpos ----

4th voted M.r Stephen Barker M.r Moses Porter & Mag.r John Robenson

               Be a Committee to Supply the Pulpit with a ^Preacher the above term of time

5th voted the Parish treasurer Should oblige the several Parish Collectors to pay

               up and Settle for the Sumes due on their Collections by the first of

               next February ---------

6th voted To alow M.r Park's bill of carge of three pound Six Shillings for ^making    the Rev.d M.r

               Moses Hales grave stone

7th voted to alow M.r Tyler Porters bill of charg of four Shillings for diging

               the late Rev.d M.r Moses Hales grave -------

8th voted to Pay M.r Jacob Wood for one days preaching

9th voted that this meeting be desolved ---------------

Page 49


These are to Notify all the Inhabitants living in the Sec.d Parish

in Boxford who are legally Qualified to vote in Parish Meetings

to meet at the meeting House in s.d Parish on monday the Seventh

day of February Instant at two oClock afternoon on s.d day

To act on the following Articles (Viz)


1st         To Chuse a moderator to regulate Said meeting --------

2nd        To See if the Parish will direct the assessors to make the rates for the

               present year by the last tax Bill with Such alterations as Shall be

               made known to them if aney have hapened Since the last year by the 20thInst

               or take in bills of personal estates & Heads noticeing the alterations in    real estates if aney there be ----

3rd         To See if the Parish will vote to raise a Sum of money in addition to L85

               voted the last meeting if it Should be thought necessary for the purpose

               of defraying Parish Charges after a Statement of their debts & the

               Sums of money already voted to be raised Shall be laid before the parish

4th         To See if the Parish will Instruct their Committee for Supplying the

               Desk to engage Mr Johnson for the whole term voted to hire for if he

               Can be obtained, if not to give Such other Instructions as the Parish

               Shall think best when Convean'd ----

5th         To See if the Parish will vote to abate Such mens Rates in the

               Several Collectors lists of rates, as they Shall Judge Cannot be =

               Collected when laid before the Parish be Sd Collectors ---------

6th         To alow bils of Charge ---------------------------------------

7th         To See if the Parish will vote that all the young men that are

               upwards of 21. years of age who are Inhabitants of s.d Parish

               Shall be allow'd to vote in the Choice of a minister ------------


Dated Boxford February the 2.nd 1788


                                           Moses Carlton

                                           Isaac Barker Committee

                                        John Tyler

Page 50


At a Parish meeting held in the Sec.d Parish in Boxford on monday

the 11th of Feby 1788 Mag.r John Robinson being Chosen moderator

of Sd Meeting the following votes were pas.d (viz)

1st voted that the assessors Shall make the rates the present year by the

               last year Tax bill.

2.nd voted to make an addition to eightyfive Pounds already voted

3.rd voted 50 Pounds in addition to eightyfive Pounds voted to defray

               Parish Charges the preasent year

4.th voted that the Committee engage M.r Johnson the term already voted

               if he may be obtain'd -----------

5.th voted to abate Asa Robensons Peter Robensons & John Barkers Rates

               in Collector Abraham Tylers lists of rates also william Halls

               Samll Halls & Samll Parkers rates in Collector William Fosters

               List of Rates also Parker Spaffords & Sam.ll Parkers rates in

               Collector Moses Kimballs list of rates, & also Elijah Clarks

               James Brintons Mathew Hardys Jesse Hardys & Aaron Crooses rates

               In Collector Oliver fosters List of rates

6.th voted and alow'd M.r Moses Porters bill of Charge L1=7=0 for bording

               M.r Gilbert Williams three weaks and keeping his horse --

7.th voted and alowed L.t Asa Merrils bill of L0=15=0 for making the

               Gate to the bareying yard -----

8.th voted that the young men that are upwards of 21 years of age who

               are Inhabitants of Said ^Parish be alow'd to vote in the

               Choice of a minister --------------

9.th voted this meeting be desolved ------------------



                             April 1788 Moses Carlton was Sworn to

                             the Office of Clark ------------

                             July 1788 Lemuel Wood was Sworn to the

                             ofice of Treasurer ---------------

                             August 1788 Cap.t Ivory Hovey M.r Jonathan

                             Tyler & M.r Samuel Chadwick was Sworn

                             to the Office of Assessors ------------office

                             Nov.r 1788 L.t Asa Merril was Sworn to the^

                             of Collector in the room of L.t Sam.ll Run

                             =nels who was chosen the 14.th of march 1787 -