1765 - 1776
Page 58
At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Second parish
Septn ye 28th 1767 = Capn Isaac Adams^ChosenModr for Sd meeting
2ly) Voted to Give Mr Edward Sparhawk a Call to Settel in
the Work of the Ministry in ye Secd parish in Boxford
3ly) Voted to Give him Sixty Pound Salary yearly so Long
as he Shall Cary on the Work of the Ministry among us
4ly) Voted to Chuse a Commtte to aquaint Mr Sparhawk with
the vote of the parish and to Receive Mr Sparhawks answer and
Sd Commtte also to Inquire into his mind Concarning a Settlement
for him if he Should Incline to Settel among us and^to makeReport to
the parish^ofhis mind on the affair as Soon as they Conveniently
Can also Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Insn John Barker Leut
Nathan Barker Mr Luke Hovey Mr Nathan Kimball
Capn Isaac Adams & Mr Dean Robinson be the above Sd Comtte
(5ly) Voted to Accept of Mr Stephen Merril to Serve as an
Assessor in ye Room of Mr Jonh Sherwin ye Present yr
(6ly) Voted to See If ye Parish Would Sett Stephen Johnson
and his Land off to the North Parish in Andover. Past
in the Negeee -----------------------------------------
NB . that ye above Sd Merril was Sworn to the office
of Assessor in ye Room of Sd Sherwin for ye present yr
Septm 28 : 1767
At a Legal Parish Meeting Held at Boxford Secd parish
December ye 14th 1767 (1st) Chose Mr Luke Hovey Modr
for Sd Meeting -------------------------------------
(2ly) Voted yt Mr Cushings fire wood be Laid in a Rate and
and Proportiond to Every one as in the year Past^forye Ensuing year
(3ly) Voted to abate Mr Samuel Spaffords head Rate in Collector
John Chadwicks List of Rates also Voted to See if the Parish
Wod abate Abial Barkers head Rate. Past in the Negetive
then Voted to abate Amos Polands Rates also Voted to See
if ye Parish wod abate Bradstreet Tylers head Past in the
Negte then it was Voted to See if the parish Would
abate Thomas Spafords head Rate. Past in the nege all in
-----------------------in the Above Sd List of Rates
Page 59
(4ly) Voted^ye RendMr Cushing Thirty Pound Sallery for this Currant
year ---------------------------------------------------------------
(6ly) Voted that the assessors Lay all the money that Shall
be Raisd to Defray Parish Charges ye present year in one
List of Rates ----------------------------------------------------------
(7ly) Voted to Rais one hundred Pound to Defray parish Charges
the Currant year
December ye 21st 1767 Samuel Cole was Sworn to the office
of Collector
At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secnd Parish Jan=y
ye 11th 1768: Mr Luke Hovey Voted in Modr for Sd meeting
Then Voted to adjourn Sd Meeting to Monday ye 25th of
this Instant at one o' Clock in ye after noon ----------
Jan=y ye 25 : 1768 being met at ye adjournment above Sd
Mr Edward Sparhawks answer to Sd Parish was Read over
in Sd Meeting and it was in the Negetive ----------
then Voted to abate Abial Barker his head Rate in Collr
John Chadwicks List of Rates also Voted to abate Thos
Spafords head Rate in Sd Chadwicks List of Rates
At a Legal Parish meeting held in ye 2nd Parish in Boxford March ye 9th
1768 (1st) Capn Isaac Adams was Chosen Modr for Sd meeting
(2ndly) Voted Capt Isaac Adams Ensn John Barker and Mr Samll
Carlton Serve Assesors in Sd parish ye year Ensuing -------
(3ly) Voted ye above Sd assesors be a Commttee to apint parish meetings
ye yr Ensuing in Sd parish (4ly) Voted Stepn Runnels Serve parish Clr Sd yr
(5ly) Voted Stephen Foster Serve Collector in Sd parish ye Ensuing year
(6ly) Chose Luke Hovey parish Treasurer for Sd year -------------- money
(7ly) Voted to Discharge the Treasurer of Sd parish for the Cost he was at in^
in behalf of the parish in Taking ye advice of Mr Goff Respecting
our Right and Title in ye Parsonage farm Lying in ye other
parish in so that he may be Reckoned with for ye Same
(8ly) Voted that ye Inhabitants that Live in Andover Belonging to Sd parish
Draw out of ye Treasurery theire part of the money that the above
Sd advice of Mr Goff Cost the parish
(9ly) Voted to hire Three months Preaching now Mr Sparhawks Tearme
Term is up --------
(10ly) Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Ins John Barker Mr Nathan Kimball
be a Comtte to Supply ye pulpit with a preacher ye Tearm agreed
for (11ly) Turn over
Page 60
(11ly) Voted to abate Amos Polands Rates in Collector Stephen Merrils List of^
(12ly) Voted to Give Ensn John Chadwick Eight Shillings to Sweep ye meeting
House and Keep the Meetinghouse Key ye year Ensuing ----------------
(13ly) Voted Leuit Nathan Barker Get ye Meetinghouse Lock Mended and
put on again -----------------------------------------------
Boxford March ye 14th 1768 Ensn John Barker Assessor Stephen Runnels Clr
Were Sworn to their Respective offices before Aaron Wood Esqr
Boxford March ye 23d 1768 Capn Isaac Adams & Mr Samll Carlton were
Sworn to ye office of Assessors as the Law Directs
May ye 6th 1768 Mr Luke Hovey was Sworn to the office of
Treasurer ------------------------------------------------------
Boxford June ye 6th 1768 At a Legal Parish Meeting held in ye
Secd parish in Boxford June 6th 1768 Capn Isaac Adams Chosen
Modr for Sd meeting / and Mr Luke Hovey was Chosen Clark for
Sd meeting (1st) Voted to hire three months Preaching ----
(2ly) Voted that Mr Luke Hovey Mr Stephen Barker and Ensn Gedion Tyler
be a Committee to Supply the pulpit with a Preacher the Term agreed for
(5ly) Voted that the above Sd Commitee Invite Mr Edward Sparhawk
to Supply the pulpit Part or Whole of the Term agreed for as they
Shall think Proper -----------------------------------------
(6ly) Voted to pay Mr Sparhawk for Three Days preaching after
he Gave his answer not to Settel among us -----------------
(7ly) Voted that Mr Luke Hovey Mr Richard Kimball & Mr Nathan
Kimball be a Commtee to Examine Mr Benjn Porters accounts
that he has Chargd against the parish and also Ensn Gedion
Tylers account that his Hond father Stands Chargable with in the
Assessors Book as he was former Treasurer and make Return to
the parish as Soon as may be for their approbation & acceptance
(8ly) Voted Mr Richard Kimball Serve Collector in the Room of Mr Stephen
Foster this preasant yr (9) Voted to abate Samuel Barkers ye 3d
What he was over Rated in Collr Samll Coles List of Rates
(10ly) Voted to abate David Adams Rates in Collr Samll Coles List
of Rates ----------------------------------------------------
Mr Joseph Robinson Came and Spake Privately to the Clark and
Said that he Entered his Decent against the Sixth article as
Not being Legally Voted
NB that Mr Richard Kimball was Sworn to the office of
Collector in the Room of Mr Stephen Foster as the
Law Directs
Page 61
At a Legal parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish Sept ye 5:1768
(1st) Chose Capn Isaac adams Modr for Sd Meeting -----------
(2ly) Voted to hire three months more preaching after the time
is up alredy wa that was^alredyagreed for
(3ly) Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Mr Luke Hovey & Ens John Barker
be a Commitee to Supply the pulpit with a preacher the Term agreed
for - and also Voted to Leave it to the Comtte to Supply the pulpit with
Such a preacher as they Shall think best
(5) Voted that the Comtte provide a Conveniant place for the preacher
upon the parishs Cost
At a Legal parish Meeting held at Boxford 2nd parish
Novemr 28 : 1768 (1st) Chose Mr Stephen Merril
Modrator for Sd meeting --------------------------------
(2ly) Voted Mr Cushings thirty Pounds for the year Currant
according to agreement ----------------------------------
(3ly) Voted to provide Mr Cushings fire wood by a Rate the
year Ensuing as they Did Last year ---------------------
(4ly) Voted to Raise one hundred & five pounds Lawfull money
to Defray parish Charges this present year
(5ly) Voted that the Assessors Lay all the money Raisd
in one List of Rates this present yr
(6ly) Voted that Ens John Chadwick mend the meeting
house windows At the Cost of the parish ----------
(7ly) Voted to Chuse a Comtee to discourse Mr Punderson
Austin Concarning settling here in the ministry among us
and make Return of his Answer ---------------------
NB Decn Jos Hovey Mr Jos Robinson Leut Nathan Barker
Capn Isaac Adams Decn Thos Chadwick Mr Stepn Merril
Mr Luke Hovey and Mr Wm Foster was Chosen the
above Sd Comtte
Voted to adjourn Sd meeting to Saturday ye 3d Day
of Decr Next at one o' Clock in the after noon
Page 62
Decemr ye 3 : 1768 being met at the adjournment
abovesaid (1st) Voted to hire three Months preaching
after the Term is up now agreed for ----------------
(2) Voted to See if the parish wod^hireMr Austin upon
Probation and it past in the Negetive
(3) Voted to hire Mr Austin the Three months agreed
on - by way of Supply if he Sees Cause to Stay and
preach hear ----------------------------------
4) Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Decn Jos Hovey and
Mr Moses Porter be a Commitee to Supply the
Desk the Term agreed for --------------------
(5) Voted to See if the parish Wod pay Mr Benjn Porter
the money he Demands of Sd parish it past in the
Negetive ---------------------------------------
6) Voted to See if the parish Wod abate What Mr Stephen
Johnson is over Rated in Collectr Samuel Coles List of Rates
past in the Negetive ----------------------------------
At a Legal parish Meeting held Boxford 2nd parish
Febry 13 : 1769 (1st) Chose Capn Isaac Adams Modr
for Sd Meeting ------------------------------------
2ly) Voted to See if the parish Wod hire Mr Samuel Webster
the Term out alredy Agreed for past in the Negee
(3ly) Voted to hire preaching the first Secd and third Sabaths
in March next ---------------------------
(4ly) Voted to Impower the present Commtte to invite Mr Samll
Webster to Supply the pulpit the above Sd three Sabbaths
At a Legal Parish Meeting held in Boxford Secd parish March
ye 15 : 1769 (1st) Chose Mr Luke Hovey Modr for Sd
Meeting (2ly) Capn Isaac Adams Chosen first Assessor ---
Ens John Barker Chose the Secnd Assessor Mr Asa Merril the
Third Assessor the year Ensuing
(3) Voted that the above Sd Assessors be a Commtte to appoint
parish Meetings the yr Ensuing (4) Voted Stephen Runnels Serve
parish Clark the Ensuing yr (5) Voted Nathan Barker^JurServe
Collector the year Ensuing ---------------------------------
Page 63
(6ly) Chose Mr Luke Hovey Treasurer for Sd parish Ensuing year
(7) Voted to hire further preaching after the term is up allredy
agreed for then Voted to hire three months preaching after the
above Sd term is up (8) Voted to hire Mr Samll Webster Six Sabaths
Suceeding the the above Sd term allredy agreed for if he Can Come
(9) Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Mr Luke Hovey & Mr Wilm Foster
be a Comtte to agree with the preacher for the above Sd Six
Sabaths (10) Voted the above Sd Comtte Supply our pulpit the Remainder
of the above Sd three Months With Such a preacher as they Shall
think best (11) Voted to Give Ens John Chadwick 8/s to Sweep
the Meeting house and Keep the Key the Year Ensuing --------
(12) Voted to Abate Leiut Jonn Foster 3/6 of his Rates in
Collr Richard Kimballs List of Rates Lastly Voted to
abate Allin Snows head Rate of part of it past in the
Negetive ----------------------------------------------
N.B. that Capn Isaac Adams Ensn John Barker and Asa
Merril Assessors Stephen Runnels parish Clark and
Luke Hovey parish Treasurer Were Sworn to their respective
offices as the Law Directs. N.B. that Nathan
Barker Jur Was Sworn to the office of Colector
Decr 18 : 1769
At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Secd parish June
ye 19 : 1769 Capn Isaac Adams Chose Modr for Sd Meeting
(2ly) Voted to hire Preaching three Months after the Term
is up allredy agreed for (3) Voted to hire Mr Woodman
the Tow first Sabbaths of Sd Term (4) Voted Mr Luke
Hovey Ensn Gorge Carlton and Ensn John Barker be
a Comtte to Supply the pulpit With a precher the Term
Agreed for Exclusive of the Tow first Sabbaths -----
(5) Voted to Leave it to the Comtte to provide a place for the
Precher to Board att on the parishes Cost -------------
At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford 2nd parish Sepr
18 : 1769 (1) Chose Mr Luke Hovey Modr for Sd Meeting
(2ly) Voted to hire Three Months Preaching from this time
(3) Voted to See if the parish Wod hire Mr Porter Sd Terme past in ye Negee
turn over
Page 64
(4ly) Voted^thatMr Woodman Supply our Desk one month of
the aforesaid 3 months (5) Voted Decn Thos Chadwick
Mr Luke Hovey & Mr Nathan Kimball be a Commtte to
agree with Mr Woodman^to Supplythe above Sd month
(6) Voted to Leave it to ye above Sd Commtte to Supply the pulpit
the Remaining Part of the Sd 3 Months with Such a Preacher
as they Shall think best (7) Voted to Leave it to the Sd Comtte
to Provide a place for the Candidate and horse to put up
at the time he preaches for us on ye parishes Cost -------
At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Secd parish ---
December 18 : 1769 (1st) Voted Capn Isaac Adams be
Modr for Sd Meeting -----------------------------------
2) Voted to Give Mr Cushing L30: the Present year according
to agreement (3) Voted to find Mr Cushings fire wood
as in ye year past (4) Voted to Raise L110: to Defray
the Parish Charges the Present Year ----------------
(5) Voted that all the money raisd for ye parishes Use be Laid
this present year be Laid in one List of Rates -------------
(6) Voted to hire Preaching three Months from this time
(7) Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Ensn John Barker and
Ensn Gideon Tyler be a Commitee to Supply ye Desk
with a preacher the time agreed for to hire
(8) Voted to Leave it to ye above Sd Comtte to hire Such a
Candidate as they Shall think Best the time agreed for
(9) Voted to Leave it to the Commtte to Provide a place for the
Preacher to put up att When he preaches with us: on the
parishes Cost if Nobody appears to Keep him on free Cost
(10) Voted to abate Benjamin Coles Rates in Collector
Richard Kimballs List of Rates
At a Legal Parish Meeting held at Boxford Secd parish
Novr 20 : 1769 (1) Chose Capn Isaac Adams Modr for Sd meeting
(2) Voted to Give Mr Punderson Austin a Call to Settle in the
Ministry in the Secd Parish in Boxford and to take the Charge of
the Church and Congregation in this place (3) Voted to
adjourn Sd meeting to ye 18 Day of Decr Next at one o'Clock after noon
at this place
Page 65
Decr 18th 1769 Being Met at ye adjournment afore Sd
Voted to adjourn Sd meeting again to Seven o'Clock this Evening
Being Met at the adjournment above Sd Voted to Give Mr
Austin an Honourble Support when he Shall Settle amongst us
Voted that Capn Isaac Adams & Ensn John Barker Cary the votes
to Mr Austin and make return to the parish his answer as
soon as May be / then Voted to adjourn Sd meeting to ye 14 day
of March next at one o'Clock after noon --------------------
March 14 Day being again met at ye adjournment afresd
Voted to Desolve Sd meeting ------------------------------
At a Legall Parish Meeting held Boxford March ye 14 : 1770
1) Chose Capn Isaac Adams Modr for Sd Meeting ------------
2) Voted that Ensn Gedion Tyler Serve Assessor ye year Ensuing
3) Voted yt Ensn John Barker Serve Assessor ye Ensuing yr
4) Voted Mr William Foster Serve Assessor the year Ensuing
5) Voted that the above Sd Assessors be a Committe to appoint
parish meetings in Sd parish ye year Ensuing ----------------
6) Voted that Stephen Runnels Serve parish Clark yr Ensuing
7) Voted Mr Luke Hovey Serve Parish Treasurer ye Ensuing year
8) Voted that Mr Samuel Spaford Serve Collector ye Ensuing year
9) Voted^tohire Three Months further Preaching
then made Choice of Decn Thos Chadwick Ensn John Barker
and Ensn Gedion Tyler for a Comtte and left it Wholey with
them to Supply the Desk with a Preacher ye Term agreed for
10) Voted to leave it to ye Commtte to Provide a place for the
Preacher to put up at on ye parishes Cost Except oferd on free Cost
12) Voted to Give Ensn John Chadwick 8/ to Sweep the Meetinghouse
and Keep the Key the year Ensuing --------------------------
13) Voted Captn Isaac Adams Mr Stephen Barker Ens John Barker
Leiut Samll Runnels Mr Isaac Robinson Ensn John Chadwick and
Leiut Nathan Barker bee a Comtte to treet With ye propriorters
of the pews Respecting their Conveying their property in them
to the parish and Report their agreement to ye parish in
Covent Conveint time for their approbation ------------
14) Alowed Ensn John Chadwicks Bill of L5=11=6 for the Cost
and Charge he was at in Giting the Meeting house Windows
Mended then Voted to adjourn Sd meeting to ye 28: Day of this
Month/ March 28- being met at ye adjournment afore Sd
the meeting voted to Desmise Sd Meeting -------------------
Turn Over
Page 66
March 28 : 1770 Stephen Runnels was Sworn to the office of
parish Clark for the year Ensuing as ye Law Directs -----
and Ensn Gedion Tyler & Ensn John Barker to the office of
Assessors as the Law Directs Mr Luke Hovey Was Sworn to his ofice
May 25 : 1770 Mr William Foster Was Sworn to ye office
of Assessor December ye 31 = 1770 Mr Samll Spafford
Was Sworn to ye office of Collector
Att a Legall parish Meeting held Boxford Secd parish ------
June ye 4th 1770 (1st) Chose Mr Wim Foster modr for Sd meeting
(2) Voted to appoint a Comtte to oppose ye Petition of Mr
Stephen Johnson to be Sett of from this parish to ye first
parish in Andover a Coppy of Which petition ye parish is
Servd With from ye General Cort
3) Chose Ensn John Barker Mr Luke Hovey & Capn Isaac
Adams for ye above Sd Commtte (4) Voted to adjourn Sd
Meeting^toye 14th of this Instant at 4 o Clock in ye afternoon
June ye 14th 1770 being Met on ye adjournment above Sd
1) Voted^tohire Three months further preaching after ye term
is up Last voted (2) Voted to Leve it to the Commtee that
Shall be Chosen to Supply us With preaching ye term agreed on
3) Chose Decn Thos Chadwick Mr Wm Foster & Ensn John Barker
a Commttee to Supply us with preaching ye above Sd term
4 Voted to Leave to ye Comtee to provide a place for ye preacher
to put up at when he preaches with us on ye parishes Cost
provided nobody appears to Keep him on free Cost
At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford^2nd parishOctbr
ye 1st 1770 /1 Chose Mr Luke Hovey Modr for Sd
Meeting (2ly) Voted to hire further preaching three
Months from this time (3ly) Voted yt Mr Cutler be invited
to Supply &c the term agreed for or part of it of he Can
be obtained (4ly) Voted to Leave to ye Commtte that Shall
be Chosen to Supply us with ye term agreed on
(5) Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Ensn John Barker and
Mr Moses Porter be a Commtte to Supply ye parish with
preacher ye term agreed on agreeabel to ye Sd vote
Page 67
(6ly) Voted to Leave it to ye Commtte to provide a place
for the preacher to put up att when he preaches^withus on the
parishes Cost provided nobody appears to Do it on free Cost
(7) Voted to pay for ye preaching which we have had Since
the Term was up alreadey last agreed for -----------------
(8) Voted to See if the parish wod pay Mr David Wood L1=14=8
for gathering ye parish Rates in ye year 1764 and past in ye Negte
(9) Voted to Call a fast on account of our Curcumstances / agreeable
to Vote the Revd Mr Holyoke of Boxford & Mr Symnes of andover
Mr Chandler of Rowley Mr Emerson of Topsfield Mr Barnerd
of Haverhill Mr Leslee of Linebrook Mr Williams of Bradford
be Invited to assist there in --------------------
(10) Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Ensn John Barker Decn Jos Hovey
Mr Moses Porter and Ensn John Chadwick be a Comtee
to invite and provide Entertainment and advise with
the above Sd ministers after Service is over -------------
Att a Legall parish Meeting held Boxford Secd parish
December ye 31 : 1770 : (1st) Chose Decn Jos Hovey Modr
for Sd meeting (2ly) Voted ye Revnd Mr Cushing thirty
pounds for his Sallary ye present year (3ly) Voted to Raise
one hundred pounds to Defray parish Charges ye present yr
4) Voted to Chuse a Comtte to Examin into^theArears of Wood
that is due on Mr Cushings account and Reporte to
the Assessors as Soon as may be (5) Voted Ensn John
Chadwick Decn Jos Hovey and Mr Nathan Kimball be
the above Sd Commtte (6) Voted to find Mr Cushings fire
Wood by a Rate ye Ensuing year (7) Voted to hire 3 Months
preaching from this time 8 Voted yt Mr Cutler Supply ye
pulpit the one half of ye above Sd time 9/ Voted to Leave it
to the Commtte that Shall be after Chosen to Supply us
With a preacher ye Remainder of ye above Sd 3 months
10/ Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Ensn John Barker & Mr Moses Porter
be a Commtte to provide as above Sd (11) Voted to Leave it
to ye Comtte to provide a place for ye preacher to put up on the
parishes Cost if nobody appears to Do it on free Cost
Page 68
(12) Voted that all the money Raised to Defray parish
Charges ye year be Laid in one List of Rates ---------
(13) Voted to See if ye parish wod accept of a man to Serve
Collector in Stead of Mr Samll Spafford past in ye Negetive
Att a Legall Parish Meeting held Boxford March ye
25th 1771 (1st) Chose Capn Isaac^AdamsModr for Sd meeting
2ly) Voted Capn Isaac Adams Serve Assessor ye Ensuing yr
3) Voted yt Mr Stephen Barker Serve Assessor ye year &c
4) Voted that Mr John Robinson be Assessor ye year Ensuing
5) Voted that Sd Assessors be a Comtte to appoint parish
Meetings ye year Ensuing in Sd parish -------------
6) Voted Stephen Runnels Serve parish Clarke year Ensuing
7) Voted Mr Samll Carlton Serve Colector ye year &c
8) Voted Mr Luke Hovey Serve parish treasurer yr Enusing
9) Voted to have Mr Labaron and Mr Cutler to preach with
us four months = Sd term being Equelly Devided between
the above Sd Genteelmen (10) Voted that Decn Thos
Chadwick and Decn Jos Hovey Carry the Vote of the
parish to the above Sd Gentelmen and agree with
them if they Can according to the above Sd vote and
and make Return to the parish at ye adjournment of
the Meeting Voted to adjourn Sd Meeting to Monday
ye 29th of april next at 2 of Clock in ye after noon
April 29 1771 then met and Voted that Willim Foster Serve as
Parish Clark for ye Day who was Sworn to Sd office of Clark
May 2 next Ensuing^before Aaron Wood Esqthen Voted that Mr Labaron Supply the pulpit
the other two months of ye Tirm Voted ------------------------
(5) Voted that Decn Thos Chadwick Decn Joseph Hovey & Ensn John Barker
Be a Commtee to Engage Mr Labaron if he may be obtaind if not that
the Commtee be impowered to hire Such a Candadate as they Shall think
proper & the tirm agreed for --------------------------------------
(6) Voted that Sd Commtee be impowered to provide a place for ye preacher
to put up at on ye parishes Cost if nobody appears to keep him on free Cost
(7) The Question was put wheather Sd parish would abate Jonathan Eamies Quit
Rates in Collector Nathan Barkers List & it Past in the Negetive
(8) Voted to abate Thos Spaffords Rates in Collector Stephen Merrils List
(9) Voted to abate Mrwhat Mr Richard Pearls is over Rated in Collector Samll
Spaffords List ------------------------------------------------------
At a Legal parish meeting on Monday the 20 of May 1771 Decn Joseph Hovey Moderator
(2) Voted that Lemll Wood be the Clark for Sd meeting ----------------
Page 69
(3) Voted to hire Mr Labaron ye other two Months allready Voted^onProbation if he may be obtained -------------------------------------------------
(4) Voted that Ensn John Chadwick Sweep the meeting house and keep the key ye Ensuing year ----------------------------------------------------------
(5) Voted that Mr Zabadiah Fosters head rate be abated in Collector Samll
Spaffords List of Rates ye above Record Sworn to by Sd Lemll Wood 27 June 1771
before Aaron Wood Esq -------------------------------------------------
At a Legal parish meeting held at Boxford Secd parish on Tuesday 6th August 1771
Decn Joseph Hovey Moderator
2) Voted that William Foster be parish Clark ye Ensuing year ----
(3) Voted to give Mr Lemuel Labaron a Call to Settle in ye work of ye Ministry
in Sd parish in Concurance with ye Church - then adjournd to Tuesday 20th
Instant at four oclock in ye after noon tant at four oclock in ye after noon then met
(4) Voted to give Mr Lebaron Seventy pounds Salery pr year During ye Revd
Mr Cushings Life and after Mr Cushings Decease Eighty pounds pr
year During his Ministry in Sd parish ------------------------------
(5) Voted to give Mr Lebaron one hundred and Sixty pounds Settlement
(6) Voted that Decn Thos Chadwick Denc Jos Hovey Ensn John Barker Mr Moses
Porter Capt Isaac Adams be a Commtee to Cary ye Vote of ye parish to
Mr Lebaron & to Discourse Mr Lebaron on terms of Settlement & to Report
to ye parish --------------------------------------------------
(7) Voted to hire preaching till Mr Lebarons gives his answer to ye parish
(8) Voted that the above Commtee be Impowered to Supply ye pulpiet ye term^voted
then adjornd till ye first Monday in october 2 oclock -----------
21 August 1771 William Foster^swornto ye office of parish Clark --------
21 August 1771 Mr Luke Hovey took ye oath of parish Treasurer
Then met and adJournd to Munday ye SecondforthDay of November next
at Two of the Clock in ye after noone ---Then met and adJournd to
To Monday ye Eighteenth of November at two oclock -----
Then met at the adJournment above Sd and Mr Lemuel Labaron
Returnd answer to ye parishes Call in ye Negetive then adJurnd
Till Munday the 25 Instant at two afterof ye Clock in ye afternoon
At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Snd parish 18th November 1771
Decn Joseph Hovey Moderator then adJournd to munday 25 Instant at one aClock
Then met at ye above Sd adJournment to one oclock and
(2) Voted that Aaron Wood be With consent of Mr Benja Porter a Comtee
Arbitrator to Settle an affair betwixt Sd Mr Porter and ye Parish
(3) Voted that Mr Nathan Kimball & Decn Joseph Hovey be a Comtee to
act in parishes be half with Mr Porter ----------------------
(4) Voted that Sd Comtee be Impowered with Mr Porter to appoint one or more
Meet persons to assist Esq Wood if he Should Refuse to act in this affarr
By him Self --------------------------------------------------------
Then met according to ye above Sd adJournment to two oclock
(8) ye question put wheather ye parish would abate Asa Tylers Rate
in Colector Samll Spafords List of Rates & it past in ye Negetive
At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Secd Parish Meeting 28 November 1771
Capn Isaac Adams Moderator for Sd Meeting --------------------------
Page 70
2) Voted the Revd Mr Cushing thirty pounds for his Salery for ye present
year according to agreement ---------------------------------------
(3) Voted that Mr Moses Porter and Lout Nathan Barker be a Comtee to See how
Cheep they can Supply the Rn Mr Cushing with fire Wood for ye Ensuingyear
and make Return to ye Parish as Soon as may be for there Exceptanc
(6) Voted to hire three months preaching ----------------------------
(7) Voted that Decn Joseph Hovey Mr Nathan Kimball & William Foster
be a Comtee to Supply the pulpit ye tirm agreed for -------------------
then adJournd till Munday 16 of December at two oclock afternoon
Then Met according to ye above adJournment -------------------
8 Voted to Leave it to Sd Comtee to hire Such a Candadate as they Shall
Think Proper ye Term agreed for ---------------------------------
9 Voted to Leave it to ye Comtee to provide a place of Entertainment for
ye preacher on ye parishes Cost when he preaches with us ------------
10 Voted that that Leut Nathan Barker & Ensn Gideon Tyler be a
Comtee to Supply the Reverd Mr Cushing with fire wood ye Ensuingyear
11 Voted to Raise one hundred pounds to Defray parish Charges ye present year
12 Voted that all ye Money Voted to be Raised for ye present year be Laidin oneR 13 It was put to vote to See if ye parish would alow Decn Thos Chadwicks Bill
of four pounds for bording preachers it past in ye Negetive ----
3 February 1772 Mr Samll Carlton was Sworn to ye office of Colector
At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Second Parish
10 February 1772 Capt Isaac Adams Moderator for Sd meeting
2ly Voted to hire Six month preaching for ye first of March Next
3 Vote that Decn Joseph Hovey Mr Nathan Kimball Willim Foster
Decn Thos Chadwick Capt Isaac Adams Mr Nathaniel Peabody
Ensn John Barker be a Comtee to Supply the pulpit ye Term
Voted - 4ly Voted that Mr Luke Hovey Mr Isaac Robinson
Leut Nathan Barker be a Comtee to Descorse Mrs Cushing --
& John Cushing Esqr Relating to ye Late Reverd Mr Cushing
Last years Salery and make Return to ye parish at ye adJournment
Then adjourd to ye annual parish Meeting in March at one oclock
March 30th Then met according to the above Adjournment
5thly Voted to accept of the Report of the Above Committee, which was
that Mrs Cushing and her Son are content that the Revd Mr Cushing
Salary should cease at ------------------the 18th of January 1772.
6 Voted that it should be left with the ParishMinister Committee to provide
a Place for a Preacher to up at when he is the Parish.
7 Voted to raise eight pounds to defray the Charge of the Revd Mr
Cushing Burial.
8 The question was put whether the Parish would^abateMr William
Porters Rates in Collector Samuel Spafford's List of Rates, and it
passed in the Negative.
Page 71
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the 30th Day of March 1772
Capt Isaac Adams being chose Moderator, the following
Things were acted upon viz.
1st Capt Isaac Adams, Ensn John Barker and John Robinson
were chosen Assessors for the present Year, it was also voted
that they should serve as a Parish Committee to warn
Parish meetings &c.
2 Voted that John Cushing should serve as Parish Clerk
the Year ensuing.
3 Voted that Mr David Chadwick should serve as Collector
for the Year ensuing.
4 Voted that Mr Luke Hovey should serve as Parish-Trea=
surer for the Year ensuing.
5 Voted to sing Doct.r Watts's version of Psalmes in the
Congregation instead of the old Version.
6 Voted to chuse a Committee to discourse with Mr Benjn
Porter in order to know what he expects the Parish
to do in Regard to fence round the Meeting House.
Mr Isaac Robinson and Stephen Barker were the Committee
7 Voted to abate what Dean Stephen Mighill was overrated
in Collector Samuel Spafford's List of Rates.
8 Voted to abate Jonathan Eames's Rates in Collector Nathn
Barker's List of Rates.
9 Voted not to Accept of the Verdict brought in by Aaron
Wood Esqr between the Parish and Mr Benjn Porter
concerning an old Account Mr Porter had Against the
10 Voted to pay two Pounds three Shillings^lawful moneyto Mr Amos
Kimball for five Cord and seven Feet of Wood that he
broit to the Revd Mr Cushing the Winter past.
11 Voted to pay to two Pounds eighteen Shillings to Mr
Ephraim Foster for Eight Cord of Wood that he brought
to the Revd Mr Cushing the Winter past.
12 Voted to pay Dean Thos Chadwick Four Pounds lawl
money for Boarding Candidates that have preach'd to us
13 Voted to pay Dean Joseph Hovey two pounds eight
Shillings lawfull Money for boarding Candidates, and
also six Shillings for a Journey to Plymouth.
April 1st 1772 John Cushing was sworn to the Office of Parish Clerk
4th Luke Hovey, Ensn John Barker and John Robinson
were sworn to their respective Offices.
6th Cap.t Adams was sworn to the Office of an Assessor
Page 72
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the 17th Day of August 1772
Capt Isaac Adams being chose Moderator for Sd Meeting
the following Things were Acted upon viz.
1st Voted to hire a further Term of Preaching after the
present Term is out.
2ndly Voted to hire till the 20th Day of March next.
3rdly Dean Thos Chadwick Ensn John Barker and Capt Isaac
Adams were chose a Committee to hire preaching till
the Sd 20th Day of March
4thly Voted to leave it to the Discretion of Sd Committee to
hire any Candidate or Candidates that they shall
think fit.
5thly Voted to allow Mr Lemuel Wood's Bill of Charge being
L20:15:0 old tenor for two Journeys to Rochester after
Mr LeBaron.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford on the 7th Day of December 1772.
Capn Issac Adams being chose Moderator for Sd Meeting
the following Things were acted upon viz.
1st Voted to chuse a Committee to agree with Mr Benjamin
Porter on Account of an Action he has Commenced against
Sd Parish to be tried at our next Inferior Court of
Common Pleas to be holden at Salem on the last
Tuesday of this Instant.
2ndly Lieut Saml Runnels, Dean Joseph Hovey, Lieut Jonathan
Foster, Nathan Kimbal and Isaac Robinson were the
Committee chosen for the above mentioned purpose.
3rdly Voted to chuse a Committee to settle an Account with
Ensn Gideon Tyler which was charged against his Father
Cap.t John Tyler when he was Treasurer for the Parish.
4thly Mr Joseph Robinson, Cap.t Isaac Adams, Mr Stephen Mer=
=rill, Mr Luke Hovey and Mr Moses Porter were chose the
Committee for the above mentioned Purpose.
5thly Voted to raise sixty pounds lawful money to defray Parish
Charges for the ensuing year.
6thly Voted to continue Mr Osgood the Candidate who has lately
Page 73
preach'd with us to preach a further Term.
7thly Voted to abate what Jesse Kimbal was overrated in Collector
Samuel Carlton's List of Rates.
8 Voted to adjourn the present Meeting to Tuesday the
fifteenth of this Instant at two of the Clock P.M.
Boxford 15th Decr 1772
Pursuant to the above Adjournment the Parish being
met they acted upon the following things: viz.
1st Voted accept of the Report of the Committee chosen to
agree with Mr Benjn Porter, which was that he would
for L4:12:0 lawful money stop the Action he has comme=
=nced against the Parish and put them to no further
2ndly Voted to discharge Ensn Gideon Tyler for all Debts due
from him (on Account of his Father's being Treasurer)
to the Parish, upon his paying to Mr Benjn Porter
the Sum of L4:12:0 lawful money.
3rdly Voted to abate Mr Willm Porter's ministerial Rate in
Collector Samll Spafford's List of Rates.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the Second Parish in
Boxford on the eleventh Day of January 1773
Cap.t Isaac Adams being chose Moderator, the follow=
ing Thing was Transacted. viz
Voted to Accept of Ensign John Chadwick to serve Collec
tor in the Room of his Brother David Chadwick; ----
------who was accordingly Sworn to the Office.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the Second Parish in
Boxford on the 2nd Day of February 1773
Dean Joseph Hovey being chose Moderator it was voted
to adjourn the Meeting to Tuesday the 9th of this Instant
at One of the Clock in the Afternoon.
February 9th 1773
Pursuant to the above Adjournment the Parish being
met, passed the following Votes. viz.
1st Voted Unanimously to give Mr David Osgood of Andover a
Call to the Work of the Ministry among us in Concurrince with
ye Church.
Page 74
2ndly Voted to give Mr Osgood Sixty Pounds as his Salary for the
first year of his Ministry with us, in Case he should settle
3rdly Voted to give Mr Osgood Seventy Pounds as his Salary for
the second year of his Ministry among us.
4thly Voted to give Mr Osgood Eighty Pounds as his Salary for
the third year of his Ministry with us, and also to continue
the said Eighty Pounds as his Salary so long as he shall
continue in the Ministry in this Place.
5thly Voted to give Mr Osgood One Hundred and sixty Pounds by
way of Settlement, to be paid in the following Manner viz
Eighty Pounds the first year after his Settlement with
us, and the remaining Eighty Pounds at the End of
two years after his Settlement with us.
6thly Voted to chuse a Committee to make Report of the Parish's
Votes to Mr Osgood, and also to discourse with Mr Osgood upon
Terms of Settlement, and make return thereof to the Parish
for their Acceptance.
7thly Dean Thomas Chadwick, Capt Isaac Adams, Dean Joseph Hovey,
Ensn Gideon Tyler and Mr Isaac Robinson were the Committee
chosen for the abovementioned Purpose.
8thly Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday the second
Day of March at three of the Clock in the afternoon.
March 2nd 1773
The Parish met according to the adjournment to to receive
the Return of the Committee chosen to lay the Parish
Votes before Mr Osgood, and to discourse with him on
Terms of Settlement; which was that he had no mater
=ial Objection to make to the Offers made him, by
the Parish, but that he was not ripe to give a final
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford on the seventeenth Day of March 1773
Dean Joseph Hovey being chose Moderator for said
Meeting, the following Things were transacted viz.
1st Dean Joseph Hovey, Mr Isaac Robinson and Mr Pelatiah
Lakeman were chosen Assessors for the present year, also
Page 75
voted that the said Assessors should serve as a Committee
to warn Parish Meetings the year ensuing.
2ndly John Cushing was chosen Parish-clerk for the Year ensuing.
3rdly Oliver Foster was chosen Collector for the Year ensuing.
4thly Luke Hovey was chosen Parish-treasurer for the year ensu
5thly Moses Porter was chosen to keep the Key of the Meeting
House and to sweep the Same the Year ensuing
N.B. Dean Joseph Hovey, Isaac Robinson,
Pelatiah Lakeman, John Cushing,
and Luke Hovey were all sworn to
their respective offices.
Decm 16th Oliver Foster was sworn to the Office
of Collector.
Att a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford, on the seventh Day of June 1773
Mr Moses Porter being chose Moderator, the following Vote
was passed, viz
That Mr David Osgood shall for the future, put up at the
House of Mr John Cushing on Saturday Nights and at other
Times in the Week as he shall chuse, till such times as he
shall give his Answer to the Parish which is yet depending.
Att a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the 12th Day of July 1773
Mr Luke Hovey being chose Moderator, the following
Votes were passed, viz.
1st Voted to concur with the Church in their Choice of a
Council to assist in the Ordination of Mr David Osgood
of Andover (if they shall think it adviseable when
2 Voted to adjourn the present Meeting to the second Wed
=nesday in August next at 4 of the Clock in the After
Page 76
August 11th 1773 Pursuant to the foregoing Adjournment
the Parish met and after a good deal of Talk and Debate
voted to adjourn the Meeting again to the second Tuesday
in October next at 4 of the Clock in the Afternoon, and
then the Meeting was dissolved.
Att a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford on the fourteenth Day of Septr 1773
1. Mr Benjamin Porter was chosen Moderator for the present
2. Voted to hire three months Preaching from this Day.
3. Voted that Mr Isaac Mansfield, Mr John Marrett and Mr
Isaac Biglow shall be applied to to preach the Sd Term of
three Months equally between them, if they may be
obtained, and in Case either of them fail, then the rem:
aining Candidate, or Candidates are to preach the whole
of the Sd Term.
4. Voted that Mr John Cushing shall go as a Messenger
to engage the above Candidates to preach the Sd Term.
5 Voted that the Candidate shall board at^SdMr Cushings
during his residence in this Parish.
At a legal Parish Meeting, held in the second Parish
in Boxford on the Twenty ninth Day of November 1773
1 Mr Benjamin Porter was chosen Moderator for the pre-
sent Meeting.
2 Voted hire Preaching for three months more, after
the present Term is up.
3 Voted to hire Mr John Marrett of Newton and Mr Isaac
Biglow of Weston to preach the Sd Term of three months
equally between them, if they can be obtained.
4 Voted that Mr John Cushing shall go as a Messenger
to hire said Candidates.
Page 77
5 Voted that the Candidates board at Mr Cushing the
said Term of three months, during their Residence in
the Parish
6 Voted to abate Joseph Simmons's Rates in Collector
Samuel Carlton's List.
7 Voted to mend the meeting-house Windows with
Bords, where the Glass is broke.
8 Voted to employ Mr Lemuel Wood and Ensn John
Chadwick to mend Sd Windows in manner aforesaid.
9 Voted to choose a Committee to settle with Lieut Nathan
Barker concerning his Bill of Charge brought against
the Parish, for making Provision for the Late Council
convened here on Account of Mr Osgood.
10 Voted that Mr Isaac Robinson, Lieut Jonathan Foster,
Dean Joseph Hovey, Ensn John Chadwick and Mr Benjn
Porter be the Committee for the Purpose aforesaid.
11 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the thirteenth Day of
December next at two of the Clock in the Afternoon.
December 13th Pursuant to the above Adjournment the
Parish being met, passed the following Votes. viz.
1 Voted to raise seventy Pounds to defray Parish
Charges for the Present Year.
2 The Committee chosen to agree with Lieut Barker
made their Report, which was, that Mr Barker
would abate thirty Pounds^old tenorof his Bill, and call it
140L old tenor. Then the Question was put: whether
the Parish would allow him the Sd 140L and it pass'd
in the Negative.
3 The Question was again put, whether the Parish
would allow him an hundred Pounds^old tenorand it passed
in the Affirmative.
4 Voted to adjourn this Meeting again to the Tenth
Day of January next at two of the Clock in the
Afternoon, but the Moderator not attending nothing
further was transacted.
Page 78
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford on the third Day of January 1774
Isaac Robinson being chosen Moderator, the following
Things were transacted. viz.
1 Voted to choose a Committee to find the Center of the
Parish, measuring the Roads, as they are now im-
2 Lieut Samuel Runnels, Lieut Jonan Foster, Capt Isaac
Adams, Mr Pelatiah Lakeman, Mr Stephen Barker
Mr Amos Kimbal, Mr Stephen Merrill, Mr Joseph Rob-
inson, Mr Stephen Foster, Mr Samuel Kimbal, Mr Nathl
Peabody and Mr Lemuel Wood were chosen a Committee
for the aforesaid Purpose.
3 Voted that the Sd Committee begin to measure tomorrow
if the Weather permits, and so continue every Day till
they have finished.
4 Voted to adjourn this meeting to next monday at One
of the Clock in the Afternoon.
January 10th Monday One o'clock the Parish met according
to Adjournment and passed the following Votes. viz.
1 That whether they repair the old meeting-house
or build a new One, it shall stand as near the Center
of the Parish as the Ground will admit of according to
the Report of the Committee.
2 Voted that it shall be tried by a Division of the House
whether they will remove the Old meeting-house to the
Center and repair it, or build a new One and there
was a Majority for building a new One.
1 Voted to set the Meeting-house as near the Centre of the Pa-
rish as the Ground will admit of.
2 Voted that it shall be tried by a Division of the House whether
they will pull down this House and remove it, or build a
new One.
3 Voted to build a new meeting-House and set it as near
the Centre of the Parish as the Ground will admit of
according to the Report of the Committee.)
4 Voted to choose a Committee to draw a Plan of a Meet
ing-house to build Sd House by.
5 Capt Isaac Adams, Nathaniel Peabody and Lieut Jonan
Foster were chosen the Committee for the abovementioned
6 The Committee chosen to find the Center of the Parish
by measuring the Roads, made their Report, which
was that the Center fell four Rods and a half to the
north of Mr Moses Porter's House
Page 79
7 Voted to adjourn this Meeting again to the 24th Day of
this Instant January at two of the Clock in the After
Monday two of the Clock in the Afternoon -
pursuant to the above Adjournment the Parish met
and passed the following Votes. viz.
1 Voted to choose a Committee to provide Materials
for building said Meeting-House and to see the Work
2 Capt Isaac Adams, Ensn John Barker and
Lieut Samuel Runnels were chosen a Committee
for the Purpose abovementioned.
3 Voted to adjourn again to next Monday at two
of the Clock in the Afternoon.
January 31st 1774 two o'clock in the Afternoon agrea-
ble to the above Adjournment the Parish met and
voted as follows. viz.
1 Voted to build^SdMeeting-House according to the
same Plan by which the Meeting House in New-
Rowley was built, excepting a Steeple, instead of
which we are to have a Porch built as at the
other End of the Meeting-house.
2 Voted that the Charge of building Sd House
shall be defrayed by the Priviledge of selling
the Pews below, if any One appears to build
it for That.
3 Voted that Sd House be compleatly finished
according to Agreement by the last Day of
November next.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the twenty first Day of February 1774
Mr Isaac Robinson was chose Moderator for said
Page 80
2 The Question was put, whether the Parish
would pay to Lieut Nathan Barker forty pounds
old tenor, in Addition to what they voted him
sometime before, for his making Provision for the
late Council convened here on Account of Mr
Osgood. And it passed in the Negative.
3 Voted to leave it to a Committee of three men
chosen out of the Parish, and that their Judg-
ment in the Affair shall be a final Settlement
with him.
4 Mr Thomas Bragg of Andover, Capt Asa Perley
of Boxford, and Mr Daniel Clark of Topsfield were
chosen a Committee for the abovementioned purpose.
5 Voted to choose a Committee^in behalfof the Parish to wait
upon the other Committee, when they shall think
fit to set upon the Affair.
6 Mr Isaac Robinson, Capt Isaac Adams and Ensn
John Barker were chosen for the abovementioned
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford on the 14th Day of March 1774
1 Capt Isaac Adams was chosen Moderator for Sd Meeting
2 Voted to hire Mr Marrett to preach with us a far-
ther Term with a View to give him a Call to settle
in the Ministry with us.
3 Voted to choose a Committee to apply to, and provide for,
the Candidates Support, during the Time of their supply
ing the Pulpit.
4 Voted that Mr John Cushing serve as a Committee
for the Purpose aforesaid.
5 Lieut Samuel Runnells, Ensn Gideon Tyler and Mr
David Foster serve as Assessors for the Year ensuing -
also voted that they should serve as a Committee to warn
Parish-meeting &c. as Occasion shall require from Time
to Time.
Page 81
6 Voted that John Cushing serve as Parish-Clerk the
Year ensuing.
7 Voted that Stephen Merril serve as Collector the Year
8 Voted that John Cushing serve as Parish-Treasurer
the Year ensuing.
9 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to next Monday at two
o'clock in the Afternoon.
March 16th John Cushing was sworn to the
Offices of Clerk and Treasurer
Monday two o'clock according to foregoing Adjournment
the Parish met and voted as follows viz.
1 The Question was put whether the Parish would vote
to hear another Candidate upon Probation with Mr
Marrett a Term of Time, upon Condition, that when
heard, the Gentleman that has the Majority of
Votes, shall be the Man to give the Call to. but it
passed in the Negative.
2 Voted to take a Plan of the Parish, by a Committee
chosen out of Sd Parish, that the Centre may be found.
in Order to know whether the Centre of the Land won't
accomodate the Parish better for setting the new
meeting-house than the Centre already found be meas-
uring the Roads as they are now improved.
3 Benjn Stevens of Andover as Surveyor, Amos Stevens
of Andover Jerimy Foster junr of Boxford and Lieut
David Haseltine of Bradford as Chainmen or Assistants,
were the Committee chosen for the aforementioned
4 Voted to choose a Committee of the Parish to notifie
and attend the other Committee when they shall
come upon the Service.
5 Ensn Gideon Tyler, Capt Isaac Adams, Mr Stephen Bar-
ker, Mr Amos Kimbal, Mr Isaac Robinson, Lieut Saml
Runnels and Mr Nathaniel Peabody were chosen the
Committee for the Sd Purpose.
6 Voted to adjourn this meeting again to this Day four
Weeks at 2 o'clock Afternoon.
March 29th David Foster was sworn to his Office.
30 Lieut Runnels was sworn to his Office.
Page 82
April 1st Ensn Tyler was sworn to the Office of Assessor
5 Stephen Merril sworn to his Office
April 18th The Parish met according to Adjournment and voted
1st To allow Mr John Cushing's Bill of Charge of L5-9-0 law-
ful money for boarding Candidates.
2 Voted to adjourn this Meeting again to this Day Fort-
night at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon.
May 3rd 2 o'clock in the Afternoon the Parish met pursuant
to the last Adjournment and passed the following Votes viz.
1 Voted that notwithstanding the Parish has been Plan'd
and the Centre found to be six of seven Rods to the
Eastward of Benjamin Foster's House, yet it was tho't
that it would accomodate the Parish best, to set the
new Meeting-house in the Corner of Dean Chadwick's
Land near to Rocky Point so called, being between the
Centre found be taking a Plan, and the Centre found
by measuring the Roads. A Vote was therefore obtain
:ed to set it there.
2 A Voted was Tried whether the Parish would build a
Steeple to the new Meeting House instead of one of the
Porches, but it passed in the negative.
3 Voted to allow Benjamin Steven's Bill of Charge of
L 2:9:0 lawful money being for his Labour in taking
a Plan of the Parish.
4 Voted to allow to Amos Stevens & Jeremy Foster jun
their Bill of Charge of L 1:12:0 lawful money being
for their Assisting in taking the Sd Plan.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the second Day of May 1774
1 Capt Isaac Adams was chosen Moderator for Sd Meeting.
2 Voted to continue Mr Hale of Newbury to preach with
us a further Term, if he may be obtained
3 Voted to hire Mr Hale to preach six Sabbaths more
with us.
4 Voted to abate Mr Willm Porter's ministerial Rates
in Collectors Oliver Foster's Saml Carlton's and Ensn
John Chadwick's Lists of Rates.
Page 83
5 A Vote was tried whether the Parish would abate
Willm Lakeman's Rates in Collector Saml Carlton's
List of Rates, and it passed in the negative.
6 A Vote was tried whether whether the Parish would
fence in the Burying Place, and choose a Man, or
Men to see the Work effected, but it passed in the ne-
7 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the sixth Day of
June next at three o'clock Afternoon.
June 6th 1774. agreable to the above Adjournment the
Parish met, and voted.
1 To hire Mr Hale to preach with us a further Term,
after the present Term is out.
2 Voted to hire him a Term of six Sabbaths more, if he
may be obtained.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the 23d Day of May 1774
1 Capt Isaac Adams was chose moderator for Sd Meeting
2 Voted to choose a Committee of five men to agree
with Dean Thomas Chadwick for a Suitable Piece
of Ground to set a Meeting house upon, and to take a
Deed to the same in behalf of the Parish.
3 Lieut Samuel Runnels, Capt Isaac Adams, John Cushing
Ensn John Barker and Dean Robinson were chose the
Committee for the abovementioned Purpose.
4 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to this Day fort-
=night at four o'clock P.M.
June 6th The Parish met according to Adjournment, and
after some Conversation concerning Underpining
the new Meeting-house, the Meeting was dissolved
without passing any Votes relative thereto.
Page 84
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford on the 18th Day of July 1774
1 Capt Isaac Adams was chose Moderator for Sd Meeting
2 A Vote was try'd to see if the Parish would give a
Call to either of the Candidates who have of late been
preaching with us, whether to Mr John Marrett, or to
Mr Moses Hale, at some future Time, And it passed in
the Affirmative.
3 Voted to give the Call to Mr Moses Hale to settle in
the Work of the Ministry in this Place.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the first Day of August 1774
1 Capt Isaac Adams was chosen Moderator for Sd Meeting
2 Voted to continue Mr Hale a further Term to preach
with us, upon Probation, if he may be obtained.
3 Voted to continue him six Sabbaths more.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the fifth Day of September 1774
1 Capt Isaac Adams was chosen Moderator for Sd meeting.
2 Voted to concur with the Church in giving Mr Moses Hale
a Call to settle with us in the Work of the Ministry.
3 Voted to give Mr Hale 160L by Way of Settlement, the
one half to be paid at the End of One Year after his
Ordination and the other half at the End of two Years
after his Ordination.
4 Voted to give him 60L as his Salary for the first Year, 70L as
his Salary for the second Year and 80L for the third Year and
to continue the said 80L for his standing Salary during his
Ministry in this Place.
Page 85
5 Voted to choose a Committee of two Men to join with the
church-committee to lay the church and parish Votes
before Mr Hale and to treat with him as shall be tho't
further necessary.
6 Capt Isaac Adams and Ensn John Barker were chosen the
Committee for the abovementioned Purpose.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on the 31st Day of October 1774
1 Capt Isaac Adams was chosen Moderator for Sd Meeting.
2 Voted to concur with the Church in the Choice of a
Council for Ordaining Mr Moses Hale of Newbury to
the pastoral Office among us.
3 Voted also to concur with them in the Choice of a Com
=mittee to write and send the Letters missive to the sev-
-eral Churches appointed for Ordination, and also to see
that suitable Provision is made for the Council and
other Gentlemen.
4 Voted to add three more Men of the Parish to the^aforesaidCom-
=mittee to assist in making Provision for the Council
and others.
5 Voted that Ensn Gideon Tyler, Joseph Robinson and
Stephen Barker be the men added to the Chh. Committee
6 Voted to concur with the Church in leaving it to the
Committee in Concurrence with Mr Hale to appoint
a Day for Ordination.
7 Voted to finish the back part of the Galleries in the
new Meeting House by building long Pews instead
of square Ones, as has been proposed by some.
viz. Moses Porter, Dean Joseph Hovey and Ens. Gidn Tyler
8 Voted to choose a Committee of three men^ to see that
the hinder Parts of the Galleries (which Mr Barker
was not obliged to finish by his Contract.) are finished
according to the Vote of the Parish
9 Voted to choose a Committee to treat with Mr Barker
to know in what Manner the new Meeting House is
to be convey'd to the Parish when finished.
10 Voted that the old Committee chosen to build the
meeting house shall also be the Committee to know of Mr
Page 86
Barker in what Manner the new^saidmeeting house is
to be conveyed to Parish, and report accordingly.
viz Jonan Foster, John Cushing and Isaac Robinson
11 Voted to choose a Committee of three men^to search
the Parish Records to know whether the old meeting-house
belongs to the Parish, or to Proprietors
12 Voted to abate John Foster's and Daniel Simmon's
Rates in Collector John Chadwick's List of Rates.
13 Voted to adjourn this meeting to this Day four weeks
at three of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Monday 28th Novr 1774 Pursuant to the above Adjournment
the Parish met, and a Vote was tried whether any
Part of the old Meeting-house should be taken to
finish the new One with, but it passed in the
negative, and then the meeting was dissolved.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second
Parish in Boxford on Monday the second Day of
January 1775.
1 Ensn John Chadwick was chosen Moderator for Sd Meeting
2 A Vote was tried whether the Parish would agree to
Mr Stephen Barker's Proposal of laying his Bill of Charge
in building a Meeting-house, before a Committee chosen
out of Sd Parish, for them to Judge and determine upon,
but it passed in the negative.
3 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the 16th Day of January
Instant at One of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Jany 16th One o'clock P.M. the Parish met according
to adjournment and voted as follows, viz.
1 To choose Lieut Jonathan Foster Clerk for Sd Meeting instead
of John Cushing necessarily absent.
2 Voted to adjourn this Meeting again to Monday the 30th Day
of this Instant Jany at One of the Clock in the Afternoon
to be held at the old Meeting-House in Sd Parish.
Jany 30th One o'clock P.M. pursuant to the above
Adjournment the Parish met and voted as follows. viz.
1 A Vote was tried whether the Parish would accept of the
new Meeting-house^exclusive of the pews belowfrom Mr Stephen Barker and free him
from any further Charge or Risque of Sd House.
2 Voted to raise One hundred and forty pounds lawful money to
defray Parish Charges, and to pay Mr Hale in part, agreable to
what was voted for him as to his Settlement and Salary.
Page 87
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second
Parish in Boxford on the 30th Day of January 1775
1 Ensn John Chadwick was appointed a Moderator to reg
=ulate said Meeting.
2 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Thursday next at
twelve o'clock.
February 2nd agreable to the above adjournment the
Parish met and voted
To confirm the Contract with Mr Stephen Barker
made by their Committee who were appointed a Co
:mittee to build a Meeting-house for Sd Parish respect
their Disposal of the Pews, or Pew Ground in the
Meeting-house lately erected by Sd Committee exclu
=sive of the Charge of Raising Sd Meeting-house.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on Monday the 20th Day of March 1775
1 Ensn John Chadwick was chosen Moderator to regulate
said Meeting.
2 Voted to adjourn this Meeting till to morrow at One of
Clock in the Afternoon.
Tuesday One o'clock P.M. agreable to the above
Adjournment the Parish met and passed the following
Votes viz.
1 Voted that Moses Porter, Stephen Foster and Dean Joseph
Hovey should serve as Assessors for the Year ensuing and
also voted that they should serve as a Committee to warn
Parish-meetings &c. the ensuing Year.
2 Voted that John Cushing serve as Parish Clerk for the
Year ensuing.
3 Voted that Lieut John Barker should serve as Collector
for the Year ensuing.
4 Voted that John Cushing should serve as Parish-Treasurer
for the ensuing Year.
5 Voted to choose a Committee of seven men viz. Lieut Jonath.
Foster, Capt Isaac Adams, Mr Isaac Robinson , Mr Nathan
Kimbal, Mr Amos Kimbal, Mr Nathl Peabody and Mr
Stephen Barker to seat the seat the new Meeting-house
and to give their Advice therein.
6 Voted that Mr Benjn Foster keep the Key of the New Meet
:ing-house and sweep it as often as it shall require, for
Year ensuing for the Sum of twenty four Shillings,
Page 88
7 Voted to choose a Committee of five Men viz. Dean Joseph
Capt Isaac Adams, Benjn Porter, Isaac Robinson and Lieut
Saml Runnels to make Enquiry concerning divers Things
that have of late been taken from the old Meeting-house.
and to secure what remains of it, also to consult with
the Proprietors and others about a Method to dispose of it
to the best Advantage and to make Report of their Proceedings.
8 Voted to adjourn this Meeting again to this Day Fort-
:night at three of the Clock in the Afternoon.
March 27th 1775 John Cushing was
sworn to the Offices of Clerk and
April 3d 1775 Joseph Hovey and Stephen
Foster were sworn to their respective
Tuesday 3 o'clock P.M. agreable to the above Adjournment
the Parish met and voted as follows viz.
That Dean Joseph Hovey, Capt Isaac Adams, Mr Benjamin
Porter, Mr Joseph Robinson and Lieut Saml Runnels
be a Committee chosen and impowered to make Sale
of the old Meeting-House in this Parish as soon as
may be, in any way and Manner that they shall
think will be for the best Advantage of the Parish
and to return the profits arising from the Sale of
Sd House into the Parish Treasury; also to make
further Enquiry concerning what has been taken
away from Sd Meeting-house and to make Distress
for any part of Sd House found in any persons
Hands who shall refuse to deliver up the same to
the Sd Committee.
April 5th 1775 Moses Porter was
sworn to the Office of an Assessor
March 25th 1776 Ensn John Barker was
sworn to the Office of a Collector
April 9th 1776
Page 89
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford on Monday the 29th Day of May 1775
1 Moses Porter was chosen Moderator for said Meeting
2 Voted to pay to Stephen Barker the Sum of L13-6-8 L.M.
for his building and finishing the long Pews in the
Galleries of the new meeting house.
3 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Wednesday next at three
o'clock Afternoon.
Wednesday three o'clock Afternoon the Parish met agreable
to adjournment and voted
1 To allow Capt Adam's Bill of Charge of L8-18-6 L.M. for
raising the new meeting House.
2 To adjourn this meeting to the 12th Day of June next at four
o'clock Afternoon.
June 12th agreable to the above Adjournment the Parish
met and voted
1 A Vote was tryed whether the Parish would allow Lieut
Runnel's Bill of Charge for underpining the New Meeting
house, and passed in the negative.
2 A Vote was tryed whether the Parish would allow
Ensn John Barker's Bill of Charge for underpining the
new Meeting House and passed in the negative.
3 Voted to allow John Cushing's Bill of Charge of L2-8-0 L.M.
being for boarding Mr Hale six Weeks before his Ordination.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in
Boxford on Monday the 16th Day of October 1775
1 Dean Joseph Hovey was chosen Moderator for said Meeting.
2 Voted to hire Preaching for two Sabbaths to come at the
Parish's Charge, our Revd Pastor being confined by Sickness
3 Voted^tosend to Mr Balch of Danverse to supply us for the
Sd two Sabbaths if he can be obtained.
4 Voted that Mr Joseph Robinson be a Messenger to go to said
Balch with the above Vote.
5 Voted that Mr Moses Porter entertain Mr Balch the said
two Days at the Parish's cost.
6 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the 27th Day of this Inst
October at three o'clock Afternoon.
Page 90
October 27th Agreable to the foregoing Adjournment two
or three of the Parish met, but as there was not a suf-
ficient number to transact any affairs of the Parish
legally, nothing further was ever done by that Noti-
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish
in Boxford on Monday the 15th Day of Jany 1776
Dean Joseph Hovey was chosen Moderator for Sd Meeting
Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Monday next at two
o'clock Afternoon.
Monday 2 o'clock Afternoon the Parish met according
to Adjournment and voted
1 To raise two Hundred pounds lawful Money to defray
Parish charges for the Year 1775 and part of the Year
2 To lay the several Sums of Money in One List of Rates
3 To abate the Rates of William Porter, James Boynton
and Joseph Hovey junr in Collector Stephen Merrils List
of Rates.
At a legal Parish-meeting held in the second Parish in Boxford on Mon-
day the 25th Day of March 1776.
1 Moses Porter was chosen Moderator for said Meeting
2 Moses Porter, Isaac Robinson and Asa Merrill were chosen Assessors
for the Year ensuing, they were also chosen a Committee to warn
Parish-meetings &c.
3 Capt Jonathan Foster was chosen Parish Clerk for the Year ensuing
4 Benjn Porter jur was chosen Collector for the Year ensuing
5 John Cushing was chosen Parish-Treasurer for the ensuing Year.
6 Benjn Foster was chosen to keep the Key of the Meeting House
7 A Vote was tried to see if the Parish would buy a Pew for the Use
of the Ministry in this Parish. passed in the negative.
8 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the ninth Day of April next
at two of the Clock Afternoon.
April 9th Mr Moses
Porter Lieut Merril
& Phineas Tyler
were sworen -
Assessors & Mr
Benja Porter Collector
Page 91
The Parish Book of Records Reecords
Boxford Second Parish