1735 - 1765

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Att a Legall parish meetting held In the north parish

In Boxford July ye 22nd 1735 Ens Luke Hovey was Chose moderator

for said meetting first Zebadiah Foster was Chose Clark for ye parish  

for the presant year and Sworn to the ofice Secondly Corne

lious Brown John Kimball and John Woster was Chose assesors for

the presant year thirdly John Chadwick was Chose Collector for the presant

year fourthly Capt John Tyler was Chose Tresurer for ye parish for

the presant year fifthly the parish Chose the assesors for a

Commtte to apoint meetings for the prescint July ye 22nd 1735

John Chadwick Was Sworn to ye ofice of a Collector July ye 28th

1735 Cornelious Brown and John Woster was Sworn to ye ofice of

assesors august the fourth 1735 John Kimball was Sworn to ye

ofice of an assesor february ye 12th 1735/6 Capt John Tyler was Sworn

to the ofice of a tresurere for the parish


Att a Legal parish meetting held In the north parish

In Boxford on august ye 12th 1735 Mr Nathan Eames Was Chose

modderator for Said meetting first It was putt to ye voat to See If

the parish would approbate a Rate of fifty pounds to Supporte

preaching from ye time they ware made a parish and onwards

as far as twell goe and it past In ye affirmitive Secondly

It was put to the voat to See if theyd build all the Seats be

low and Lay the floors In ye galleries of the meettinghouse and

It past In ye affirmitive thirdly it was put to the Voat to See       

If theyd place the Seats In ye meettinghouse In two bodyes and it

past In the affirmitive fourthly It was put to ye voat to Se

If theyd Leave Rome for puse when thay build Seats in ye meeting

house and it past In ye affirmitive fifthly It was put to the voat to

See If theyd abate John Hovey his propotion of Charge toward

the first finishing of the meetting house and It past

In the affirmitive Sixthly it was putt to the voat thus

That if George Carlton pays his full proportion with us

toward finishing ye meeting house and Seteleing a minister

In the north parish in Boxford then after that to be abated one

half of his ministereall Charge for the futer Except he Comes

here to hear the Word preacht afterward and It past In

the affirmitive.


Att a Legall parish meetting held In the north parish In Boxford

August ye 28th 1735 Mr  Corneilus Brown was Chose modderator

for Said meetting first Ens Luke Hovey Benjamin Porter and

John Chadwick was Chose a Comtte to make up with Mr John

Rogers for his preaching from the time we ware made a ---

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AND to Supply the pullpitt with a minister tell our

anuell meetting att the Expance of the parish Secondly the

parish aLowed Ens Luke Hoveys Bill of Charge of L4-12-2

for Service done In the parish and aLowd Capt John Tylers Bill

of Charge of L13-0-0 for Service done In the parish and money

payed to the Comtte thirdly Daniel Wood Job Tyler and John Woster

was Chose a Comtte to oversee and manage the work of finishing the

meettinghouse So far Was voated fourthly the precinct appro-          

bated a Rate of fifty pounds to be Sayed to defray parish Charges

fifthly it was putt to the voat to See if the parish would provide

a Law Book a Clerks book and an asesors Book and it past in the

affirmative Sixthly Ens Luke Hovey was Chose to provide Said books

Seventhly the parish voated that the firt Tuesday of march

Should be our anneuall meettings


Att a Legall parish meetting held In the north parish In

Boxford Sept ye 18th 1735 Mr John Chadwick was Chose moderator

for Said meeting first the parish approbated a Rate of fifty

pounds to defray parish Charges Secondly It was putt to

the voat to See if ye parish would Chuse a Comtte to give

George Carlton a Bond and take a bond of him and It past

In the negative


Att a Legall parish meetting held In the new parish In

Boxford December ye 1st 1735 first the parish Chose Corpl John

Kimball moderator for Said meetting Secondly the parish Chose

Thomas Peabody Clerk for Said meetting Thirdly it was putt to the

voat to See if the parish would pass a voat to Draw fourty four

pounds of money out of the tresurey to pay Mr John Rogers for preaching two

and twenty Saboth days In Said parish and It past in the affirm

mitive fourthly It was putt to the Voat to See If the parish would

pase a voat to draw out of the Tresurey two pounds for Each days Saboth

preaching till our annuall meetting In march nesctt and it past

In the affirmitive fifthly It was putt to the voat to See If ye parish

would pase a voat to Build the gallerys Stears and Build the fronts

of all the gallerys and three Seats In Each Gallery and It

past in the affirmitive


Att a Legal meetting held In the new parish In Boxford

february ye 12th 1735/6 John Woster was Chosen modderator for

Said meetting first it was put to the Voat to See if the parish

would Lath and plaister the meeting house and to putt In Joyce

In the Beames to plaister on and to Case the Windows and It past In

the affirmitive

Page 3


Secondly the parish approbated a Rate of one hundred

pounds to be Layed for finishing the meetting house and other parish

Charges thirdly the parish Chose Ens Luke Hovey and Mr John

Kimball and Mr John Woster for a Comtte to Supply the

pullpitt With a minister for the next quarter of a year fourthly

the parish past a voat that the Said Comtte Should hire Mr

John Cushing to preach the next quarter If he may be obtained

fifthly the parish aLowd Capt John Tylers Bill of Charge of L6-15-6

and aLowd Benjamin Porters Bill of Charge of L1-8-0 --


Att a Legall parish meeting held In the Second parish In Boxford

March the 2nd 1735/6 Mr Benjamin Porter was Chose moderator

for Said meetting and first Zebadiah Foster Was Chose parish Clerk for

the year Ensueing and Sworn to the ofice Mr Nathan Eames and

Mr Samuell Cole and Mr Thomas peabody Ware Chosen asesors for the

year Ensueing and the assors Ware Chosen a Comtte to apoint meetings

for the year Ensueing Mr Job Tyler Was Chose Collector for ye year

Ensueing Capt John Tyler was Chose Tresurer for the year Ensuing

for the parish Secondly Mr Thomas Peabody and Mr Daniell

Wood and Mr John Woster Was Chose a Comtte to finish the meetting

house So far as Is voated the plaistering and other finishing

Thirdly the parish voated to Ceaill the meetting house With Boards

fom the Bottom to the Bottom of the Windows Round fourthly the

parish voated to plaister ye meettinghouse over head and under

the gallieryes With the Walls only what is Excepted In the above Sd

voat fifthly the parish voated to have the meetting house finished

So far as is voated by the first day of august next Coming

Sixthly the parish aLowd Mr Daniell Woods Bill of Charge of

L10-18-0 and aLowd Mr Benjamin Porters Bill of L2-1-0

and aLowd Thomas Peabodys Bill of L1-7-6

March the 2nd 1735/6 Mr Nathan Eames Mr Samll Cole and

Mr Thomas Peabody was Sworn to the ofice of asesors for

year Ensueing and Capt John Tyler was Sworn to the ofice of

a Tresurer for the year Ensueing


Att a Legall parish meetting held In ye Second parish In Boxford

March ye 29th 1736 Mr Nathan Eames Was Chose modderator for

Said meetting first It was putt to the voat to See If the parish

Would proced With Mr Job Tyler as ye Law directs and It

past in the neggetive Secondly the parish chose Mr Job Tyler

Collector for the year Ensueing march ye 29th 1736

Mr Job Tyler was Sworn to ye ofice of a Collector


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Att a Legal parish meetting held In the Second parish

In Boxford aprill ye 22nd 1736 Mr Benjamin Porter was Chose

moderater for Said meetting first the parish past a voat to

draw out of the tresurery fourty shillings per day for Each days

preaching from the first day of march Last to ye first of June

next Secondly It Was putt to ye Voat to See If the parish Will

apoint a day of fasting In order to Call a minister and take

advice of other menisters and It past In the affirmitive thirdly

the parish appointed Thursday the 13th of May next for the

Said day of fasting fourthly the parish past a voat to In vite

Mr John Rogers of Boxford and Mr Barnard of andover and

Mr passons of Bradford and Mr Chandler of Rowley for ye ministers

to give advice and asist In ye Said day of fasting fifthly the

parish Chose Capt John Tyler Ens Luke Hovey and Mr Job Tyler

and Mr Cornelius Brown for a Comtte to Invite ye above Said

Gentlemen and take thire advice In behalf of ye parish

Sixthly the parish voted that Mr Job Tyler and Mr Daniel

Wood as they are a Comtte for finishing the meetting house In part

Should draw out of the tresurery the Sum of Twenty pounds to

Suport ye In Said work Seventhly the parish voted that Mr

John Woster Mr Daniell Wood and Mr Thomas Peabody as

thay are a Comtte to plaister the meetting house Should

draw out of the tresurery thirty pounds to Support them

In Said Work


Att a Legall parish meetting held In the Second parish In Boxford

May the 25th Mr Samuel Cole Was Chose moderatore for

Said meetting first Capt John Tyler Mr Nathan Eames and Mr

Benjamin Porter was Chose a Comtte to hire a minister

for the next three months Secondly the parish past a vote that

the Said Comtte should hire Mr John Cushing for ye next Quarter of a year

If hee may be obtained Thirdly the parish voted to Chuse a minister

In order of Settling In Said parish fourthly the parish voted and

Chose Mr John Cushing In order to Settle him If they Can agree

With him fifthly The parish Chose Ens Luke Hovey Mr Daniel

Wood and Mr John Kimball for a Comtte to discourse Mr Cushing and

to Know the terms hee Will Settle on or whither hee Inclines

to Settle and make Returnes thereof to the parish.


Att a Legal parish meetting held In the Second parish In Boxford

august ye 23rd 1736 Mr John Woster Was Chosen moderator

for Said meetting firstly It was putt to the vote to See If the

parish will pass a vote to Chuse and Settle Mr John Cushing

for thire minister If he and they Can agree

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On termes of Settlemente and Salery and It past In ye affirmitive

Secondly It was putt to the vote to See if ye parish Would give Mr

Cushing three Hundred pounds for Settlement If hee Would Settle In

the parish and It past In ye affirmitive Thirdly It was putt to the Vote

to See If the parish Would give Mr Cushing one hundred and twenty pounds

a year for Sallery and it past In the affirmitive fourthly the parish

Chose Ens Luke Hovey Mr John Kimball and Mr Samuell Cole for a Comtte

to discourse Mr Cushing and to Shew him the parish votes and to make

Return of his termes to ye parish fifthly the parish Voted to give

Mr Cushing fourty shillings for Each days preaching for this Last

Quarter of a year from ye first day of June to ye Last of august



Att a Legall parish meetting held In ye Second parish In Boxford Septem

ye 27th 1736 Mr John Woster was Chose moderator for Said meetting

then the parish past a vote to aJourn the Said meetting tell the

Third monday In october next att two of ye clock In ye after noon


Att a Legall parish meetting held In ye Second parish In Boxford october

ye 18th 1736 By aJournment Mr John Woster Being moderator

for Said meetting firstly It was putt to ye vote to See If ye parish Will

Give Mr John Cushing Whom thay have Called to Settle In

Said parish for their minister for yearly Sallery one hundred

and Twenty pounds for ye first year and one hundred and

Thirty pounds ye Second year and then one hundred and fourty

pounds a year yearly Dureing the time of this ministre

and It past In the affirmitive Secondly It Was putt to ye vote to

See If ye parish Will give Mr Cushing Sufficiant fire Wood

dureing the time he Is not Settled: and after he Is Settled

and Keeps House In Said parish then 25 Cords of Wood a year

yearly Dureing the time of his ministrey and It past In

the affirmitive Thirdly It Was putt to the Vote to See

If ye parish Will pay the above Said Sallery att two payments

viz the one half att or before ye 18th of aprill and the other

half att or before the 18th of october yearly and past In ye

affirmitive fourthly the parish Voted to give Mr Cushing

Three hundred pounds for Settlement and to pay the Said

money att or before ye Last day of december In ye year 1737

Mr John Cushing being present In Said meetting Signified he

accepted of the above Said proposals according as they ware voted

Page 6


Fifthly the parish aLowed Nathan Kimballs Bill of Charge

of L1-5-0 Sixthly the parish aLowed Benjamin Porters

Bill of Charge of L17-14-6


Att a Legall parish meetting held In the Second parish In

Boxford November ye 29th 1736 Mr Nathan Eames Was Chose

moderator for Said meetting first the parish past a Vote that

Thursday ye 9th day of December next Should bee keept as a

day of fasting In the parish In order to ordain Mr John Cushing

for their minister In Said parish Secondly the parish Voted to

Invite Mr Rogers of Boxford Mr Phillips and Mr Barnard of

Andover Mr Parsons of Bradford Mr Cushing of haverhill and

Mr Chandler of Rowley to assist them In Carying on ye Sd fast In

the parish thirdly ye parish Chose Mr Luke Hovey and Mr

John Kimball and Daniel Wood for a Comtte to Invite ye above Sd

Gentlemen and make provision for them on ye Said fast day


Att a Legal Parish meetting held In the Second

parish in Boxford December ye 13th 1736 Mr Benjamin Porter

Was Chose moderator for Said meetting first It was putt to the vote to

See if ye parish would ordain Mr John Cushing on ye 29th day of this Instant

and it past In the affirmitive. Secondly the parish past a vote to

give Mr Daniel Wood ye Sum of teen pounds to make Sutable

provision for the ministers and mesengers att ye ordination of Mr John

Cushing Thirdly the parish Voted to give thirteen pounds to them that

provides Sutablely for the Schoolers and Gentlemen that Shall be att ye

ordination and then the meeting Was aJourned to ye first monday of

Janeuary next att one of the Clock In ye afternoon


Att a Legal parish meeting held In the Second parish In Boxford

Janeuary ye 3rd 1736/7 Mr Benjamin Porter being moderator for

Said meeting first the parish approbated a Rate of one hundred

pounds to be Layed to Defray parish Charges Secondly the parish

aLowed to John Woster Daniel Wood and Thomas peabody a bill

of Charge of Sixty pounds Seven Shillings and Eleven pence

for Lathing and plaistering the meetting house


Att a Legall parish meetting held in ye Second parish In Boxford

March ye 15th 1736/7 Mr Benjamin Porter was Chose moderator for

Said meetting firstly Mr Benjamin Porter Mr James Scales and

Mr Jonathan Sherwin Was Chose asesors for ye year Ensueing

and ye asesors Was Chose for a Comtte to apoint meettings for ye

parish ye year Ensueing Zebadiah Foster Was Chose parish

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Clerk for ye year Ensueing and Sworn to ye ofice Ens Luke

Hovey was Chose Collector for ye parish for ye year Ensuing and Capt

John Tyler Was Chose Tresurer for ye year Ensueing Secondly the parish

Voted to give our Reverend Mr Cushing fourty Shilling a day for

Six Saboth days preaching before Wee Settled him In ye parish

Thirdly ye parish past a vote to abate Luke Hovey Junr L0-11-3

of his Rate Which hee was over Rated In Collector Chadwicks List

fourthly ye parish abated Robert Danelsons Rate ye Whole of It

In Collector Chadwicks List and ye parish abated Edmond

Chadwicks Rate of five Shillings In Collector Chadwicks List fifthly

The parish aLowed Jonathan Eames bill of Charge of L1-5-0 and

aLowed to Mr Job Tyler and Mr Daniel Wood a bill of Charge of

L3-8-0 and aLowed Nathan Eames a bill of Charge of L0-14-6

and aLowed Mr Benjamin Porters bill of Charge of L9-15-0 and

The parish past a vote to abate John Baley all his Rates Excepting

his ministereall Charge In Collector Job Tylers Listes

March ye 15th 1736/7 Mr Benjamin Porter Mr James Scales and Mr

Jonathan Sherwin Was Sworn to ye ofice of asesores and Capt John

Tyler Was Sworn to ye ofice of a Tresurer for ye parish for ye year Ensuing


Att a Legal parish meetting held In ye Second parish in

Boxford aprill ye 4th 1737 Mr John Woster was Chose moderator

for Said meetting firstly it was putt to ye vote to See if ye parish

Would Except of Mr Daniell Wood to Serve as Collector for the

parish In ye Room of Ens Luke Hovey who was Chosen to that

office and Refuses to Serve but will hire ye Said Daniel Wood

and It past in ye Negetive Secondly ye parish Chose

Mr Nathan Eames Collector for ye parish for ye year Ensuing


Att a Legall parish metting held In ye Second parish In

Boxford october ye 24th 1737 Mr Benjamin Porter was

Chose moderator for Said meetting: firstly ye parish past

a vote to Return Ens Luke Hovey and Mr Nathan Eames

Three pounds a peace out of ye Tresury which money

Thay payd for Refuseing to take ye oath of Collectors

ON Condition thay now Take ye oath of Collectors for this

presant year for Said parish and Ens Luke Hovey and

Mr Nathan Eames Excepted acording to ye tenour of this vote

Page 8


And the parish voted with ye Consent of Ens Luke

Hovey and Mr Nathan Eames That Ens Hovey Sho'd

gather ye parish Rate of ye In habitance on ye north

Side of ye farme which was formerly Mr Moses Tylers

Decest and To be a Cross ye parish and Mr Nathan

Eames to ye Southerd of that Line ye Rest of ye parish

Secondly ye parish voted to Imploy Mr Benjamin Porter

to mend the Glase in ye meetting house Thirdly The parish

aLowd Amos Kimballs Bill of Charge of L1-5-0 for

Cartting Lime


December ye 25 1738 Zebadiah Foster was

Sworn to ye office of a parish Clerk for ye Second

parish in Boxford for ye year Current

by David Wood Esquire


Att a Legal parish meeting in ye Second parish In

Boxford March ye 7th 1738. The parish Chose Ens Luke

Hovey for their modderator 2 they Chose Zebadiah Foster

for their parish Clerk for ye year Ensuing 3 they Chose

John Hovey Clerk for ye presant day 4 thay Chose John Hovey

for ye first assesor 5 thay Chose Daniel Wood for their Second

assesor 6 thay Chose Nathan Kimball for their third assesor

7 thay Chose James Scales for their Collector 8 voted that

the assesors Shall be a Commitee to Call parish meetings

9 thay Chose Jonathan Sherwin for parish Tresurer 10 they

Chose Mr Benjamin Porter to Sweep ye meetting house

11 thay Chose Daniel Wood and Thomas peabody to make Enquiry

and Give Report to ye parish Concerning what thay Can find Con

cerning ye parsonage Land in Boxford It was put to vote wheitter

or no ye parish would abate Benjamin Porter of his Rate to

Ward ye Settement of ye Revernd Mr Cushing and it past in ye

negetive It was put to ye vote to Se if ye parish would a bate William

Lurvey of his Rate toward ye Settlement of ye Reverend Mr Cushing and

it past in ye negetive it was put to ye vote to Se if ye parish Would a bate

Robert Grage of his rate toward ye settlement of ye reverend Mr Cushing and

it past in ye negetive it was put to ye vote to Se if ye parish would

abate Nathan Scales of his Whole Rate and it past in ye negetive it

Was put to ye vote to Se if ye parish would abate Zachariah hardy

of his Rate toward ye Setlement of ye Reverend Mr Cushing and it

past in ye negetive it was put to ye vote to Se if ye parish Would abate

Ebenezer Midleton of his head money to ward ye Setlement and Salery

of ye Reverend Mr Cushing and it past in ye negetive

Page 9


Att a Legal parish meetting held In ye Second parish

in Boxford Janeuary ye 4th 1738/9 Mr Benjamin

Porter was Chose modderator for Said meetting firstly

It was put to ye vote to Se if ye parish would Lay

a parish Rate for this year and itt past in ye negetive

Secondly ye parish aLowed Mr John Hovey two

pounds five Shillings on ye acount of what was

a bated him toward finishing ye meetting house


Att a Legal parish meeting held in ye Second parish in Boxford

march ye 6th 1738/9 Mr Benjamin Porter was Chose modderator

for Said meeting 2ly the parish Chose Zebadiah foster for parish

Clerk for ye year Insueing and he was Sworn to ye office ----------

3ly Samuel Spaford and Zebadiah Foster and Ebenezer

Sherwin was Chose assesors for ye parish for ye year Ensueing

and the parish voted that ye assesors Sholld be a Comtt to

appoint parish meettings 4 The parish Chose Mr Samuell

Cole for Collector for ye parish for ye year Ensueing 5ly The

parish Chose Jonathan Sherwin for parrish Tresurer for ye year

Ensuing 6 The parish voted to give Thomas Chadwick Thirty

Shillings to Sweep ye meeting house ye year Ensueing 7 It was

putt to ye vote to See if ye parish would Chuse a Comtt to Seat

ye meeting house and it past in ye negetive 8ly The parish

aLowed Mr Benjamin Porters bill of Charge of L2-2-6 --------------

for Sweeping ye meetting house and meending ye Glas --------------


March ye 6 1738/9 Mr Samuell Cole Was Sworn to ye office of

a Collector for ye year and Ebenezer Sherwin was Sworn to

ye office of assesor for ye year and Jonathan Sherwin was Sworn

to ye office of Tresurer for ye parish for ye year Ensueing -----------

March ye 26 1739 Zebadiah Foster was Sworn to ye ofice

of an assesor for ye year Ensueing April ye 2 1739 Samuel

Spaford was Sworn to ye ofice of an assesor for ye year Ensuing


Page 10


Att a Legal parish metting held in ye Second parish in Boxford

December ye 24th 1739 Mr Daniel Wood was Chose moderator

for Said meeting first ye parish Chose Mr Benjamin Porter dea

John Woster and Mr Daniel Wood for a Comtee To build a pue

for our Reverend Mr Cushing and To finish ye Rest of ye meetting

House. Secondly ye parish voted that ye a bove said Comtee

Should Draw out of ye Tresury ye Sum of Seven pounds to Cary on

Said work as far as it will goe

Thirdly ye parish abated ye whole of ye Rates of John Fisk decest

In Collecter James Scales List

Fourthly The parish past a vote to accept of a Certain number

of ye Inhabitance of Andover Laying near This parish Whose names

are as follows viz Ephraim Foster for himself Samuel Sessions

Joseph Robinson John Foster David Foster Moses Foster Joseph

Robinson Jr Timothy Sesions if Thay are Legally Set off with their

Lands and desire to be Layed to This parish

Fifthly ye parish voted to accept of ye above Said Gentlemen To be Equaly

privileged with The Rest of ye parish and to bare their Equall part of

ye Charge with Them after Thay are Legaly Layed to This parish ----

Accepting ye pues Round ye meettinghouse below ye gallerryes or ye

Roome for Them ------------


Att a Legall parish meetting held in ye Second parish in

Boxford march ye 4th 1739/40 Mr Benjamin Porter was

Chose moderator for Said meetting Secondly Zebadiah Foster ---

Daniel Wood and Luke Hovey Jur was Chose assesors for

ye parish for ye year Insueing and ye parish voted that ye assesors

Should be a Comtee to apoint meettings for ye parish for ye year

Insueing Thirdly Zebadiah Foster was Chose parish Clerk for

ye year Ensueing fourthly Dea John Woster was Chose Collector

for ye parish for ye year Insueing fifthly Jonathan Sherwin was

Chose parish Tresurer was ye year Insueing

Sixthly ye parish voted to a bate William Lurveys Rates of

L2-5-1 in Collector Luke Hoveys List

Seventhly ye parish voted to give Mr William Lurvey

the Sum of Twenty Seven Shillings to Sweep ye meetting

house ye year Insueing Eighthly the parish voted Mr John

Chadwick ye sum of one pound which he payed to ye parish Comtee

to buy Lime for ye meetting house -------

Page 11


ninethly The parish aLowed Mr Benjamin Porters bill of

Charge of L7-10-0

March ye 4th 1739/40 Zebadiah Foster was Sworn to ye ofice of parish

Clerk for ye Second parish in Boxford for ye year Insueing and Mr Daniel Wood

and Mr Luke Hovey Junr was Sworn to ye ofice of asesors for ye parish

for ye year Insueing and dea John Woster was Sworn to ye ofice of Collector

for ye parish for ye year Insueing

March ye 24th 1739/40 Zebadiah Foster was Sworn to ye ofice of

an assesor for ye Second parish in Boxford for ye year Insueing

before Thomas Kimball Esqr


Att a Legal parish meetting held in ye Second parish in

Boxford Janeuary 20th 1740/41 Mr Joseph Robinson was

Chose modderator for Sd meetting first it was put to ye vote

to Se if ye parish would act on ye first particular in ye

warrent and it past in ye negetive. Secondly ye parish

abated Ebenezer Lurvey and William McCrelis thire Rates

In Collector James Scales List Thirdly the parish voted to

Cary our Rev Mr Cushings wood acording to their former

Vote or Else to pay ye wood Rate in money after ye Rate

of Twenty Shillings a Cord for ye year Insueing

Fourthly It was put to ye vote to Se if ye parish would

have any parish Rate this year and it past in



Att a Legal parish meetting held in ye Second parish in

Boxford March ye 3rd 1740/41 first ye parish Chose De John Woster

modderator for Sd meeting Secondly the parish Chose Mr Joseph Robin

Son Zebadiah Foster and Thomas Peabody for assesors for ye parish

for ye year Ensueing and voted that ye assesors should be a Comtte

to Call meetings for ye parish for ye year Ensueing Thirdly ye parish

Chose Zebadiah Foster for parish Clerk for ye year Ensueing

fourthly ye parish chose Joseph Eames Collector for ye parish for

ye year Ensueing fifthly ye parish Chose Jonathan Sherwin Tresurer

for ye parish for ye year Ensueing Sixthly the parish voted to give

Mr Benjamin Porter thirty shillings to Sweep ye meeting house

ye year Ensueing Seventhly the parish aLowed Mr Benjamin

Porters Bill of Charge of L9-2-0

March ye 3rd 1740/41 Zebadiah Foster was Sworn to ye ofice

of parish Clerk and Joseph Robinson and Thomas Peabody was

Sworn to ye ofice of assesors for ye parish ye year Ensueing

Page 12


Att a Legal parish meeting held In ye Second parish In

Boxford march ye 23rd 1740/41 Mr John Chadwick was Chose

modderator for Said meeting first The parish Chose Mr

Benjamin Porter Collector for ye parish for ye year Ensueing

and he was Sworn to ye Said office the Same Day


March ye 24th 1740/41 Zeba Foster was Sworn to ye ofice

of an assesor for ye Second parish In Boxford for ye year Ensueing

before David Wood Esquire


Joseph Eames payed a fine to Tresurer of three pounds

for Refusing to take ye oath of Collector to which ofice

he was Chosen within Seven Days after ye Choise ------


Jan ye 15th 1741 Jonathan Sherwin was Sworn to ye

office of parish Tresurear for ye present year



Att a Legal parish meeting held in ye Second Parish In

Boxford December ye 31 1741 Mr Samuel Sessions was

Chose moderator for Sd meeting : first ye parish voted to make

a parish Rate this year Secondly thay voted to Lay forty pounds

for Said Rate Thirdly ye parish voted to mend ye glass in ye

meeting house tha is broke fourthly thay voted to finish

ye Seats in ye Gallereys fifthly ye parish voted to build a

Long pue In Each Gallery Sixthly the parish Chose

Thomas Peabody Thomas peabody Jur and Luke Hovey Ju

for a Committee to Effect ye above work

and ye above Said forty pounds was Voted to defray this

or other parish Charges


Att a Legal parish meeting held In the Second parish

In Boxford March ye second 1741/2 Mr Nathan Eames

was Chose moderator for Said meeting . first ye parish

Chose Mr Nathan Eames Mr Daniel Wood and Mr

John Foster assesors for the parish for the year Ensueing

and ye parish Chose the assesers for a Comitee to apoint

meeting for the parish for the year Ensueing Secondly the

parish Chose Zebadiah Foster parish Clerk for ye

year Ensuing and he was Sworn to the ofice  Thirdly

the parish Chose Mr John Hovey Collector for

the parish the year Ensueing

Page 13


fourthly the parish Chose Dea Caleb Brown

parish Tresurer for the year Ensueing fifthly the parish voted

That the Comtee that was Chose to finish the meeting

house Should have Liberty to Draw out of the Tresure

Twenty pounds to Enable them to Cary on Said work

Sixthly It was put to ye vote to See if Collector Woster

Should Recover featous Rates on the parishs

Cost and It past In ye negetive


March ye 2nd 1741/2 Mr Nathan Eames

Mr Daniel Wood and De Caleb Brown

was Sworn to their Respective offices


At a Legal parish meeting held In Boxford Second

parish December ye 23rd Day anno Domi 1742

first ye parish Chose Jonathan Sherwin moderator

for Said meeting Secondly the parish Chose Luke Hovey Jur

Clerk for Said meeting Thirdly It was put to the

vote to Se if the parish would have a parish

Rate this year or no and It past in ye negetive

Fourthly It was put to the vote to Se if ye parish

would Except of David Wood Esq Jonathan Wood

Jonathan Kimball and Nathan Wood With their Lands

and It past In the affirmitive: fifthly It was put

To the vote to Se if the parish would pass a vote that

George Carleton Should Draw out of the Tresury

one half of his minister Rate and It past In

the negetive - Sixthly It was Put to the vote to

See If ye parish would abate William Lurvey and Mary Dowen

Rate in Collector Wosters List and It past in

The affirmitive: Seventhly The parish aLowed a Bill

of Charge of L26-11-0 To Thomas Peabody Luke

Hovey Jur and Thomas Peabody Jur as thay are

a Comtee to finish part of the meeting house --------

Page 14


At a Legal parish meeting held in the Second parish

In Boxford March ye 1st 1742/3 Mr Benjamin Porter

was Chose modderator for Said meeting Secondly the parish

Chose Jonathan Foster John Kimball and David

Foster assesors for the parish for the year Ensuing

Thirdly the parish Chose Zebadiah Foster parish Clerk

for the year Ensuing: fourthly the parish Chose Thomas

Peabody Collector for the parish for the year Ensuing ----

fifthly the parish Chose John Foster Tresurer for

the parish for the year Ensuing: and the parish voted

That the assors should be a Comttee to call parish meetings

the year Ensueing: Sexthly the parish made a grant

To our Reverend Mr Cushing of Ten pounds Lawfull

money for the prasent year: Seventhly the parish ---

agreed with David Wood to Sweep the meeting house

the year Ensueing for Seven Shillings Lawfull money


March 1742/3 all That ware Chosen to any

         office In the above Said meetting were Sworn

                     To their Respective offices


At a Legal parish meeting held in the Second parish in

Boxford Jan: ye 2nd 1743/4 Jonathan Foster was Chose moderator

for Said meeting: first the parish past a vote that

The ten pounds Lawfull money that was granted

To our Reverend Mr Cushing Last march Should

be assesed In the Same assesment with our

Revnd Mr Cushings Sallery this prasent year

Secondly the parish aLowed a bill of Charge to Mr

Benjamin Porter of L0-2-0 Lawfull money for

Work Done to our Reverend Ministers Pew ----


At a Legal parish meeting held in the Second parish

In Boxford March ye 6th 1743/4 Jonathan Foster

was Chose modderator for Said Meeting first the

parish Chose Zebadiah Foster parish Clerk for

the year Ensuing and he was Sworn to the office

Secondly the parish Chose Jonathan Foster Daniel

Wood and Joseph Robinson Jur assesors for the

parish for the year Ensuing

Page 15


Thirdly the parish past a vote that the assesors

Should be a Commitee to apoint meetings for the

parish ye year Ensueing Fourthly the parish Chose

Zebadiah Foster Collector for the parish for ye year

Ensuing fifthly the parish Chose Mr John Foster

parish Tresurer for ye year Ensuing Sixthly the

parish agreed with Job Tyler to Sweep the meet

ing house the year Ensuing for L1-10-0 old tenor

Seventhly the parish past a vote to abate the one

half of George Carleton's Rate In Collector John Hoveys

List and that Said hovey Should Draw the Same out of

The Tresurery: Eighthly It was put to the vote

to Se if the parish would Bare the Charge of Collector

Thomas Peabodys making Desster on George Carlton

If he Refuses to pay ye whole of his Rate In Sd

Peabodys List and It past In the negetive


March 1743/4 Jonathan Foster Daniel Wood

and Joseph Robinson Jur ware Sworn to the

office of assesors and John Foster was Sworn

to the ofice of Tresurer ---------------


March ye 12th 1734/4 Zebadiah Foster

was Sworn to the office of Collector Before

David Wood Esq


Boxford Second parish march ye 21st 1743/4

at a Legal parish meeting held in the Second parish in

Boxford. first the parish Chose Jonathan Foster

modderator for said meeting Secondly the parish Chose

Thomas Peabody Clerk for the present meeting

Thirdly: It was put to ye vote to Se if the parish would

Except of John Barker Dean Robinson Dean

Robinson Jur Nathan Barker Junr Stephen

Merrick Nathan Barker Tertio Timothy Barker

Ephraim Lacy John Barker Tertio Nathan

Parker or any others that are Inhabitance of

the first parish In Andover thay and their


Page 16


To Equale Privileges with our Selves In Said

parish Whenever thay shall obtain Dissmission

from ye first parish in Andover and It

past In the affarmitive: fourthly It Was

put to the vote to See if ye parish Would

pass a vote that ye Collectors that George Carlton

Is Rated to, the which he Refuses to pay the one

half off, Should Draw the Same out of the

parish Tresurery and It past in the affarmitive


Att a Legal Parish meeting held In the

Second parish in Boxford November ye 28th

1744 Mr Benjamin Porter was Chose

moderator for Said meeting: First The parish

Voted to Give our Revend Mr Cushing fifteen

Pounds Lawfull money gratis besides his Stated

Salery for this present year: Secondly the

parish voted to Raise L2-10-0 to Defray

Parish Charges thios year: Thirdly The parish

Chose Joseph Eames Zeb Foster and Ebenezer

Sherwin to Reckon with De John Woster

Concerning Some Lime that he sold that be

longed to the parish and also to See that

he is payed for what he Layd out for

The meeting house as a Comttee man and

Takes a Receipt and Takes of him In

Behalf of the parish fourthly The

Parish voted that Mr Benjamin Porter Should

Keep the Keyes of the meettinghouse In Said

parish Carfully that the meeting house door

be not opened to any Preachers Conterary to the

mind of our Revnd Pastor the Church and parish

or the major part of them fifthly It was

put to the vote to Se if the parish Would

abate Nathan Seales.s Rates and It past In

the negetive Sixthly ye parish voted that all the

money Raised In this parish this year Should

be Layed In one Tax -----------------------

Page 17


At a Legal parish meeting held In the Second

In Boxford march the 5th 1744/5 Mr

Benjamin Porter was Chose moderator for

Sd meeting: first The parish Chose Thomas

Peabody Geroge Carleton and Isaac Robinson

assesors for the parish for the year Ensuing and

also a Comttee to Call meetings for the parish ---

Secondly The parish Chose Zeb: Foster parish

Clerk for the year Ensuing: Thirdly The parish

Chose Samuel Sessions Collector for the parish

for the year Ensueing: fourthly The parish

Chose John Foster parish Tresurer for the year

Ensuing: fifthly The parish Voted that all they Who

Neglect or Refuse to pay their Wood Rate at ye

Times appointed by the assesors Shall pay money

In the Room of it as ye assesors have Set it

from time to time: Sixthly The parish past

a vote that ye assesors Shall Set a price on

ye wood that Shall be Layd on the parish for

Mr Cushing for the year Ensuing: Seventhly

It was put to ye vote to See if the parish

Would Chuse an agent to asist Those of

andover that are a bout to prefer a

petition to ye grate and Generall Court to

be annext to the Said Second parish In

Boxford and It past In the affirmitive

Eighthly: The parish Chose Mr Benj-

Porter for Said agent and Impowered

him to assist any others In the Same afair

of being annext to the above sd parish

ninthly tha parish voted to give Moses

Porter L1-9-0 old tenor to Sweep the

meeting house the year Ensuing ----------


All That Ware Chosen to office at the

above Said meeting Ware Seasonablely

Sworn to their Respective offices --------

Page 18


At a Legal parish meeting held In the Second parish

In Boxford Decer ye 18th 1745 The parish Chose

Mr John Foster moderator for sd meeting ---------

first the parish voted to give our Revnd Mr

Cushing Sixty pounds old tenor as an adition

to his Stated Sallery for the present year

Secondly the parish voted to give Mr Cushing

five and Twenty pounds old tenor In Rome of

his Wood Rate for the present year Thirdly the

parish voted to mend the Glass In the meeting

house fourthly the parish Chose Mr John Foster

and Mr Thos Peabody a Comtee to mend the

Glass In the meetinghouse fifthly the parish

voted five pounds old tenor to defray parish

Charges ye present year Sixthly the parish

voted that all the above Sd Sums Should be

Layd In one Rate


Att a Legal parish meetting held In

The Second parish In Boxford march

ye 4th 1745/6 The parish Chose

Mr Benjamin Porter moderator

Secondly the parish Chose Mr Benj

Porter Mr Jonathan Sherwin and

Mr Joseph Robinson Jur assesors

for the year Ensuing and also the

parish voted that the assesors should

be a Comtte to a point meettings for

the parish thee year Ensuing

Thirdly the parish Chose Mr Samll

Spafford Collector for the parish the

year Ensuing 4ly the parish Chose

Zeb. Foster parish Clark for the

year Ensuing 5ly The parish Chose

Luke Hovey Jur En George Carleton

Page 19


and Eben Sherwin a Comtte to Reson

with John Woster Concerrning some

Lime that Belonged to the parish and to

take a Riceipt of him and Discharge

him from the Lime 6ly the parish

Chose Thos Peabody and Thos Peabody Ju

To Keep the meeting house In Repair

this year 7ly the parish alowed Richard

Parle L0-3-0 old tenor and Thomas

Peabody 0-1-0 old tenor for Servicce

done. The parish Chose Mr John

Foster Tresurer for the year

Ensueing:  Those that ware Chosen

To offices In the parish In this

meeting ware Sworn to their Respective

offices:  The parish voted to give Moses

Porter L1-10-0 old tenor to Sweep the

meeting house this year ---------------


Att a Legal parish meetting held In thee

Second parish In Boxford oct ye 13th 1746

The parish Chose Mr Benj Porter

moderator for Said meeting first the

parish Chose Zeb. Foster assesor In

the Room of Jonathan Sherwin Late

Deceast / thay also past a vote that

he Should be a Comtte man With the

other Comtte men to a point

meetings In the parish

Secondly It was put to the vote to Se

If the parish Would make any adition

To the Revnd Mr Cushings stated

Sallery and It past In the negetive


















Page 20





Page 21





Page 22


At a Legal parish meeting held In the

Second parish In Boxford Feb ye 23 1746/7

The parish Chose Mr Benj- Porter ----

Moderator for Sd meeting: first the

parish Chose Stephen Runnels assessor

for the present year Secondly the parish

Voted to give to our Revnd Mr Cushing

fifteen pounds Lawfull money or bills

of the Last Tenor as an adition to his

Sallery for the present year thirdly ----

The parish Voted to give to our Rev

Mr Cushing five and twenty pounds

old tenor the present year In the Room of

the five and Twenty Cord of Wood which was

voted In his Stated Sallery fourthly the parish

voted to Lay the said five and twenty pounds

In the Same List with his other Sallery

fifthly The parish voted to Raise Ten pounds

old Tenor to Defray parish Charges this year

and to Lay the Sd ten pounds In the List

with Mr Cushings Sallery ----------------


At a Legal parish meeting held In the Second

Parish In Boxford March the 18th 1746/7

The parish Chose Jonathan Foster moderator

for said meeting Secondly the parish Chose

Stephen Runels Dean Robinson Jnr and

De Thos Chadwick assesors for the parish

for the year Ensuing and also the parish Chose

the assesors a Comttee to apoint meetings for

The parish ye year Ensueing Thirdly

The parish Chose Mr Richard Parle Collector

for the parish for the year Ensuing fourthly

The parish Chose Mr Joseph Hovey parish ----

Clerk for the year Ensueing fifthly the parish

Chose Mr John Foster parish Tresurer

for the year Ensueing Sixthly the parish

Voted to give Dea Thos Chadwick forty

Shillings old tenor to Sweep the meeting

house the year Ensueing --------------

Page 23


The persons afore mentioned (viz) Stephen Runnels

Dean Robinson Junr Dea Thos Chadwick Chosen assesors

and John Foster Treasurr & Joseph Hovey parish Clark

for ye year Ensuing Were Sworn to thier Respective

offices --------------------


At a Legal Parish meeting hild In ye Second

Parish of Boxford Janury ye 4th 1747/8 Mr Benjn Porter

was Chosen Moderator for Sd meeting.

first Voted to give David Wood 40L old tenr on condition

he found ye Revd Mr Cushing a Sufficient Supply of good

fire wood a year from the above Sd Date

2ly Voted to give the Revd Mr Cushing three hundred

pounds old tenr for his Sallery for ye year Ensuing

3ly Voted to Rais 5L old Tenr to Defray Parish Charges

and also yt ye above Sd Sums of money^be laidIn one List

of Rates --- (4ly) Parish allowd Thos Peabody

L6-14-8 old tenr for mending ye meeting House Glass


At a Legal Parish meeting held In ye Secnd parish In Boxford

march the 16th 1748 Mr Benj Porter was Chose Modr for

Sd meeting (1ly) The Parish Chose Thos Peabody Nathan

Barker Gedion Tyler assesors for the parish for the

year Ensuing & also yt above sd assessors be a Comtte

to appoint meetings for ye parish ye yr Ensuing

(2ly) the parish Chose Jos Hovey parish Clerk for ye year

Ensuing 3ly the parish Chose Job Tyler Collector for the^present

year Ensuing/ 4ly The parish Chose John Foster Treasr

for the parish the yr Ensuing/N.B. The Persons above mentioned

(viz) Thos Peabody Gedion Tyler assessors Job Tyler Collectr

John Foster Treasur Jos Hovey Clerk were Sworn to thier

Respective offices/ 4ly Parish allowd Mr Thos Peabody

Bill of Charg of L2-3-8 old Tenr on account of Ens Carltons

rules/ 5ly the parish voted to allow Mr Issac Dodge 40/

old Tenr to Sweep the meeting^housethe yr Ensuing/ 6ly the parish

Chose Thos Peabody & Stephen Runnels a Comtte to Reckon

with ye parish Treasurr ------------

March ye 25th 1748 then was Nathan Barker Sworn

to ye office of an assessor^for sd parishfor the year Ensuing

Page 24


At a Legal parish meeting held Boxford^Secd parishDecr ye

         21st AD: 1748 Mr John Hovey was Chosen Modr for

         Sd meeting (4ly voted yt ye above Sd votes that

         were past In Sd meeting Relating to ye Revd Mr

         Cushing's Salery for ye year Ensuing are Dissanuted                 (5ly) Voted to give ye Revd Mr Cushing 400 & Twenty pounds

         Old Tenr for his Salery for ye year Ensuing

(6ly) Voted to give Dea Thos Chadwick fifty pounds

         Old Tenr on Condition he found ye Revd Mr Cushing

         a Sufficient Supply of good fire wood according

         to parish obligation a year from ye 5th of Janu'y

         Next Ensuing ----------------------

(7ly) Voted to abate So much of Ebenz Sherwins Rates

         to Mr Cushings Sallery as was not due when he mov'd

         out of ye parish -----------------------

(8ly) Voted to abate John Wessons rates in Collector

         Zeb Fosters list

(9ly) Voted yt all the above Sd Sums of money

         be laid In one List of rates


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Sec'nd Parish

march ye 15th 1749 Mr Thos Peabody Chosen Modr for

Sd meeting / 1st ye Parish Chose Zebadiah Foster first

Assessor for ye year Ensuing / 2ly the Parish Chose

Isaac Robinson for their 2nd Assessor year Ensuing

3ly Isaac Dodge was Chosen for ye 3rd Assessor y-r Ensuing

Voted also yt ye Sd Assessr be a Comtte to Call parish

meetings / 4ly Jos Hovey was Chosen parish Clerk year

Ensuing / 5ly parish Chose Jonath Foster Collectr

for year Ensuing / 6ly Parish Chose John Foster Treasur

for &c. / The above named men (viz) Zebh Foster Isaac

Robinson Isaac Dodge Assesr Jos Hovey Clerk John

Foster Treasur were Sworne to their respective

offices / 7ly Voted to give Isaac Dodge 40s old Tenr to Sweep the


Page 25


the meeting^Houseye year Ensuing / 8ly voted yt Zebh Foster

& Luke Hovey Junr Shoud go & Advice with Ens George

Carlton In respect of his paying the whole of his Minisr

rate for the future / 9ly Voted yt Benj Porter Shou'd provide

a Sutable Burial Cloth for ye parish / 10ly Voted yt the

meeting Shou'd be adjourn'd to ye Next Lecture We Shou'd

preach In our meeting house --------------------------------


At the adjournment of ye meeting held march

15th Being mett on the Adjournment April ye 19th

Voted yt Thos Peabody Shoud Serve Collectr

for the parish for ye year Ensuing in the room

of Jonath Foster -----------------------------

July ye 19th 1749 Thos Peabody was Sworn to the

office of a Collector as ye Law Directs --------


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd Parish

Decr ye 25th / 1749 Mr Zeb-h Foster Chosen Modr for Sd

meeting / 1st Voted to See if ye parish wou'd give Revd Mr

Cushing 400 L420-0-0 Old Tenr for^his Salery forye year Ensuing past

In the Neg /2ly Voted yt Thos Peabody Junr Serve as

an Assessr for ye present year & a Comtee man with ye rest

In the room of Isaac Dodge / 3ly Voted to abate Nathans

Mans rates In Collecr Pearls List / Also Benj Lulls In

Sd Pearls list / Also Voted to See if ye Parish woud abate

Mark Snelling In Sd Pearls list & past In the Neg -----------

futher the Parish voted to abate Ens George Carlton half

his rates In Sd Pearls list past In ye affirme / 4ly voted to

abate Luis Denniss rates In Collr Job Tylers list past

In ye affirme / Also put to vote to See if ye Parish wou'd

abate Asa Bourlanks rates In Sd Tyler list past In the

Neg-e / lastly voted yt ye meeting be Adjour'd to till ye first

Day of Janry next at two o'clock afternoon / At the

Adjourt being mett 1st Voted to give ye Revd Mr Cushing

L220-0-0 old Tenr for ye first huff Year (ie) to be paid In

April on Mr Cushings promiss to give receipt In full

Page 26


2ly voted yt the wood be Sett at four pounds old Tenr p Cord

at Mr Cushing's that whosoever did not find their proporn

of wood by the Eighteenth of Aprel Shoud be liable to

pay ye money / 3ly Voted to raise L10-0-0 old Tenr

to Defray parish Charges -----------------------------


Febry ye 12th Thos Peabody Junr was Sworn to ye office

of an Assessor as the Law Dericts


At a Legal Parish meeting held in Boxford Sec'd parish

March ye 21st 1750/ Mr Benj Porter Chosen Modr for

Sd meeting / 1ly The parish Chose Samll Runnels for

the first Assessor, Nathan Burkes^JunrSec'd Assessr

Moses Porter 3rd Assesr for ye year Ensuing

4ly the Parish Chose Jos Hovey Clerk for yr Ensuing

5ly the parish Chose John Foster Treasurer for year Ensuing

6ly the parish Chose Richard Tyler Collector for the

year Ensuing / 7ly Parish voted^in ye affirmtto give Nathan Kimbal

40 s old Tenr to Sweep ye meeting house ye year ensuing & he

he accep'd to do it / 8ly it was put to vote to See if ye

parish wou'd abate David Burbanks & Samll Tenneys

rates in Collecr Samll Sessions list it past in the

Negat-e / N.B. that John Foster Treasur Moses Porter

assessr Jos Hovey Clerk were Sworn to their respective

offices as ye Law Directs ye Day above Sd -----------------


April ye 3rd 1750 Nathan Barker Jur was Sworn

to ye office of an Assessor as the Law Directs

Decr ye 10th 1750 Samll Runnels was Sworn

to the office of an Assessor as the law directs


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Sec'd parish

Decr ye 24: 1750 Ens George Carlton was Chose modr

for Sd meeting / 1st voted to agree with ye Revd Mr John

Cushing from the 18th of April last to the 18th of April

Next Ensuing / 2ndly voted to give Rev'd Mr Cushing

L58-13-4 lawful money for the year above voted

as Sallery for wich Mr Cushing promiss to give a recipt

in full --------------------

Page 27


3ly voted in the Affirmat to find Revd Mr Cushing

his fire-wood by a rate as we did the last

year by wood being Sett at L4 -- p Cord at Mr

Cushing house / 4 it was put to vote to See if the

parish wou'd abate any part of Isaac Dodge's

rate in Collecr Peabodys lists & past in ye neg---

Decr the 25th 1750 Richard Tyler was Sworn to the

office of a Collector for ye present year as law

directs ----------------------------------------


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

march ye Twentieth 1750/1 Mr Benjm Porter was Chose modr

for Sd meeting 1st parish Chose Luke Hovey Junr Assessor

for ye year Ensuing / 2ly Ephm Robinson^was Choosenassessor for year

Ensuing / 3ly John Chadwick Junr was Chosen assessor for

the Year Ensuing / 4ly voted yt the three men afore Sd be a

Comtte to Call parish meetings for ye year Ensuing

5ly parish chose Jos. Hovey parish Clerk for ye year

ensuing / 6ly parish Chose Amos Kimbal Collector

for the year Ensuing / 7ly parish Chose John Foster Treasurer

for ye year ensuing / 8ly voted to give Job Tyler 4s/07 lawful

money to Sweep ye meeting ye year Ensuing / at the above Sd

meeting it was voted to abate ye following mens rates

(viz) Seven Shillings O,Tr of Jos. Spafford & 1-4-0 old Tr

& 0-8-9 ditto of Isaac Dodges rates / also Benj Perls

rates / also Mark Snellings rates al ye the aford Sd

men in Collectr Thos Peabodys list of rates / also voted

to abate Mark Snelling rate in Collr Job Tyler list of rates

5ly also put to vote to See if the parish wou'd abate Mark

Snellings rate in Collecr Pearls list if rates past In the

neg-e / N,B, That Ephm Robinson John Chadwick Junr

assessors John Foster Treasurer Amos Kimbal Collr

Jos Hovey Clr were Sworn to their respective offices

as the Law directs -----------------------------------


At a legal parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

Decm ye 3rd 1751 Mr John Hovey was Chosen Modr for

Sd meeting / 1st Voted to give Revd Mr Cushing L440 --

O Tr for his support for the year Current past in ye Negative


Page 28


2ly Voted to Chuse a Comte to Discourse Mr Cushing

on the Parishe's former Contract with him or for terms

of agreement with^himfor this present year past in the

affirm-e / 3ly Voted yt Mr Jonth Foster Stephen

Runnels & Isaac Robinson be the above Sd Comte

& to make return to the parish past in the affirmtive

4ly Voted to repair ye meeting-house past in the Neg-

5ly Voted yt wood be Sett at L4 - p^OTrCord & also

that L13-6-8 the proportion of Sd Sum be Assess.d to

to every mans rate according to wt his wood rate

is past in the affirm-e / 7ly voted to abate Mark

Snellings rate in Collecr Pearls list past in ye Neg

8ly voted to abate Matthew Hardys rate in Collr

Peabodys list past in the Neg-e 9ly Voted yt the

meeting be adjourn'd to the 18th of this Instant at

one o'Clock afternoon past in the affirm-e/ At the

Adjournment being met Mr John Hovey being Modr

1st Voted to give ye Revd Mr Cushing for his Salery

for this Current year L36-0-0 which Sd Sum the parish

thinks makes good the parishes first Contract according

to money / 2ly Voted to give Revd Mr Cushing L400-

O.Tr for ye current year past in the Neg--------------


At a Legal parish held Boxford Secd parish Janry

the 27th 1752 Mr Stephen^Runnelswas Chosen Modr for Sd meeting

1st voted that their be a futher Sum of money raisd

for ye Revd Mr Cushing Support for the year Current

past in the Affirm-e / 2ly voted to give Mr Cushing

L200- OTr for the Current year past in the Neg-e

3ly voted to give Revd Mr Cushing L130-0-0 O.Tr

to be assess'd with the former L36 - voted for the

Revd Mr Cushings Support for the year Current / 4ly

voted to repair the meeting-house past in the Neg --

5ly voted to rais meoney to defray parish Charges

past in the Neg / 6ly voted yt the Severel Sums of money

voted be laid in one list of rates past in the affirm-e

7ly voted to bueild a School house & past in the Neg-

Page 29


Febry the 3rd 1752 Luke Hovey was Sworn to the

office of an Assessor as the law Directs --------


At a legal parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

March ye 16th 1752 Mr Thos Peabody Modr for Sd meeting

first voted to accept of Jos. Hovey Collector in the

room of Amos Kimbal past in the affirme----------


At a legal parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

March ye 16th 1752 Mr Jonth Foster Modr for Sd meeting

1st voted yt Thos Peabody for the first Assessor and

Isaac Adams for ye Secd & Timothy Barker for ye 3rd

for the year Ensuing voted yt ye Sd Assessrs be a Comte

to Call parish meetings / 2ly Voted yt Jos Hovey Serve

parish Clerk for ye year ensuing / 3ly voted that

Dea Thos Chadwick Serve parish Treasur for the

year ensuing / 5ly voted that Dean Robinson Jnr

Serve as Collecr for the year ensuing / 6ly Voted

to abate In Collecr Richd Tylers list of rates

as followes (viz) Mathew Hardys Abraham Tyler

Jeremiah Eames David Sherwin Jeremiah Cogsdil

all their heads in Sd Tylers list/ 7ly voted to abate

Wm Chadwick head past in ye neg-- /^8lyvoted to give

Job Tyler 5s/4d to Sweep the meeting house ye year Current

N.B. That Thos Peabody Isaac Adams Timothy Barker

Assessors: Jos Hovey Clerk:  Dea Thos Chadwick Treasur

Dean Robinson Jur Collector Were all Sworn

to their respective offices as the law directs


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

Decm ye 25th 1752 Mr Jonathan Foster Chosen Modr

for Sd meeting / First voted yt Isaac Robinson be

an Assessr In the room of Timothy Barker deceasd

2ly voted that the wood for the Revd Mr Cushing be found after

the same manner & method which it was found the last

year / 3ly voted that thier be raisd L4-0-0 money to

Defrey parish Charges ----------------------------

Page 30


4ly voted to give the Revd Mr Cushing L53-6-8

lawful money toward his Support for the Current

year / Janry 22nd 1753 Isaac Robinson was

Sworn to the office of an Assessr in the

room of Timothy Barker desead as the law directs


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd

parish March the 21st 1753 Mr John Kimbal

was Chosen Modr for Sd meeting / 1st John Hovey

was Chose for the first Assessor for the year

Ensuing / 2ly John Barker Jun for the Secd &c

3ly Stephen Merrel was Chose for the 3rd &c

and the above Sd men were Chose a Commtee

to appoint parish meetings / 4ly Saml Runnels

was Chose Collector for the year Ensuing

5ly Joseph Hovey was Chose Clerk for &c

6ly Decn Thos Chadwick was Treasurer for the year Ensuing

7ly voted to Chuse a Commte to mend the meeting

=house also voted yt Richd Pearl & Decn Thos

Chadwick & John Barker be the afore Sd

Commte / 8ly voted that John Chadwick Jur keep

the key of the meeting=house / 9ly voted to abate

Mark Snellings rate in Collr Pearls list

10ly voted to abate Ens Carltons half rate

In Collr Zeb-h Foster list / 11ly voted to

abate James Seatowns & Jonth Foster Jurs rates

In Collr Richd Tylers list / 12ly voted to Seet

the meeting=house also voted yt Thos Peabody

Isaac Adams & Isaac Robinson be a Commt

to do the Same at the best of thier discretion

13ly voted to adjourn the meeting to the Secd day

of aprel at two o'Clock in the afternoon /

At the above Sd adjournment being met 1st voted

to give John Chadwick Jur 12s/ to Sweep the meet

=ing=house the year Ensuing / 2ly voted to provide the

parish with money Scales & weights but past In the

Neg-e --------------------------------------------

Page 31


3ly voted & accepted the Seeting of the meeting=

=house by the afore Sd Comte / N.B. that Jos. Hovey

was Sworn to the office of a parish Clerk as

the law directs for the year Ensuing / also John Hovey

& John Barker Jur^were Swornto the office of Assesrs for

the year ensuing &c -------------------------------------               Oct ye 2d 1753 Stephen Merrel was Sworn to the

office of an Assessor for the year Current as the

law directs --------------------------- Octr 2nd 1753 Decn

Thos Chadwick was Sworn to the office of parish

treasur as the law directs -------------------------

Decr ye 19th 1753 Samll Runnels was Sworn to the

office of a Collector for the Current year as the law directs


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

Decr ye 19th 1753 Mr John Hovey was Chosen Modr

for Sd meeting / 1st voted to give Revd Mr John

Cushing L60-0-0 lawful money for his Salery or Support

for this present year / 2ly voted yt the Wood for the

Revd Mr Cushing be found after the same method

which it was found the last year / 3ly voted to

raise L1-0-0 lawful money to defrey parish Charges

4ly voted that the above Sd Sums of money be laid

in one list of rates / 5ly voted to allow Decn Thos

Chadwicks bill of Cost L17-18-0 Od Tn / 6ly voted

to allow John Barker Jur L2-10-6 Old.Tr -----------


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

march the 20th 1754 ---- Mr John Hovey Was Chosen

Modr for Sd meeting 1st Voted yt the Warrant for

ye Sd meeting be Demed a legal Warrant ------------

2ly voted that Mr Jonth Foster be the first Ass

=essor for the year Current / 3ly voted yt John

Barker Jur be the Secd Assessor for the year Currt

4ly voted that Richd Kimbal be the third Assessor

for the year Currt / voted also yt Sd men be a

Comte to appoint Parish meetings / 5ly voted yt

Ens George Carlton be a Collector for the year

Current ---------------

Page 32


6ly voted that Jos. Hovey be parish Clerk for the year

Current / 7ly voted that Decn Thos Chadwick be

be parish treasurer for the year Currt ------------

8ly voted to give Moses Porter 8s/ to Sweep the

meeting-house & keep the key the year Currt--

N.B. That Jos. Hovey was Sworn to the office

of Parish Clerk as the law directs / Also John

Barker Jur Richd Kimbal Ens George Carlton

Decn Thos Chadwick were Sworn to thier

respective offices as the law directs --------------


Novr 18th 1754 Mr Jonathan Foster Was

Sworn to the office of an Assessor

for the year Current as the law directs


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd

parish Jany the 6th 1755 Mr Jonth Foster Was Chosen

Modr for Sd meeting / 1st Voted to give the Revd

Mr John Cushing L60 ---- lawful money for his Support

for the^yearCurrent / 2ly it was put to vote to abate

John Kimbal Tertiu his Rate past in the Neg---v

3ly voted to raise L2-10-0 to Defrey Parish Charges

for year Current / 4ly voted that the Sums^aboveto be

assessd be laid in one list of rates/


At a legal parish meeting held Boxford Secd

parish March the 24th 1755 Mr Jona Foster

Was Chosen Modr for Sd meeting / First voted

that Luke Hovey Serve for the first Assessor

of Sd^parishfor ye year Ensuing / 2ly voted that Isaac

Robinson Serve for the Secd Assesr of Sd parh

for the year ensuing / 3ly voted yt Samll Cole Junr

Serve for the third Assesr of sd parish for the

year Ensuing / It was also voted yt the above

Sd men be a Comte to appoint parh meetings

6ly voted^ytJos. Hovey Serve for parh Clerk for the

year ensuing

Page 33


7ly voted That William Lakman Serve Collr

for Sd parh for the year Ensuing / 8ly voted

that John Barker Serve Treasurer for Sd parh

for the year Ensuing / voted also to give Mosses

Porter 8s/ to Sweep the meeting house & to keep                        the Key the year ensuing / N.B. That Jos Hovey

Luke Hovey Isaac Robinson Samll Cole Jur

were Sworn to thier Respective offices as the

law Directs / Marh ye 26 1755 Mr John Barker was

Sworn to the office of Parh Treasurer as the

law Directs / July ye 25th 1755 William Lakman was^Sworn

to the office of a Collector as the Law Directs ---------


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd Parish

Decr the 8th 1755 Mr Nathan Eams was Chosen Modr

for Sd meeting / 1st voted to give the revd  Mr Cushing

the Sum of L55----- for his Support for the year Cur

=rent / 2ly voted to^findMr Cushings fire wood after the

Same method as by a vote of the Parish past

Decr anno 1755 / 3ly voted to rais money for to Defrey

Parish Charges but past in the Neg---ve / 4ly voted

to lay the the money to be assessd in one list of

rates ---------------------------------------------


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

March the 22nd 1756 / Mr Jonath Foster Was Chosen

Modr for Sd meeting / 1st voted that Thos Peabody

Serve for the first Assessor for the year Ensuing

2ly voted that Stephen Barker Serve for the 2nd

assesr for the year Ensuing / 3ly voted yt Jonath

Sherwin Serve for the third Assessr for ye year Ensuing

4ly voted that Jos. Hovey Serve for a Parish Clerk

for the Year Ensuing / 5ly voted that Isaac Robinson

Serve for a Collecr for the year Ensuing / 6ly voted

that Luke Hovey Serve for a Treasurer for the

year Ensuing / 7ly voted to See if the parish woud

abate the head of Lieut Samll Runnels David


Page 34


David Burbank Saml Runnels Jur John Hardy

In the Minnister rate as they had been in the

Expedition the year before past in the Neg---e

8ly  voted to abate Nathan Kimbals Sons head in

Collector Saml Runnels list past in the Neg---e

9ly  voted to abate John Russ his rate in Collr

Carltons list past in the Negetive

10ly  voted to give Mosses Porter 8s/ to Sweep

Meeting=house & to keep the Key the year

Ensuing ---------------------------------


N.B.  That Stephen Barker Jona Sherwin Jos. Hovey

Isaac Robinson Luke Hovey were Sworn to

their respective offeceis^as above Sdas the Law Directs

N.B.  that the above Sd assessors (viz)

Peabody Barker Sherwin were voted a Comte

to appoint Parish meetings for the year Ensuing

Decr ye 22nd 1756 Thos Peabody Was Sworn to the

office of an Assessor as the law Directs -----------


At a legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Secd

Parish Decr ye 22nd 1756 Mr Benjn Porter Was

Chosen Modr for Sd meeting by hundy vocite --------

1st  voted to give the Revd  Mr Cushing for his Support

         60L But passed in the Neg---e --------------

2ly  voted to give the Revd  Mr John Cushing for his

         Support for the present year 55L past in the

         affirmative ------------------------------

3ly  voted to find Mr Cushings fire=Wood as was voted

         in the year 1751 ----------------------------

4ly  voted to Seet the Meeting-house & to Choose a

         Comte to perform the Work & Sd Comte are as

         follows (viz) Benjn Porter John Hovey Thos Pearl

         Dean Robinson Nathan Kimbal ---------------

5ly  voted to See if the Parish Woud build 4 Pews

         but past in the Neg---e  -----------------

6ly  voted to raise 12s/ to Defrey Parish Charges

7ly  voted to lay the afore Sd Sums of money in one list of Rates

Page 35


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd Parish

Feby the 18th 1757 Mr Benjn Porter Was Chosen Modr

for Sd meeting / 1st voted to See if the Parish woud

Chuse a man or men to Inquire after & Secure for

the benefit of the Parish thier full part or proportion

of the Parsonage farm So Called which past in the

affirmative / 2ly voted to adjourn the meeting to

the 16th of March next at two o'Clock afternoon

At the adjournment being met / 2ly voted to

Chuse three men to prosecute the former vote

(ie) to Inquire after our Full right &c In the

Parsonage Farm / 4ly voted that Thos Peabody

Ens George Carlton Jona Foster be the Comte

appointed for to make Inquirrey as afore Sd &c


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd

Parish March ye 16th 1757 Mr Jona Foster was

Chosen Modr for Sd meeting / 1st voted that

Dean Robinson Serve for the first Assessor

for the Year Ensuing / 2ly voted yt Richd Tyler

Serve for the Secd Assessor for the year Ensuing

3ly  voted that Samll Carlton Serve for the 3rd for

the year ensuing / 4ly voted that the Sd assessors

be a commitee to Call Parish meetings -------------

5ly  voted that Jos. Hovey Serve Parish Clerk for

the year Ensuing / 6ly voted that Nathan Kimbal

Serve Collector for the year ensuing

7ly  voted that Luke Hovey Serve Treasurer the

year ensuing / 8ly voted to give John Chadwick

7s/4d to Sweep the meeting-house & keep the key

the year ensuing / 9ly voted to adjourn the

meeting to 28th of this Instant at 3 o'Clock In

the afternoon / at sd adjournmt being met as afore sd

1st voted to release Richd Tyler from Serving as assessr

for sd year / 2nly voted that Luke Hovey Serve assessor

Page 36


Assessor In the room of Sd Tyler for the year Ensuing

3ly  voted to See if the Parish woud by altering the

         Seats below so as to make room to build four

         Pews &c but past In the Neg---e  ------------

4ly  voted to See if the Parish woud accept the

         Report of the Comte In Seating the meeting-house

         past In the Neg --e /N.B. That the afore Sd men

         Chosen into office the Current Year (viz)

         Dean Robinson Samll Carlton as assessors

         Jos. Hovey Clerk Nathan Kimbal Collector

         Luke Hovey Treasurer Were Sworn to thier

         respective offices as the law Directs -------


         At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd Parish

         Decr the 19th 1757 Mr Luke Hovey was Chosen Modr

         for Sd meeting ------------------------------

1st  Voted to give for the Support of the revd Mr

         Cushing of Sd Parish for the present year L60 ---

2ly  Voted to find Mr Cushings fire wood for Sd year

         as in Manner We have the year past (viz)

         in a list laid both in money & wood as was

         agreed on in Sd Parish Anno 1751

3ly  Voted to raise money to Drefrey Parish Charges

         past in the Neg ----------------------------

4ly  Voted to abate William Forlonys rate in Collr

         Isaac Robinsons list -------------------------

5ly  Voted to Enter in the Sd Parishs records

         the General Court Commites return when

         they ware orderd by Sd Court to view the

         Circumstances of Boxford to See if Sd Town

         woud admit of two Parishes which is as

         followth (viz)------------------------------

Page 37 


The Committee appointed on the Petition of Job

Tyler and others of the Northerly Part of Boxford

and on the Petition of John Peabody John Hovey

& George Carlton, Having repaired to Boxford, and

viewed the Situation & Circumstances of the Petitior

& of the Sd Town of Boxford & fully heard all parties

relating to the Sd petition & Considered thereon

Are humbly of opinion that the Tract of land mentio

=ned & Described in the Sd Petition of Job Tyler & others

be made a Seperate Precinct, & that the Inhabitants

within the bounds Therof as Well as Sd Peabody Hovey

& Carlton ought to belong thereunto, all which

is humbly Submitted ---------------------------

                        Saml Thaxter

June ye 28th 1735   By Willm Fairfield

                        John Cushing Jur

In Council June 28th 1735, Read & ordered that the

report be accepted, & that the Petitioners, together with

John Peabody & others, above mentioned, & thier families

& Estates be & hereby are Sett off a Distinct Precinct

accordingly; & that the Charge of the Commte amounting

to Thirteen pounds & three pence be paid by the petitioners

               Sent down for concurrence

                             J. Willard Secry

In House of Representatives, June 28th 1735

                    read & Concurd J. Quincy Spkr

                 July 1; Consented to J. Belcher


A trew copy

         Examd p Thad: Mason Dept Secry

Page 38


Jany 11th 1758 Luke Hovey was Sworn to the

office of an Assessor for the year 57 as the law Directs


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd Parish

March the 15th 1758 Mr Jonathan Foster was

Chosen Modr for Sd meeting ---------------------

1st  Capt Isaac Adams Was Chosen to Serve an

         Assessor for the Ensuing year.  But afterward for

         Certain reasons releasd Sd Adams & voted that

         Thos Peabody Shoud Serve as an Assessor In the

         room of Sd Adams --------------------------

2ly  Voted that John Foster Jur Serve^asan assessor

         for the year ensuing --------------------------

3ly   Voted that oliver Foster Serve as an Assessor

         for the year ensuing -----------------------

         N.B. that the above Sd men (viz) Peabody Foster &

         Foster were voted a Committe to appoint Parish

         meetings --------------------------------------

4ly  Joseph Hovey was voted to Serve as Parish Clerk

         for the year Ensuing ---------------------------

5ly  Voted that Luke Hovey Serve Collector for the

         year ensuing ---------------------------------

6ly  Voted that Jona Foster Serve Parish treasur

         for the year ensuing --------------------------

7ly  Voted to give John Chadwick 8s/ to Sweep the

         meeting=house & to take the care of the key for

         the year Ensuing -----------------------------

8ly  Voted to abate John Russ' rate In Collr Georg

         Carltons list past in the Negative -------------

9ly  Voted that Decn Thos Chadwick provide a

         Sutable burial Cloth for the use of the Parish

         on the Parishs Cost --------------------------

10ly Voted to See if the Parish woud Chuse a Commte

         to Dignifie the Seats of the meeting-house

         past in the Neg -----------------------------

11ly Voted to Chuse a Commte to Seat the meeting-house

         past in Neg -----------------------------------


Page 39


N.B. That Luke Hovey John Foster Jur Jos. Hovey

were Sworn to thier respective^officesas above Sd (viz)

Luke Hovey Collr John Foster Assessor Jos. Hovey

Clerk as the law Directs --------------------------


Marh the 25th & 27th 1758 Thos Peabody & Oliver Foster

Were Sworn to thier respective offices as afore Sd as

the law directs -------------------------------------


At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Secd parish

Decm the 18th 1758 Mr Jonath Foster was Chosen

Modr for Sd meeting -------------------------------

1st  Voted that Ephraim Chadwick Serve as an

         assessor In the room of Mr Thos Peabody

         late of Sd Parish Deceasd --------------------

         N.B. That Sd Chadwick Was Sworn to the office

         as the law Directs -------------------------

2nd  Voted to give the revd Mr John Cushing for his

         Support for the year Ensuing L55-0-0 -------

3ly  Voted to raise one pound to Defrey parish

         Charges and voted also that the Several Sums be

         laid In one list of rates -----------------------

4ly  Voted to find Mr Cushings fire-wood as was

         agreed on In the year 1751 (viz) a list made both

         for money & wood -------------------------------

5ly  Voted to abate Asa Burbanks rate In Collecr Saml

         Runnels list past In the Neg-e ----------------


At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Secd

Parish March the 20th 1759 Mr Jona Foster Was

Chosen Modr for Sd meeting ----------------------

1st  Voted that Jos. Hovey Serve for the first Assessr

         for Sd year / 2ly voted yt Stephen Foster Serve

         for the Secd / 3ly voted that Saml Spaford Jur

         Serve for the third Assessors for Sd year ---------

4ly  Voted that Sd Assessors be a Comte to Call

         Parish meetings ----------------------------sd year

5ly  Voted that Jos. Hovey Serve parish Clerk for

Page 40


6ly  Timothy Sessons Was voted to Serve Collector

         for the year Ensuing ------------------------

7ly  Voted that Luke Hovey Serve Treasurr for Sd year

8ly  Voted to Give Moses Porter 7s/6d to Sweep the

         the meeting-house & to keep the key for Sd year

9ly  Voted to abate Ephm Lacys head rate In Collr

         N. Kimbals list / 10ly voted to abate Jona

         Peabody head In Collr Luke Hoveys list

11ly Voted to abate Asa Bourbanks rates In Coll

         Saml Runnels list --------------------------

N.B. That Jos. Hovey, Timothy Sessons Stephen Foster

         Were Sworn to thier respective offices as

         the law Directs (ie) Jos. Hovey by the Modr Cler

         Samll Spaford Jur Jos. Hovey Assesrs Luke Hovey

         Treasurer for the year 1759 were Sworn to thier Resp

         =ective offices as the law Directs -------------


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

Decr the 17th 1759 but for Certain reasons offered

at Sd meeting Concerning Mr Cushings Salery it

was thought best dissolve Sd meeting & Call another


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd Parish

Decr the 31st 1759 Luke Hovey was Chosen Modr for Sd

Meeting / 1st put to vote to See if the Parish woud

Give the Revd Mr Cushing L60 -- p annum past

in the Neg --- 2ly voted to give Mr Cushing L55-0-0

for his Support for the present year -------------

3ly  Voted to give Nathan Barker L4-13-4 to find Mr

         Cushings fire-wood according to the Parish vote a year

4ly  Voted that Moses Porter Mend the windows that are

         broken in the meeting-house ------------------ 

Page 41


5ly  voted to raise L1-10-0 to Defray parish Charges

         voted also that the Severel Sums of Money to be

         raised be laid in one list of rates --------------

6ly  voted to abate James Carltons head in Collecr

         Luke Hoveys list --------------------------------


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish March

         the 24th 1760 Luke Hovey was Chosen Modr for Sd meeting

1st  Voted that Richd Kimbal Serve for the first Assesor

2ly  Voted yt Ephm Robinson Serve for the Second Assesor

         but by a vote afterward Sd Robinson Was Dismissed &

         David Chadwick was voted to Serve in his room

3ly  Voted that Nathll Peabody Serve for the third assessor

4ly  Voted that Jos. Hovey Serve parish Clerk for the year Ensuing

6ly  Voted that Capt Isaac Adams Serve Collector for &c

7ly  Voted that Luke Hovey Serve Treasurer for the Current year

8ly  Voted to give Moses Porter 7s/6d to Sweep the meeting-house

         the Current year & to keep the key & take the Care of the dore

9ly  put to vote to abate Thos Abbots rate in Collecr Timothy

         Sessions list past in the Negative ---------------------

10ly  voted to Seat the meetinghouse & to Chuse men to

         Seat Sd house/

11ly voted that Capt Isaac Adams Dec. Thos Chadwick Lieut

         Saml Runnels Isaac Robinson John Barker Jur Luke

         Hovey be the men to Seat Sd house & to make report

         at the adjorment of the meeting ---------------------

12ly voted to abate certain persons rated for a faculty in Collr

         Nathan Kimbals list & Willm Severy in sd Kimbals list

         past in the Negative ---------------------------

13ly voted to abate Asa Burbanks rate in the afore sd Kimbals

         list / 14ly voted to abate Asa Tyler Jur rate in Collr Sessions

         list / 15ly voted to allow Moses Porters bill of Charge L1-11-0

         for mending the meeting-house windoes -----------------------

lastly voted to adjorn Sd meeting to the 7th of April next

         to the meeting house at 4 o'Clock in the afternoon.


April 7th 1760 Being Mett at the adjournment above sd

voted to accept the return of the Comte to Seat the meeting house

Page 42


2ly  voted Stephen Runnels Serve Assessor in the room

         of Nathanel Peabody before Chosen -------------

3ly  voted that John Barker^JunServe Assessor in the

         room of David Chadwick before Chosen -----------

4ly  voted to abate 4s/10d of Thos Abbots rate in Collr

         Timothy Sessions list ---------------------------

N.B. That the afore sd men (viz) Richd Kimbal

John Barker Jun Stephen Runnels assessors Jos.

Hovey Clr, Capt Isaac Adams Collecr Luke Hovey

Treasur Were Sworn to thier respective offices

as the law Directs


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

Decr 22d 1760 Mr John Hovey was Chosen Modr for

sd meeting -----------------------------------

(1)  Voted to give the Revd Mr John Cushing for his Sallery

         for the Sd present year Sixty pounds ---------

2ly  voted to raise money to Defrey parish Charges past^inNegt

3ly  voted to give Mr Nathan Barker L5-6-8- to

         find Mr Cushings fire wood for the 1761 according

3ly  Voted to Give Mr Richard Kimbal L5-6-8

         to find Mr Cushing a Sufficiency of fire wood

         for the year 1761 ---------------------------

4ly  voted that the Several Sums of money be laid

         in one list of rates


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

march the 17th 1761 Mr Richd Kimbal was Chosen

Modr for Sd meeting ------------------------------

(1)  Voted that Stephen Runnels Serve Assessor for

         the ensuing year ---------------------------

2ly  Voted that David Chadwick Serve Assessor

         for the Ensuing year ------------------------

Page 43


3ly  Voted that Amos Spafford Serve Assessor for the

         year ensuing -------------------------------------

4ly  Voted that Sd men (viz) Runnels, Chadwick, Spafford

         be a Comte to Call parish meetings for the year ensuing

5ly  voted that Joseph Hovey Serve parish Clerk for

         the year ensuing ----------------------------------

6ly  voted that Richd Kimbal Serve Collector

         for the year ensuing ---------------------------------

7ly  voted that Luke Hovey Serve parish Treasurer

         for the year Ensuing --------------------------------

8ly  voted to give John Chadwick 7s/ to Sweep the

         the meeting-house & to keep the key the year ensuing

N.B. That the above Sd men (viz) Stephen Runnels

         Amos Spafford assessors, Jos Hovey Clr, Richd ---

         Kimbal Collector Luke Hovey Treasurer Were

         Sworn to thier respective offices as the law

         Directs -------------------------------------------


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

Decr 14th 1761 Lieut Saml Runnels was Chosen Modr for Sd meeting

1 Voted to rais 55L for the Support of the Revd Mr

         Cushing for the Sd year ----------------------------

2ly  voted to give Richd Kimbal L5-12-0 to find

         Mr Cushing a Sufficiency of wood for the year^1762

3ly  voted yt the Severl Sums of money be laid in one list

4ly  voted to release David Chadwick from Serving

         assessor for Sd year past in the Negat ---------------


At a legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

Feby 8th 1762 Luke Hovey Was Chosen Modr for Sd Meeting

(1)  voted that Stephen Merrel Serve as an Assessor

         in the room of David Chadwick (on Condition

         that Sd Chadwick Shoud Satisfie Sd Merrel for his

         Service in making the Parish rates & Sd Merrel

         woud take the assessor oath which^allwas Complied


Page 44


2ly) Voted that Merrel Serving for Chadwick as afore Sd

         Sd Chadwick Shoud take up a Bond which he had

         given into Jos. Hoveys hand to oblige him either

         to take the oath or pay a Sum of money ------------


At a legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Secd parish

March 16th 1762 Mr John Hovey Was Chosen Modr for Sd meeting

(1)  voted that Stephen Merrel Serve for the first assessor

         for Sd year ------------------------------------------

(2)  voted Nathan Barker Jun Serve for the Secd assessor for Sd year

(3)  voted that Jm Foster Serve for ye 3rd assessor Sd year

(4)  voted Sd assessors be a Comte to manage the prudentials

         of Sd parish for Sd year -------------------------------

(5)  voted Nathan Barker Serve Collector for Sd year

(6)  voted Jos. Hovey Serve Clerk for Sd year -----

(7)  voted Luke Hovey Serve Treasurer for Sd year

(8)  voted to give John Chadwick 7s/ to Sweep the meeting=

         =house & to take the Care of the key for Sd year

N.B. that the afore Sd men (viz) Stephen Merrel

Nathan Barker Jun Jem Foster Assessors, Nathan Barker

Collector, Jos. Hovey Clr Luke Hovey Treasur Were

Sworn to their respective offices as the law directs


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd

parish Novr the 30th 1762 Luke Hovey was

Chosen Modr for Sd meeting ----------------------

1      voted to give the revd Mr Cushing Sixty pounds

         p annum During his Ministry in this place

         (ie) as the Money is now Slated Mill Dollers

         at Six Shillings p Doller and Silver at

         Six Shillings & Eight p ounce

2ly  voted to give Mr Richd Kimbal L5-12-0

         to find Mr Cushing a Sufficiency of firewood

         for the year 1763

Page 45


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

March ye 16th 1763 Mr Stephen Merrel was Chosen modratr

for Sd meeting ------------------------------------------

(1)    voted that John Barker Jur Serve for the first assessor in Sd parish

the year Ensuing (2ly) voted that Richard Foster Serve as assessor in

Sd parish ye year Ensuing ----------------------------------

(3ly) voted that Nathanll Peabody Serve as assessor ye year Ensuing in Sd parish

(4ly) voted that Sd assessors be a Commite to Call parish meetings in Sd parish the year Ensuing --------------------------------------

(5ly) voted Gedion Tyler Serve Collector ye year Ensuing in Sd parish

(6ly) voted that Stephen Runnels Serve parish Clark ye year Ensuing

(7ly) voted Luke Hovey Serve parrish Treasurer ye Ensuing year

(8ly) voted to Give John Chadwick Eight Shillings to Sweep the

meeting house and to take ye Care of the key ye Ensuing year

NB that the a fore Sd men (viz) John Barker Jur

Nathanll Peabody assesors Gedion Tyler Collector ----

Stephen Runnels Clar Luke Chovey Treasurer were Sworn

to there Respective offices as the Law Directs

april ye 15th 1763 Richard Foster was Sworn to ye

office of an assesor as the Law Directs


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

January ye 9th 1764 Decn Jos Hovey was Chosen Modr

for Sd meeting

(1st) voted to proced in the Same method to provide Mr Cushing

his fire wood as in ye year past

(2ly) voted to Give Mr John Foster Jur L5:9=4 to find

Mr Cushing a Sufficiency of fire wood for ye year 1764

(3ly) voted that ye money Raisd to find Mr Cushings wood

be Laid in the Same Rate with his Salary


At a Legal Parish meeting held at Boxford Secd

parish March ye 19th 1764 Mr Luke Hovey was Chosen

Modr for Sd meeting --------------------------------

(1st) Voted that Jos Robinson Serve for the first Assessor

         ye year Ensuing in Sd parish ----------------------

(2ly) Voted that Cap Isaac Adams Serve for the Secd Assessor

         ye year Ensuing in Sd parish -------------------

(3ly) Voted that Luke Hovey Serve for the Third Assessor

         ye year Ensuing in Sd parish ----------------------

Page 46


(4ly) Voted that Sd Assessors Be a Commitee to Call parish

         meetings ye year Ensuing in Sd parish ------------

(5ly) Voted that Stephen Runnels Serve parish Clark

         the year Ensuing in Sd parish ---------------------

(6ly) Voted that David Wood Serve Collector for Sd parish

         the Ensuing year ------------------------------------

7ly    Voted that Luke Hovey Serve Treasurer for Sd parish

         the year Ensuing - (8ly) put to Vote to see if the

         parish would Supply the Pulpit any Certain Time

         and it past in the Negative (9) put to Vote to

         See if the Parish would abate Joseph Pettingills

         Rates in Collector Nathan Barkers List and Past

         in the Negative (10ly) Voted to abate the Widow Mehill

         Barker Her Son Alas Rates in Sd Collector Barkers List

(11ly) Voted to Give Ens John Chadwick Eight Shillings

to Sweep the Meeting House and Keep the Key ye year Ensuing

N:B: that the afore Sd men (viz Jos Robinson ------------

Cap Isaac Adams Luke Hovey Assessors. Stephen Runnels

Clr Luke Hovey Treasurer Ware Sworn to theire

respective offices as the Law Directs.                                  N:B: that David Wood was Sworn to the office of collector as ye Law Directs


At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Second

parish September ye 17th 1764 Mr Jona Foster was

Chosen Modr for Sd meeting -----------------------

(1st)  voted to hire a Precher four Sabaths to Supply

         our pulpit (2ly) voted to Chuse one man to

         Provide a man to preach with the advice of

         the Revd Mr Cushing (3ly) voted that Ensn John

         Barker provide Sd man to Preach ---------------

(4ly) Voted that there be a parish Tax Laid to pay

         Sd preacher when They Know what Sum of money

         it will take

Page 47


At a Legal Parish Meeting held at Boxford Secd

parish october ye 23d 1764 Mr Jonan Foster was

Chosen modr for Sd meeting --------------------

(1st) Voted to Chuse a Commitee to Discorse the Revd Mr Cushing

Concerning Supplying the pulpit for the future or what

Measures he proposes to proced with his parish in for

ye time to Come Concarning Salery & preching if he Remains

week & unable to Cary on the Work of the Ministry himself

and make Return to the parish as Soon as may be

also voted Decn Jos Hovey Decn Thos Chadwick & Mr Benja

Porter be the above Sd Comtee also Voted to Refer ye Second

Third & forth articals to ye adjournment of Sd meeting

(5ly) Voted to See if the parish would move the meeting house in this

parish to the Northeasterly Corner of Mr Ephm Chadwicks

home Lot near the pound past in the Nege (6ly) voted

to Repair the meeting. Repair the meeting house Where

it Stands also voted Moses porter Saml Runnels and

Jos Robinson be a Commitee to make Enquirey into ye Circomstances

of the meeting house & Repair it and make report of the

Expence at ye ajournment of Sd meeting (7) Voted to See if the

parish would Sell Sufficient room in ye Back part of the

mens and womens Seats below for Building of pews to the High

Biders past in the Negete (8) Voted to See

if the parish would Seat the meeting house

past in the Nege (9) Voted that all the

Money Raisd in Sd parish be Laid in one List

of Rates this present year -----------------------------

10ly) alowd Ensn Jonh Barkers Bill of L00:s16:d4

for providing a preacher for Sd parish

Lastly voted adjourn Sd meeting to ye 13th of

November next at Two of the Clock in ye after noon


Novemr ye 13: 1764 Being met at the adjournment

acted on ye Second Third and forth articalls

above Sd /viz/ 2ly Voted the Revd Mr Cushing Sixty

pounds Salary ye present year /viz) Begun in Apriel

3ly/ voted Mr Richard Kimball L5:1:4 to provide

Mr Cushing his fire wood one year from Jany next

(4) Voted to Rais 2 pounds to Defray parish Charges

the present year

Page 48


At a Legal Parish meeting held at Boxford Secd parish December

ye 17th 1764 Mr Jos Robinson was Chosen modr for Sd


1)  Voted to Rais L2:s10:d0 to add to what has been

alredy Raised to Defray the arisen Charges in this

parish this present year also Voted that the Same may

be Laid in one List of Rates with^whatis alredy voted by the


2ly)  Voted to See if the parish would Chuse a Comtee to Seat

the Meeting House past in the Negve ------------------------

3ly)  Voted that Mr Luke Hovey Should make Enquirey Con.

Carning our Right and Title^to theparsonage farm Lying in

the first parish in Boxford and make Return to the parish

also voted to adjorn Sd meeting to ye Secd Teusday in Janry next

at Three o' Clock in ye after noon

Janry ye 8th 1765 being met at the adjornment above Sd

Said meeting was Dissolved


At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford Secd parish

March ye 18th 1765 Decn Jos Hovey was Chosen modr

for Sd meeting (1st) Decn Thos Chadwick was Chosen

first assessor ye year Ensuing (2) Voted that Isaac Robinson

Serve as the Secd assessor year Ensuing (3) Voted Liet Jonan

Foster Serve for the Third assor Sd year (4) Voted that Sd

assessors be a Commitee to Call Parish meetings ye year Ensuing

in Sd parish (5) Voted that Stephen Runnels^Serveparish Clr

ye year Ensuing (6) Voted that Luke Hovey Serve Treasurer

for Sd parish ye Ensuing year (7) Voted that John Foster Jnr

Serve Colectter in Sd parish ye year Ensuing ---------------

(8) Voted to Give Ensn John Chadwick 8s/ to Sweep ye meeting

House and Keep the Key ye year Ensuing           ------------

(9) Voted to Chuse men to persue our affair Concerning

Respecting our Right and Intrest in ye Personage Farme

Lying in ye first parish in Boxford also Voted that Luke

Hovey & Moses Foster be the men to persue Sd affair (10) Voted to Chuse a

Commitee to Seat the meeting house in Sd parish also voted

that Capn Isaac Adams Dean Robinson Isaac Robinson

Moses Porter Stephen Barker Luke Hovey be the above Sd

Commitee and make Return to ye parish as Soon as may be

    for their acceptance

Page 49


(11)  Voted to See if the parish Tow hindermost Seats in

the front Gallery in our meeting house be built into a pew

at ye Cost of the parish and be Granted for the Liberty of

Those that are Singers in this Parish and it Past in the

Negete  (12) Voted to abate Mr Nathll Kimballs Sons

Head Rate in Collr Ensn Gideon Tylers List and also the

Widow Mehitll Berkers Sons head in Sd Tylers List

(13)  Voted to allow Moses Porters Bill of Charge of L2:s11:d0

for repairing the Meeting House in Sd parish and paying the

Glazier for mending Windows in Sd house Lastly voted to

adjourn Sd meeting Three Weeks from this Day at four

o' Clock in the after Noon on Sd Day

April ye 8th 1765 Being Meat at the adjournment

aforesaid voted to Except the Return of the above Sd Commtte

in Seating the Meeting in this parish ------------------

NB that Decn Thos Chadwick Isaac Robinson and

Leiut Jonan Foster Ware Sworn to the office of

assessors / and Stephen Runnels to the office of parish

Clark as the Law Directs also Luke Hovey was

Sworn to ye office of Treasurer for Sd year


At a Legal Parish meeting held at Boxford Secd

Parish Octor ye 28th 1765 Mr Richard Kimball was

Chosen modr for Sd meeting --------------------

(1st)  Voted Decn Jos Hovey Decn Thos Chadwick Ens John

Barker Luke Hovey Nathan Kimball Stephen Merril

John Foster Moses Porter Stephen Runnels Richard Kimball

and John Chadwick Be a Commtt to discourse the Revd

Mr Cushing to Know his mind with Respect to his own ability

to perform the Ministeriall office or to See What Tearms

Mr Cushing will Make propose to Come into with the parish

for ye future with Regard to the Ministeriall Service --------

also voted Sd Commtte Receive Mr Cushings answers and

Make Replies thereto and make Return to ye parish at the adjournment

of Sd meeting if He Dont Incline to give them his answer

before that time and make return to Sd Parish

(2ly)  Voted to See if the parish would Chuse a man to mend the

Meeting House windows and it past in the Negete

(3ly)  Voted to adjourn Sd meeting to monday ye 11th of Novemeber

Next at Three o' Clock in ye afternoon


                                Turn over


Page 50


Being meat at ye adjournment on Novemr ye 11:1765 at 3 o'Cl

& Hearing Mr Cushings. Return Sd meeting was Dismisd


At a Legal Parish Meeting Held Boxford Secd Parish

Decr ye 23:1765 Mr Isaac Robinson was Chosen Modr

for Sd meeting --------------------------------------

(1) put to voted to See if ye parish would Chuse a Comtee to

Descourse ye Revd Mr Cushing to See if he Will make any more

favourable Perposals then the formerly he Has Done & it Past in

the Negetive (2) put to vote to See if ye Parish will vote the

Revd Mr Cushing Sixty pound for his Salery for ye preasant year

and it Past in the Negetive (3) put to vote to See If the

Parish would hire any Perticuler person to find Mr Cushing

wood ye year Ensuing past in ye Negetive ------------------

(4ly) Voted to find Mr Cushings wood by a Rate and Every one

Cary his preportion of wood^ye year Ensuing(5) Voted to adjourn Sd meeting

to ye 27th of this Instant at Three o'Clock in ye afernoon


Being met Decr ye 27th at ye adjournment above Sd --------------

Voted to See if ye parish wod Chuse Mr Stephen Merril Collector

in ye Room of Mr John Foster Jur for ye present year

and past in ye negetive / voted to See if ye parish wod

agree with Some person to Sweep ye meeting house past in ye Nega

Voted to See if ye parish wod Raise money to Defray parish

Charges for ye year Ensuing past in ye negetive ----------------

Voted to See if all ye money Voted be Laid in one List of Rates

Past in the Negetive   ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---


At a Legal Parish meeting Held in Boxford 2nd Parish Janry

ye 6th 1766 Capn Isaac Adams Chosen modr for Sd meeting

(1) Voted to See if ye^parishwould Except of the Revd Mr Cushings offer

with Regard to hireing preaching for three months in ye winter

Season Past in ye Negetive (2) Voted to Chuse a Comtee to Enform

Mr Cushing what ye parish voted with Regard to his offer Relative

to hireing a Preacher also Voted Capn Isaac Adams Leiut Samll

Runnels & Mr Luke Hovey be Sd Comtee and to Discourse Mr Cushing

to See what Perposals he will make to ye Parish about Supplying

the pulpit for ye future and Sd Comtee make Return to Sd

parish for there Acceptance --------------------------



Page 51


Then ye Parish Voted to adjourn Sd meeting to Teusday

ye 14th of this Instant at Tow o' Clock in ye after noon on

Sd Day / Being met at ye adjournment above said ----------------

(1) Voted to Except Mr Cushings offer with Regard to Hireing

a Preacher for Three months (viz) Mr Cushing be at Tow

Thirds of the Cost Exclusive of the Horses Keeping ------------

also Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Decn Jos Hovey Capn Isaac Adams

be ye sd Com^to provide sd preacheralso voted to Raise Six Pound to Defray the Charges

ariseing there by (2) Voted to Give Mr Cushing Sixty Pound

for his Salery ye preasent year -----------------------

(3) Voted to Accept Mr Stephen Merril Collector in ye Room of Mr John FosterJun ye Preasent year (4) Voted to Raise one Pound to Defray Parish

Charges the preasent year (5) Voted that all ye money to be raisd

be Laid in one List of rates (6) Voted that Mr Cushings fire wood

be Set at Eight Shillings per Cord at His Dwelling House

the Ensuing year (7) Voted that the Hind Seat below on the mens

Side be appointed for ye Singers that asist those that Tune ye Psalm

in our meeting house (8) Voted to allow Mr Benjn Porters Bill

of Charge of L0:s1:d10=2 for mending a window in the meeting

house ------------------------------------------------------------

N.B. that Mr Stephen Merril was Sworn to the

office of Collector in the Room of Mr John

Foster Jur for the year 1765 as the Law Dir


At a Legal Parish meeting held at Boxford Secd

Parish March ye 18th 1766 Mr Luke Hovey Chosen

Modr for Sd Meeting ----------------------------

(1) Voted tht Luke Hovey be an assessor ye year

Ensuing /2ly/ Voted Stephen Barker Serve as assessor

the Ensuing year /3ly/ Voted Jeremiah Eames Serve

as an assessor ye Ensuing year - also Voted that Said

assessors be a Commtte to appoint Parish meetings the

Ensuing year /4/ Voted Stephen Runnels Serve Parish Clark

the Ensuing year /5/ Voted Epharim Chadwick Serve

Collector the Ensuing year ------------------------

Page 52


(6ly)  Voted Luke Hovey Serve parish Treasurer the

Ensuing year  /7ly/ Voted to Give Ens John Chadwick -

Eight Shillings to Sweep the Meeting house and Keep the

Key ye Ensuing year /8ly/ Voted to See if the parish wod

^abatePart of Nathan Barkers Jur Personal Rate in Collector

Stephen Merrils List Past in the Nege ----------------

(9ly)  Voted to Chuse a Comtte to Seat the Singers and

Likewise those that may be Discommoded by Seating

the Singers also Voted Decn Jos Hovey Mr Jos Robinson

Decn Jos Hovey Can Isaac Adams be the above Sd Commtt

NB: that the above Sd men were Sworn to

their Respecttive offices as the Law Directs (ie)

Stephen Runnels before Esqr Mullican to ye office

of Clr Hovey Barker & Eames assessors and

Hovey to the office of Treasurer ---------------------


At a Legal Parish meeting held Boxford Secd parish

May ye 19th 1766 Mr Luke Hovey Chosen modr ---

for Sd meeting -----------------------------------

(1st) Voted to Chuse a Commtte^to Discours withour Revd Pastuer to Know his

Mind^concerninghis Resigning his Pastoral Care and Charge over

his flock and Congeration in this place and if Mr Cushing

Should upon Mature Considerration think Best to Quit ye

work of the Ministry Considering ye Great infearmities he

Labours under has along Time Laboured under & Still ----

Remains to Know on what Tearms he would Resign

it upon also Voted Decn Jos Hovey Mr John Foster

Ensn John Chadwick & Mr Willm Foster be ye above

Sd Commtte Then Voted to adjourn Sd Meeting to Fryday

ye 30th of this Instant at 3 o' Clock in ye after noon on Sd Day

May ye 30th 1766 being met upon ye adjournment above

said -----------------------------------------

Page 53


(1)  Voted to See if ye Parish wod Accept of Mr Cushings

offer (ie) that hd wod abate L20 of his Salry

upon ye Parishs hireing a Preaching a year

and Securring to him his fire Wood Past in

Negee  (2ly) Voted to See if ye Parish wod Call

in ye asistance of a Counsel to hear & advise

on ye Difficaltes we are Labouring under with

Respect to Mr Cushings ability to Carry on ye work

among us Past in ye Negative --------------------

(3)  Voted to See if ye Parish will hire any more

Preaching after Mr Sparhawks time is up ----------

past in the Negative (4ly) Voted to See if ye parish Will

make Mr Cushing offers Cartainly or Conditionly

with Regard to his offer Past in ye affirmitive

Also Voted to Give Mr Cushing ye one half of his yearly

Salary and his fire wood upon ye parishs^hireingPreaching

ye preasent year then Voted to adjourn Sd Meeting

to ye 5th Day of June next at this Place at 3 o' Clock

in ye after noon ---------------------------------


June ye 5th 1766 being Met at ye adjournment

above Sd voted Ensn John Chadwick Serve Collector in

ye Room of Mr Epharaim Chadwick ye preasent year

(2)  Voted yt the Two hind Seats in ye front Gallery in

our meeting house be made into a Seat or pew at

ye Cost of ye Parish also Voted Leiut Nathan Barker

Mr Abram Peabody Mr Moses Porter be a Commtte to See

ye Sd Seat or Pew Biult also Voted to See if ye above Sd

Commtte Shall Seat ye above Sd Seat or pew with

Singers or others that may be Discommoded thereby

past in ye Negeta

N.B: that John Chadwick was Sworn to ye office of Collt

June ye 6th 1766 as ye Law Directs for ye Preasent yr

Page 54


At a Legal Parish Meeting Held Boxford Secd

parish June ye 16th 1766 Capn Isaac Adams Chosen

Modr for Sd Meeting ---------------------------


(1st) Voted to Chuse a Commtte to Go to our Revd

Pastor to See if he will Make any further proposals

to the Parish Respecting preaching ye Preasent year

then he has already offerd & Sd Comtte Make Proposels

to him as they Shall Think propoer and Make Report

to ye Parish of ye proposels on Each Side as Soon as

Conveaneantly they Can also Voted Leiut Nathan Barker

Capn Isaac Adams Mr Stephen Barker Lieut Samuel Runnels

and Ensn John Barker Be ye above Sd Commtte --------

then Voted to adjourn Sd meeting one hour --------

being Met at ye adjournment above Sd Voted to Except of

Mr Cushings offer (ie) that he wod abate Thirty Pound

of his Sallary upon ye Parishs Secuering his fire wood

and Procuering Publick Preaching and Makeing

provision for ye Entertainment of the Preacher and his horse

ye Currant year ---------------------------------

also Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Capn Isaac Adams & Ens

John Barker be a Commtte to Provide a preacher

for Sd Parish ye Currant year ----------------------


At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford 2nd

Parish December ye 8th 1766 Mr Luke Hovey

Chosen Modr for Sd Meeting ------------------------

(1)  Voted to Riase Raise Ninety Six Pounds to

Defray the arisen and ariseing Charges

in ye parish ye Preasent year -------------------

(2ly)  Voted that every^onefind his proportion of Mr

Cushings fire wood as in ye year Past ----------------

Page 55


(3ly) Voted to mend ye Meeting house windows in Sd

Parish also Voted Capn Isaac Adams Leiut Natn

Barker & Ens John Chadwick be a Commtt for^toSe Sd

Work Done and Lay there Bill of Charge Before

ye parish for approbation ----------------------

(4ly)  Voted to See if ye Parish^wodSeat ye Pew or Seat

Lately built in our front Gallery past in ye negee

(5)  Voted to See if ye Parish wod Introduce with ye

Consent of our Revd Pastor the Version of Psalms

fitted for the tunes Used in our Churches Composd by

Brady & Late with Dr Wats's hymns Commonly

Printed in Sd Books Past in ye Negete

(6)  Voted that all ye money Raisd to Defray

parish Charges ye presant year be Laid in one

List of Rates -----------------------------------


At a Legal Parish Meeting Held at Boxford 2nd Parish

March ye 16th 1767 Mr Luke Hovey Chose Modr for Sd meeting

(1st) Voted Mr Luke Hovey Serve first Assr ye year Ensuing

(2)   Voted Mr Stephen Barker Serve 2nd Assor Sd year -----

(3)   Chose Mr Jonn Sherwin 3rd Assor for Sd year

(4ly) Voted Sd assessors be a Comtte to Call meetings in Sd

Parish ye Ensuing year (5ly) Voted Stephen Runnels Serve

Clark for Sd parish Sd year (6ly) Voted Mr Saml Cole

Serve Colleor Sd yr (7ly) Voted Mr Luke Hovey Serve

Treasurer for Sd Parish ye Ensuing yr ----------------

(8ly)  Voted to Chuse a Comtte to Disource with our Revd

Pastor to See if he will Resign his Pastorell Charge

over us and upon what Terms Either for a Cartain Sume

of Money or for So much a year Duering his Naturell

Life / & if not to See if Mr Cushing will be at Any

Part of the Charge of hireing after Mr Sparhawks Term

is up and Sd Comtte make Report to ye parish for

there Acceptance as Soon as may be  

                                   Turn over

Page 56


Also Voted Capn Isaac Adams Decn Jos Hovey

Leiut Samll Runnels Mr Richard Kimball Mr Stephen

Barker be ye above Sd Commte and make Report &c

(2ly) Voted to Chuse a Comtte to Seat ye pew Lately Biult

in our front Gallery & fill ye vacance made thereby

&c and Sd Comtte Lay it Before ye Parish for their

approbation / Voted Capn Isaac Adams Mr Isaac Robinson

Decn Jos Hovey Ens John Barker & Mr Jerh Eames be

the above Sd Comtte then Voted to adjourn Sd meeting to

Thursday ye 26th of this Instant at Tow o' Clock in ye after

noon on Sd Day at this Place -------------------------------


March ye 26th 1767 being Met at ye adjournment

above Sd Voted to See if ye Parish wod accept the Seating

Sd Pew with Singers Past in ye Nege ---------------------

(2ly) Voted to Except ye Seating Sd Pew in the other mattier

(ie) with others not Termd Singers and also the filling

the Vacancy made by Seating ye Same ---------------------

(3ly) Voted to Give Ensn John Chadwick L0=s0=d0 to Sweep

the Meeting house and Keeping ye key ye Ensuing year

(4ly) Voted to Except Mr Cushings offer Cocarning hireing

Preaching after Mr Sparhawks Term is up with us

(Viz) that he will abate ye one half of his Sixty Pounds

Salary for ye yr Ensuing or Proportionable -----------

there to as ye Parish Shall hire ------------------

(5ly) Voted to hire three months Preaching after Mr Sparhawks

Term is up Voted Decn Thos Chadwick Capn Isaac

Adams Ensn John Barker be a Comtte to hire a preacher

Sd Term (6ly) Voted to alow Leiut Natn Barkers

Bill of Charge of Sixteen Shillings^forGiting ye windows

mended in ye meeting house

March ye 26:1767 Stephen Runnels was Sworn

to the office of parish Clark as ye Law Derect

N.B: that ye above Sd Luke Hovey & Stephen Barker

Were Sworn to their Respective offices as the LawDirects

Page 57


At a Legal Parish Meeting held Boxford^2nd parishapril

ye 10th 1767 Mr Luke Hovey Chosen Modr

for Sd meeting ---------------------------------

(1st) Voted to Chuse a Comtte further to Treet With

our Revnd Pastor Mr John Cushing Concarning his

Resignation of his pastoral Relation over us and if he

Inclines to Do it to Know his Terms of Resignation and

Sd Comtte Propose terms of accomadation to him and Sd Comtte

Make Report to ye parish of Mr Cushings offers to ye Parish

and their proposals to him for ye parishs acceptance as soon

as may be -----------------------------------------------

(2ly) Voted Capn Isaac Adams Mr Stephen Merrel Mr Luke Hovey

Mr Stephen Barker Decn Thos Chadwick Leiut Nattn Barker

& Ens John Barker be the above Sd Comtte ---------------

then Voted to adjourn Sd Meeting for one hour and half

at this Place / When Sd Term was up and Being Met at

at Sd adjournment above Sd / Voted further to adjourn

Sd Meeting to Thursday ye 16th of this Instant at four o'Clock

in ye after noon on Sd Day at this Place ----------------------

April ye 16th 1767 being Met at ye adjournment above Sd

Voted to Accept Mr Cushings offer (viz) that he wod Take

Thirty Pounds pr annum and his fire wood Found to

him togather with other Things mentiond in a former message

as terms of his Resigning his pastoral office


At a Leagal Parish Meeting held at Boxford Secd Parish July

ye 6th 1767 Capn Isaac Adams Chosen Modr for Sd meeting

Voted to hire Three Months preaching after Mr Sparhawks

Term is up with now agreed for also Voted Decn Thos Chadwick

Capn Isaac Adams Ens John Barker be a Commtte to supply the

pulpit with a preacher the Term agreed for -----------------